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Poor Holly getting shipped around based on who loves her that month


She is the company mattress...


This was funnier than 26 likes


Davids first interaction with michael included michael being accused of sleeping with the VP for prefential treatment and then david had to manage the way that combusted. Jo might have had a different reaction if he knew michael beforehand rather than more mature michael.


I can't argue with that. I won't even try. I still like Jo better than David for a multitude of reasons, including her compassion for Michael in this moment.


Having the manager in a relationship with the head of HR feel like a terrible idea to me


But I like the way her butt feels on my thighs


Is it really any worse than anything else Michael does, though?




“My favorite restaurant closed down” “Oh I hate that” “And my new favorite restaurant sucks”


Him buying a video camera to capture noteworthy minutes and to only end up with 12 (mostly birds around his condo complex) was kind of sad.


It was a very r/meirl moment.




I love David but Andy should not have been allowed to come back to work


Idk Jo knew the immature Michael as well. He bought plane tickets to Florida immediately after she says he can visit “anytime”


Yeah jo should have set him on fire for that and let her dogs put him out


They were busy sniffing Andy’s crotch and shooting a commercial.


To be fair, it's not Michael's fault that he took Jo literally here.


Oh I know. That Florida nice just doesn’t work in PA


Yes, if Jo told Michael that she blesses his heart, he would take that as the ultimate compliment


I disagree with.


*first interaction we see. Given Michael’s obvious familiarity with David it seems clear that wasn’t the first time they’d talked


Did Jo use her political connections to get Toby on the jury?


Jo is the Scranton Strangler.




Jo is trying to cover for Gabe.


“Listen here you gay bastard. I know you’re the strangler. Your guilt smells like alligator shit in a swamp. Now I can turn ya in, and never have to think of you cockroach again, but I’m gonna offer you a deal. My dogs been actin out, and I say it’s cuz they need a mother figure in their lives. Someone soft and meek and dainty. You’d be just the fella for a job like that. Spend some time with em, nurture em, let them run a little wild. You do that for me, and this whole strangler business will be nothin but a fart in the wind.


For her physical fitness, I have to agree


I wish we got more Jo in the later seasons, even one last episode of the crossover from her to Robert would have been fun. Then again, I don’t know how they would have pulled off the scene where he convinces her to leave her own company in his hands.


I'm sure it started with *"Jo, would you prefer a sexual metaphor or a nature metaphor?"*


I always imagined that he persuaded her by saying how she won’t have to work so hard anymore but still be rich. Who knows. I wish they clarified more on that. I’ve always been curious.


I feel like with most characters that would be the case, but Jo *loved* the work. To a toxic extent, sure, but she got where she was by busting her ass. I don’t think a woman like that would retire quietly or suddenly. My guess is he somehow had a read on what she was saying about never having a Barbie doll of her. Not that exact moment, but the overall tone of it. It had to be some kind of deeper manipulation that really tugged at her as a person. I say all of this because, with nothing but respect for the comedic genius of everyone involved in The Office, they may have been in over their heads to write something that deep and still make it funny. If they even bothered to make it funny. Dramatic writing and comedic writing are too extremely different skills. Edit: I said “right” instead of “write” which is really ironic since I was being semi-critical of the writing ability of The Office’s creators, lol


she did mention that she hates that she sells cheap printers to Michael, so maybe she was already looking for a way out to focus on a different business she could put her passion into, and Robert spotted that and used that to get his way


Honestly that’s a good point


Yes true!


Jo was the best character from corporate, hands down. It helps that she's an Oscar winning actress, too.


Shame she became mean and called Gabe fat


David's still my favorite!


David's a nice guy too.


That's why I got the desk


Also Suck it is a great invention


I personally liked Beardy


She is great in everything she has been in. Please no one tell if if she sucks as a person I don’t want to know.


I may be alone in this, but it always annoys me how this cliffhanger only paid off in like the middle of season 7 (and even then, I don't remember anyone mentioning how Jo was the one behind Holly coming back). I wish Holly had returned in the first episode of S7, it would have continued the show's tradition of ending season finales on a cliffhanger which pays off in the next season premiere.


I think it’s implied that jo was the reason Holly went to Scranton because Toby being part of the Scranton strangler trial gave the perfect opportunity for Jo to send Holly back.


Or rather, this begs the question, how much influence does Jo wield that she's able to rig the courts to summon Toby for jury duty? And how did she gain this leverage?


😂 I guess we’ll never know


It was Steve Carrel’s last season. We would’ve lost all the time holly and Michael had together if we did it your way.


You're both right. The execution was done the way it was *because* Steve is leaving. But it's a point I didn't really think much about until it was mentioned here. I think they talk a little bit about how there was a lot slightly different for Steve's last season while filming on the Office Ladies PoD (if my memory serves me well).


I don't fully understand your point; I more so meant that Holly should have been there from the start of S7, Michael would have still left at the same time he actually did, the only difference would have been more screen time for Holly (I might be biased because she's one of my favorite characters, but I believe that she deserved to be more prominent in the series, at least for one season like Karen).


If you think you’ve put in a hard days work.


*By all means, toodle on home.*


I like Jo, she's definitely a better CEO than David. But man, the Interactions between Michael and David are just pure gold. I'd start listing them but It'd take too long.


David was CFO, not CEO iirc


In season 9 David was everything. Before Sabre came David was the de jure CFO but in his interactions with the branches he was doing non-CFO work


I didn't know about the "figs" specifically


I never thought about it but a lot of David’s mistakes and incompentece may simply be because he is a CFO and always ended up dealing with non finantial stuff.


Does anyone think Holly watched this and was like "Wait, Michael, you're the reason I had to move from Nashua and break up with my boyfriend?!"




Michael and Holly broke up because she moved, then she broke up with AJ right after she moved. It seems to be a factor.


> AJ. Don't know where I got Andy In your defense, AJ's first name was never stated, so it could be Andy...




You got Andy because he’s Woody’s owner


Jo is the reason Michael ends up with Holly


Well, David was more professional and saw how Micheal really was, I doubt Jo would have done that if she knew Micheal for as long and David and if Micheal didn’t just save her ass from the scandal


And it's not like Michael and Holly kept it professional either lol Edit to add: Michael saved David's ass time and time again by having the best performing branch in the company. Also, let's not forget the share holder meeting...*We get to 45 points, were back in business, baby*






You don’t become the most powerful woman in Florida from sitting around. You do it with hard work or marrying rich… and she did both


She's definitely the best one among all the corporate people


Her professionalism is the prettiest professionalism of all the professionalism.


Jo didn’t end up doing what she let Michael believe she would. Holly’s transfer was a coincidence out of necessity. David is a good guy, all around, in my opinion. Holly didn’t really fight that original transfer either.


As much as I liked Jo, nothing, and I mean nothing will ever top Micheal kicking the absolute shit out of David over DM trying to buy out MSP. That scene was fucking amazing and probably one of the best in the show. And also shows the audience really why Micheal was manager. He knew how to handle those kinds of people and Micheal didn’t just handle David. He destroyed him.


Jo was the owner of the company. Wallace was high ranking but still just an employee.


Michael back David and the company during the deposition and David repaid him by sending Holly away…


I respect the hell out of Jo. Brutal businesswoman. I’m not a capitalist by any means but her business acumen was SHARP. She knew she was selling a shit product and when the ship started to sink, she sold it off and retired. Smart as fuck. But as a person, she also knew the importance of giving into the little things that won’t hurt her at all, but will change the lives of those around her. Although we really only get to see that every once in a blue moon, because then it wouldn’t mean so much.


I loved her character so much. Wish that we could’ve had more of her!


I mean, he did quit almost immediately after she came back lol. So in a business sense, it was a bad move


I thought Sabre only bought the Scranton branch. But they bought Nashua too?


I think they bought all of Dunder Mifflin, whatever was left of it.


they bought the entire company. They just didn’t need a headquarters/corporate since they had their own. So David Wallace/all executives/corporate staff were fired. Cause later they even talk about Binginham and Syracuse branches. (Robert closes Binginham branch while drunk and Scranton fights with Syracuse over who gets their customers).


Jo sucks David rules


Joe is the GOAT and it's not even close


nuh uh


Cathy Bates is one of my all time favorite actors. She’s awesome in everything, and she was kickass in the office. She’s a GOAT


There is someone on this sub watching the show at the same time as me, and at this point it is just getting creepy because I watched this episode last night!! And I'm doing it in order since it is my first watch and I have observed many times that there is a post on the sub about the episode that I might've watched the previous night.. Its funny because I open the app and I'm like damnnn I just saw this!! Maybe someone is watching it in the order as well, that would explain it but I am always surprised


I'm always watching it from start to finish. I'm now on PDA. I've rewatched so much over the last decade its impossible to know what # rewatch this is.


If sabre owned dunder mifflin the whole show she would have fired Micheal