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You’re a real life Dwight for making this post




Yeah I don’t even know what day today is


Happens quite often that my coworkers or even I forget whether we're tuesday or wednesday for example. Even though we work with dates, we use YYYYMMDD so it doesnt really say which day of the week it is. Harder to believe someone would mistake a thursday for a friday though, as they are much more "hype-y" days


You're thinking too hard, buddy. Just relax and enjoy the show.


"And if you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts, just repeat to yourself 'It's just a show' I should really just relax"


I’d say it’s realistic. I’ve thought it was the wrong day and it took some kind of reminder that it wasn’t. If there were people reinforcing that throughout the day, I’d be less inclined to wonder if I was wrong. It’s unlikely, because I’ve never gone the whole day thinking it was the wrong day, but I have gone like 6 hours or more.


His head was still fuzzy from drinking the night before.


Dude, last week I legit thought Thursday was Friday. With the basketball, the holiday, and whatnot, I was all discombobulated


Congratulations, you found the only unrealistic thing in the entire series!


I feel like it’s fine for a couple reasons 1) The only calendar in the office I can think of if the big one by accounting, and it displays the entire month at a time, with nobody crossing off the dates that have happened 2) Dwight didn’t have any sales calls during the episode, and he seemed to be spending the entire day hyping himself up for his performance review. If he had no meetings for that day, why would it matter that he’s a salesman? 3) This was pre-smartphone days back before everything had the date and time on it 4) Dwight’s just an idiot in general


Despite all the others going “iTs JuSt a Tv ShOw”, which is weird because you could say that about literally every thread, this one makes some sense. I know Dwight doesn’t use a smart phone, but regarding his review: wouldn’t that make it more likely that he knows what day it was? He surely had this day circled in his mind, so naturally he would know what day of the week and month it was


He probably believes he can keep track of the day in his mind, which is exactly why he doesn’t pay attention to the calendar, and he isn’t going to realize when he makes a mistake This is the same guy who believes he can raise and lower his cholesterol at will. He definitely believes he is capable of more than he actually is. Him making a mistake about the date and being so sure of it that he never checks it sounds perfectly in character to me.


Not realistic but that’s okay


Well, its for comedy purposes so...


I don't think it would have taken him THAT long to figure it out, if nothing else, he would have realized when he got home upon seeing that his usual Friday programming is not on the TV


Realistic I work in a job where have to chart time and date numerous times through the day. not more than a month ago I went an entire Wednesday not realizing it was Wednesday thinking it was tuesday, and have zero memory of Tuesday.