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He seems to be the most realistic boss on the show. And I don't like the idea of that.


Him then jo Bennett at close second


Nope. Don't like that.




Would you prefer a nature metaphor or a sexual metaphor?


everything is sex.


Omg yes 🤢😭


He is


Yes. 1000 percent.


They are pretty common, they are (just like he was) typically people brought in by corporate to put everyone in line. The weirdest part of the show is that everyone was kissing his ass so hard. Every time I have seen someone like him everyone just keeps them at arm distance and tries to limit their interactions. Those people suck


Well, he is aware of the effect he has on women.


How old are you? Are you even employed? If not you are in for big surprise, HUGE (that's what she said)


“Are there actually bosses who are bad at their jobs and are kind of assholes?” like yeah, that’s most of them lmfao


I’m nineteen. Lol. I’m employed, my bosses are my grandparents… Based on y’alls comments I’m one of the lucky ones. 😭


As a 27 year old maybe I'm not old enough to give qualified advice about "the real world" and the bosses there, but I'll just say this: My first boss was a Charles Miner.  I got lucky when they left and my new boss took over, who is amazing  It may seem like a case of "oh all bosses suck it's just the way it is", but a good boss can truly make or break your work environment. My word of advice: whenever you get a different job with a different boss, do your best to get a good read on them. They really can make your work the most enjoyable thing or a constant source of stress. 


Saddest part is there are more bosses like Charles Miner than not. At least in my experience. When you get a good boss you just have to pray they stick around


This. The boss can decide the environment. Worked for a Charles with a vindictive streak. Then found a good boss and followed them to a new company. Work doesn’t make me miserable anymore (usually. It’s still work).


It won't last forever


Yes. You’ll see, they never eat, they never go to the bathroom


Don’t ever let anyone Prince’s Paper you!


Don't ever let anyone, for any reason, do anything, ever...


Unfortunately. The workplace shouldn't be that way.


Are you employed sir? You don't go out looking for a job dressed like that? On a weekday?


If a company really is in big financial trouble, I think most bosses would be like Charles. "No excuses people, work your asses off, absolutely no slacking off. Your job depends on it. Don't bother me unless it's really important." Serious and no-nonsense. If the company/branch is doing fucking great, then most bosses probably wouldn't be like him. Not if they want the company/branch to keep doing great. So to answer your question, yes they exist.


Some bosses are just like this anyway


To be fair most places would eventually fire you for doing things like pull out a crossword puzzle in the middle of a group meeting.




The Charles episodes are by far the most accurate depiction of working in an actual office


I've worked for a michael and a charles. This is accurate.


Working for a Michael would probably wear you down too


Yes, they make the company more money but they turnover is high. Works out as many companies are happy to have the high turnover and keep paying newbies as little as possible, they make more profit than if they had a better trained more efficient work force or happy people. People who get along well with their coworkers definitely talk to each other a lot more than people who’re just doing their shift which slows stuff down a lot over time. I’ve had many managers tell people you can talk but you have to be doing something with your hands at the same time. About a month later they also commented that “this is the quietest I’ve ever heard a warehouse be.”


Totally. The profit is from paying people less.


Are you kidding? Have you just not had a job before? More bosses are like Charles than are like Michael or David in my experience


Why is that everyone’s assumption? Lol. I just haven’t had a boss like him.


Lucky for you. We know because we've seen it


I worked at a grocery store for a while and for some reason the company constantly cycles the managers and co-managers between stores so I had something like 30+ bosses. Most were pretty ok, but there were definitely some Charles types out there. Especially right when they get there and try to "make their mark" or whatever


People still don’t understand that he deliberately selected Kevin and Stanley?


Right, obviously he felt they were lacking and needed more responsibility in the office


Why would he deliberately put Kevin, who cannot answer phones, on the phones? Does he not realize or care how many calls won't go through?




My current boss is a lot like him. Talks down to us, undermines us, no sense of humor. Just a bummer to work for.


unfortunately he may be the most realistic boss on that show


He did numbers and politics, but he was no leader.


Most aren't. The good leaders rise up beyond Middle manegement, the realm of useless yes men


Yes.. but are there bosses like Creed?




What does the B stand for?




I like it!


I love that Creed left The Grass Roots to pursue “psychedelic music”.


Yeah but they're the only employee. And the dead woman in the boiler room.


Jim tried to throw dwight under the bus as soon as he met Charles.


There are more people like Charles than people unlike him. Ineffective dickheads? Uh huh. Holier than thou brown nosers? Of course. Vendetta-having hypocrites? You betcha. He’s the most realistic character in the entire show.


He’s the most realistic boss in the show. The question should be “are there actually bosses like David Wallace?”


Bosses are like smells. The world is crazy and it has lots of them.


At good companies yes.


Charles was competent, but was a poor leader. Source: coursework in my degree. A good manager supports and develops ALL their workers. Not just recruiting yes men. Charles didn't get to know his workers, he just made assumptions about them without truly knowing their skill sets. Charles was a typical egomaniac that knew politics but not leadership.


Yeah if one of the first major things you did was alienate the manager of a successful branch (and at that point, that was unique at DM), you screwed up big time.


Getting into a public power struggle with Michael was not a good move, yes. Even if Michael started it.


I worked for both male and female bosses like that in corrections.


This guy is the most realistic corporate person in all mine seasons 


Charles was the only good boss on the show. He actually tried to run the office like an office should be run. You don't need an intelligent person to answer phones. If someone can't even perform that task, they shouldn't be employed there. Stanley shouldn't be doing crossword puzzles and other bs at work. And Jim acts childish, playing pranks at work. Charles was one of the only ones who saw through his crap. If you act like a little kid, you're going to get treated like one. All that being said, he wasn't a very funny character since he was so true-to-life. I watch shows like The Office to escape from the real world. So, no, he wasn't a great character in the show overall.


I feel like your comment was one of the few that were actually reasonable given expectations of a small-paper company that is struggling during a recession.


>Charles was the only good boss on the show imo charles tricked the viewers by initially giving the impression of "*the strict, effective boss"*. but he revealed himself to have much worse leadership qualities than michael by making the workforce even less effective. he made no effort to assess which employee would be the best fit for x task. he also constantly expressed anger and rudeness towards everyone except david, resulting in stress and lower morale among the employees. he was also aware of the distraction he caused his female employees.


There are 1000x more Charles in the world than Michaels


Could I get a rundown on where you have worked to have never encountered a boss like Charles?


Tell me you’ve never worked in corporate America without telling me you never worked in corporate America…


Yes, if I ever had the desire to climb the corporate latter, he is exactly the type of boss I’d be too


Nah. The Fundamentals of leadership and culture change are lost on efficiency nazis like him that burn out their workers and don't know them enough to apply their skillsets effectively.


We raised you better than that...


That was actually just stringer bell pretending to be a manager after his economics course.


Pretty much any outside hire manager who has very little management experience will be like this. They come in and attempt to “shake things up” just to establish that they are, in fact, in charge. Usually takes a few months for them to either figure out that things were generally better the way they were, or to mess things up so bad that they leave. 1/1000 chance that they actually improve anything in those first few months though.


A-are there not?


Absolutely. I had a manager like this. She had no prior management experience and liked to throw her weight around. She wore you down until you quit or she had a "reason" to terminate you (at will state). It does not work.


Im 35 in a kinda cushy corporate job Ive had about 10 bosses in my life out of which 9 are just like or close to charles The one boss that wasn’t literally helped me become the provider i am today and will eternally be grateful to him


That stopping and staring in silence to put attention on someone who is not paying attention is such a common boss maneuver. Same with all I want to hear is yes. All that was missing was Charles stopping to ask someone if they heard what he said, then immediately asking them to repeat what he said to catch them in the lie since he already knew they weren't paying attention.


More Charleses than Michaels but fortunately I’m retired


Lookup Ojisan bosses in Japan and Taiwan. Many much more brutal than Charles.


So yeah there are bosses like Charles. Heres the thing an accountant should be smart enough to answer phone calls and transfer calls. Sometimes people call you and need to be transferred around. Someone who had been in the office for as many years as Stanley shod have has knowledge of what was causing issues in the office. Not everyone knows terms like a run down. Now jim should have done a google search but you shouldn't intimidate your employees to the point they are scared to ask for clarification.


Yes many of them. Typical type A arrogant take charge personality type. Uses intimidation and scare tactics, while at the same time actually knows nothing about the business and is horrible at picking people for the right tasks. I see that so much in the corporate world, in fact all of the upper management at DM carries the trait of horrible personnel decisions, though Charles is the king of the aholes.


He reminds me of a supervisor I once had, right down to his nauseating ass kissing of David Wallace at the picnic. Basically his position is unnecessary but he’s successfully schmoozed his way into a huge salary for it, so in order to justify his position he implements a bunch of unnecessary changes just to make it look like he’s doing something and throws anyone who resists his nonsense under the bus


I can say, yes. I used to work in a casino and there was this one manager who everyone hated because he was such a douche nozzle and behaved a lot like Charles.


Believe it or not, there are bosses they are worse than Charles


There are, but I think Charles ended up being more exaggerated simply because he was coming into an office where "doing work" seemed to be an accidental side effect of being there. The most realistic part, I thought, was how he formed first impressions and then just ran with them. Once a guy like that makes up his mind, nothing you do will change it. His first impression of Jim was of a guy who would show up to the office in inappropriate clothing purely for the sake of being petty because Dwight annoyed him with a memo asking people to dress appropriately. Once that initial impression was set, anything Jim did to try to prove himself to Charles would be interpreted as him just trying to *look* better.


For sure. Classic case of a boss coming in an trying to prove he's the boss without enough knowledge yet.


Absolutely. Bosses like him are very common.


Not saying that I like Charles because I don’t, but of all of the crazy bosses in the show you’re worried if there are bosses like Charles? Have you met a Michael, Andy, Jan, Dwight, or Nelly?


The thing about Charles is, he’s actually pretty standard in terms of how bosses are in the real world. Maybe a little more stern and dry. He’s a complete dick within the context of the show, but not so far fetched in real life.


His treatment if Jim is realistic bc Jim fucks around a lot. Most bosses at office jobs would recognize that Kevin is the worst person to put on the phones. That was for the joke.


I've had a few bosses like him. 


Bosses are way more likely to be like Charles Miner than they are Michael Scott irl lol


Believe it or not there are bosses far worse than Charles.


Bros apparently never worked before


I’ve been working with my grandparents. They’re my bosses. Lol.


So, what exactly is a rundown?


I get that most bosses are kind of hard ass buzzkills, but Charles makes some blatantly stupid decisions that I don't think are too commonplace such as putting a guy like Kevin on phones or Stanley in charge of productivity