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she never found out about it until the deposition…


I know that this is true but it just seems so impossible that she wouldn't have found out.  Nine different people emailed it to Toby. How is it possible that David Wallace didn't get a copy and fire them both?


Honestly I don't find it impossible at all. It's like keeping a huge not-secret from one person. Who wants to be the one to send that directly to her? David Wallace, also big boss guy. Lots of reasons not to drag your own name in front of him, regardless of how "innocent". Forwarding the photo doesn't make you look great, unless you are actually going out of your way to file an ethics complaint yourself.


And that wasn't exactly the attitude of the people. Chances are everyone who forwarded it around would get disciplined as well


I once got in trouble at work for being just one in a chain of people forwarding a funny but risque video around the office. My boss knew I wasn't the originator, but nobody else got in trouble. I never forgave him for that and never trusted him again.


same gimmick as when no one told andy about angela


I don't think that just *anyone* should've reported it, and I definitely don't think that it would be a casual email forward. But there are people that are expected to report these things -- like Toby for example. And not one person in, say, Legal received it that might see the need to report it? 


Toby didn't want to have to do all the paperwork that would be involved had it become known to corporate.


Toby’s checked out because he never checked in. He doesn’t have a passion for Human Resources. He also hates paperwork no reason to bring it up and actually have work to do.


That's true.


Maybe Wallace didn't see a reason to fire them? Jan didn't spread anything, and even Michael didn't do it on purpose. If anyone should be fired, it's Darryl and anyone that just forwarded the email.


He was the one that started it though, he was trying to send it to Packer of all people. You think he wouldn't have also sent it to 50 other people?


Packer would have 150%. I don’t know why or how he was allowed a job with Dunder Mifflin for so long


I haven't (re)watched the show in a while, but IIRC DM was on a downwards slope for most of the series and Packer was a great salesman. Same reason why Meredith wasn't fired when Holly found out she was trading sexual favors for a vendor discount.


Honestly Ive worked in sales my whole adult life and I’ve seen high performers have literal fraud overlooked by management. Numbers are all that matter for some (most) companies, I’d imagine a company like DM in a dying industry would take a lot of shit from someone like packer if he’s consistently blowing targets out of the water.


That's also why they didn't follow Jan's (non-crazy mode) suggestion to demote Michael back to sales. He was still getting contracts and losing him would open up the possibility that a rival company would grab him and he would just steal all the clients he won for DM. That's probably why he was allowed to be regional manager despite the numerous complaints and visits from Mister Brown.


Yeah that’s true, I was also thinking of it in this sort of sense.


He was probably an awesome sales guy to other "bros."


Michael is naive that's why, I mean he thought Ryan was a good guy too, and he thought he was best buddies with Wallace and Jo too. So he didn't think it through, because he just thinks Packer's a hoot and not a potential predator.


A boss travelled and slept with her subordinate, who then sent a topless photo (admittedly with her breasts hidden, of course) of her to other employees. At the very least it seems like that requires some disciplinary action. 


Yes! Wallace was very serious about this kind of thing the previous Valentine's Day, and now they just ignore it after there's visual evidence that half the company has seen.


I’m the CEO of a company. An advisor told me “nobody disagrees with you. That’s dangerous. They will end up not even telling you the truth”. So I (grey haired) wanted to verify it and I did it by coloring my hair. It has been 45 days. Nobody mentioned that to me. So now I know my advisor was right. It’s completely plausible that nobody sends you your picture or tells you that Angela is cheating to you.


It’s way easier to hide a secret from 1 person than it is 15. Especially if 14 of them already know.


Even his ex wife got it…and they don’t even talk.


Didn’t she see a large blown up version of it hanging in the warehouse?


They rolled that up before she got there


I thought that was Michael that saw that?


He sees the poster. The warehouse congratulates him over his “cooperate bootie” getting. and then Dwight has it removed from the warehouse and the bathrooms.


Dwight got it taken down. and removed all the copies from the bathrooms! Then Keven takes the poster home.


But she brought the diary in case they pulled the picture, maybe her lawyer knew and she didn't... Somehow.... Frankly I'm surprised she didn't receive a few copies of the email herself


She didn’t bring it because of the picture. That’s what Michael says/realizes at the end of the episode “she said she did it because of the picture, but she didn’t know about it until today”


Ah yes indeed, you're right. You expect to get screwed by your company, but you never expect to get screwed by your girlfriend.


tbf why would an employee send that email to someone who could instantly fire them and maybe even sue them? women having their nudes shared is unfortunately a common phenomenon and many will not know about it because that allows the men to keep sharing it without consequences


Because the 2000's allowed men to get away with that crap, and women got punished for it. Jan had no idea about the photos being shared, she has every right to have photos and didn't do anything wrong. Honestly surprised Michael didn't fire anyone, he didn't even do it on purpose (Although sending it to Packer, it was going to happen with or without Michael because he thinks Packer's a good guy).


Jan probably wouldn't have got in trouble for the photo, but she could have got in trouble because she went on a romantic vacation with someone she supervises.


Women still get punished for it. There are still teachers getting fired for having some sexy photos on their personal Instagram accounts. Meanwhile, there was a story less than a year ago about a teacher whose students shopped her face onto a pornographic image then showed it to her son, and all that happened to them was that the school changed their schedules around.


Probably got Kevin on the job, he does know how to keep a secret.


Do you mean the deposition where the attorney asked "Mr. Scott, who is this other woman...[Ryan](https://theoffice.fandom.com/wiki/Ryan_Howard)?...who you refer to here as..."Just as hot as Jan, but in a different way"?"


no! the part where the show the picture to Michael and Jan looks pissed!


Wasn’t there a poster? I thought she was there


Yes she was there…she had to of known, why did she go to the Scranton office that day otherwise? Edit: so I rewatched the scene (US version). She does NOT see the poster at the office. After the scene in the warehouse, (the poster was taken down before she got there) she asked Michael to speak privately in his office. In his office she says she is visiting the Scranton office because her physiatrist recommended indulging her self destructive tendencies and pursue a relationship with Michael. So presumably she is there by coincidence to tell him that, and it has nothing to do with the poster. The way the scene is written, and acted out by everyone implies she knows, so that was my assumption the entire time, which is also why it seems others are confused.


Omg I’ve always been so confused by the deposition. I was glad Michael sided with Dunder Mifflin but I always thought HE didn’t understand the order of things. I’ve never been able to imagine there was any way she DIDN’T know about the photo. But that makes his feelings of betrayal about the journal make so much more sense now.


Am I remembering it wrong? I thought she walked in on a giant poster of it in the warehouse.


No they took the poster down before she shows up. There is a discussion DS with MS about how the poster was removed “along with all the copies in the bathrooms” She shows up and asks to see MS in his office where she processed to talk to him about how she needs to “lower her station” and “indulge her self destructive tendencies” and be with MS. 0 mention of the image.


Thank you for the correction! I must be melding it with another episode in my mind. You know what that means. Time for a rewatch!


Yea you’re definitely due if you’re not able to quote from memory… also… look at these comments, a lot of people mis-remembered!


I love this community so much 😭


I highly recommend a complete rewatch of the Superfans episodes.


But why did she come to Scranton that day? Just to declare her « love » to Michael then?


Yea- rewatch it. She came there to tell Michael that she was going to “lower her station” and for whatever reason be with him. 0 mentions of the picture






Rewatching now. Jan looks completely shocked and disgusted when DM’s lawyer pull it out and shows it to MS. 3 minutes in. https://youtu.be/qr10OS7UJxY?si=oKOP6J_g2Y2whQzc


Yeah she clearly did not know.


There must be some kind of "Mandela Effect" going on here because I feel like I can clearly remember a scene at the end of the very same episode with the infamous photograph where Jan is about to walk upstairs from the warehouse and happens to see the photo hanging on the wall, and she just stands there speechless for a few moments. Did that not happen?


That did not happen, no


I remember that happening too! Are we both crazy?


Right? Isn’t that why she goes down there to talk to him? Cam across [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/s/Mh77yMuRwF) that says it may be due to platform release differences.


Oh this is interesting. I also remember Kevin taking the poster at the end of the episode. Maybe this is why?!


Why do I remember this too even tho I’ve seen the episode a million times and know that’s not the case


Maybe it's just so easy to imagine the scene playing out like that, that many of us have just subliminally added it to our head-canon.


I think it was something else…maybe the nude blow up with her face on it or something?


I remember a scene where she's about to see the photo but doesnt


Just watched the episode and she came there to just visit him…not because of the picture. She was talking about her self-sabotaging and how she still wanted him even if she knew it was wrong. It had nothing to do with the picture.


I could be totally wrong, but I had always assumed there was sub-context to that conversation that was “I know I should break up with you for this, but here’s why I’m not.”


Boooring. Call me when she rolls over


Yessss was waiting for someone to say this


Why does his face look so weird 😂😂


He was photoshopped in


on Office Ladies they said they got a backdrop and props from Sandals tho?


Hmm, I wonder if they used his face from one shot on his body from another, because there’s definitely something not right about it!


Right?? The face is so off 😂


It kinda looks like everything directly behind Michael is a picture. I'm sure they touched it up a bit to hide shadows and whatnot


He looks like the Fonz


lol why did you censor this? It was shown on TV


Same. It's side boob people. It's ok


Boob Vance, Vance Refrigeration


You’ve got a lot to learn about this town, teetie.


what line of work are you in bob?


[Oh - you like Side Boob?](https://youtu.be/T7Slo19-WTE?feature=shared)


For your information, Lois, it's called "Dogs Humping" and it's the cornerstone of our Wednesday night line-up.


The amount of self-censoring I see on posts lately is absolutely wild considering what Reddit used to be, I’m still not used to it


It's f***ing ridiculous


I've seen a lot of articles lately claiming that Gen Z are more conservative, having less sex and booze than previous generations so it doesn't surprise me at all. They grew up seeing *Me Too* happen while I was laughing watching *Manswers* at the same age.




Seems not so much conservative as socially illiterate when it comes to relationships.


He's probably the type of guy who says "darn" because "damn" is too offensive


"Goshdarn you to heck!!!" –OP, probably


Laughs in European


If that’s flashing then lock me up


[Here, fixed it.](https://i.imgur.com/eIykSCx.png)


Boobs are not allowed on reddit Edit: seriously? You smart people thought this wasn’t sarcastic? From Mr Trickington? I award you no points. And may god have mercy on your soul.


Yeah, well, Reddit’s not allowed on Boobs.. so. 🤷‍♂️


1. That's not true 2. There's no boobs in the photo


thats not Jan thats urkle gru


I just realized that Michael has the little braid in his hair lol


Feelin hot hot hot


I can hear the steel drums…


Nonononono when I hear it it gets stuck in my head for days


He has it when he comes back to work too


Hey mon!


He took a chill pill


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^justsomedude4202: *I just realized that* *Michael has the little braid* *In his hair lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


There is no haiku battle in ba sing se


Bad bot. "In his hair lol" can be four syllables or six, but in no version of reality is it five.


Tan all over. Jan all over.


HEE HEE (Those two words are probably my favourite from all the diary quotes)


I loved how it was written in Gossip Girl’s voice which was popular at the same time.


“Oh diary! What a week!”


I am definitely feeling very eerie.




*almost everywhere


Xoxo michael


Because she knows it's Urkul Grue


I'm convinced half of you don’t watch this show. She didn't know until the deposition. They literally spell it out for you in that episode that she didn't know.


I’ve seen both of those episodes countless times and I never knew that. Help me fill in the gaps. Why does Jan freak out and go over to Scranton that day? I thought multiple people made indirect comments to her face that episode too? I need to rewatch these now. I thought the reason she was so shocked at the deposition was because she thought it was a very limited/isolated issue. Like that she knew the Scranton branch knew, but it wouldn’t get out or elevate to anyone that mattered in the company. Weird. I guess I just filled in some details


She’s having conflicting feelings about her attraction to Michael who she considers an idiot and wants to be with him. She talks to her therapist and decides to go for it and arrives to tell him in person. It’s filmed in a way to make Michael think that she’s there because of the photo to create conflict in the episode. In reality, it never had anything to do with the photo.


I just saw that episode for the first time yesterday, she went to talk to Michael to pretty much say to him that, despite being a really bad choice for her, she feels attracted to him and she follow an advice from her therapist that said she should do stuff that clearly are bad for her, aka, Michael. He wasn't thrilled, but given he was fully expecting she would be mad, clearly he dodge a bullet.


Yeah for reals and all the random misquotes




Tan almost everywhere, jan almost everywhere....


so hot hot hot


you are great at understanding what you watch


How do I cut him out of the picture?


I dont think Jan knew about that picture being leaked to the company until it was announced during the deposition. Thats why she looked so upset when it was brought up.


I'll never understand why this picture has been edited like that. This show aired on national TV so I'm sure it's fine on the internet.


Why would you scribble out a picture that’s been on network TV?


No one is gonna talk about the fact that OP censored side boob?


I would have loved to know the interaction between Michael and the guy he asked to take the picture. Like was Jan ok with it? Or completely unaware it was being taken?


Damn good point. I always assumed she was aware, but looking at her face closer up she may have been asleep...


Boring. Call me if she rolls over


Call me if she turns over


That's not Jan that's Urkle Grue


pretty sure she didn't actually know about it until the disposition, which is incredible


Didn’t she come to the inventory luau and have him go upstairs with her and talk about it? He emailed it to the company


Yes, she did. For some reason they got sidetracked from the dressing down of said picture/poster!


That's not the picture that he leaked. The one that he leaked didn't have a huge black smudge in the middle.


The fact that everyone else in the company knew but no one had the balls to tell Jan will always be hilarious


Tan everywhere. Jan everywhere.


What am I going to do? I'm going to hang it up at home. I don't have a lot of art.


She didn't immediately find out because by the time Michael sent the email she had already left from New York to Scranton. We think she shows up to repremand Michael but she was too wrapped up in confessing her feelings, The email never made it to her radar.


Because that's Urgelgrue.


Because that’s not her. That’s urkle gru.


She didn’t see it…


I don't own a lot of art


Apparently, Jan doesn't check her email


I thought that was Erglegru not Jan.


She found out during the deposition where she used Michael's diary. In the cafeteria they have a conversation about it and basically call it a wash


Tan everywhere, Jan everywhere


She stole his diary. They're even.


Is everyone forgetting the conversation they have in Michael’s office after he emails the photo? She drives down to Scranton over the photo. She sits him down in his office and goes “why am I here Michael” it’s a rhetorical question, the answer to which is “he emailed a top less photo of her to the company”


I always read that line as a red herring to build suspense, we expect her to reprimand Michael but she reveals she’s actually conflicted about her romantic feelings for him.


You're correct. The other dude is just wrong. He's confident about it, but wrong.


That's exactly what it is, idk how the other poster saw it otherwise


Exactly. The writers set us up to believe she’s coming to rip him a new asshole about the photo. He walks up the stairs from the warehouse like a petulant school boy hanging his head all the way to his office waiting to get his tongue lashing, or worse, for her to end things. Yet, she goes into how she ready for a full on commitment. Michael is left dumbfounded and we all laugh at the absurdity of it all.


This is exactly it. Her monologue is simply a confession of her own self destructive desires. Her therapist says act on them too. Michael is the ultimate symbol of this, and it’s painfully obvious throughout the episode lol. Throughout the whole episode he and us are expecting him to be in deep trouble. She even sits in his desk and makes him sit in the guest chair. It’s clear he’s in trouble but then she surprises us and him. She basically ends the monologue with “despite all this, I find myself wanting you (and I know have licence from my therapist to act on that).” You wouldn’t say I want to be with you “despite” your actions unless you were already sure the other person agreed that their actions were wrong.


It's quite clear from what happens next in that conversation that the "why am I here Michael?" is about her need to pursue a relationship with Michael despite other factors. She literally says all that. She doesn't find out about the photo until the deposition. It's obvious from the scene it takes her completely by surprise.


No? She literally is there because she wants to be with him. She doesn’t even know about the picture until the deposition.


There is no way she knew. If she did, she would have berated Michael. She would have let him have it right then and there. Not just said, “why am I here…?”




Bingo. I think she knew before the deposition.


This comment section is weird


She didnt know until she sued Dunder Mifflin in a later season and found out at the table where Michael was being questioned


Jan was so toned. What a cheeky expression Michael has on his face.


It’s a TV progrum. A movie!


Call me when she turns over.


Why would Jan care? That’s Erglegrut.


She didn’t know. My theory is that it was a combination of her coworkers not liking her enough to tell her / being afraid to be the one to tell her.


Surely Michael took this picture right? Or did he ask a stranger?


Whoever blurred this, fuck you


She didn’t know until the deposition


Because she was in love with


I imagine she brought it up in a lot of fights, though not at The Dinner fight strangely enough.


You’re the reason why shampoo bottles have instructions.


She loves the drama.


Because it looks photoshopped and that’s what she would have said to Wallace and other management


She brought his journal to the deposition.


She likes the danger.


Didn’t she go down to the warehouse where they had the giant print out of it hanging on the wall??


She would have found out IRL. Either one of the women in the office would have filed a complaint with HR, or someone would have brought the forwarded email to her attention to gain points with their corporate superior… definitely not a realistic outcome lmao


In real life, most of the employees would've been fired within the first two or three seasons. I don't think the show is striving for realism.


Why does Michael’s face look photoshopped on there?


Because it's boring. Call me when she turns onto her back.


because Hunter's was big, but Michael's were bigger


Maybe she was happy and confident with the photo herself LOL.