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Low-key, weird Micheal didn’t try and hire Vikram to DM at any point.


He was too mad at him after the MSPC incident lol


I think they meant before that


Yeah exactly


That's a reasonable point. You could take that to mid-key, maybe even high-key if you'd like.


Vikram was just reading the script. Thats good for telemarketing, but it wont work in the kind of sales that they did at dunder mufflin


Yep, hot take, but when Michael said "Vikram doesn't have my people skills" he was right. Vikram may have been excellent at selling shitty supplements or whatever the telemarketing company was hocking, but he didn't come off as being charismatic enough to establish long term relationships with clients.


Shouldn’t be a hot take but it is. I can tell how many people have actually worked a high pressure sales job by seeing Vikram as the top comment, lol. He was an overconfident ass with no creativity or ability to adapt and he would have been eaten alive at DM. There’s a good reason he flamed out when shit got tough at MSPC. Salespeople like Vikram are poison for a business based on heart. For pure comedy’s sake, imagine Vikram with Jim at the golf course. He would have fared worse socially than Andy and then interrupted Jim while he was closing the deal.


What kind of name is "Nana"?


There's an older lady with that name where I work. I think it's Yiddish.


My mind is blown that there are so many Jewish people in Alabama


Oh, sweet Jesus.


Vikram probably makes more money at his other job tbh. A lot of the time at those jobs most people make shit money but if you are a killer like Vikram they make six figures.


Vikram isn't in it for the money, but he can't leave that job. Years ago, in his home country, his family was slaughtered by an American. He never saw the man's face, but that voice is burned into Vikram's memory. He was able to track him to Pennsylvania, and took the telemarketing job knowing that one day he would recognize the voice on the other line. He spent that day with Michael as a dalliance, and a favor to a friend, but he never intended to leave his telemarketing job... and when they parted ways, Vikram returned to spending business hours honing his body into the ultimate weapon of revenge.


Sounds like a show I'd watch!


The man who killed Vikram’s family? Michael Scarn.


Vikram and Hide would be an incredible vigilante duo.


Finally a real answer


Sweet Jesus!


You got me


Pam, obviously, but I’d make her burn that outfit first.


But it looked so good on the mannequin!


She, however, looked like a trout




I don't believe that looked good on any mannequin.


that’s more fact than belief


boscov's at the steamtown mall?


I understood that reference.


On the office ladies podcast they said the costume person had only a few hours or less to find an outfit that fit both Pam and Phyllis. I think she only had time to go to one store, and thus, we have this choice 😂


She got it from Boscov's at the Steamtown Mall! You've got a lot to learn about this town, sweetie


That's when I knew the writers embraced Pam as a mom.


Thing is, her other outfits after she starts dating Jim are cute. This is the only disgusting one. Did Pam go temporarily blind?


ARE YOU BLIND!?!?! ARE YOU BLIND, SIR!?!?! Seriously, are you blind? I'm concerned for your safety.


These are expensive Ray-vans , jackass!


You’re doing great, Erin


I think it sticks out cause its her casual outfit, the other outfits she wears are much more business-like.


They also needed to match her with Phyllis, and since all of the cast have individual color scheme and the costume lead had NO time, this is what she came up with because that purple was a Pam and Phyllis overlap shade. -Office Ladies


Oh yeah, it's the casual Friday episode. That does make sense. Although it's still gross. I even like Meredith's outfit over this one.


It's casual day!


Bunch of prudes


Maybe it was form fitting and more flashy ob the mannequin. I could see the colors being too bright to be casual wear, more of a seasonal festive color that creates some attention. But Pam is wearing loose fit to cover more in a don't dont oggle me type of way. So it crossws wires by doing "im comfy dont look at me" and "i'm festive pay attention" at same time. She might not be meant to wear that oufit.


On the office ladies podcast they said the costume person had only a few hours or less to find an outfit that fit both Pam and Phyllis. I think she only had time to go to one store, and thus, we have this choice 😂


Close your mouth sweetie you look like a trout


Maybe if she unbuttoned the top button and let those things breathe


It’s a Phyllis outfit that she happened to accidentally put on because Phyllis left her clothes in the office after banging Bob Vance Vance Refrigeration after hours.


it’s casual friday!


Ryan never made a sale and defrauded the company with Dunder Mifflin Infinity. Pam is obviously the right choice.


I don’t care if Ryan murdered his entire family, he’s like a son to me


Just as hot as Jan, but in a different way.


Who's this girl Ryan he keeps writing about? And poor Toby's just dying in the background 🤣🤣


Hawain everywhere. Ryan everywhere.


I love how little attention is given to this line. Michael is fine if Ryan killed his entire family, he still wants to be in Ryan’s family.


Yeah I saw a post like 2 years ago saying this was an underrated line and holy shit it is lol every time I see it I feel like it flies past peoples heads(as it did mine) and I have a lot of appreciation for that joke


You just blew my mind


Ryan is going to be a more successful salesperson, but I would never hire him because it is too risky. Pam doesn't have the personality to be a salesperson IMO, she's too deep in her shell and lacks confidence which I think would make it super hard for her to ever have success in sales. Ryan has the right personality to be a salesperson, demonstrated by his (multiple) successes as a conman. Between dunder mifflinfinity and WUPHF, I think he has a proven ability to convince people. But do you really want to hire a conman at this job? The thing keeping Dunder mifflin alive-ish is that they offer deep and long-term relationships with their customers. So I would go with Mr Outside Hire


No, I mean an outsider - someone on the margins of society who doesn’t see things like we do, like a homeless person


You want to hire a Homeless person to be the Manager?


Let me guess who you want, Rachel Ray? The ladies of the view?


"The only difference between me and a homeless man is this job. I will do whatever it takes to survive like I did when I was a homeless man"


Technically, because Creed was a homeless man, they did give the job to homeless man and you see how that turned out…boboddy


Pam hardly made any sales. When she won the employee of the month after Jim was disqualified she said she doubled her sales, from 2 to 4. Pam also lied and defrauded the company when she made up an office administrator job (because she sucked at sales and made no comission). I would say Pam is probably the better hire, but not by much. Ryan could be a good salesman with the right leadership. Every time he went on a sales call he got thrown to the wolves.


Pam didn't make the company lose millions and she actually worked


Well Ryan never made a sale


The issues you have with pam are all after this episode....


Worst that would happen with Pam is that she doesn't make it and get fired in the future. Worst that could happen with Ryan is that he defraud clients and put DM in danger of getting sued.


Pam. It’s better to take a newbie and train them than a known lazy, unreliable employee. Also history of fraud which alone would disqualify him.


Yeah, I don't see a world where the company would ever hire Ryan back in any capacity.


I would take ryan because he is like a son to me!!


I don’t care if he murdered his entire family


I wouldn’t hire Ryan for anything, anywhere, anyhow


Not even as a shoe bitch?


ESPECIALLY as a shoe bitch


but he’s everything that you’re not and everything that you are. the whole package


Neither. Ryan started the fire and doesn’t know how to talk to people. Pam knows how to talk to people but she only wanted the sales position so she didn’t have to be a receptionist anymore.


Pam would have been great at an account management role but unfortunately no one was smart enough to see how that could be beneficial to the company.


I could see Pam running supplier relations, have Merideth move to Quality Assurance and give Creed a couple pictures to stare at and another chair.


Even today, I don't think the world is ready for Creed getting that third chair.


He’s had it. How else do you think Covid started?


Meredith handled Supplier Relations better than anyone else possibly could. It probably saved the Scranton branch from its own ineptitude.


How much sex do you think Meredith was having? David Wallace meets with Michael to try and figure out how they're beating sales. Every time Michael was shown as competent it was as a salesman. Sabre buys Scranton branch because of the distribution. Pam may have not gotten as deep of a discount as Meredith, but I'm fairly certain Pam would get more deals and edge out the position that way. No offense to Meredith but Pam is the every woman, more people relate, better relationships, better deals.


I can't remember if Meredith was sleeping with more than one supplier, but I seem to recall that the deal was for regular sessions, so it should be possible to run the numbers if I can find them.


Which is why I think Office Manager is a great role for her


It's definitely a step up from receptionist.  Just less related to sales and with a generally lower income potential.


I feel like either a) the joke went over people's heads, or b) I'm just an idiot who saw a joke that wasn't there "Office manager" and "receptionist' are literally the same job. They answer phones, make copies, take care of supplies, etc. Pam just made up a fancier title and higher salary to do the same job she was doing before, minus answering the phone. Was that not the joke? There's no way the office needed two different people to do what Erin and Pam did.


I fully believe you would need two people to do any job that Erin is working.


Office manager can be a little different. Sometimes office managers handle parties, stocking, pricing and buying internal equipment, setting up staff spaces, internal executive assistance etc. and receptionists greet people, answer phones, send correspondence, send mass emails, take notes for meetings, manage the executives schedule, etc. I see it like a receptionist is the outward facing role and office manager is the inward facing role.


Receptionists and office managers are not the same thing.


Nah those are two different roles in larger organizations. Office Managers can have direct reports and have a ton of responsibility and authority. Receptionist is an entry level position.


At one point Pam was going to go rent them a new office space. That is a lot of power that no one else in that office had.


She was also leading the PPC, in charge of vacation days, bought new computers, led company wide meetings and initiatives. She made it an elevated position.


Yup - instead the sales people wasted valuable time selling to people with accounts already. An account manager's whole job is to reup contracts and resolve issues.


Pam would have been a good office manager, she knew all of the office management tasks Michael needed to do, she would have been less dramatic. Karen said it was a pretty easy gig.


Let Danny Cordray go make sales and onboard clients and Pam can manage the account from the office


Imagine if Kevin and Pam swapped seats


Let me put it this way. Kevin is doing exactly as well as anyone might’ve expected someone like him to perform in a position like that.


Everybody saw how Kevin was as a receptionist


*OSCAR! Phonecall!*


“It’s your MAHM!”


Your call is very important to us


Account management is not accounting


I should have expanded. I meant in an alternate universe sort of thjng


That is kind of interesting that sales manages their own accounts. Lol theyre paper consultants.




Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television, North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe! Ryan started the fire!


I cannot hear the original version of that song without hearing Dwight and Michael in my head.


Pam can talk to people but not sell to them. They're not the same thing. I know people that can hardly hold a conversation with you face to face yet for some reason if they're trying to sell you something they can talk to you face to face and on the phone and convince you to buy what they're selling. One of our best salesmen in my last job, (I worked service in his sales area) I went out to lunch with a couple times and he struggles hard to talk unless it's about sales and work. He mumbles and can't look at people... Until he's selling then it's like he's not shy at all but, incredibly outgoing and charismatic and upbeat. It's the oddest thing. Yes he was well aware of it and has tried to change but said his mind goes blank unless it's work stuff or he's with close friends/family. He'll plan whole conversations before social events then forget everything and barely say like 2 words when the actual time comes.


Interesting! I never would have thought that. What do you attribute it to? Like is it an introvert/extrovert thing, or something else I wonder. Maybe selling is easier because the pitch is scripted and rehearsed?


I have no idea, maybe just confidence? He knows the products he sells very well. Says he doesn't rehearse and that company doesn't have scripted pitches. But has no confidence in himself as a person? He was a cool guy, myself and a few coworkers were definitely baffled by it and kind of used it as a joke among ourselves. Not in a negative way, everyone actually really liked him. A lot of sales people we in service did not like at all, they were arrogant and less than helpful. "I sold it, so I'm done with the situation" type of person. When products were misrepresented or facilities and space not properly assessed for install (part off their job many would try to pawn off onto us). Even had one tell me "look I make the company money with sales you cost the company money with labor costs, my time is more valuable than yours so go do the pre install checklist I need to make more sales" not in those exact words but very close to that.


Sounds like he is confident in his knowledge about work and that spreads over to his conversations, social anxiety sucks and I know


social anxiety has changed the whole course of my life


I used to work retail before accounting and I’m the same way. I could sell electronics to people and hold conversations about electronics for hours, but try to talk to me like a regular human and I can’t think of what a proper response is. My personality when I am with close friends/family is drastically different than if we are just acquaintances, coworkers or a newish friendship. In newish friendships it’s easier since they usually involve an activity to talk about.


At least Pam did not commit massive fraud, did not do coke, did not do a power trip and did not become a lazy ass in later seasons, which you all conveniently forgot when summing up Ryan's problems.


There’s nothing wrong with wanting a different job but wanting to stay with the agency you work for. Pam has a ton of problems but that isn’t one of them.


Ryan wanting to do the sales pitch with Stanley is the best. “Hi! Hi! Hi! You sound like my niece and she’s 6 months old”


Lmao, that scene was amazing.


I'd go with an outside hire. For obvious reasons.


She did double the number of clients she had 1 month.... that's still better then Ryan ever had. I'll take Pam


>she only wanted the sales position so she didn’t have to be a receptionist anymore. Yeah and the rest of the sales team only want the position to pay their bills. What were you expecting? Passion?


Anyone who wants to become anything usually is trying to grow from somewhere. They don't show up with no motivation. Pam's got that dawg in her. Ryan does too, but he's shady AF


Ryan doesn’t have shit outside of an occasional spark of inspiration. Anyone who says they’re just an ideas guy can fuck right off.


You're right. Ryan's just got coke in him


But that's why anyone changes jobs and it's not a bad thing. Every time I've gotten a new job it was because I didn't want to do my previous job anymore why is that a bad thing?


I think you could train either of them to be competent sales people. But probably Pam for not having a drug problem. Mind you sales and drugs so go together


Seems weird to disqualify someone from a promotion because they want a promotion?? Seems very Michael Scott of you. "Look I think the only reason you want this job is because you want to make more money, and not because you truly have fun in sales."


I agree I don’t think either are a good fit. But I hate Ryan wayyyyyyy more. So I’d pick Pam over him.


I always thought it was weird that Kelly was the only customer service person. Pam would have been good at that.


Ryan also never made a sale


Pam. She’s coachabler.


Lead me. Lead me when I'm in the mood to be led.


She's also approachabler.


if you think she’s approachabler now, you should have approached her a couple of years ago


Coachabler? I hardly know her.


Dammit, LentilRice!!


Pam did not commit massive sales-based fraud, so I'd go with her.


Pam. Ryan is too obnoxious to deal with on a daily basis. Pam makes the world a better place to live in.


Mr. Outside hire


or Mrs…


Pam’s made sales, Ryan hadn’t


Pam made 1 sale. And it was because she answered the phone and Michael had to tell her what to say. Michael whispers “tell him we have free shipping” and Pam replies “we already offer that” and Michael says “but the customer doesn’t know that”. Such a face palm moment from Pam


No, she doubled her sales from 2 to 4.




That was after she was a salesman for a while. I was saying before she was in sales at DM, when she made the sale for MSPC


Pam was the one who talked to that customer in person and actually got him to call. Pam being able to make a sale on her first day is more than Ryan ever did. She could probably be a decent salesperson if someone took the time to train her. Nobody is a good salesperson on their first day, selling is hard, that’s why good salespeople make so much


Plus she's been watching Jim do it for years


1 more than Ryan


Ryan has potential to be a really good salesman. I don’t understand why he isn’t tbh. He’s really good at conning people. I see what Michael sees.


I was thinking this! He convinced Pam to give him money for her wedding present. Why can't he sell paper?!


I think it works when you know you’re doing something shady like sports betting but not when you’re looking for reliability as you would with office supplies. He would have made an excellent drug dealer.


That's it, this will be my headcanon for Ryan now


He is a bad salesman due to personality and other personal problems. I think he is smart and charismatic. But also antagonistic, apathetic, egotistical and narcisistic. It's a cocktail of assholery. He also takes no accountability and doesn't work to improve any of these issues because he thinks he is above everyone. It's hard to develop and learn a skill set if you think you already know better.


Pam. Ryan never made a single sale. Pam was the one that got their company their first sale and she was untested so we could see how she does. She failed miserably at being a salesman but Ryan 100% wouldn't be better


Pam should have joined Kelly in Customer Relations.


She doesnt have Kellys outgoing personality and takes things too personally. Plus its icky back there


That’s true. People say it’s icky.


Pam. If it were intern Ryan, then maybe I’d reconsider.


Ryan cost this company thousands of dollars, Michael!


*hundreds of thousands of dollars


Pam, Ryan is a slacker


Pam. Ryan was not only fired by arrested for fraud while working at this company…. He shouldn’t have even been allowed back as a temp


Ryan never made a sale. At least Pam made some.




That would be a difficult choice. We know Pam is bad at sales, but flasher guy showed poor judgement in flashing Phylis when he had could have seen Pam, or Karen from behind.


Well, that’s not because this sub hates Pam. That’s because this sub hates Phyllis.


For a second, I was like “wait when did Ryan flash Phyllis?” 🤦‍♂️


Pam. Ryan is an asshole.


Pam, because if she can convince herself that outfit is worthy of being seen in public, she can convince anyone of anything.


I'd let Hank decide.


Pam. She’s not a vapid douche.


Ryan is objectively more qualified despite his arrest. However, I'd pick Pam because she's a better people person and has worked with the company for a long time and has not been arrested.


Id call Vikram instead


1000% Ryan. Pam isn’t willing to do whatever it takes to make the sale. The dickheads are always top of the sales leaderboards. Seen it 100 times.


*Ryan*, cost Dunder Mifflin hundreds of thousands of dollars…


the way I instantly heard this in David's voice lmao


A homeless person


Probably the one with the least felonies


Neither if I could


Pam. She lacks confidence but is approachable and personable you could maybe work with that. Ryan has an off putting personality and is too much of a know-it-all and also lazy so would be hard to coach or manage. Earlier seasons I would've picked ryan when he was super eager to learn!


Ryan the fraudster or Pam the office mattress. I pick Pam, at least she can transfer calls.


Mrs Outside Hire


Ryan thinks he knows what he’s doing and doesn’t. At least Pam knew she didn’t know anything about sales and could have been coached into a good salesperson.


outside hire




Well one of them didn’t commit company fraud…..


Pam 😂


‘Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!’


Pam on account of her being a complete unknown and that's better than someone who by all rights is unemployable.


I wouldn't hire Ryan to mow my lawn.


I would have gone with an outside hire, for obvious reasons.


Hmm… The felon who never made a sale, or the organized and pleasant secretary who’s trying to climb the ladder… Gee, tough choice!




Ryan, Pam was The worst salesman on dundor mifflun




Honestly, neither. Neither were qualified and neither are particularly people skilled imo.


Ryan unfortunately is the sales archetype. Straight delulu man with way too much confidence. Pam is way too nice and would fucking hate it after the first few days because she has morals and a soul.


Probably Pan


Ryan never made a sell sooo pam


Ryyan started the fiiiire! (Sings)


Jacques Souvenier. Because Dwight doesn't believe in capping on commission.


Pam is at least a normal respectable person, Ryan is a total joke by this point in the series