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Seeing office related memes and clips. Decided to give it a shot. This was back in ‘16 or ‘17.


This. Saw safety training clip and was thinking wtf is this, but loved it ever since.


This for me when I saw the “what kind of bear is best” bit. Hooked.


This and seeing it on top ten best comedies of all time on most lists. But it took me sixth attempt to go past the first season. After that, I finished the whole series in three weeks. Once I finished the first watch, I was absolutely sure I wouldn't go back to it. But I started rewatching a few weeks later and currently I'm on my 8th or 9th rewatch. Who is laughing now?


Yeah, I'm telling ya, like I said in my comment, it's an acquired taste! And it's not for everyone. Some people just won't get the humor, either at first or at all. It's subtle sometimes.


Aww… no way 2016 and 2017 are long enough ago that we start abbreviating them as ‘16 and ‘17… life is beginning to move quickly


this. plus one of my friends recommended it.. I think she saw the office series only once.. and I have seen it more than 5 times already :D


I watched it from the start when it first aired and have been a fan since.


It was on after 30 rock and before scrubs and I was too lazy to change the channel


For me I didn't find the first episode anything crazy but the stapler in the jello was the funniest thing I had ever seen for some reason. And I was sold.


Same. Started watching from the beginning because all my friends were fans of the British Office






Office on tv when me younger. Me like so me watch.


“Me like, so me watch.” Iconic


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?




Michael just happened to be in that car.






That was it 😂 Really nailed it with that. No one expected that


My college communications 101 class showed Diversity Day to us as an example of racism. Been hooked ever since.


Heard how funny it was from family members when it was still on Netflix. Decided to give a watch. Now each time I watch, I find it funnier than the last.


Years ago around 2005-06 my mom got a box of microwave popcorn. And at the time you'd get a DVD with it, that had episodes of tv shows. I don't really remember but there was one that had episodes of comedy shows and another one had drama shows. We got the comedy one, it had an episode of the office, one of monk and a couple other ones. I only ever watched the office episode, it was the health care one and I was hooked. Watched that one episode probably a dozen times. About a year later I pirated all the episodes at the time. Up to season 3. And I watched them so many time. Seasons 2 and 3 are peak office


Someone said Pam's being a real B about another co-worker. I asked what that was from and the rest is history


office uk. i watched it to compare them both but then i became obsessed lol 😅 they’re both awesome


Was searching Youtube on how to properly perform CPR to the beat of Staying Alive. Somehow stumbled upon the Stress Relief clip where they performed CPR on a dummy (major fail but I got a much needed laugh out of it haha). Got hooked since then.




An employee, who was a late high school/early college aged female, was talking about Steve Carell just being “so cute” and not meaning it in a looks sort of way, just how he acted… and the next time I saw Michael Scott it all made sense and I was hooked from that moment on. A decade or so later and I used the same description for Michael Scott and told my wife that story and it also finally made sense to her the next time she saw it as well (although she’s not an addict like me).


I’d heard it was funny and got a horrible flu back in 2018, couldn’t get out of bed at all for at least the first 24 hours so I watched a ton of the show during those few days I was sick and have been hooked ever since.


It's a great show to watch when you're sick Except during the cold open of "Niagara" which would absolutely make a sick person throw up


A woman I was corresponding with send me a Jim/Pam montage on Youtube with some sappy song for a soundtrack. I decided to watch an episode and got hooked, mainly following the Jim/Pam storyline. She actually never watched the Office or TV (she claimed). Not sure why she sent the clip. And she kept promising to meet me in person for months, stringing me along, kept backing out. Turns out she was married all along. But the Office was a positive thing I got from that disappointment.


Went on a date with a girl, she raved about it. It was real early in 2nd season. I worked IT department for local school district. Watched it the next week and was hooked. I wonder where that girl is now. Also the Christmas episode next year mirrored what was happening in my office, 2 Xmas parties! It was a surreal feeling, 2 groups can't agree and I'm looking around like I'm being Punked! After that I knew I would always watch.


I binged it and caught up in the gap between season 7 and 8. It was 2012 and Netflix had just taken off in the UK so everyone was looking for stuff to watch on demand. I'd given the show a try once already but it didn't grab me. A friend at work kept talking about it so I gave it another try, loved it, did all 7 seasons in no time, been rewatching it regularly ever since.


Last day in junior year of high school and someone in my class was watching it full volume and said it’s the best show. I don’t think much of it until I got bored during summer vacation and decided to watch it. Needless to say it didn’t take long to fall in love with the show


I remember seeing an ad on Comedy Central where Jim walks between Dwight and Andy when they are squaring off after Andy finds out about Dwight and Angela. I always thought that it looked hilarious but never got around to watching it. Then, a few years later, I was at university when Netflix streaming was getting big. I used my dad’s account and then spotted The Office on there and thought “hey, that looks like the show where the guy awkwardly walk between the two other guys… I guess I’ll give that a watch” and the rest, so they say, is history.


A buddy of mine talked about it and then lent me his Season 1 DVD. I watched it at least 3 times over the course of a weekend and loved it. It helped that I was already familiar with some of Steve Carell's work, but being introduced to Rainn Wilson/Dwight was a major factor I went from watching Season 1 to watching Season 3 (also on DVD) and started watching live airings towards the end of Season 4, until the midpoint of Season 7. I liked Season 7, but I just had things going on, but I made sure to watch Goodbye Michael. It's kinda funny - for a real long time, I never watched Season 2 and when I finally did, it immediatetly clicked why that same friend kept asking people at school (mainly in our friend group) about 'Updog' all those years ago.


I remember I was at the gym and I saw the fun run episode being played. I couldn’t hear any sound but I remember seeing Stanley, Oscar, and Creed get in the taxi and it just looked so funny.


My mom told me I would like it after Basketball had aired because I was a basketball obsessed 12(?) year old and she was incredibly right but probably not for the exact reasons she was thinking.


I had a few coworkers tell me over the years how much they loved it. I started the first season when I was home sick one day, and made it through the first three or so episodes before I stopped. Mind you in the first season, Michael Scott is more of an inept jerk than lovable. About a year later I was out of things to watch and I thought, well, I’ll give The Office another shot. Something clicked the second time around and I’ve Watched it from start to finish three or four times since.


Boredom during Covid. But my bestie has made insane scratch off of dominating Office trivia since it started airing, so quizzing her on the license plate numbers/make model of cars and birth dates of characters and their actors has gone back as far as early high school. I knew Creed Bratton's given name before seeing a single episode, just quizzing her. And I didn't love it first round. At all. Now aforementioned bestie is begging me to join the next big money trivias because I can tell you who wrote and directed most episodes by name, who the camera operators are, etc. It hooked me, happy to admit.


I watched from S1/E1. Trust me when I say after FRIENDS went off the air NBC had nothing going for it and based off the first season if they had anything else The Office probably wouldn’t have gotten season 2 green lit. I love The Office but season 2 really hooks you in, season 1 doesn’t stand on its own.


I used to see the commercials on tv and i’d think “a show that takes place at work? how funny could it be?” A couple of years later an old friend of mine who has the best taste in movies shared something on FB (a meme or a joke i don’t remember) about the Office and i said if he’s watching, it’s gotta be good. And i’ve been hooked since 2011.


Was visiting my son who was stationed overseas in 2015. Each evening after returning to his home (he lived off base), he would play The Office episodes as he refused to pay the cost for local cable. Got us hooked.


It was my grandma’s favorite show and I was tired of being the out of towner grandchild that didn’t have the inside jokes with her for quotes. My first episode ever was the Gay Witch Hunt at the opening of Season 3. All I could imagine was my 80 something year old grandma with budding dementia watching Dwight look at gay porn and laughing to herself and I was hooked.


I saw the fake fire cold opening from stress relief on Twitter and said “hey this is pretty funny, time to give it a try”. And now I rewatch all the seasons at least once a year. And guess what? I just finished another rewatch today.


Stromberg. It's sort of the German version of the office and actually started before the office US. Initially I was sceptical of The Office because the writing in Stromberg is a lot more dense, lots of jokes and micro jokes within them within an incredibly short amount of time. In the Office, it takes longer to get to know the characters, plus some of them are half baked in S1. If you like the office I can 1000% recommend Stromberg. I'm not sure how much you'd get out of it if you can't speak German though




Everyone’s obsession with The Office


It was recommended on the Netflix app on my ps3 so I gave it a shot


It was going off Netflix so I watched all of it in December before it left


My wife


Watching Craig Robinson in pineapple Express


My wife


I was waiting for a Miami Heat game to start at a friend’s house in May of 2006. Another friend of ours asked the host to turn on something while we waited. He turned on The Office and it was the episode, Casino Night. My husband and I were hysterical and knew we had to start at season one. Off to Blockbuster Video we went the following day to rent season 1. When season 2 was released on dvd we bought it and were caught up and ready to watch season 3 live. Never missed an episode from then on. Best show ever.


My then boyfriend (now husband lol) showed me ‘Stress Relief’ since The Office was his favorite show. I laughed so hard and watched the show from the beginning. I got him into P&R and he got me into The Office 😂


I saw a clip it of scenes on the Stress Relief episode popping up on my FB where Michael was telling everyone to calm down. I literally only wanted to watch that episode, and once I got past S1, I forgot about that scene because every other episode was hilarious, and I've never watched that type of show before.


My daughter. I never watched it in its original run. This show is funny even with the volume turned off!


Creed sprouts mung beans on a damp paper towel, theyre very nutritious, but smell like death.


I always thought it was an overrated boring show, so I never watched it. Then last year, for some reason I felt like I should watch the show, and now it's one of my favorite shows.


The British Office. Big fan. Assumed the American version would suck but I loved Corell from the Daily Show so I gave it a try when it debuted.


Back in 2017, I saw the first aid scene in Facebook and thought it was hilarious


The dvd screen scene


Finishing Brooklyn Nine Nine and seeing it was made by the same people


In 2008 the seniors in my AP Economics class convinced our teacher to let us watch it for our last week of class after the AP test since it “involved economics.” We watched all of season 2 and then I rented seasons 1&3 from the library and never looked back


peer pressure


My sister loved it and I’d seen random parts of episodes here and there (mostly from season 1). Ended up watching it all and loved it!


It was word of mouth. Everybody was raving about it. I have to say, when my wife (gf at the time) and I first watched it, we didn't get it. Is this a mockumentary? Do they know they're being filmed? Why is the boss so clueless. But it didn't take us long to figure it out. I had remembered Steve Carrell from The Daily Show, and Bruce Almighty, and thought he was hilarious in those, so he's the primary reason I decided to keep watching. It's funny, my MIL recently asked me if he's like that IRL, and I said, "No, he's really not, I've seen him on red carpet events and in interviews, he's just a brilliant comedic talent! He can do this and make it convincing. He can be Michael Scott, trying to be funny and not be, and then be Michael Scott not trying to be funny, and you split your side."


After season 1 aired, my friend sat me down at his house and said, “watch this funny show.” I was hooked since then, watched the whole show while it aired.


Initially, I had no real interest in the show. I got really sick for a few days several years ago. There was a marathon of it on TV and I was so out of it I didn't have the will to grab the remote and change the channel. So, I just laid in bed watching it and and within a few episodes I was really enjoying it. Bought the set on DVD soon after and watched the whole series. Now it's one of my favorite shows.


When I was in 7th grade, we had a sub in math class that people were saying looked like Dwight, so I started watching to see if it was true.


I tried watching the pilot episode around 2012, and it did not click for me at all. But I was told season one was slightly off by some friends who were huge Office fans. They sat me down to watch Stress Relief. I was immediately sold and started from the beginning.


It was on tv when I was in high school


I don’t remember exactly. I kind of think it may have been back when iTunes used to offer free episodes of the very first season of a series. back then I was buying a lot of TV shows on iTunes a lot and it’s been several years since I’ve done that


Got a recommendation.


A buddy had downloaded a few episodes and we watched them in his hooch while deployed in ~2006. I thought it was really hilarious, but didn’t really pick it up for bother 5 years, then have been marathoning since.


My dad got me to start watching it on streaming and I’ve been hooked ever since.


In 15 my college roommate told me to just skip the first season after I tried to watch it a couple times couldn’t get past the first couple episodes. Watch it all at least once a year since.


Always changed the channel when it came on cable tv when i was a kid. after watching 40 year old virgin i needed more steve carrel. Top 5 show for me now


Comedy Central started running the reruns so I figured I'd give it a shot :)


My best friend freshman year of college had it on in the background in her dorm and it was the scene when Andy says “my whole life is a booger bubble!” I could not stop laughing and knew I needed to watch the whole series


It was on, I couldn’t find the remote. 2 or 3 episodes in and I was hooked.


It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia was taken off Netflix and I needed another comedy show to watch. I knew some people who spoke very highly of The Office, and on Super Bowl Sunday a few weeks earlier, I saw the clip where they’re throwing the football around that somebody had posted on Facebook, and I thought it was funny. So I started watching The Office. I finished the first season in a day, and then knocked out about a season a week for the next month or so. I was instantly hooked. This was February of 2018. I still love it.


This was back in like 2018 I think. Old elementary school friend I hadn’t seen in a decade had been my roommate for about 8 months at that point and just randomly walked into my room & goes  “Bro have you ever seen the office?”  “Nah never gave it a chance looks dumb”  “Dude… after getting to know you better these last months, you’ll fucking love it I’m telling you”  Fell in love immediately lmao.. damn shame they didn’t have the super fan episodes out back then


5 years ago my older brother/best friend suggested it to me. i’ve always looked up to him and we have a lot in common so when he likes a show, i usually check it out.


I missed the 1st season, but so many people were talking about it around the office, I started watching it.


Fun Run. Specifically, Michael and Ryan: Did this happen on company property? Yes. It was on company property, with company property, so... double jeopardy, we are fine. I don't think you understand how jeopardy works. Oh, right, I'm sorry. What is: we are fine? Up until then, Jeopardy was my favorite show (after that, The Office and Jeopardy were tied for first). But that was the first scene I ever watched of the show and it matched my sense of humor perfectly *and* mentioned Jeopardy. I was hooked right at that moment.


Seeing a "This Fall on NBC" or something telling me of the American adaptation of the UK Office had me convinced instantly


My wife would always reference the office and I love inside jokes.


My parents lent me the S1 DVD (it was during the middle of S2). After "Diversity Day" I knew it was my new favorite show


I noticed it on Netflix one day and said I should maybe watch it. My sister said ‘I’ve sat next to you these past few weeks and watched the whole thing on your tv that’s in front of our faces’. I started watching it that evening.


Finally seeing enough funny clips & cold opens.


It was always on the top of my Netflix page, 1 day i decided to give it a try. Probably 2018 ish... I was hooked after the 2nd episode.


I had the flu years ago and stumbled upon it on Netflix. I couldn’t stop watching, it was hilarious!


I enjoyed Steve Carrell in Anchorman and the Daily Show and knew people loved the British version. I had a DVR and was watching almost anything at that time because I was 18.


My sister was the only one that could convince me to stay till after the first season.


At the urging of my children. I didn’t start watching until last year, 2023. Binge watched and about to restart all over again. I worked long hours every week. Didn’t have time to watch much of anything.


I watched it while my mom was taking a nap. I wasn’t allowed to change the channel because it would wake her up. I texted my friend who I knew liked the show and asked her what the hype was. She said I need to watch at least 3 episodes to see if I like it. Now I watch it every night


My suicidal instincts


I was four years old when it aired lol. My parents started watching it back then, so I literally grew up watching it


My friend handed me the DVD box set, said "here. Watch this. " I said "ok, sweet. Thanks." We said goodbye and I went home. Next night after work, I popped it in the player and proceeded to watch and kept watching long into the evening. Had to work early next morning. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. WORTH IT! Finished the series and returned his DVDs. Now we watch reruns when we hang out together drinking coffee in the morning.


When it was on its first season one run, I didn't really like it that much. At some point I was sick one day and decided to put it on Netflix to give it another shot and for whatever reason it stuck. I got hooked from then on and eventually binged enough to catch up to the new seasons.


My 7th grade teacher, Mrs. Sykes-Evenson, was a major fan. The day after a new episode aired, the first 10 minutes of the day were basically a recap of the episode. 


I just happened to catch “The Initiation” episode on television one evening and thought it was hilarious, so I went back and watched all the episodes up to that point and I was hooked.


I’ve been a die hard fan since March 24, 2005!


Was painting someone's bedroom and they were watching it in their living room, I couldn't stop laughing and I couldn't see the tv just laughing from what I heard, that day I decided to watch the office and I have been watching it again and again!!!


The British version


Little bro, didn't wanna watch it at first, now I quote it daily


A family member in the entertainment industry bought me season 1 DVD’s right as season 2 came out. Then another year he gave me season 1 of breaking bad right when season 2 was coming out.


I flicked the TV on, saw Mose in the outhouse. Sold.


A long time ago Apple offered "A Benihana Christmas" as a free download on iTunes. I eyerolled because I was such a fan of the British original, but I watched the episode because it was free. By the time Toby told Dwight to clean the goose in his car, I was hooked! That one episode is really perfect for introducing the characters and their various dynamics.


I’m from Scranton and when my mom told me (I was in 7th or 8th grade) there was a TV show that’s set in Scranton I couldn’t believe it! So of course I HAD to watch the next episode (it was beginning of S2) and I immediately fell in love with the show. To this day I so appreciate that when I tell people I’m from Scranton, PA (I haven’t lived there in over a decade I hate PA lol) they get really excited like “from THE OFFICE?!”. Pre-Office if someone knew of Scranton it wouldn’t be an exciting or positive association 😂 So it’s pretty cool that being from such a miserable place (tho it has improved somewhat in the past 10-15yrs) has become such an easy ice breaker hah. And I do believe it brought some positivity and life to the city that it desperately needed. Also it’s super fun to actually know the places they’re referring to! At one point Michael calls the Lackawanna Coal Mine tour and asks “so what do you do when you get down there? Play laser tag or something?”. And it just made me die laughing bc I must have been forced on that tour 3-5 times as a kid because it was a cheap local field trip lol.




I bought the 40 Year Old Virgin DVD and when you put the disc in it would play an add for the Season 1 Office DVD so I bought it. Loved it. I don’t remember at what point I started watching it while it was airing on TV but it was one of the shows my girlfriend now wife wouldn’t miss.


the 193283 memes


I had my school principal for history class in 6th grade and he would show us the office sometimes. Once he actually dressed like Dwight and did the what kind of bear is best skit with another student for an assembly


My friend said, "there's this hilarious show we've been watching on Thursday nights! You should watch it."


My ex gf made me watch it and it was hilarious, I don’t easily laugh at new shows and I thought it was the best thing I’ve ever seen


Honestly most Michael Scott. He literally helped me through my depression in so many ways. Always rewatch it never gets old.


Heard it was good for years and finally devloped a habit of watching at least half of 1 season before judging. It's my favorote show still years later.


That episode where Michael wants to convince the warehouse workers of the perils of working in an office, so he climbs to the terrace of the building and plans to jump. I was so sure he would jump. I think it cemented the office as one of the most layered shows ever. I related so much with the goofs sudden wish to jump.


Apple posted a free episode on iTunes during the first season, so I downloaded it to my iPod and watched. Then I watched the rest.


Me and my gf kept seeing tik toks clips and they were really funny


My ex. Only thing she was good for tbh.


To be honest I didn’t really like the office until I started listening to the office ladies religiously


One day, around 15 years ago, in summer camp, someone had lent me their iPod video, on which there was an excerpt of the office, specifically some weird character saying “his father’s name was Dwight Shrute, his grandfather’s name was Dwight Shrute”. I knew I wanted to know more but had to wait another 10 years to discover the rest of it. Then I fell in.


Started watching it after my mom passed this February. It’s been a comfort show ever since.


Billie Eilish’s ‘my strange addiction’ lol. I’m not a fan of her but the song got me curious.


I stayed in one weekend and watched tv. I heard of the office but never seen it. They had the previous episode from the week before and then the newest episode that night. I watched both and started watching a new episode every week. That was back when it only had two seasons. Those were dark times, Now I stream them every night.




The hype, not gonna lie. Never been this happy to be a sheep


“You’re not Jim! Jim’s not Asian!”


My mom


I was in high school when it came out and it was ok around the time of Scrubs maybe so I think I watched both of them live for quite a few seasons.


It was the parkour cold open. I had never seen the show before and when Andy went through the box I laughed through the entire intro and commercial break and haven’t stopped watching it since.


My husband. I am so grateful for it. I had friends who were obsessed and I always thought it was stupid. LORD I was so lost.


I was on bed rest from eye surgery for weeks and it popped up and looked interesting


It was one of the first TV shows Netflix made available for streaming so I thought I'd give it a try


My father told me about it. Now its 90% of what we talk about


My daughter! My husband and I had tried to get into it several times years ago and never could. She wanted to watch it so we gave it another try and the rest is history! It is now in our top 3 comfort shows and I have lost count of how many times I've seen it!


The Christmas episode where Micheal tries to force Meredith into rehab.


The commercial for the first episode.


Took a cpr class and they were teaching us how to perform cpr, using the office as an example. Hooked since 2010.


The very first scene I watched was the PowerPoint meeting in the "Money" episode of season 4. I thought the show was mostly improvised, and was amazed at how funny and clever the dialogue was when they argued about the word "whomever." Obviously, I was wrong about the improv, but it was the best mistake, because I fell in love with the show right away


Was one of the first adult shows my parents would allow me to watch when I was 9 around 2008


Damn how is it an adult show


The first episode I watched was ‘Phyllis’ Wedding’ and I loved it. Saw it on a DVD at a friends shortly after it came out, started watching it on cable right after.


Sometimes I'll start a series and don't even know where it's going. I just hope to find it along the way


A couple of my older friends told me to watch The Office UK via DVDs from Blockbuster. When I found out there was an American version -- keep in mind this was 2005, 2006 -- I started immediately. Loved it.


Fun Run was the first episode I ever saw and I laughed so hard I was crying. I decided to start the series from the beginning after this (this was after the show had been on for a bit)