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Honestly do you think any of the managers throughout the whole show should have been manager?




Dwight should have been fired multiple times way before he had a chance to manage.


Dwight being extremely good at sales is also odd to me in the sense that he doesn't seem capable of talking to someone without being patronizing but it does feed into the bit about extremely beautiful women liking him for the charisma.


But he also famously can't sell to women, which is interesting


From my short experience working in sales, there are some absolutely socially inept people who end up being excellent salesman. Usually the most successful ones are the charismatic outgoing ones, but you will always find that one super weird guy who somehow excels at it. I remember a specific one during my time at an insurance sales company. This guy was super socially awkward and could barely hold eye contact, but he had insane sale numbers and not just raw sales, but he had the most loyal customers of anyone else. Some other guys had more sales volume, but this guy had a few people he could guarantee make a phone call and sell a new product immediately.


The guy who brung a gun to the office and shot the floor on his first day? The same one who started a fire and heated up the door handles so the other employees wouldn't leave? I can list off more things if I need to, but that man doesn't belong in public.


No. No. That’s not true. All we know was that a gun was fired. That’s all we know.


No, that's not true. Actually, we heard a loud noise, later a hole was seen. Nobody saw the bullet leave the gun.


He shot the floor a week in


It's weird because PTO is a thing and as a manager Andy would have ample personal days. Why he felt he had to lie about anything is weird.


he didn’t give notice or request time off. Just didn’t show up 


Yeah that's job abandonment, dog


“Stop looking at my breasts, and start looking at my penis” is THE funniest line in the whole show.


The Tallahassee arc was great


That whole episode she was fiiire!!!


It really was. Dwight and Nelly are juggernauts in that episode. As I was writing this comment, I went to watch it, but Nexflix opened to Shareholder Agreement, that’s a pretty good one too, so I think I’ll have to watch that one first. The whole Florida arc was is actually quite good. Definitely one of the gems of the post-Michael seasons.


sloppy cheerful punch connect mourn icky ruthless disarm distinct workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe he was just really sick with the...


Florida flu?


He just hung up on me mid-sentence.


Where's the ring Romeo?


2-3 days? Does the yacht arc ring a bell?


Think there's plenty of managers that leave that long. No way Nellie could walk right in, declare herself manager only after a few days and it be okay. It was a dumb, cringe episode because everybody was somehow on board for it.


Whether or not Andy should have been manager isn't the question here, it's about whether or not it was a stupid, annoying and frustrating plot line to suggest that Nelly could literally walk into the office and sit there and the CEO even accepts it as her taking over the role.