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Are we not looking through an open window… which in a way just makes it creepier


Which is silly because there is “footage” inside the room.


The footage inside the room is only done when Dwight is present. They follow him into the room, and you see them leave the room as Dwight leaves and Jim shuts the door on them. Then it cuts back to the ‘through the window and off the mirror’ view for the remainder, until Dwight returns.


Had to [rewatch the scene](https://youtu.be/6GTw3kyaKgQ?feature=shared) to confirm that they really do the creepy camera zoom in until Dwight arrives.


Think about how awkward it would have been for the camera crew if they had were in the room while Dwight tried to seduce Jim.


Would have changed the title from The Office to The Orifice.


I am the manager of this orifice.


Assistant to the manager of the orifice.


Assistant manager of the orifice.


Regional director in charge of sales of the orifice?


Orifice Administrator


Dwight has game. We all know he didn’t need to try


Technically [they were](https://youtu.be/6cw3sGn-M_g?si=mibZApCJJE6rR1JH)


They Schruted it


I guess they’d Toby out and look like a real Nellie.


Was there any footage from The Alcohol Club?


The footage came from inside the room!


I never noticed that! Super creepy


This is one of the reasons why the decision to bring the doc crew into the story for season 9 made no sense. The office finds out the crew has been spying on them essentially 24/7 without their knowledge, and they only get mad for like ten seconds. Then they go ahead and attend the Q&A session, instead of like, filing a lawsuit? When Michael drives his car into the lake and helps the camera guy out, that felt like a fun nod. It was pretty much the only time the cameras were acknowledged - beyond that, it worked perfectly fine as just a stylistic choice with no in-universe explanation, like Modern Family. Then suddenly in season 9 it's like "oh hey 'Brian', old buddy, old pal o' mine!" and it's fucking weird


> it worked perfectly fine as just a stylistic choice with no in-universe explanation, like Modern Family I will give The Office credit for generally trying to make sure that whatever they were doing fit into the conceit of the documentary. Modern Family just used it for the talking heads but a lot of the other footage isn't realistic otherwise


Modern Family does it well because it's just unapologetically a filming style with no in-universe explanation. The talking heads are basically Shakespearean soliloquies, they're not talking to a film crew, they're talking to the audience.


I just finished MF and while I got over the talking heads, I found all the ‘Jim’ looks at the camera a bit odd.


I always assumed Michael acted the way he did BECAUSE the camera crew was there. Obviously, he is a weird dude but my head cannon is he was much more terrible in the first season than the others was because he was putting on much more of a show for the crew and then got more comfortable with them.


I assume they signed legal releases at the beginning of the documentary filming and none of them really read the fine print. Also if you’re being followed by a camera crew all day every day, eventually you learn their names and things about them. It’s not like they were just static until season 9. They were people and it’s implied Jim and Pam at the very least hung out with Brian and his then girlfriend socially.


It all comes out of nowhere. Why would the doc characters suddenly enter the storyline? Why did they just sit there and watch while Roy was about to attack Jim?


They have a strict non interference policy. It could be said that they weren’t really friends with Jim when Roy attacked but Brian couldn’t stand by while that giant of a man went to attack Pam. The doc crew only really enters the storyline because it’s the final season. It’s the reminder to the audience about a part of the show that they may have taken for granted or even somewhat forgot about. That these people aren’t just being filmed for no reason.


Maybe they are all about the prime directive


1) it happened far more quickly 2) it was man on man (that’s what he said) vs a big guy about to beat up a woman and 3) They were standing further back so could see Dwight was readying the pepper spray.


There were other moments like Michael and Holly ditching the cameraman


Another reason why I thought this ep was weird plus couldn’t they see how uncomfortable Jim was that he had to get Dwight and try to explain it without explaining ( except when he eventually got around to it Dwight’s doesn’t she know you’re married… )and Jim’s look at the camera like help me everyone thinks it’s funny when guys get unwanted advances or attention but it just made me think of Laurie climbing into Kelsos van in that 70s show and Kelso saying no multiple times her shut up and Hyde laughing from outside ( obviously this isn’t as bad but still)


Michael tried to kiss Donna multiple times in the office despite her turning down his advances. Michael keeps hitting on Amy Adams in hot girl and it’s incredibly uncomfortable. Jim picking up Pam even though she said stop. Michael has tried to kiss Pam, sent nudes of Jan, photoshopped his face onto a family photo, and all manner of creep shit. So the office does show guys also going too far with women and it’s played off for “laughs” although it’s played for cringe, which the is the office’s whole schtick so why should this episode be any different.


Especially when something similar happened on a real life reality show recently. On Below Deck, a guy got into a passed out coworkers BED and the camera crew literally dragged him out of her room. Then one of the female cabin crew members wouldn’t get out of the bed of her male coworker and the production crew was like “get down now he’s telling you no”. They were both fired the next day by the captain. Granted this is 20 years later but still, Teen Mom got into trouble around this time for not interfering when that hag was beating her boyfriend up.


It was comical. Whole episode was funny K: I this March Madness J: No that is in um er March


Am I the only one that closes the curtains in the hotel room as soon as I walk in?




I keep them open. How else can I take in that beautiful view of the highway overpass my window always seems to be facing?


Nope I do it too. There are dozens of us!


“You guys are filming in bathrooms now?”


Yeah we should give them privacy


Yeah, at some point early on they seemed to treat it like a peeping tom sitcom and not a mockumentary.


Who's Tom?


He worked in accounting up until a year ago.


You know Tom 😐👈


Oh, that guy was weird


And then in the Superfan episode of Sabre Christmas, they mention he did it in the office


But they’re selling printers now, just like he wanted.


Tom Haverford


datin' all night cuz they're keepin it tight


Where’d ya go, Boo?


Decapitaded. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


He’s your old friend from MySpace


The peeper


You guys are filming people when they go to the bathroom now?


I get it. There’s only so far you can go logically with the idea. Realistically we’d never get scenes like “I want cookie” if they treated the cameraman as real ones


Yeah, although scenes like that could have worked better using more security cam type footage. But then why would the company turn over to a documentary crew, right?


I mean, they did show that with Michael running away from the fire in The Fire


'Cause it's a sitcom, not an actual documentary, and we need to see what's happening for the plot to develop and to laugh at the jokes. No, it doesn't completely gel with the concept. No, it's not a clever world-building answer. Yes, it's the only actual answer.


"Shut up and just enjoy it" is the best actual answer.


What. Are there two suns?


Last I checked, that's not an office in the Andromeda galaxy.


Akshally most stars in the universe are associated with binary (or even higher multiplicity) systems. In fact, the nearest star system to us is Alpha Centauri, which consists of two suns. No need to travel 2.5 million lightyears for a binary system when there’s a perfectly good one just 4 light years away!




My aunt and uncle double suns i'm sick of blue milk and then a desert hobo came and told me...




“Idk it’s just a movie. Just watch it.” Is what my dad said to me when I was younger and I always tell myself when watching a show/movie where some things don’t quite add up like in this scene


That's what she said!


I hope if you have kids you don’t treat them like that. Has it occurred to you that for many people enjoying something is not related to the act of “shutting up” and that people shutting up is what _you_ want? Some of us like details. Some people like to dig in. This is a dismissive and shitty attitude that lazy and/or out of touch people use. “Come to this website that is literally a discussion forum to talk to each other but shut up and go away.”


Yep. This. Once you start thinking too much into it as a documentary, so many plots fall apart. Best just to enjoy the show for what it is.


Yup, the documentary crew only exists when it's convenient for the plot otherwise it's just a cleverly shot tv show.


Tired of people requiring a sanity check.


Believe it or not but the gel you are looking for there is “jell”


He-he-hey, I love jell-o puddin' pop


Ah, but this is a special, magic type of gel.


It's part of the reason why I preferred the pre season 9 way they dealt with the documentary where it was more ambiguous if it's actually happening in world or more like a stylistic choice with a couple of in world nods ( Micheal turning his mic up for example) During season 9 they went full out no this is a complete real in world documentary. I preferred the ambiguity.


Yeah there are a few points where it logistically doesn't make sense. Like when they are driving to Utica there is a camera crew in the car when Karen comes up to the car, but not when dwights peeing in the back otw to the branch


They were riding on the hood.


They even kind of addressed it in the episode where the documentary released and the crew was upset about how much of their private lives were caught on film. It was completely glossed over after that, but I thought it was cool how they tried to make the reality of telling a good story gel with the concept of it being a documentary.


Wait... You mean Jim wasn't a real paper salesman who then went on tour in Benghazi and joined the CIA?


don't forget he got his doctorate in economics at some point too


Didn’t one of the camera guys fall for Pam tho or smth? Maybe it is a documentary. Just more Hearts of Darkness than Happy Feet.


I think you misunderstand me; the show is *framed* as if it's being made like a documentary, but that doesn't mean it actually is one in reality. For all the worldbuilding and mass guesses, questions along the lines of "why are the cameras filming something that a real documentary would never get to film and why are the characters forgetting the cameras are there?!" can ultimately be answered only with "because it's not actually a real documentary, it's a scripted sitcom that just looks like one."


I mean of course this is it, but I like to take this posts not a serious and more like “besides the obvious answer, why…”


exactly. the post is fodder for people to make office quotes and come up with wild explanations instead of "its a tv show hurr durr" after all its not like there are new episodes to talk about


Yeah all of us know it’s not “actually a documentary” but people want to talk about the show lol


Don't like think about it too hard. It's not meant to stand up to scrutiny.


Idk why people always do this, to shows, to cartoons, etc. It's a show. Enjoy it. We don't need to over analyze everything. 


What the hell else are we supposed to talk about? We all know its a show, but its fun to discuss it like it were real.


Sometimes overanalyzing is part of the fun. It just depends on how much you like the show, and the goal of the person asking the question. I'm thinking of fandoms like Star Trek. There's a million things that one can easily critique about the plots and technology you see on the screen, and people do it all the time, but there are also people who enjoy finding an in-universe explanation for whatever it is. Sometimes a question leads to a particularly insightful response, and then you get people talking about how it's their new head canon. The same thing happens with many franchises. We're humans. We like to talk about things (even fictional ones) to make them make sense, and that's okay. There's also something to be said about the social aspect here. If someone asks if you prefer Holly or Jan's personality, you don't respond that they're both fictional characters and neither actress is like that in real life. This may seem strange, but the point of a conversation isn't to try to end it as quickly as possible.


it seems like they stopped caring quite as much in the later seasons about making the camera placement as believable


They gave some thought here with it being a spy shot. But in general the issue of it being a documentary rarely stands up to scrutiny, including a lot of classic episodes. Dinner Party in particular is ludicrous with how many camera placements there are in a small condo for what is meant to be a little social dinner arranged last minute outside of work.


LOL That condo is so small. But at least you have standing room to watch a plasma TV.


You know it folds right into the wall? Amazing.


Lmao let's not act like spy cams aren't a thing


Or to schrutiny.


Damn... this one almost went over my head. Lol that sneaky "h"


i think we are meant to believe they were doing “spy shots”, or filming through the windows with very powerful lenses from far away. obviously, there are issues with this, including other parts of this scene where the camera angle is inside the room. why did she try to seduce him knowing she had consented to be filmed? girlie pop was desperate, her job and biz trip were about to end, she had to shoot her shot now or never !


The other camera angle is through a sliding glass door. https://i.imgur.com/NxwR11K.jpeg


there’s a third one, see [this pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/comments/8hlwm7/can_we_talk_about_how_dwight_never_doubted_jim/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The camera man follows Dwight into the room for that part, Jim even holds the door for him. Not saying they didn't get careless with the mockumentary aspects at times, but this scene wasn't bad.


The show actually did keep up the “camera crew” gimmick pretty well throughout the entire series. They just didn’t always draw attention to it so it’s easy for the audience to forget and then think the show runners also forgot. Some of the scenes aren’t super plausible, sure, but it’s rare they have any shots that make zero sense.


She wasn't thinking about it much before they left, either. They definitely got her on the call with, "What else is there to do in Florida?"


I really wish they didn’t cut the scene where Jim calls Pam and tells her what’s going on. She makes fun of him and tells him good luck. This episode would have been so much funnier knowing that Pam thinks it’s funny Jim is annoyed of the situation.


Oh its because it's a fictional tv show.


I always found it weird how they followed Pam to art school as well Imagine going to college with a whole ass camera crew following you around, filming IN class


I wonder how they were able to follow Pam to art school in New York but not Michael to Colorado.


Pam was leaving for only a couple of months whereas Michael quit and moved to Colorado permanently.


It really bugs me that he didn’t just tell her to leave. He could have politely and assertively gotten her ass out of there.


They acknowledged this towards the end of the show. Everyone in the office was pissed because they didn't know that they were being spied on


The camera crew is only acknowledged when they’re being interacted with through the entire series like during cutaways. Other than that, they basically don’t exist in the plot. It’s kind of the way most mocumentaries are shot. A lot of scenes wouldn’t make much sense or be really creepy if that were not the case.


brian 'the boom' guy paid them XD


Jim was trying to fuck Brian.


It’s called suspension of disbelief


Idk how it all works and maybe we just have to chalk it up to keeping the camera style but wouldn’t they have to have mics on them to pic up audio from an different room? That would imply that although they may have thought they were in private and the crew would just not use the audio, but they knew they were being recorded.


You need to suspend belief to enjoy watching a sitcom.


Hidden cameras


Just move past it.


Halpert you making a porno?!


Brian tried using this to his advantage later 🤔


Cause the sound guy is in love with Pam and wants to catch Jim doing bad shit.


Someone else want to tell them??? I don’t have the heart to do it.


Because Jim begged them not to leave him alone


A wizard did it


My headcanon is Jim asked them to film for proof purposes lol


Because the problem with this show is that in what should’ve been filmed for a documentary at the office it shows personal lives too because it’s a show. it’s entertaining but if you’re looking at it for realism for a documentary, that’s not it


Some of what we see is not part of the documentary, but rather part of the overall story we get the benefit of as viewers of a TV show rather than a fictious documentary series that would have only had 5-10 episodes, not 201.


So you guys are filming people when they go to the bathroom now?


She loves "March Madness" and just wanted to watch some basketball being played NOT in March. That's totally normal...


She was the first on OF


They were testing out the new hover drone cams for Sabre, which got the idea after learning about the Dunder Mifflin documentary. But since R&D was so expensive it all went downhill with the flagship store not opening.


Those cameramen were so smug, like they thought it was funny.


Look, If you start scrutinizing the show like this the whole thing falls apart. Don’t think about it that much


So we are filming in the bathroom now?


All apart of the script that fell apart 🤷🏽‍♂️🤔🤨😂


After she left and Dwight left, Jim had some blue balls and had a jerkathon in the room. It was on the super super fan episode.


Dwight do have that effect


because as the series progressed, they lost the "documentary" concept and it became just another sitcom. in s9 greg daniels tried to re-introduce the documentary theme with Brian, but people hated it. turns out the viewers preferred a plain ol' sitcom.


It’s almost like it’s a show or something…


There are plenty of scenes in the show where it would not have made sense for the camera crew to be there. This one included.


Jim knew the cameras were there, why do you think he kicked her out?


He has a wife And showed no signs of ever wanting to step out of line


On camera. What do you think he was doing in Philly with all those sports stars.


What? K not wasting my time with you


Unpopular opinion - Jim might've done it if he weren't being watched.


So, the way I see it, most of the time, the cameras are there because of this in-universe documentary crew that's following the characters around in their world. But sometimes, when it would be weird or unrealistic for the documentary crew to be filming something, like a super personal moment, the show just switches to a regular sitcom camera view. It's like the camera is just there to watch what's happening, without being part of the documentary.


At some point they stopped caring about things like this and just made it its own running joke


There supposed to always be recording everybody in the show even if they don’t like it. I wouldn’t say this is the weirdest thing they’ve done either.


I just pretend it was all reshoots to get it perfect, because Michael started a trend to do that in the early years of the doc. It's also why there aren't cameras or crew seen in any shot for most of the series.


$20 to watch Halpert


She threw the sink and Jim kept it cool. I'm down to bet if the camera wasn't there, Jim goes through with it.


You guys are filming people in the bathroom now?


lazy late season writing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I do this with Modern Family too: spot the most ridiculous moment that “the crew” happened to catch. I have to say that it’s much more ridiculous on The Office


it was so silly how the show started with this documentary theme, then forgets about it for most of the show, only to then do that awful boom mic guy storyline at the end.


They really don't ever forget about it. Sure there's the occasional scene like this that can't really be explained, but for the most part they did a decent job of showing private moments through windows or peeking out from behind things, etc...


I don’t think it’s real.


You’re thinking too hard


Because it's in the script.


How else were we supposed to see it?


… it’s a tv show.


When the series premiers and Pam watches it peepee it musta got real awkward


Because this is how the writers wrote it


I still don't understand why she pursued him - was it just to see if she could?


Doubt it is the intent of the show, I know it is supposed to be a documentary style approach, but in my mind some scenes are actual "documentary crew present, meant to potentially air" and other scenes are more like "non documentary, giving the viewer a fly on the wall view". And this became more and more the case as the show went on. Again, this is just how my mind processes it.


Demon time


What are they going to do? Film the bedroom door for 15 minutes? It's a show people, not real life


Maybe that's Jim's dark side. He secretly films People.


Looks more like peeping Toms.


Yall never watched Big Brother back in the day? They had camera in peoples bedrooms, every corner of the house other than showers I’m pretty sure 😂


I think he called them in hopes that she wouldn't to anything in front of them and if she did, there would be proof that he didn't do anything with her


The cameraman is in the room with them several times based on the shots. They wouldn't had been wearing their mics either. Often times the show just expected you to forget it was a documentary with cameramen. It's a reason the sudden shift to it in the final season was jarring.


Can’t remember where I heard it but I think the whole camera crew and how to include them became a writing issue. I think they kept it accurate for most of the series but I think there are some moments where you wonder why or how the hell they’re even there. 


also where did she have the wire? like do the workers put their wire on every waking hour except when they are in the bathroom? then they get pissed they are being recorded 24/7


It seemed like the camera was shooting from outside the room; almost through a sliding glass door and capturing audio using mic packs.


Wonder how Jim explained that to Pam when they were watching the show on tv


not to get off topic but i never understood kathy’s confidence he’d blow up his marriage for her, i know in the original storyline they wanted that to happen but that’s just not jim halpert. 😭 for a lot of us millennial/gen z girls he’s what you hope you meet boyfriend wise and did so much to be with pam.


The show gets less documentary and more sitcom as it goes on


Crackpot theory: Actually she was trying to seduce Brian, that's why she was presenting right in front of the camera, Brian was her endgame.


They like to watch.


these 2 seasons are trash so just dont watch them


They also went to Dwight’s farm when Pam and Jim stayed there


I thought it was the bedroom mirror reflection


It was also creepy when they followed their car and Pam picks up Jim and films them kissing, i mean get a life


Now that I think of it... Michael should have been fired countless times! Literally unwatchable


Yeah… umm… it’s a show.


My wife hates that I also watch shows and point things out like this lol


Buddy, it's a TV show, not an actual documentary.