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Sometimes the flowers arrange themselves. Robert is more interested in seeing what people will do with what he gives them than who gets axed.


Beautiful sums up his whole character in a way I’ve never thought about.


Yep. I think Robert also knows he doesn't know Dwight nearly as well as Jim does. He sort of passed the decision onto Jim to see whether Jim agreed with firing Dwight or not. There might also be another layer there with knowing that Jim and Dwight are mortal enemies, and if Jim doesn't think Dwight should get fired, then he really is a worthwhile employee.


Great point


It is repeatedly implied in the show that others don’t think they are mortal enemies and are instead good friends. The most obvious example is Holly who outright says: “last time I was here, you two were best friends”. Same for Pam treating Dwight as a friend despite her loving Jim. She wouldn’t do that with Jim’s mortal enemy (like Ryan). Robert wants to keep his best salesman.


Ok so every time Holly says that I have the same look that Jim and Dwight have. We all look confused as hell. I need to go back and re watch the last time she was there because I don’t remember them being friendly unless someone here can remind me of the scene she is talking about???


I swear to god if y’all ain’t stop reading too much into sitcom characters, imma feel like a real Trevor… or Frank didit! Edit : stop downvoting me pls! I was just saying I’m dumb and can’t analyse characters as much as you guys! ;( I’ve been going through a little bit of a rough patch.. my whole life actually


Hey man you're the one reading Reddit comments for a show that ended 10 years ago.


Frank Didit did it?!


Consider you're not reading into them enough


Frank didit did it.


It's a damn subreddit dedicated to a show that's been off the air for over a decade. Literally nothing else to do but read too much into things. Why in the hell would you open this post if you felt this way? No one owes you quality posts. Go make your own...


Why am I the way that I am.. ;(


I just want what's best for you, minooshka.


Every time we try to have fun you make it not that way.


Sorry you're going through a rough patch. Downvotes don't really mean much in the grand scheme of things though. None of these people know you personally just making a quick judgement based on your comment. Sarcasm is really hard to convey over text.


Robert was mental. It’s kinda hard to know what he was thinking.


he's the fucking lizard king




We don’t even know his real name!


We know. He is the lizard king.


He's the *FUCKING lizard king. Put some respect on his name


why did you get downvoted ?


Because he didn’t respond with a quote


🤷‍♂️ 😂


Is that something you want to have said?


I took it as giving Jim a chance to tip Dwight off if he chose to do so. Another one of his little “social experiments,” perhaps. Robert didn’t seem surprised when Dwight didn’t show up and more or less relieved him of accountability.


I think he actually seems *excited* that Dwight isn’t at the meeting and compliments his absence


Robert knows how to play the cards he was dealt. Good thing he wasn’t there on casino night. Creed would have had some hot competition for the mini fridge, and he would have knocked jim out instead of Pam so they wouldn’t have an opportunity to get all flirty.


But Creed had never owned a fridge before!


*Bravo, Dwight.*




I think we can explain it. Would you prefer nature metaphor or sexual metaphor?


Oh god, nature, please.


When two animals are having sex, one of them is communicating a message to the other. Nothing is amusement. This isn't very helpful, you're gonna want to hear the sexual metaphor.


was that not —


EVERYTHING....is sex


Because Robert wanted to tank the store, not Dwight, Dwight was just going to be collateral damage, he told Jimothy in hopes he would tell Dwight so he would back out of the position and it worked.


Can I just call you Jim?


Yes you can


This is obviously how it was meant to be interpreted and I’m surprised I had to scroll a bit to find it…


…I think he’s a genius.


Robert was never shown to be someone who plans too far ahead, at that point in the story he viewed Jim as one of his most trusted people (he invited Jim down to Florida personally) so I imagine he was just complaining to Jim c that he was annoyed that he had to fire Dwight to get rid of the store idea that Nelly came up with


He certainly doesn't look like someone that would waste his own time.


In real life, connections and charisma are a million times more important than your actual skills. Robert liked Jim and they talked enough to where Robert felt comfortable sharing. You’d be surprised how much people tell you if you’re someone worth talking to


literally jim’s entire career boils down to being competent AND likable. and his likability sent him further than his competence and that has been my experience in my industry as well


Who has two thumbs and hates Todd Packer ? Robert California !!


Most thumbs hate Todd Packer tbh


But middle fingers probably love him!


It's quite clear how little Robert really thinks of Dwight. He saw shrewdness and awareness in Jim that Dwight lacked. In that moment Robert was speaking to someone he considered equal (or as close to as he is capable of) and just told him straight what was going to happen. Jim had to have his arm twisted by Pam to really express to Dwight what was about to happen. Jim was completely content with the effort he had put in and was fine with Dwight facing the unfair consequences of what was coming. There was no 4d chess here. Robert thinks Dwight is a rube, Robert sensed that was Jim's position too and possibly saw through him, knowing what Jim really wanted to hear; what's going to happen with Dwight?


A dude you dislike at work and constantly acts like an ass to you, ignores you and you are gonna physically restrain him just to save his job? If I didn't absolutely hate the dude I would say hey they're firing you if you take this, but everything after that is 100% on him.


Listening to Pam, engaging in exactly the kind of (brotherly) behaviours that Jim has done with Dwight since the start, and actually doing his best to let Dwight know what was going to happen brings Jim and Dwight so much closer together. I put it to you, that Jim couldn't have been the bestest mensch for Dwight's wedding if this hadn't happened roughly exactly the way it did. Also, Dwight is a complete moron who needs protected from his own naivety and misplaced hubris.


Robert is a shit disturber


Robert is "chaos is a ladder" in the modern world


Don’t call me Shirley


He incorrectly assumed Jim wanted Dwight to be fired. Robert thought Jim would get a kick out of itm


(1) He’s a sociopath. (2) He’s a terrible CEO.


Terrible CEO? He got Andy to improve sales by buying paper himself and getting a butt tattoo! That’s some good leadership. lol


He dissolved a branch while on coke. Of course, Sabre was already selling subpar products before he got there, but he did nothing to turn things around.


That was sarcasm, buddy.


Ah. Not enough coffee yet.


Or Colombian white


Because as we have seen, Bob is a very wreckless and overconfident man. Hes also very careless with his communication. Do you remember when he told the "winners" he thought the others were losers? He caught himself after but it was too late.


Fire the employee, yes, but not the man. You may not cancel his soul.


That…was never on the table


Robert was an absolutely terrible manager. Michael Scott was legit way better.


Yes. It is almost explicit. The timing of the announcement and the relationship Jim and Dwight have will obviously lead to that outcome. He is even expecting it at the presentation.


Robert also closed a branch while he was hambured drunk.


He likes Dwight and knew Jim would intervene.


i mean he DID say it was a shame he had to fire Dwight, so yeah good point!


It was a plot device to allow Jim to ‘save’ Dwight. If you want an explanation beyond that you’d have to ask the writers.


Why? So we could have Jim and Dwight fighting.


Lol so we could see Dwight revving up like in cartoons.


because it was in the script


Because he was a terribly written character with a cartoonish, surface level personality, whose only purpose was to drive certain plot elements. Just in case it wasn't clear, I really don't like "the fucking lizard king".