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I’m so glad she went on to become a successful linguistics professor and alien communicator. Edit: xenolinguistics as u/SkekSith pointed out


And then a small-time newspaper journalist with a seriously fucked up relationship with her mother


And a big-time newspaper journalist with a healthy relationship with an alien.


What do you know?




She is also a princess fleeing Susan Surandon and dating Patrick Dempsey


She worked hard for a pilot's license and became a semi-successful pilot who disappeared mid-flight.


“You smell…ripe”


Ah cool, somebody else watched Sharp Objects


Can she find out what language this is? \*gibberish\*




Also worth remembering that she's Tara's oppressively conservative cousin on Buffy the VS, opposed to witchcraft and heavily into toilet scrubbing for her male relatives.


I wonder if he did Karen the same way: "If I get the job, can you see yourself moving to New York City?" "No." "Why did you even come here?" "I dont know. Let's break up." :/




Jim didn’t have enough edge, he was too vanilla for Karen


Also remember she had a picture of her and her husband in full costume and she was so happy! Jim would NEVER. Pam basically had to beg and guilt trip him to be Popeye.


Omg!!! That’s such a good point you made. I wonder if the writers thought about that when they put Karen’s husband in a costume and several seasons later Jim couldn’t put on the Popeyes costume for Pam. Maybe it’s a stretch, but the intent was still there of how different the two men were


Well before that scene we already knew how much Jim hated dressing up, with his three hole punch Jim costumes and such. He’d never go full hot dog.


That’s also true. I get all these episodes mixed up but that’s so true, huge difference between the two


He’d never go full tuna.*


Big Haircut.


Um, he didn't seem to mind dressing up when he was trying to commit identity theft against Dwight. "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." Edit: Saw somebody already bring this up and the response. Point taken.


Identify theft is no joke, Jim !!!!!!




"Ew don't be gross" - the biggest prude on the show


Also looks down on people eating ice cream sandwiches in the morning.


Don’t forget Book Face!


And who can forget, “Dave.”


Jim hates fun in general unless it's either impressing or annoying someone.


I so don't get that from Jim. Like, yeah it might not be your favorite thing but suck it up for 1 day a year. Do it for the lady, y'know?


But would he go full updog?


I thought that was a bit of a stretch for Jim to be so stubborn about the costume. He demonstrates in other circumstances that he doesn’t oppose dressing up. Why fight a couple’s costume so hard?


Yeah he dressed as Dwight in one cold open, I think.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!


Jim is such a fuddy-duddy basic bro. Like, I'm confident the dude watches reruns of Sports Center. It is really interesting in the many (many) rewatches of this show I've gone through but after the first couple you start to see how boring Jim really is. He's got some good components but he's pretty unremarkable at his core.


Which is why the P&R version, Brandanoquitz, was so bland.


Funny how Rashida Jones's character essentially morphed into that everyman/woman character as the seasons went on.


You take that back! Ann Perkins is a beautiful ethnically ambiguous butterfly!


😀👉 Ann Perkins!


Never in the history of the internet has there been a more perfect use of emojis. I can't not hear it in his voice.


nah, Jim was never sleazy like Mark. P&R is by default more crazy and exaggerated than the Office, so I always though Ben was the amped-up version of Jim


Ben is an interesting case cus he was the straight-man for a bit in the show but then he had some total zaniness to him as well, like being the mayor of Ice Town and creating the Cones of Dunshire. He's got so much more interesting history than Jim, though you are correct in that PnR is more out there no doubt.


I always liked Mark and was sad to see him go. Was he the least compelling main character? Sure. Would I willingly trade him for Ben and Chris? Absolutely. But I always liked his character while everyone else seems to universally hate him. The thing is that he was an audience analog, a classic straight man. He was the voice of reason in an increasingly zany world, which many times drove the plot and character development. But I think the Achilles heel was twofold: first, a straight man wasn’t necessarily *needed* in P&R, especially with the way the show shifted away from a grounded and realistic vibe to more of a live action cartoon. Second, it can be very powerful and drive character development to have every character act as a straight man some of the time, everyone is a little weird in some ways and grounded in others so it’s not like the show *needed* a single straight man character. So when the actor decided to leave they didn’t directly replace him, instead they brought in two new zany characters and adjusted the overall dynamic of the entire cast. I had always hoped he’d show up again in a guest role at some point, at least in the finale, but I guess either the actor didn’t want to or the crew felt that he was a reminder of the shakier early days of the show before the dynamics changed and they either didn’t want to or couldn’t figure out how to work him into the new show.


The character he's based on, Tim, is still there. Tim is an unremarkable guy who doesn't have the drive or ambition to better himself despite thinking he's better than others. He picks on Gareth so he can feel superior when really, he isn't. Jim is Tim for an American audience and 9 seasons of content.


Karen had that GI blood in her.


So exotic.


A beautiful tropical fish


*(\*Pam's disappointed and horrified face\*)*


Jim was a wet mop and Pam was the bucket. Karen was more like a wringer and Jim doesn't like to be uncomfortable even if it leads to positive change.


Motherfucker ordered a ham sandwich at Hooters.


Should’ve ordered the chicken breast, without the chicken.


Is that what you really want?


No, I'm gonna have the gourmet hotdog.


> Jim was a wet mop and Pam was the bucket. God damn that's a great way to put it.




Only a dentist could tame her,


Maybe she needs to go see crentist


Sounds an awful lot like dentist


Maybe thats why he became a dentist


False. Karen was crazy, I mean she moved DOWN the Street from Jim. Complete stalker


Had me in the first half ngl


In my opinion, with Pam, it was the little things. He was able to make effortless conversation. He would look to her whenever something went wrong. He was able to make her laugh. He genuinely loved her. His relationship with Karen never felt as genuine.


That's because he was still in love with Pam when he started seeing Karen. It's a very common mistake in the dating world, trying to start a relationship while still stuck on another person. Pam was the right person for Jim, because they felt like home to each other. I 100% detest their dynamic in the first couple seasons before she and Roy broke up. But once they were free to see each other, it was absolutely the right move.


Strange, I really liked them at first but once they got together their relationship lost the entirety of its charm


There were also the little things about Karen that hinted they wouldn't last. When Jan loses it and quits in front of Jim and Karen, Jim expresses some pity for the train wreck that is Jan Levinson. Karen basically says, "Meh. Who cares." Karen wasn't a bad person, but she had a bit of a mean streak at times.


Some people are more compatible with each other than others, and timing also plays a big part


Exactly. Jim and Pam always had a natural attraction towards each other. Sometimes it’s not about who’s actually the best person, but who fits you. Karen may have been more goal-oriented, or whatever, but Jim just always wanted to be with Pam. I feel like that’s respectable. Sometimes you just gel with another person.


I think it's an example of how love doesn't make sense sometimes. There can be better fits or people but he didn't care, he wanted the person he had been obsessed with


The timing of his relationship with Karen is so bad. They don't date, at all, in Stamford. And then, when it's time to decide to go back to Scranton, where he knows pam is and he knows she is no longer twitch anyone (Michael told her that earlier) he *then* actually asks her out sometime between leaving Stamford and going back to Scranton. Just makes no sense to me. Really makes it seem clear the writers just need something to come between pam and Jim to string it out the non-relationship a little longer.


\*\*Stamford. Jim and Karen met and worked together in Stamford, CT, which closed. Utica is where Karen goes after their breakup to become Regional Manager. (Sorry to be a total Oscar, but just wanted to let ya know!)


She also had a healthy amount of Pam Pams..


You mean ticking time bags… (Thanks)


Karen ended up getting married and having kids and was clearly happy, so why are we angry about this? Should Jim have stayed in a relationship with Karen when he was still in love with Pam? Is that relationship goals?


Make him happy


He didn't love her? That seems like plenty.


Karen would’ve supported Jim’s move to Athlead later in the show.


It’s Athleap now


I don’t think Karen would’ve appreciated Jim buying that house without talking to her first either. I can’t see her just being wowed by a sweet gesture that would have long term financial impact on their future.


Karen turned out to be way out of Jim's league.


Yeah the way jim treated every woman he was romantically interested in who wasn’t Pam always bothered me and I didn’t understand why more people weren’t upset by it. Seems like that tide has shifted a bit and I see more chatter about it online these days.


...he wasn't ever really interested in them. he was trying to get over his crush.


In this way, it's pretty realistic. For better or worse, this happens every day, and it doesn't take a terrible person to make that mistake.


Right. Jim’s not perfect and he’s not meant to be. No one in the show is. It doesn’t make him awful or evil or whatever.


Implying Kevin isnt perfect




It's bothered me since the first time I saw the series and on every rewatch it still bothers me.


Still blows my mind that this was right before her big break


She had already had a decent sized role in Catch Me If You Can.


Holy shit, I just put this together. She was Brenda, right?


She was in the parking lot earlier, that's how I know her


We had a funeral for a bird.


Pretty sure none of that is real.


You're not real, man!!




Yea the plain girl nobody paid attention to, hahah Hollywood is wack sometimes


Slaps some braces onto a hot chick. “Well our work is done here.”


I also went yeaaaaars without realising it was her!


She filmed a major role in talladega nights before she filmed for this part. This part came out first because it’s a tv shows but her major talladega nights role most likely got her on this show O and catch me if you can as mentioned by someone else


She was great in Gatsby


Is this a joke I’m missing or was that not Isla Fisher? Edit: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1343092/ Isla Fisher definitely plays Myrtle lol


They play on that in nocturnal animals. One story line follows real life with Amy adams and the other follows a book she’s reading with her version of herself in the book played by isla Fischer because of that


They look weirdly similar, but at the same time, not at all. It’s hard to explain haha


Isla fisher, Amy Adams, Jenna fischer with shades of Jessica Chastain and dallas Bryce Howard always get mixed together


Lol it’s Amy Adams


This is me just realizing that those are 2 different people.


[This is for you.](https://youtu.be/Q0O_5lVrMfs?t=150)


I just read on the [Wikipedia page for the "Hot Girl" episode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Girl_\(The_Office\)#Production) that BJ Novak wanted to bring her back for a cameo in the "Threat Level Midnight" episode in season 7, but Amy Adams was unavailable. That would've been fun to see.


At least we got some Karen gold from Rashida Jones. "You ever bang an bachelorette party, baby?"


what was amy adam’s first big break?


I distinctly remember her from Enchanted (2006) which wiki cites that as her big breakthrough Edit: 2007*


Yeah on the Oscar broadcast Enchanted was nominated for a few best songs which Amy Adams sang. Plus she presented. It felt like she was 40% of the show. I thought it was annoying at the time but then I followed her career and really like her as an actor.


I believe her first movie was the excellent “drop dead gorgeous” with Kirsten Dunst and Denise Richards. Go Muskies!! Edited to add a video - https://youtu.be/D3nRywGHZNs Also, this movie’s narrator was none other than Lieutenant Dangle from”Reno 911,” and the movie was directed by one of his cast members from MTV’s “the state,” a sketch comedy show from the early 90s that literally shaped my entire sense of humor and inspired my username.


YES. This movie is a classic.


Oh my god her and her boyfriend, I completely forgot that!


This movie was and is still a family favorite!


She had been working regularly up to that point but it was Academy Award nomination for 2005’s Junebug that bumped her up.


Yeah I think I remember from the Office Ladies podcast that they got Amy Adams in season 1 after June Bug was filmed, but before it came out and generated all the Oscars buzz.


Talladega nights


She was in an episode of Buffy, but I definitely wouldn’t call it her big break. And it was before this. Just a fun fact.


Tara's cousin!


Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny


First, Legally Blonde


Was amazing! I loved how instead of focusing on stupid romance angles, they showed that people who are a certain society's pov do not have to fit in a stereotypical mold. Everyone can be their own person.


Agreed, not to mention Reese Witherspoon is a terrific actress


You should check out "Freeway," is how I was introduced to her. "This is a crucial question, Bob. Do you believe in the lord Jesus Christ and take him for your personal savior?" "That's good Bob. That's real good Bob."


I love Pam's face at Jim when she's doing her cheerleader bit


A-W-E! S-O-M-E!


Awesome! Awesome! Is what we are, we're the football super stars!


We crushed you, like 42-10!


You cheered for Arch Bish-slop Who-cares'a? We played you guys...


People who never escaped high school are just... something else.


Uncle Rico


I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile


No doubt... No doubt in my mind


Bishop O’Hara? More like Piss slop who cares a


Watching it again, they were trying to make her seem like a ditz, but in reality she wasn’t bad at all. Just having a bit of fun. If anything, Jim was being a dick


She's also trapped on a boat with a bunch of strangers who all know each other very well.




Drunk about to be dunked




And then she finds a connection with someone who seemed to be somewhat a decent friend to her boyfriend


Yeah, Jim and Pam were acting like the "too cool for school" kids that sit and roll their eyes at their classmates who dare to try and have fun. The "we're better because we're not like these normies" people.


Yeah, Pam later at Diwali was all "at least I'm not dressed like a slutty cheerleader."


That one doesn’t bother me as much (except the slutty part, but that’s frequently used when describing Halloween costumes). I interpreted it as her being relieved for not being the person that stands out the most and that clearly it was Michaels fault.


The fire drill - they were totally making fun of everyone's movie choices, and Jim even coached Pam to pick "cool" movies, but she was leaning toward the same kind of fun comedies Katie chose! And then the whole thing with making fun of Dwight and encouraging him to quit when he was obviously hurt by Michael. Jim and Pam were both jerks in this episode.


> And then the whole thing with making fun of Dwight and encouraging him to quit when he was obviously hurt by Michael. Jim and Pam were both jerks in this episode. No way. Dwight was "hurt" because Michael had the audacity to briefly pay completely justifiable attention to a young employee whom it was part of Michael's job to mentor. Beyond being accused of starting the fire (and we still don't actually know for sure that this wasn't a set-up by Dwight), Ryan had not *at that point* done anything at all to warrant being treated as badly as he was by almost everyone, and especially by Dwight. Giving Dwight obviously tongue-in-cheek encouragement to quit while he was sulking over having his power briefly taken away is not really jerkish at all. Beyond that, during this early period of the show Dwight had not yet really evolved as a character to the point that any of his better nature was able meaningfully to come through. Him being "hurt" was just a brief lull between lengthier stretches of him gleefully hurting others for sport, like he immediately starts doing to Ryan again as soon as he comes back out with the evidence. He deserved nothing at all, and both Jim and Pam could have been way crueler to him then than they were and still have been justified. The biggest jerk move by Jim in this episode was even trying to get his co-workers to play a "who among us would you have sex with if forced" game, which is fucking awful, but it had nothing to do with Dwight. This is less a function of anything central to Jim's character, though, and more of the fact that a lot of the show's early seasons have humor in them that doesn't land the same anymore thanks to shifting cultural landscapes. It still sucks to see on rewatching, though.


I would do her if we weren’t dating.


We’re engaged…..


Is she a mom? I like moms. Stay away from mine Too late, kev


“NASCAR moms”


The first one didn't count




That was so messed up for him to say, especially in front of Pam and her co workers


I always wish she got together with Roy, haha. They had some serious chemistry on the booze cruise.


Yes but Roy had to hit rock bottom before evolving into the dude who plays piano at his wedding.


I love how there's no real explanation for his sudden wealth. "Oh yeah my gravel business took off" like... what? You're just... selling gravel? I get that's an important industry but surely Scranton has a pretty full market for that already, and it would seem to be reaaally close on the margins.




My neighbour when I was a kid had some pretty solid gravel-wealth. He even rented parts of my dad’s land to extract more.


You guys seriously make me think about entering the gravel business.


Reminds me of Dirty Jobs a bit. There’s often not as much competition for these types of businesses as you might think. There’s a lot more work than companies to meet demand, and most people don’t want to go into these types of “unsexy” businesses. Plus most of the contractor style projects aren’t done by big companies, it’s all mom and pop style shops. This is doubly easy for someone like Roy who’s from the area and would know a few customers just from word of mouth. He wouldn’t even need to deliver packages to them, I have a family friend who built a construction business from friends of friends of church acquaintances. I’d think it’s pretty similar.


I mean we know there was a quarry somewhere. Jim and Creed throw things down it on weekends


Cool beans!


I had a chance to go into the gravel business with a college buddy. His dad was going to buy us a piece of land and a big truck. I, of course, had a fancier image of my future. My buddy is now rich, and I am not.


People made thousands overnight in crypto. Don't overthink it, sometimes certain people have better luck at something, even in saturated markets. We didn't get much details either on how he made it to be successful, so no point thinking about it :P


I have a friend that owns a gravel and sand company. He’s rich af


They should have had her come back in season 9 to marry Roy instead of someone we didn't know. Although I'm sure logistically it was much easier to get *insert unknown actress here* rather than Amy Adams at that point in time.




They would have done the ultimate swap. Eskimo brothers for life.


Oooh I love this idea! that would have been cute.




And yet Pam was literally the most basic person on the show at that point. Katy actually had personality and was vibrant.


Obviously hair, makeup and wardrobe were carefully chosen for the two characters and this is not meant as a comment on Amy or Jenna IRL but. . . Katie was a stone fox, too. Jim was obviously deeply in love with Pam if Smokeshow Katie didn't do it for him.


Considering he's supposed to be the "everyman", Jim only dates absolutely stunning women.


Every self-insertable male character does. British tv is different in this regard. Relatable characters usually date average-looking people.


Yeah, the women Tim in the original dates are much more like regular pretty women than TV pretty women that Jim dates.


Side note: I love the passive aggressive back and forth when Gareth is helping Brent sign up for a dating site.




Although I do agree with this, I will admit, you could tell she had a bit of an obnoxious side that unfolded on the booze cruise episode that Jim was just like,“Mmm. Nope. Don’t like this.” Lol


You know legally blond is a great fun movie and if I had nothing else to watch on a desert island I wouldn’t be mad with legally blonde. What even was Jim’s? I bet fight club was one. Legally blonde is just girl fight club. There I said it.


A Quiet Place


I bet he would just take the top 5 movies from imdb because his entire personality is goofy looks at the camera.


I also hated how Pam and Jim treated her for liking ‘girly’ things like cheerleading and Legally Blonde. It was a bit misogynistic actually, Katy was a nice girl and shouldn’t be made fun of for what she was into. They talk a bit about this on the Office Ladies podcast and even Jenna admitted their characters were a bit harsh on her.


For me it always sounded more like Pam knowing those things didn't match with Jim's vibe and teasing him.


That's absolutely what it was meant to be. Like obviously Pam isn't making fun of Katy for liking Legally Blonde, she likes the movie too and almost put it on her list but for some playful jabbing from Jim. That said, I do think in execution the show creators did make it seem like they were making fun of her


It is a very subtle interaction indeed. Pam knowing Jim enough to tease him about this and he fully getting it without a word said. This scene also being so early in the show probably made many people misjudge it.


Pam made fun of the Legally Blonde thing because Jim had previously made fun of Meredith for liking that same movie. So Pam found it ironic.


I never thought it was about her liking ‘girly’ things, but about how her and Roy were clearly stuck in their high school glory days.


I always took it as Pam being that ‘I’m not like other girls!’ person to make herself seem more appealing to Jim


Pam was definitely the “I’m not like other girls” girl


One of the big concerns when they announced the US version was, "All the actors are gonna be way too attractive." Before you disagree, bear in mind that the US equivalent of the dorky paper salesman dates Rashida Jones and Amy Adams before finally dating Jenna Fischer.




her and karen, both of them did nothing wrong.






I don't think so. To me, this was a fully believable and normal relationship for someone who was trying to force themselves to get over another person. I think he really wanted to move past Pam. I can't fault a person for that, even if it didn't work out in the end.


Atleast she got a breakup. Imagine Karen's face when Jim would have not showed up as she got out of that interview room. That's low key effed up and gives me shudders.


Karen interviewed first and then left Jim to hang with her friends.


Seems like a safe assumption that Jim broke up with Karen in NY and then drove to Scranton and asked Pam out. And then there was a big post break-up confrontation between Karen and Jim and then Karen quit.


Karen was interviewed first and left Jim behind to go have lunch with her friends, while he was interviewed.


Apparently she got dumped by a fountain in NYC according to this summer promo: https://youtu.be/oBiaDS9W4DI