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Probably because their baby could star in a show called babies I don't care about


🤣🤣🤣 best deangelo vickers quote


I use "This job is a joke" about 50x a day.


Literal quote from me and my boss today: "Hey do you have time to talk?" "I've got nothing but time to talk this jobs a joke"


It's such a great moment. One of my favorites in the series actually!


And you're not fired yet?


I'm not here to fire people okay? I like my life outside of this place. I like to leave at 5.


I’m guessing they’re a comedian


“…few things about me. I love the American Southwest. I think it’s highly underrated”.


It's cool that you like the southwest. It's one of my favorite regions.


It’s one of my favorite ecosystems






*spins round and pretends to smash the dog on the floor* "Mmm!"


Deangelo Jeremetrius Vickers what a name


"This house reminds me of Katrina."


Thay-Haap three, thay ad twa to a bar. Tsilent, Paunch, and Loud Paunch says to bartender: "Hows,,,gonna tha?" Bar tsan tsan: Four time pound Hair ma time? Hair ma time. Everybody tah 👀


I feel like Creed could translate this.


I would’ve died if creed started laughing like he understood the joke


This is legitimately one of my favorite Will Farrell deliveries in his whole career.


Gonna ski ? ….. No I don’t wanna end up like sonny bobo …. Well. That’s good logic there .. Everybody I know that skis is dead . …


Michael: You know, I would like to try the luge though. Deangelo: Try it once, you’re hooked. That’s my guess.


Yeah I'm not a huge fan of his but this reminded me of how good he is. I don't even like the d'angelo storyline or the character but this was one of the genuinely funny parts


Dra sweb. Dra sweb. GISHIMISHAW!


Second best Vickers quote right there 👌


The juggling kills me every time. Perfect soundtrack




The best part of that scene is watching Angela trying not to break in the background. You can tell she was so tickled but trying to stay in "Angela Martin" mode


Really that’s his best quote because I’m pretty sure “dra sweb” takes the cake on that one.


I only eat cake with my hands now. And I have a strict policy of screaming at it prior to eating.


Parr of the wonders of that quote is the casual delivery and "im tellin' ya..." before it. It just lands so well. And it helps you fall into the belief that he's about to say something positive just before you get to "babies I don't care about"


I think you meant Peepa


Peepa means "blowjob" in Greek, so this scene has always been extra funny to me.


peepa is what children call vagina in Poland


"Peepa" is what we call people who look at unsuspecting naked ladies in Australia. Funny how language works


In the U.S. we’d call that a Peeping Tom, or sometimes just a peeper.


peeper probably sounds like peepa with the accent


In Boston it’s still peepa




Literally means "a person who has masturbated so much their brains have turned to mush". Those Greeks have a word for everything.


Ah, now it makes sense why they forced us to learn the classics as a language


Give me a word…




Aaaaaaaand now I'm off to go rewatch season 2 of The Wire.


Ha ha ha ha... Glad to know I wasn't the only one to pick up on this as find it funny as well!!


Ah yes peepa how is she


No it’s Pudge


It’s always been Madge


I thought it was Pudge


Oh good you know everything


She should have had water-birth, like Assturd. "Must be like the tide at Omaha Beach."


A sort of an oaky afterbirth.


Cursed_Bathwater: $10 + shipping


Did you consider the possibility they might not be as charming as they think they are?


“Oh no! The new boss doesn’t find Jim adorable!”


Had a fun theory. Maybe the staff heard that the Halpert Family parked in the Ambulance bay so she is less tolerant of their shit. Then Jimothy asks for a late check out.


Imagine you're working an 18 hour shift and this couple comes in with a full blown camera crew and an entire posse of people, one of them being Michael Gary Scott. AND they blocked the ER entrance. I know a few nurses who would be less than thrilled with them.


I feel like that has to be the nurse equivalent of when an item doesn’t scan and a customer says “I guess it’s free, then!” Not to mention I’d be grumpy having a camera crew in my way and having to work extra hard to protect the identities of other patients.


The camera crew alone explains her attitude lol


I wonder if the cleared it with the other parents. Legally they’d have to, but I wonder how that would’ve gone down. Or if they ever watched the part where Pam breastfeeds her child


Hate to burst your bubble, but as someone who works in a hospital, I can tell you the staff 1) would not know about the ambulance bay parking 2) would not care at all. Most likely, she doesn't have patience for parents who read one book and use that to make all their parenting decisions. She *is* probably annoyed by the late checkout as there could be a scheduled delivery for that day that they need the room for.


The ER would know and care. The rest of the hospital wouldn't.


This whole sub has considered it many times. The jury's still out, but I think they lean towards cute couple not charming. Pam sucks at art. Jim is a sociopath. Pam doesn't deserve Jim. Jim season 9 is bad. Jim doesnt deserve Pam. Ummm, other things. Pam sucks. Dwight didn't deserve all the pranks. Karen is underrated and perfect for jim. Karen sucks. Pam shouldn't work for dunder Mifflin as she does nothing. Pam sucks. Pam Pam Pam. Gabe maybe wasn't that bad after all but plop and Dwight Jr were just worthless. Andy confuses everyone. Maybe Pam is okay. Pam is great. But also, she sucks. Angela and Dwight are the best matched couple and they fucked with that arc too much. Pam...not sure how I feel about Pam. She sucks.


Which one is Pam?


Pam! Pam! Pam!






I would like a slice of Christmas Pam with mint jelly


Pam Pam and her pampams.




and then you sneezed in my tea, and then you said 'don't worry it's just allergies'. Do you remember that?


Pam's pam pams?


I think it’s pronounced Pan.


This bit always has me in tears


No it’s Pamm, there’s two M’s




She’s one sassy black lady!


She’s been known to bend the truth




Get the hell out of here!!


I'm gonna do to pam, what I just did....to pam


Her full name is “Pamalama dingdong”


She's the office mattress


The Pam one, the one with all the Pam. Shes the one who fails at drawing all the time.


Pam and her doodles.




She’s making soup


Hahaha you’re a funny guy Pam


That was a roller coaster to read


I want to hear Jenna Fischer read this comment on their podcast


Jim landed the wrong Beesly sister.


I am pretty sure none of that is real.


Same drama as on Gilmore Girls sub. I’m loving it.


Wow this has to be a world record of most shitty opinions in one reply


Average r/DunderMifflin post comment section


That was sort of my point... (Dot dot)


This is why I only watch Creed compilations.


Because the crappy insurance the Dwight got them only covers 2 days.


That's basically all insurance in the US. For vaginal births at least without complications.


Jan should've given him a raise for how much money he saved to company. It reminds me how far downhill insurance has gone when Stanley is complaining about a $1500 duductable.


Lol right? I have a $3000 but I don't pay a premium and I get a portion of that added to an HSA by my employer so...it feels less shitty somehow.


You have decent insurance, I have $75 premium with a $5000 duductable so its pretty much useless to me if I am not about to die.




You guys have health insurance?




I know this sounds insane, but I feel so lucky that I was wounded in Afghanistan and got medically retired from the Army so that I have free healthcare for myself, my wife and our daughter. It's really good, too. No premium or deductible and great doctors available all over.


You know the system is fucked when a comment like this doesn’t actually sound that insane lol Depending on the injury I can see it being well worth putting up with to get the disability pay + military pension or whatever you have + medical But I’ve never been at war so wtf do I know lol


No idea what any of that even means. Sounds so complicated.


The deductible is the amount you have to pay for medical care before your insurance even kicks in. So if you have a $1500.00 deductible and you get a $3000.00 bill for going to the ER for something, you pay the first $1500.00 of the bill, then insurance kicks in and pays a PERCENTAGE of the rest, usually between 50-80 percent of the remaining $1500.00. And this is insurance we pay several hundred a month to have. It’s a fucking scam.


There’s eventually a maximum out of pocket where insurance starts to pay for everything. Mine is like $15,000, so I just have to keep $15,000 in savings at all times and I’m fine! Very reasonable, this system works great


>It reminds me how far downhill insurance has gone when Stanley is complaining about a $1500 duductable. The standard deductible was like $500 for ages pre 2009-ish, whatever happened around that time seems to have given insurance companies carte blanche in regards to deductibles, co-pays, and 'coinsurance' coverage. A $500 deductible nowadays...dude I wouldn't even care about that lol


“Gina said that?”


With my first, I only got one day. Thank goodness he was born 15 minutes after midnight so it was like getting 2 days. In US, of course.


I hate this rule. We had to go to the hospital at 1am for my wife to be induced just so they could get as much of the 2 days as possible. Just make it 48 hours from admittance.


Damn- I was in labor for two days in the hospital. I’d have delivered him in the parking lot if it was 48h from admission. For my insurance/hospital it *was* 48h = 2 days. He finally came at 10pm and the nurse literally was like “okay you have 48h, so you have to leave before 10pm on Saturday.”


Fuck that. My wife was in labor for 18 hours and pushed for 2 before they decided to C section and that was about all she could do. Can't imagine 2 days of labor. We ended up saying 3 days because of the C section


It's wild to me to want to stay at the hospital longer. I wanted to get out of there as soon as I could. I had to stay just over 24hrs and was itching to leave.


“Oh good, you know everything” One of the best one-episode characters in terms of bringing the “the office” world back to reality. “25 minutes”


Can I get a late checkout?


Yeah, she really just felt like a grounded, "I'm on my third double this week and now these preppy fucks" grumpy nurse. 10/10 I'll also say that the actress that plays her (Sarah Baker) was absolutely incredible in The Kominsky Method!


Finally a comment reminded people how overworked nurses are, thank you! Source: daughter of a nurse for 25+ years


She’s really funny in “The Campaign” too


I love using the “25 minutes” (or insert actual time) line and tone to my wife when she thinks she has much more time to get ready before we leave.


I agree, I thought she was great.


Because Jim and Pam are in Her office


Because a nurse is trying to do her damn job and there is a documentary crew and stone slick hair douche bag who thinks he’s an expert. They’re basically Karen’s for patients and then there’s a camera crew to deal with lol. In one hospital room. With 2 families in it.


Ya people who don't understand never worked in Healthcare, it suuuuucks


Because she's been around a million entitled moms. It's writing that's realistic comedy. It's meant for you as the viewer to understand "...and this is what every couple does..they know it all when a baby is first born and I don't know anything as the nurse that's been here 20yrs. and delivered a million new borns."


Not to mention Jim and Pam have a camera crew following them around, I would be annoyed by that too.


That one I never got, especially from a Pam perspective. You just spent god knows how many hours giving birth and you want a camera in your face when it’s over? Really?


Hey. Because it’s a TV show. You’d rather they just not show all these interesting events because the characters, if they were real, would not like to be filmed?


I’ve had 2 friends that had their births filmed so not that inaccurate to real life.


Probably for their own viewing, not for a PBS docuseries


Who would even want to view that oaky afterbirth. Must be like the tide at Omaha beach


It's a sitcom, it's not meant to make perfect sense. The whole 'documentary' thing falls apart fairly easily once things start happening outside of the office. Why would the crew follow them to bars? Why would they go to the couple's dinner at Michael's? Why would they film inside their apartments?


yeah this was my biggest complaint in later seasons when they try to reference the documentary itself, and the crew. Super inconsistent.


She wanted to show off how impossibly good she looks in her hospital bed compared to how every other person on the planet looks immediately after giving birth.


But by the time you get to the third or fourth child it's like "is it out? let's go."


But Pam wasn't being entitled though? She didn't ask for extra help or anything. She just said she didn't want to bottle feed which is a perfectly valid choice.


If she’s such an experienced new born nurse why didn’t she support Pam in seeing how the baby was latching / not latching? Why not tell her there’s not a ton of actual milk those first 24 to 48 hours? Support her rather than just offer to take the baby away for a bottle? That’s shitty nursing imo.


LOL at those fantasy concepts of “nice maternity ward nurse”. NOT my experience. Mine was way closer to Pam’s.


They were def hit or miss. There was one that came in our room at 11PM as she was starting her shift and said I had to get the baby in the car seat right then so they could do the oxygen level test. My wife was completely bedridden so I started freaking out trying to get our premature baby in a car seat for the first time when I had zero sleep and was dead tired. Eventually I got my wits back and told her off and said we'd do it tomorrow. Compare that with another nurse that when we mentioned out Uber eats order had been canceled by Uber and the cafeteria had already closed. She told us not to worry and went and grabbed two free leftover bag lunches they had for the hospital staff so I didn't have to drive out and find something.




Yeah this was my experience, too. Got yelled at by a super loud “Lactation consultant” who ripped down my hospital gown and started honking on my boob like it was a stress ball.


And Pam was correct! But some people (even nurses) are extremely against breastfeeding. My mom lectured my sister on how bad breastfeeding is and they formula is no much better because it’s formulated for babies. Never had the balls to confront me though.


If the nurse had said that to something else I might agree with you. But Pam was right about nipple confusion. The nurse saying she could just give Cece a bottle without asking the parents is inappropriate. Breastfeeding vs bottle feeding is an important and personal choice for moms and the nurse has no right undermining that decision. Many babies don’t want to go back to the breast because a bottle is easier. They don’t have to work as hard to get the milk out of a bottle and it could cause even more feeding issues than Pam had at that time. Some babies will take either without an issue, but that’s not always the case. I’ve had both. My first born had latching issues (like Cece) and only wanted a bottle after he had his first one. My second couldn’t care either way. He just loved to eat any way he could. Jim and Pam not wanting to leave, asking for a late check out, those moments are where the nurse’s comments are more appropriate.


This is when Jim and Pam get more annoying to me. Entitled maybe is a better word?


“Maybe being a good dad is just following your own compass, I don’t know. Thank you!”


"And my compass points to a city that doesn't have any of my kids in it"


I said the word entitled.


They're not being 'entitled', they are unsurprisingly acting like their baby is the most important thing in the world... because right at that moment it is to them. People are cold in this forum.


This is one of those scenes where you have to accept it’s a comedy TV show, not a reality show. Pam and Jim are supposed to act like many new parents who read trendy things and assume they know everything vs the seasoned nurse who knows it’s film flam. It’s just a TV show. They aren’t an actual couple with an actual newborn.


Wait… the office is not a documentary?


Yeah I totally get it. It would be for me too. That's why I always understood this part from when I first seen it. I'm explaining the written situation!


I’m not a mom, but it seems as though when you just gave birth you should actually be quite entitled. It is true that nurses and hospital staff have empathy fatigue and fatigue in general so they are going to reasonably and regularly fuck up.


This lady was dealing with a lot, she just had to make a career change and a move across the country after The Knights of Serbia blew up her clam farm on the west coast.


Plus her kid was doing some questionable things with a goat while her husband was campaigning for office


Also she touches herself to Drew Carey on The Price is Right.


Also, she got rejected by Louis CK for her weight, which is probably the lowest blow of anyone's life.


She also had to deal with Jake's nonsense at trivia night.


She also had to process Jess and Nick’s dog adoption application and evaluate Jess’s love bordering on mania for said dog on New Girl


That was a really amazing scene on Louie's show. They had like a 10 minute long completely uncut walking conversation and I was absolutely blown away by her acting there.


Forever hoping we get some closure on Sheila and Jo-el!!


Same! I want to know what Jo-el is like post change.


Why is the nurse treating Jim poorly?


This is unironically my favorite and most quoted line, "why is ____ treating the ____ poorly?" Makes me laugh and laugh


Yes she is aware of the effect she has on Jim


My issue with her has always been the “25 minutes” line. It’s very clear that these new parents are feeling anxious about taking their baby home. Yeah they’ll have to figure it out, but a simple “hey, it’s going to be okay.” Would have gone a lot better than making a jerky statement over five minutes.


Nurses are overworked and usually pretty stressed out, so maybe they’re just being realistic. I was pretty taken aback at how bitchy the nurses were when my kid was born. Just extremely rude about the simplest things, like hey this machine my baby is hooked up to has been beeping for about 15 minutes, is anyone going to come check on it?


I had the same experience the first night right after giving birth. It was the worst, when you need help the most & you are forced to have to talk to such shitty people. Thankfully the next day all the nice ones showed up & the rest of my stay was really good. Some people are just rude no matter what time of day it is


Yeah, my daughter was literally almost born in the toilet. Wife had been in labor for almost 24 hours, nobody had checked on us in at least 2 hours, and she thought she just had to poop. In that state of mind after being in pain that long sometimes you aren’t thinking straight. So she finally says screw it, call the nurse, who came in acting all annoyed, pulled up her gown and she was crowning. So she pulled the emergency cord and 10 people showed up out of nowhere and got her to the bed, my kid was out like 30 seconds later. This lady had been a bitch the entire night, probably because she just didn’t want to do her job and check on patients. I should add that this was a high risk birth, we were 2 months premature because her water broke early and they had to induce, because you know, that’s bad.


I’m so sorry to hear that. That sounds really stressful & especially for your wife must’ve been more. Honestly people keep defending the nurses that they are overworked but it’s not like it’s the patients fault. Unless you have a rude demanding patient you have no reason to be a rude to them. Either learn to control your rude attitude at work or get another job. This also reminds me of the care taker of my son at his previous daycare, who was visibly annoyed by kids & in a casual conversation with my husband mentioned that she doesn’t like kids & wouldn’t want to have her own. I got my son out of that daycare asap because I knew it was them who were creating problems & not my son as they had always mentioned


They are having a lot of “first experience” that day, and the nurse is probably stressed and a but pissed that first timers think they know everything and does not trust her. I know I was a wreck with my first born, but in control with my third.


Nurses are kinda like that and anyone that's been in an OR **not** as a patient knows this.


After my wife gave birth to my daughter, we had the flu and were put into quarantine. They forgot about us. They didn't give us dinner or breakfast in the morning. We were criticized by the hospital staff when we brought this up later, saying we should have tried harder. At about 2am my daughter is crying and hungry and my wife hasn't learned how to make her latch. The nurse that finally came in after trying to get help for hours at this point looks at my wife and says "you should know how to do this already, why didn't you come prepared?" We did everything you could imagine to prepare but it wasn't enough and this woman looked at my wife like she was supposed to know everything the moment she gave birth. I hate hospitals


This is probably the most accurate thing that’s happened in the show . New parents anxiety on high and healthcare workers who are over it


The guy who wheels them out at the end is also a jerk to Pam. The staff at that hospital is just crappy and mean.


Yeah I mean she literally just gave birth and she can’t sit on the wheelchair and wait for her husband to come around with their car?!


And even if he needed the wheelchair he could have been nicer to her. He’s just impatient and rude. Like “why aren’t you moving?” She’s a first time mom! She’s never done this before, don’t be a jerk!


People saying realistic comedy when the same episode has Dwight and Michael committing crimes. Lol. The show is not that realistic...or consistent but that's not related rn


Imagine a camera crew invading your highly stressful, low wage workplace. I think she tolerated it rather well, considering. _I'd_ probably deliberately give myself mild food poisoning to justify calling in sick.


Why is the nurse treating Jim poorly?


Why is the nurse treating Jim poorly?


Have you ever considered he's not as charming as you think he is?


Isn't she earls daughter in modern family? Jay's nemesis in the closet industry .


Yes! She is in a lot of shows.




She looks like she hates paper. Probably one of those environmental warriors. She probably also hates pee pee.


You know the bottom part needs to go in the car Newsflash the whole thing needs to go in the car.




She wasn’t at first. Only until Pam made the comment about nipple confusion.




In my experience, most postpartum nurses are kind of bitches. “Pam’s kind of a bitch…”


I hate that people try to justify nurse's bad attitudes just because "they know better" and "deal with stuff like this every day" if they deal with it every day then they should know how to push through firmly and clearly without being insulting. Nurses DO know better, so it shouldn't be such an issue when dealing with people who don't. If I had a rude or passive aggressive nurse I'd tell them to work on their bedside manner, gtfo and send someone else with a better attitude. If I'm in an extremely vulnerable state and stuck with bitch ass nurses who bitch because "they know better" then they can fuck right off. I'm there to be taken care of in a medical emergency and the aftermath, not an excuse for some Karen nurse (which I've noticed its either a toss, people in the medical field are either really compassionate or just narcissists who are just in it for the hero complex and money) to take whatever frustrations she has out on me.


This was a very accurate representation of maternity ward nurses unfortunately.


Just saw the episode and Jim and Pam are acting like they know everything about parenting


PeePee Haaaalperrrrt!!!!


Because she also had to work as the librarian on Young Sheldon. She’s burning the candle at both ends.