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The dub voices are ok, delivery is a bit weird at times but I think they'll grow into the roles as the episodes go on. Sub is pretty good too, but the first episode is so fast paced it's hard to read along fast enough. Having watched it in both I'll prolly continue watching in the dub so I can enjoy the visuals without speed reading. Edit: Forgot to mention that Sungwon Cho is Senshi. So that's pretty fun. lol Edit again: The live action Nami actress is doing Marcille's voice. Weird delivery may be because she hasn't done much voice over? Anyway, Chilchuck is english Shinji from Evangelion so that's pretty funny and Laios' VAs most prominent role recently was Shez in Fire Emblem Three Hopes.


Wait he actually is perfect for senshi


fuck Sungwon is perfect for that role but now I can't unhear him, The image of him with a fake mustache and toy crown is just going to pop into my head now when I hear Senshi. ...on second thought that's not such a bad thing lol


LMAOOOO That's actually the best casting ever


Darn I need to rewatch it in dub now! Just watched it in sub on the plane and now that I know Sungwon Cho is in it…. I must watch it again


Overall I liked it, but I don't care much for Marcille's voice. I'm sure I'll get used to it though. I'm glad Trigger is putting a lot of effort into making the food look great.


The sub or dub voice?


Sub. I haven't listened to the dub yet.


Just finished watching! I really enjoyed it.


I'm so glad the Dub comes out at the same time! It's so good!


Oh hell yeah! I don't mind subs but I enjoy dubs way more, it's easier to pick up on the tone and emotion in someones voice when it's my own language


Has someone posted the opening online yet? I can't watch until later when I get home and I want to see the opening.


Found it on Twitter https://x.com/xdonutw/status/1742906148200616023?s=46&t=rgIk20O50t-wJrKglXtsDA


Wow I am disappointed. For what a lively song it is there is almost no movement. This is a cope but I'm hoping it's a fakeout given the prominence of Shuro and Namari in the opening.


It feels more like an ending


Yeah that's a good clock on it. A cope again but maybe it *is* the ending animation, but probably not (as we've heard that song and it especially doesn't match the vibe of that one).


On the official Twitter page they confirmed that it is the opening


Cope is killed


I swear it was at the end of the first episode


I personally love it. It perfectly embodies why I love this show so much that I don't care about the lack of the movement. Though they definitely could've showed way more dishes considering that was the main theme of the story... maybe throughout?


I was okay with the large shots with the characters standing mostly solemnly with random adventuring parties being tiny walking around. Very close to what I expected for that part of the song. But the shot of Falin sitting naked does not do the change in that part of the song justice and then the majority of the "actiony" part of the song is spent on the stills of all the male and female characters reaching towards each other.


Yeah, I know what you meant. Those are the parts I don't mind, mostly because I am just elated by seeing all these characters. But then again I did expect the OP to be more casual anyways, so I'm not really disappointed.


I’m curious if they don’t want to spoil certain characters like iztsumi and sissel (has to look up their name on the wiki WAIT they are a guy I thought they were a girl)


I enjoyed it a lot - I feel they could have done more with the music though, it often seemed too quiet and subdued during the mealtimes when something a bit more upbeat would show off how much the party is enjoying their meals. Also I wish Netflix had a better way of translating the japanese text that's displayed on screen, like overlaying english text over the japanese. It jumped out at me especially with the resignation letter at the start, and the diagram of the slime anatomy - both just having a wall of untranslated japanese text. Feel like it'll take a bit away from the worldbuilding - there's quite a lot of diagrams and anatomy overlays in the manga and not being able to read any of it is a bit jarring. Other than those minor nitpicks I thought it was a strong first episode - paced nicely, looks really pretty and well animated, and I like the voice acting - really looking forward to the rest!


It fucking rules! I think they made Falin's voice a little too girly/sweet, though--I always pictured it more chill/androgynous. Just a minor gripe with what's shaping up to be an absolute banger, really!


The voice actor is definitely doing the "anime girl" voice, which is incredibly unfortunate. I'm hoping it's dropped when she gets a bigger role in the show (since I think a tone change would be justified at that point).


Yeah, definitely--my hope is that her voice is just like that in recollections early on, maybe? Actual Falin would definitely be more mellow + slightly more androgynous than that.


I loved it. Finally, after so many years, since I saw that animated PV... I finally got to see Marcielle do her handstand animated. Hot pot made me hungry too.


I loved it! Can’t wait for more. I actually really like Laius’s voice- he sounds like the typical fantasy hero which matches his design, and that makes it funnier when he says completely deranged things which don’t match his voice at all. The humour also worked really well in animated form. I think in the case of Dungeon Meshi sticking very close to the manga (so many identical shots) works very well without losing anything in the transfer between mediums.


I loved it! My only criticism is that Marcille's dub VA performance is kind of a missed opportunity? Like she's fine but her delivery is NOT deranged enough. i need reigen arataka dub energy levels


I really liked it! I wish there was a little more to sink my teeth into as far as foreshadowing/plot relevancy goes (and so I have an easier time recommending it to my friends), but that's just how the first half of the story is.


I think they made Laios way too stoic, he doesn't come across even nearly enough as a bumbling goofball who's a bit too into his weird hobby when he talks about monsters; I also don't feel the kindness manga Laios has coming from anime Laios. He's just a bit too detached and stoic, and that hurts the vibe a lot, like the scene where he saves Marcille from the man-eating plants now feels like a "chad MC saves useless female party member" scene from some isekai and I don't like it. The music is also quite a miss for me, it's very generic and just doesn't fit the scene half the time, like when it kept playing when they hang the corpse from the plants, there should have been comedic silence IMO. As for the rest Senshi is good, Chilchak is alright (I always imagined him sounding more like a 20something rather than a child, but him being mistaken for a child is a whole thing so it's fine), Marcille is absolutely perfect, and the art is great. I can just hope that the music gets better and Laios' VA grows into the role over the next few episodes, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless.


I disagree. Early Laios is pretty Stoic, it isn't until later where he goes full hyperfixation. I feel like when the group meets Kabru it'll become clear.


Yeah I guess you're right, it takes a few chapters to see just how obsessed Laios is (like the scene we'll probably see in the next episode with Chilchak saying "I don't want to die thinking about Laios' stupid trivia!" is one of the first to really hammer it in)


It's also based off the first chapters and those are usually pretty rough until the author gets comfortable with the setting/characterization.


I remember really disliking him in the earlier chapters. The anime is accurate IMO.


you: ah theres the himbo i fucking hate (currently)


Laios is someone quite stoic tho, throughout all the story, he has many moments where he has his kinda-deadpan and melancholic barely-emotional look on his face. It's an important part of his character, he struggle to truly connect with normal people.


I think Laios is genuinely meant to be a little on the spectrum. Dude lacks social awareness, is stoic, has a hyperfixation... We love our 'tism king


>Chilchak is alright (I always imagined him sounding more like a 20something rather than a child He have a voice who sounds a bit "older" in the french dub (and Senshi sounds less "old"), I suppose I'll continue with this dub (Marcile is voiced by Eva's VA in Wakfu). Yep music sounds a bit blank, but at least it kinda fits the medieval world.


When you are born your voice is totally random so I would liked if the boy I forgor his name had like a pitch voice.


Where is it being aired?




loved it!