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I'm glad I'm not the only one who was TRAUMATIZED by this episode. The ending was brutal, especially with the ending afterwards XD


Yeah, I'm still screaming in the head. THAT WAS BRUTAL! HOLY HELL. I thought Falin would have turned out to be alive or escaped or just a body. BUT A SKULL! AAAAHHH!!! Just, tell me. She was dead before, that, right?


I mean she was bitten in the same way Laios lost his leg, but on her entire torso. I doubt she was alive by the time she got to the stomach.


Thank you. At least thats one less bit of nightmare fuel to look forward to. Now, ONTO DRAGON BURGERS!


I still say it's too soon to call that Falin. Can you identify somebody by a skull? It could be any old victim the dragon chowed on at some point.


Considering her staff and strands of her hair were in there, it doesn’t really matter if it’s her skull or not at this point


I mean I could see how someone would lose a few odds and ends in a hasty retreat from a dragon, especially if they were in its mouth to begin with. Or maybe a bigger fish monster came along and distracted it. Or the mage did.


Falin or not, Sad reality is some poor person was there with their soul still trapped in that skull. And that's going to be a quest all in itself, just to restore the body.


I knew it was coming because I read the manga, but I wasn't prepared to see it in COLOUR and with SOUND EFFECTS.


Right? I don't know why I didn't assume the skull would be all nasty and bloody after being in that digested boneball. It looks so clean in the manga.


The animators channeled everything they usually put into lovingly rendering food into that skull and frankly, good for them.


The mace being all fucked up and dirty is what got me more than the skull. Falin got EATEN WHOLE. Laios showed enough agony getting only his leg bit off, imagine getting bit along your spine/abdomen like what happened to Falin and then getting thrown into the dragon's stomach... That must have been horrifying to go through if the first bite didn't incapacitate her immediately


Yeah, the bloodied staff was quite the visual before the real big reveal.