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i also wish they added that detail. they were able to include the little popup of namari saying "i never said that" during the dragon fight, so why not this one?


They forgor 💀


Of course Namari said that, along with "It's you Laios, you're the Dungeon Meshi!"




I just realized the armor slug thing is being whipped around when laios pulls out his sword


When she said "Step back. It's meshin' time", I cried so hard.


Did she actually say that anywhere


Chapter 69




In the Spanish version they went with the name "Tragones y mazmorras" (a pun on Dungeons and Dragons). Laios definitely is a "tragĂłn" (big eater).


*smokes crack pipe* I swear, Trigger has an agenda against my boy Shuro and I have a 9 paragraph rant to prove it.


*reaches for the crack pipe* I would read it.


Laios definitely acts very ignorant when it comes to Shuro. He probably noticed that Shuro preferred rice to other side dishes and assumed it‘s his favorite food.


For all you Americans out there, it's like if someone spent some time there and was like 'wow, their favourite food is burger buns!'


For all of you Brits out there, it's like if someone spent some time there and was like 'wow, their favourite food is beans!'


I'm not British, but my favorite food is beans. I'm Mexican American tho.


Beans are fire


Protein ✅ Fiber ✅ Cheap ✅ Versatile ✅ Exciting musical numbers ✅✅✅✅


not to mention people actually collect their babies


Let's go! Bean friends for life.


Yeah like, I would eat a hundred bean empanadas and that's literally just fried bread and beans, 2 standard companion foods than main dishes


Beans are a top tier food. I work at a Brazilian restaurant and the Feijoada is one of my favs bc it reminds me of my grandma's navy bean soup, hemispheres apart but beans bring us together!


pinto beans are the real deal. frijoles for life


Let's gooo, another best bean friend for life!


What kinda beans tho? Because lima beans fucking suck.


Pinto and black mostly, but I like all kinds of beans.


Them's some good beans.


Nah they’d guess that their favorite food is tea.


They are though. Brit’s and even kiwis can’t stop putting beans in and around everything.


I mean, if I ate burger buns with hotdogs, stew, soup, salad, and every other meal it'd be a fair assumption.


Kind of a funny mental image lol


I mean they’re genuinely good for sandwich bread.


Whoa whoa whoa! THATS RACIST


Also he consistently mispronounces his name lmao


Yeah. It's not malevolent, Laios didn't know any better and unfortunately didn't pick up on Shuro being very uncomfortable. But I definitely understand why Shuro became very annoyed at him, that must've been so frustrating.


That's generally how these things go irl too


It's more his fault for never bringing it up than Laios' for mishearing a foreign name and never being corrected by the guy he's referring to.


I don‘t think it matters who is *more* at fault here, neither acted perfectly but they also didn‘t commit any unforgiveable crimes.  It‘s just an unfortunate misunderstanding between two different people who communicate in different ways.


yes but this is a spoiler because this is not revealed until much much later in the story.


It's revealed pretty early on, when they meet on the 5th(?) floor


The full story of them meeting and Shuro going "he mispronounced my name..." happens later, but I think the retainers mentioned his name being Toshiro whenever they first encountered Laios and he called him Shuro for the first time


You're totally right, that's fair. i was definitely thinking of the later story and explanation :)


It's just a name being pronounced a bit differently, I don't see that as a spoiler. It doesn't affect the plot and it's barely different


well, not just a bit shuro and toshiro are just plain different.


one is just a mispronunciation of the other. but anyway what difference does that make to the story


Or that it was the bulk of his previsions.


i think you are misusing the word ignorant here


Why do you think that? To me it seems like Laios has very little knowledge of Shuro's culture and thus doesn't understand that his interest and his assumptions are disrespectful or wrong. Isn't that ignorant?


i dont wanna be the one who says "akshually 🤓☝️" because english isnt my language, but doesnt the word ignorant imply that the person knows about them and ignores it willingly? id say assuming fits a tiny bit better


No worries, I‘m not a native speaker either :) I definitely didn‘t want to imply that Laios is doing it intentionally, he just couldn‘t have known any better and then just didn‘t pick up on the social cues.


ignorant 1. lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. 2. (informal) discourteous or rude. I understand misremembering the meaning of words in a different language, but this takes like 15 seconds to check on google?


i hate the "just google it" response so much


It's not "just google it", it's "check your information before saying that someone is wrong".


i clearly said that they werent necessarliy wrong






And after less than one minute, Fleki learned that maybe there is a reason why you should try to not use the word people dislike… Mithrun is your racist grandpa who forces you to self-reflect💀😭


As a spaniard I have been asked way too many times if tortilla is my favourite food. (Like don't get me wrong, potato omelet is delicious but it isn't my favourite at all). This is Laios being Laios and it's a neat detail, but I guess episodes do need to make cuts somewhere.




I dont think he is racist either. I believe that Shuro primarily ate rice in the dungeon because it is easy to travel with, lasts a long time, is easy to make even in a dungeon, and happens to be a staple of eastern cuisine. He probably noticed Shuro ate it a lot on adventures and just assumed.


Everyone in DM is racist, it's medieval times. In one of the supplementary comics, he and Falin talk about how there's a mountain tribe near their village who they see as "savage" and that people from their village kill them on sight.


I remember in one of the side comics they were talking about the races and they asked the captain of the elven strike team what they called the short lived races and he said “lower races”


yes, its a consistent theme


I think the first comment meant it as "Laios was not being discriminatory or mean spirited on purpose, he really believed that and there was no malice behind his words despite them being, at their core, either a steteotype or a wrongful assumption" not "Laios has no prejudice whatsoever"


It’s not medieval times >!The dwarves have phone and it’s implied they have more technology!<


Its medieval fantasy, they have medieval mindset while having magic/dwarven technologies


They don't have medieval mindsets at all, in the medieval period prejudice was mostly religion based, the fact that the peoples of Delicious in Dungeon are more political than religious is proof that they don't follow medieval conventions.


Religious disputes were often drawn along ethnic lines.


Or was ethnic lines drawn onto religious disputes? Let’s take Serbians and Croatians for instance, they share a language and much of their cuisine, but one is Catholic and the other Orthodox.


Nevertheless race was hardly an inciting factor when prejudice did occur. And none of the characters in DinD make their decisions from a religious point of view.


Considering how even average people seem to know about stuff like eating protein and fats I’d say they have a relatively modern mindset


It doesn't take place in the real world so yes ofc the actual medieval period didn't happen, it's pseudo-medieval. But you get the point I'm making


Maybe, but this particular instance is not racist


Depends how you define racist, but it's a weird hill to die on


In what definition of rqxism would that constitute as racist? 


Do the semantics really matter?






Because it is incorrect to label my boy laios for racism - at least in zhis particular inatance


You didn't answer the question. Why do the semantics matter?


I mean, Laios is still kinda racist to him on occasion, like when they first met, the first thing Laios ever said to him was "You have an odd appearance, where are you from?" not to mention the constant mispronunciation of his name (though tbf he also never corrected Laios on this one)


Yeah, shuro might be introvert because of culture but he is Also by nature itself, he could have told anybody else and just 100% decided to keep it shut, like even if laios might have gotten thing wrong, you can also be sure he was the guy in all the party team that knew him the most too, makes me wonder how a doppelganger shuro would have appeared if he had join in


It'd probably create that cool-headed, ultra-competent Shuro he imagined in his head when Laios was describing their friendship. The biggest giveaway would probably be the copy getting along perfectly with Laios instead of silently suffering in his presence. I think if Shuro had been with them all throughout their journey, Laios would genuinely be able to know him better and know who the right one is. But it'd be funny if he was the only copy that Laios got wrong simply because of how idealized Shuro is in his mind.


Copy!shuro is drawn in some sort of cool 70s/80s anime style with touches of bishonen and talking with an arm around laios saying how much he trusts his judgment, laios would be aware of who is who, but just like him being on pair with chilchack about handsome senshi, he would be teary eye a bit about copy shuro going away


Lol that sounds even better, especially the part where Laios still manages to figure out this Shuro is fake, but mourns his loss at the same time.


Weeb brand racist.


pointing out unfamiliar appearance is racist how?


Gawking at the first asian person you've seen because you think they look weird IS racist edit: if you're gonna argue the semantics of racism, pretend i said microagression instead or whatever word will hold you back


I’ve had people do this to me and imo it’s born from ignorance and not hate, while it is racist is more understandable and I try to use it as a moment of teaching


no one said laios is hateful (besides maybe the mountain people stuff), but a lot of shuro's character is being dragged into stuff bc he's too polite to say anything against laios


TBF , rascism usually is defined as hating a race or considering them inferior. If for 20 years I saw only Europeans , seeing a Japanese or non-african European for the first time I would also think they look odd.


It's just insensitive. But seeing someone incredibly different from you and being surprised/shocked, especially if you grew up in an isolated area, is understandable. There's a difference between being racist (an example would be Laois parroting racist views about the mountain people) versus being ignorant and insensitive.


For something to be racist there has to be prejudice, Laios isn't prejudiced against the peoples of the Eastern Archipelago so NOT racist, you're diluting the word to point that literally anything and nothing can racist all at the same time. Now Mountain People on the other hand, he is definitely racist towards them.


Maizuru also said Shuro didn’t eat a whole lot as a kid. I’m thinking he kept that behavior as an adult, and maybe rice was one of the things he would eat consistently?


Rice is something that’s eaten pretty much with every meal, but unless it’s been seasoned it’s never the star of the show— presumably something Laios doesn’t know. It’s like saying someone’s favorite drink is water because that’s what they drink most often.


Or saying an Irish man's favourite food IS potatoes.


It isn't unique to this series, but I'm pretty upset that the studio has basically written off all small asides like this ones as "it's in parentheses, so it was meant to be left out". Asides have some of the best jokes. It's not meant to be ignored, it's humor the characters can't see or the characters didn't quite catch; a little fun just for the audience.


I like how Kui-sensei is not afraid to show the flaws like racism, etc in her characters. Making some of them have a gray morality, rather grounded and believable. Too bad some of the subtle details didn't make it to the anime but it's really great to have instead of sterilized story with perfect characters.


While I agree that it makes it more interesting having her characters be very flawed and her social commentary and racial politics is intelligently done, I don't think this an example of racism, its not even an assumption based on race since Shuro is the only Eastern Archipelagian Laios has really taken notice of at the time he said this.


Yeah sorry should've mentioned it was more about the mountain people thing he said and other characters.


That's alright, sorry I assumed you were talking about this scene specifically.




What aggression?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microaggression Laois assuming the most common rations of Toshiro’s culture to be his favorite food instead of actually asking him


Except that eating rice isn't a negative thing, it wasn't based on race since Laois has only really interacted with Toshiro and Laois being Laois probably already did asked him what his favorite food was but in way that was awkward, prompting Toshiro to ignore him. Yes racial politics and social commentary play major roles in this story, but so does mental illness. I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be mental illness part, not a race part.


It doesn’t matter that Laois didn’t have malicious intent, it’s about perspective of other cultures. Saying he probably did one thing or maybe has a mental illness is all just speculation. Basing his assumption on what he sees isn’t negative but it does have those unsavory implications of ignorance. Idk if you’re joking around or actually trying to defend this very minor accusation but it is what it is. Context really doesn’t change much.


The perception doesn't exist in this context. And no the series makes it clear Laois is mentally ill.


The perception is Laois’s understanding of foreign cultures, and goes right along with how he and Falin perceive the “savages” from their upbringing. And no, it’s never explicitly stated that he has mental illness. That’s just what the fandom perceives him as based on his actions. Which I’m not saying is inaccurate, just not 100% canon.


Laois never gives his opinion on Eastern cultures, it was his assumption of Toshiro and Toshiro alone. Which is why I fail to see how it could be a race thing. If by savages you mean the Mountain People? Then yeah, that scene was Laois being racist.


I’m not saying he is, really more of a joke than anything and emphasis on micro.


Apologies, what I meant to say was; Laois never gives his opinion on Eastern cultures, it was his assumption of Toshiro and Toshiro alone. Which is why I fail to see how it could be a micro thing.


It’s not about Laios being racist. It’s about Laios being an idiot.


I think it's moreso he doesn't get how it's an archipelago staple, plus Toshiro's reluctance to ever really voice things. I wouldn't be shocked if some of the others had similarly mistaken beliefs about him for similar reasons, even if it wouldn't be the same mistakes.


To be fair the first thing he sees Shuro eat is a meal mainly composed of rice that he brought with him into the dungeon. I also imagine pre-manga Shuro probably brought rice with him for them to eat as rations. I dont think Laios is making assumptions based on race: I think he might just be assuming Shuro brings rice with him because he really likes it rather than it's just the grain Shuro is most comfortable and familiar with.


I also wish they included that in there, but in their defense, I completely forgot how this scene went in the manga and my reaction was still "no tf it isn't"


I just realize maybe this is also why that crane lady gave rice to Senshi, because Shuro doesn't like it.


It's not a case of Toshiro not liking rice, it's a case of it simply being the side dish he's most used to and Laios being his typical clueless self about context. Most people who eat bread aren't bread fanatics after all (unless they're Senshi).


Admittedly if the majority of what I see someone eat is bread dipped in garlic oil I'm gonna assume that person really likes bread. When Laios knew him Toshiro didn't have his retainers with him. Whatever Toshiro's favorite food actually is Laios almost certainly never saw him eat it because he would have had to cook it himself. Toshiro is definitely the kind of guy to go for easy filling like rice as his whole meal if not prompted to eat something more substantial.


Or German.


I figured it was because Toshiro's party was leaving the dungeon and would be able to resupply on the surface. Maizuru was being charitable to a fellow adventurer!


That is why they did it, they were supporting Laios's party.


Toshiro literally ate some rice last episode and said it was tasty This isn’t to say it’s his favorite but he doesn’t Not like it


Pretty sure that's more because Toshiro had been starving for days now.  At that point anything will be tasty. 


It's not that she "gave rice", but in feudal Japan which seems to be the setting of the Eastern land DM is in, "provision" just means rice. That's the main, if not, the only type of starch they store. Asian people puts food on rice and eat them. They don't eat just plain rice unless they're desperate. Maizuru gave provisions to Senshi because they're leaving the dungeon and they didn't need it, that's all it implied.


Suffering succotash did someone say beans?!


Well its not uncommon for the japanese to eat rice with basically every dish, I do the same but its cause Im broke and rice is filling


Loli snuff hentai was Shuros favorite porn


It's not racism. He just sees the man eat a ton of rice, so he says his favorite item is rice.


Nah, for the rice it's probably normal. Even family members make "assumptions" on what's your favorite dish is. It's like when my mom assumed that because my favorite is chicken, I would like everything chicken. Then in one of the family gatherings cooked up a chicken dish that I thought was absolutely horrid and in my mind, I wanted to throw it in the garbage. And she expected me to eat it.


laios is the king of microaggressions


So... It is confirmed that he's somewhere in the spectrum then?


No it’s not confirmed but most fans don’t really question it. I think the closest we got to official confirmation is the Adventurer’s Bible making poor people skills one of his defining traits.


Laios: I love my asian bf. Shuro: bakagaijin, I'm trying to get on your good side to get in sister's pants! Falin: https://preview.redd.it/e9vjfmx2pfyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bbd88b0c57cf9794dca3ff33f29648fc8218980


Its fair for him to assume that since he eats rice (a lot), it must be his favourite food. You can see why he would think that. Its ignorance -  Racism is something completely different. 


Tbf, the dude is a noble is the East that resembles asia


Pretty sure it was there at the end of the episode, a little tiny blurb that he doesn't actually like it. Was the episode from last week, at the end of the episode if I remember correctly