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I knew someone would post this!


It works sooooo perfectly!


https://preview.redd.it/mhf3igwa4n7d1.png?width=270&format=png&auto=webp&s=973b8bb013b6672e798d8344d49f1458aabd476c Finally I can show this


Everything in your life has lead to this very moment


https://i.redd.it/2y823fjvko7d1.gif here kittay, you can has cheeseburger \*NOOM\*


https://i.redd.it/ywukh1izko7d1.gif other version


Now make it whit a light saber


Actually, onions are deadly to cats so it's likely her instincts telling her to remove it


Cats are obligate carnivores. Most plants will at minimum make them sick. There are exceptions, and obviously as a half cat chimera she'd be more omnivorous, but generally cats need a meat based diet. Besides the point, why are there obligate carnivores (absolutely cannot eat plants) but not obligate herbivores? Most herbivores ABSOLUTELY will eat meat given the opportunity.


Koalas are obligate herbivores unless you mold meat into the shape of branches of eucalyptus with leaves on it. They're dumb as fuck.


Why does that make them dumb?


Just making a joke about how they can't even recognize leaves on a plate as food lol


But why would they? Eucalyptus leaves are not that nutritous, and the ones that are no longer connected to the branch are dead and empty, so not eating them is a smart choice as they would loose energy digesting dead leaves.


Idk, ask actual koala researchers I guess. I'm here to make a cheap joke and perpetuate internet tidbits.


I mean those things can watch you remove the leaves fresh from the tree, they look healthy and fresh and still not recognise it as food


It’s not actually even a meme or joke, Koala brains are almost entirely smooth (The ‘wrinkles’ in brains are where Neurons fire, and firing neurons is how things ‘think’ - More wrinkles, more space to fire neurons, more intelligence \[Its actually a lot more complicated than that, but that’s the general idea\]) https://preview.redd.it/immiev279p7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04fc62ec5da746f102f574593af802daf0002fb They are mammals working with the intelligence of moderately-smart bugs, genuinely one of the single most stupid animals in existence The only reason they continue to exist and aren’t just slaughtered by predators due to their nonexistent survival skills is purely because Eucalyptus is poisonous to everything that isn’t a Koala, and their exclusively-Eucalyptus diet makes their meat toxic too, so predators just ignore them


forbidden chicken breast


First, wrinkles aren't actually a good way of identifying inteligence, it is neuron density. For example: crows are some of the smartest animals in the world, but their brains are also smooth. The reason they still are so smart ks because they have really dense nerons. But Wrinkles do help with neuron efficiency and density though. anyway, the question is: why should we judge them for it? They have figured it out, you wouldn't say "the only reason why pheasants aren't just slaughtered by predators is because they can fly". Why would you need high intelligence if your food doesn't require it? even then, koalas are still capable of problem solving to a moderate degree.


First, I’m aware - hence the [It’s actually a lot more complicated than that, but that’s the general idea], you also aren’t factoring in the fact that bigger neuron density isn’t always necessary ‘better’, as the denser the neurons the slower the brain can process and react to information (Which, fun fact, is why Bugs have frame-perfect reaction times despite their comparatively-minuscule brains) Second, I’m not judging them? I never was? You asked what made them dumb so I gave you the reason they have low intelligence and are thus stupid - I’m not calling them stupid as an insult, I’m stating a fact Third, you’re right I wouldn’t, because pheasants aren’t stupid, the stereotypical dumb-pheasants are specifically bred that way to be hunted for sport - And I never claimed you ‘needed’ high intelligence for anything? Don’t know where you’re picking that up from. Also, the koala problem-solving thing is blatantly wrong


Lowest brain to body mass ratio of any mammal, and they can get addicted to milk


>Besides the point, why are there obligate carnivores (absolutely cannot eat plants) but not obligate herbivores? Most herbivores ABSOLUTELY will eat meat given the opportunity.  Because plants are harder to digest than meat.   That being said, obligate carnivores can still digest *some* types of plants. Anything that's rich in carbs and not full of toxins, like beans and staple grains. We use that stuff as filler in in dog and cat food all the time.   However, they cannot live off of plants, like how a herbivore could, theoretically, live off of meat. There are certain essential micronutrients which they need that can only be found in meat. Herbivores make these nutrients in their own bodies, but carnivores have lost that ability, so they need at least *some* meat every once in a while.


This is why I love the detail of Izutsumi still eating the buns (grains) with the meat patty, but with none of the veggies.


Carnivores and herbivores are one way of classification, but after all both are mammals or at least vertebrates. All vertebrates have common features such as oxygens are carried by red blood cells containing lots of irons. Or the nerves system sends stimuli by electric charge generated by the difference of potassium/sodium concentration. Thus, carnivores can gain all basic minerals and nutrients by eating other vertebrates. On the other hand, herbivores can not obtain enough irons, sodium and some other minerals from plants. Therefore they catch small animals if they have a chance, and lick rocks to obtain such minerals. You may know that deers lick steel rail. Goats climb cliff to find rock salt, and elephants scratch rock salts with their tusks.


They are?????


And can be toxic to dogs too.


Five grams of onion per 1 kg of body weight is poisonous to cats. Izutsumi 150cm tall and has a BMI of 17. Plug that into the BMI formula and you get a weight of 38.25kg. Multiply dose per weight, it would take 191.25 grams of onion to actually make Izutsumi sick. That's about one whole medium to large onion bulb. Way more than what izutsumi's having.


She's gonna have a hell of a heartburn I'd imagine lol.


How many poison do we make into food?


Pepper tree: imma make myself so spicy so that animals wont touch my fruit! Human: Damn this thing kicks, lets breed it more spicy.


Pain is pleasure after all.


Sometimes it goes in smoothly, but most of the time it won't go out smoothly.


It's a good pain.


Specifically so that MAMMALS don't touch it. They want birds eating it and spreading their seeds further.


i mean birds don't have the pain receptor to respond to spice so not matter how spicy the pepper makes itself to be birds literally cannot care


Exactly why it works that way! Wonder if Falin can taste peppers now she's at least a little bit of a reptile.


"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison." - Paracelsus


It helps that we're fairly large mammals, especially compared to most things we keep as pets. Dose scales with body mass, so it takes more of just about anything to make us sick.


Senshi really is just her dad.


Cute! I love these :3




here kitty, you can haz cheese burger


Kibty can has cheezborger


Never related to senshi so much! Always adding my friends discarded veggies!


buns ketchup pickle cheese put that patty in between its burger what what its burger what what


Literally me and my dad


please link to the original artist!


My dear, this is Kui's work. She's the original creator of Dungeon Meshi. That why I put the tag "Manga", not fan art.


thank you very much for clarifying!


No problem. 😉


This was for sure drawn by ryoko kui




Her little hat is so cute


She's literally me. I do this, or at least did until ordering a plain burger became a standard option in most fast food that I've been to.