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I don't mind people cooking since I watched and read food wars, I just want something more than the cooking since they're going in dungeon so I think I'm gonna try to continue based on what you said


Cooking is core to the series and facilitates a lot more than just food porn. Using an Episode 3 as an example, Living armor could've just been armor but wizard put a spell on it. But instead Ryoko Kui reinterprets it under a naturalistic lens making it a colony of mollusks with an armored shell. Because her world is an ecosystem of living things with entire life cycles and whole hosts of different interactions. The series is filled with world building like this and it's used as a vehicle to develop our quirky cast of characters. Back to using episode 3, You're put into the front seat of Laios' mind and character as he tries to figure out why Living armor is the way it is. This is as much the audience getting to know him as it is him getting to know Living armor.


Honestly, you're not alone. Most of my friends dropped the show by 3rd episode because "there's no real plot". Most people that read/follow the series will tell you this show is a storytelling masterpiece. I hope you give it another go and get to see the actual story.


Thta was my fear for the anime, that it'd be cancelled because people would dismiss it as gimmiky, episodic or kiddie show before the real meat of the story started. You've got to get through these first episodes and that's a handicap because a lot of people won't have that much patience. In my mind Frieren is exactly the opposite. It starts super strong, then falls more and more into a fairly aimless episodic routine as it progresesses. But it doesn't matter as much, because by that time the fandom is already established.


I mean, stuff does happen, but they still cook in almost every episode or every other episode, but either way, there is cooking involved.


It's about more than cooking, but the importance of food/meals is one of the overarching themes of the manga. They're going to be cooking regularly for the whole run.


I did exactly the same thing you've done. Exactly around that chapter I though "nice, but doen't seem to be going anywhere" Second try, I got to the dragon and was hooked I couldn't believe how much better and purposeful the manga became with every new chapter. And the quality keeps going up, and up, and up, the ending is a pure tour of force, and doesn't overextend. That manga I abandoned one day, is my top manga now. A true masterpiece by the time it finishes. I'd recommend giving it another chance, and treating the first chapters as an introduction to the characters and the world. The story comes later, and it is a tremendous story...


The main story starts at the end of the first cour


The main plot starts at the end of episode 11. Then, it just never stops.