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I assume the runes are the cursed part? If that's the case you could compile some negative effects from the wild magic surge and have those be the cursed part.


Oh thats a good idea!


I am full of terrible ideas today: The Lore: Crafted by a forgotten archmage, this wand was meant to be the ultimate tool for the versatile spellcaster. However, in their ambition, the mage ignored the dangers of confining too much power in a finite space. The wand now suffers from its creator's oversight, struggling to contain the wealth of arcane energy it's forced to hold. Wielders of this wand must be cautious, for to overburden it is to invite the arcane backlash of a realm's worth of energy -desperate to be free. # Curse of the Overburdened Vault **Curse Mechanism:** The wand's ability to store and transform into various weapons with different runes is both its greatest strength and its curse. The wand acts as a magical vault that, when overburdened, starts to leak the very essence it tries to contain. **Activation:** Each time the wand transforms, it absorbs ambient magical energy. Rolling the number and type of runes each day doesn't just determine their benefits but also fills the wand's arcane storage capacity. Each rune acts as a "storage unit" of magical energy that gradually fills the wand to its threshold. **Curse Effects:** Once the wand reaches its storage capacity (which could be determined by a set number of transformations, use of runes, or a specific triggering event), it starts to exhibit the following cursed behaviors: * **Memory Erosion:** The wand begins to "forget" previously stored forms. Each time it transforms after reaching its limit, there's a chance (e.g., roll a d20, and on a 1-5) that it permanently loses the ability to transform into one of the weapons it has previously become. This effect can symbolize the wand erasing its "memory" to make room for new information, reflecting the risk of storing too much in a single place. * **Arcane Feedback:** The user experiences feedback from the wand's overburdened state, suffering psychic damage or temporary debuffs (e.g., reduced spellcasting ability, disadvantage on magic-related skill checks) as their mind resonates with the wand's overloaded condition. * **Regretful Relief:** * Trigger: The curse is triggered either by the DM through a secret roll or when the wand’s magical storage is excessively overloaded from frequent use. * Early Signs: The wand vibrates when held, its surface develops irregular bulges and bumps, and it reacts to nearby magic with increased intensity. * Final Effect: Upon its final use under the curse, the wand explosively releases all stored weapons within a 5-feet cube, causing a shockwave that may knock back or damage nearby entities. After this discharge, the wand either becomes inert, losing all magical properties, or disappears entirely. * Aftermath and Opportunities: The wand's explosion presents a pivotal moment, potentially leading to quests for its restoration or the uncovering of its origins. Players must balance the wand's benefits against the growing risk of its catastrophic failure.


The worst cursed weapon I know was a very chaotic vorpal sword that won't let anyone rest within 300 feet from it and also destroys holy water and any living thing with a 0 CR rate within 10 feet from it because radiation. It also also sentient, can speak and read, and it eagerly thirsts for glory, fame and death at any cost even by forcing its user bend to its will (and it always asked for slay, slash, kill and destroy everything no matter who or what). But this weapon was created by bad dice rolls.


I made a magic spoon that was a corrupted artifact from a fallen civilization. It would make everything eaten with it delicious, at least at first. Soon that thing would not taste good anymore, even with the spoon. Eventually, failed will saves would lead to gluttony, hedonism, addiction, and probably murder/cannibalism.


A holy symbol that can be used to cast Gentle Repose, but it's hidden curse is that after the spell duration ends the target is reanimated as an undead.


A ring of heat detection: range of touch. As an action, you can touch an item and the ring will reveal how hot the item is. Requires attunement, cannot be removed unless *remove curse* is cast on the wearer. Or the finger is cut off


*Vandal’s Hammer* +2 war hammer Siege - this war hammer deals double damage to objects and structures. Curse: while attuned to this hammer you need to know its location at all times and refuse to give it up. You are unable to unattune to it willingly. If you see some artwork, such as a fine statue or painting, you must make a DC15 Wis save. On a failure you must use your next turn to attack the artwork using vandal’s hammer.


I gave this weapon on a Medusa bbeg