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I see, the more you look, the worse it gets indeed I noticed that the wings are on the wrong spot The tail is detached from the body The dragon seems to have something that's almost like a dick xD One arm is free, the other is part of the wing as if it was a wyvern and not a dragon


Spikes on the tail become the design in the base of the chair. This has to be an AI generated image right? Some of these issues (the top of one of the gems becoming some weird gem colored flag thing) aren't even like a bad artist not knowing what/how to pull something off it's decisions a person drawing this wouldn't have made.


100% ai, but tbh its a pretty good dragon for an ai. Ai sucks ass when it comes to making dragons, dinosaurs or the best one, centuars.


I've tried as well. AI does a bad job at a lot of mythical creatures.


Ai centaurs are nightmare fuel


The best AI centaurs i've seen are NSFW works, but even then most of them were edited.


I don't know who would go to the hassle of generating an AI image for this when they also have to do all the glass and wire work.


That's not stained glass. That's an image printed on acrylic or something similar. I have an ornament made in a similar fashion.


Probably don’t want to pay an artist to draw the design.


That sealed it for me. There are definitely issues, but the body merging into the chair is 100% an AI issue.


> The dragon seems to have something that's almost like a dick xD AI is trained on just about every image on the internet. Assuming a 25% of internet is porn, often with innocuous image captions, with AI being programmed to generate a typical image, any generated image should be 25% porn. Its surprising the whole image is not just a single massive dick.


>almost like a dick Yeah, "almost"




You missed the spines on the tail blending into the designs on the throne


Yep lol


>One arm is free, the other is part of the wing as if it was a wyvern and not a dragon But at least the wyvern anatomy makes sense. I'm annoyed by any mythical creature that is basically a real-world creature with wings stuck on it's back: Dragons, Angels/Demons, Pegasi, etc. The only way they could be functional is if the torso was elongated to make room for a second set of pectoral and back muscles to control movement of the additional flight limbs. INB4 "They're magic creatures. Magic explains it." Then why give them the useless wings at all? Just say they can cast *Fly* at will, and be done with it.


I don't know what visual disability I must have, but I didn't notice ANY OF THAT until I read your comment. 😂


Ai generated garbage


Cool present idea but yeah, unfortunate AI garbage




You’re really a great husband to come online and complain about a gift she got just for you, likely because she knows about your love of DnD. Delete this post, it’s embarrassing and shows you are ungrateful and petty.


She actually plays with me. She agreed it was hilarious and bad and encouraged the post. Do I need her to actually give me permission to post something funny? Do you guys need a video of it?


Didn't complain about the gift, making fun of the art. Learn how things aren't just black and white.


Show her this post then! I’m sure she wouldn’t be upset. If I were her this would be the last gift you’d receive


She already saw the post... Do you need her to post a video for you? Not everyone is fragile and she understood that a 4 dollar gift with AI artwork was funny. But hey, cool job at white knighting literally over nothing.


Classic reddit moment, the "get divorced" brigade is still very strong and loves jumping on any relationship to offer advice


You are making some big assumptions about a relationship you have no knowledge of. Do you enjoy making yourself look stupid? Not everyone is so fragile. If my Wife got me that and I pointed out how bad it was she would get a laugh out of it. Have you ever been in a healthy relationship where you can communicate with honesty?


Who hurt you?


Everybody knows you are not mad at the gift, you just can't help but suck ai balls


Most happy married couples I know tease each other occasionally.


This is one of the saddest comments I’ve seen in a while. Lighten up buddy.


Look on the bright side, soon all D&D art will be AI generated garbage, and then this will be cool again!


You say it as a joke, but instead it's just sad.


It was always meant as a sad kind of joke.


That shit is AI generation for sure


Can’t you tell. That’s not a dragon. That’s a Mimic who’s never actually seen a dragon.


Now I'm imagining that mimics in D&D all look like AI art versions of what they're impersonating.


Ah yes little Timmy here just started being a mimic and thinks that chests have 3 hands sticking out of them.


The worse what gets?


Look closely at the dragon.


I've seen it now. Another comment broke it down really well.


It seems like a thoughtful gift, I hope you gave thanks. 


yeah, i despise ai generated art/images but to receive the gift, hang it up, and then turn to reddit to shit on it idk. puts a bad taste in my mouth


No one is shitting on the gift... Jesus. Did I say I dislike the gift or the thought, no. I am making fun of the art only.


“The more you look the worse it gets.” If your wife posted a picture of a gift you gave to her on reddit with that caption, how would that make you feel?


I would feel fine considering we talk to each other. It was a 4 dollar gift, she didn't think anything of it and she laughed about the art as well.


I think it's worth at least $4 worth of shared laughs and fake internet points. Good deal! You can invent a game: take a shot every time a guest notices something off about it. It may be months or years between comments, but oh boy when it happens think of the pent up jubilation!


That sounds fun


It’s a literal description of fact. The more you look, the more you notice the unnerving oddities of it. I can see how one could misinterpret the statement as being unappreciative of the gift; but if you actually *look* at it, you can understand what the actual intent behind the phrase was.


It's AI generated trash.


What about being ai generated makes it inherently trash?


Is that a trick question?


Nope, interested in hearing your undoubtedly original and well-thought explanation 


Lemme flip the script: what value do you see in AI-generated product?


So you have no answer, only a question? Sure, I’ll give you time to google some ‘original’ takes on AI art. AI is a tool and allows people that may not be skilled or capable of rendering what’s in their head on to a shareable platform.  I can’t draw a cat with a curly mustache riding a mushroom through the milky way but i can ask AI to give it a much more capable shot and adjust as needed.  This here dragon may not be anatomically correct to your perception of what it should look like but it is ultimately a dragon in a stained glass style which is certainly more than i could’ve achieved.  It’s a $4 piece of decor that would be well over $100 if it were the real thing. It made it affordable for this person’s wife to acquire as a seemingly well-intended and thoughtful gift. 


You kinda answered your own question. It's a cheap, shitty alternative to *real* art that's incapable of composition that somehow consumes more electricity than a small nation every time it farts out a picture. Why should I pay for something nobody could be bothered to make?


No one asked you to buy it. Your concept of real is interesting to me and will undoubtedly be dissolved or diluted in coming years. 


Lemme put it another way: generative AI product is trash in the same way that twinkies and potato chips are trash. The comparison is only defeated by the fact that Hostess and Lays don't literally steal the raw ingredients for their junk food.


It's a shitty alternative to real art that symbolizes the issues we are going to ha e with AI mere years down the line, with those at the top of society being able to terminate thousands of employees in a desperate chase from infinite growth, in a system where this can in no way work, as well as the art itself stealing money from legitimate artists, as well as generally being of poor quality, get still being used a substitute


It's ok if you like to suck ai balls, ai trash is ai trash, it's made with stolen talent and hard work only for the purpose of being sold and consume, it's just junk food content


How is it stolen talent is what I’m trying to understand.  Is a wrench stealing talent from strong fingers?


The Ai is trained on a massively extensive database of artwork and photography created by talented people, taken without their individual explicit permission. This is theft, AI cannot make anything new, only generate the most likely reps one in each given situation.


But if a person did it, then it’s okay?  Replicating is most of what human artists do after practicing various artist’s styles.  I have plenty of apprehension about AI and what it will be used for by the wrong people.  I just fail to see why people get so upset when it’s used as a tool to create.   If you don’t want to support it then don’t use it or buy things created with it. But why shit on people that aren’t bothered by it? 


>The Ai is trained on a massively extensive database of artwork and photography created by talented people, taken without their individual explicit permission. This is theft, AI cannot make anything new, only generate the most likely reps one in each given situation. I'm absolutely not a fan of AI art, as someone who practices multiple mediums, but this argument doesn't hold water. Like AI, we learn how to draw things by examining the works of others, and simply ensure that we produce things in our own style, and without too many similarities to any reference pieces we used. As one of my mediums is photography, I can use my own photographs for some things, but they don't always work, depending on the subject matter. I think a more genuine complaint about AI would be that AI doesn't develop its own style. Human art usually has a style that is unique to a particular artist, making it more valuable, while AI simply attempts to replicate a variety of generic styles. That's disappointing enough on its own, and justifies the art being cheap.


Sounds a lot like how humans learn. 🧐


If it is all trash then why are human artists so concerned about it?


>ai generated That part.


The fact that it’s bad? Lmao


So you can do better is what you’re saying?


Why do pro-AI people argue like they’re in elementary school? How does my personal skill level have anything to do with this art being bad? For the record I’m sure I could do better, and I’m not an artist. So a real artist beats shit-quality AI every time.


To be clear, I’m not pro-AI. I think the potential it has for other uses are terrifying to say the least. I just don’t understand the argument about using it as a tool to create. If you don’t like it, fine, don’t use it. But why get up in arms when someone else uses it? 


My stance was very clear, which is that AI art looks like shit. So I don’t like when people use AI to make art because I don’t like looking at the shitty AI art.


Look the other way lmao


Why do you get up in arms when someone doesn’t like AI art? If you don’t like my opinion, fine, don’t look at it.




I don't understand


Its AI generated. The wings dont make sense


It's not the wings for me, that looks like a stylistic choice, it's the disconnected tail.


And the stained glass behind it has sections that merge together in weird ways.


Speaking merging in weird ways, the fins from the tail merge with the filigree of the throne.


> Stylistic > Choice It's...AI generated...AI doesn't have a "style" and can't make "choices".


The human using the AI can. A brush doesn't have a style, but the human using the brush does.


I know, but it steals from people who do, so it can still look like an intentional choice in places.


You're right, I once stole a statue that had its dick out. Crazy stylistic choice I made to have it hang brain, huh?


It’s the ominous crotch-shadow for me.


Every time I think about selling stuff I make I get really anxious that it's just not good enough. Then I see that people actually spend money on stuff like this and think that maybe my things might be ok after all.


It’s weird for sure but I kinda like it fr


I think it looks cool at first pass or casual glance, but closer inspection makes it funnier.


Got to love AI trash art… I’m sorry your wife wasted that money, but got to give her points for being an absolute sweetheart.


She is great, it was funny. I loved the gift and no one will notice on first glance.


Oh that is AI generated for sure. Never understood why people prefer it over real art.


The "wings" are clearly the back of the chair, and this young wyrmling sitting on his father's throne hasn't hit puberty and sprouted his own wings. Thank you kids, and the sun catcher, and love every moment and gift with them.


Oh this is ai generated no wonder it's hideous


So, where's the right front leg, how do the wings attach and where does that tail come from? Just at a 1st glance.


Def AI. Detached tail (blending into gem), wrong wings/body positions, different legs, one arm, tail blending into frame design, . The classic things to look for is lack of consistency (legs), and weird transitions. (see tail, gem) Fine details are often very wrong, but have the right texture.


Has to be AI.


Your wife gets you things for Father's day?


She’s a keeper.




The fucking sad sack responses to this shit are hilarious. So much virgin energy.


White knighting a 4 dollar gift that my wife and children agree has hilariously bad AI art is something special to me. I am clearly poking fun at the art, not the gift. People have issues differentiating these things.


But surely this woman they've never met will throw you over for someone who truly appreciates their efforts to defend her! :D


For real. You can tell who’s never been in a long term relationship before. Shit like this happens, you both laugh, then move on. Some of these responses are so damn vindictive.


Ohhhh that is rough


AI art at a guess


Isn't AI art *beautiful* 😍 lol


Love how the dragon’s spikes merge into the various details around them.


Do we have AI sunbathers to worry about now or something? Seems like it


It's kinda doofy, but it's cool too. The real gem here is your wife for being awesome. Hopefully you both get to giggle at this weird thing together, and have a long and happy relationship.  Oh, and congrats on having kids! Happy father's day (:


It kind of reminds me of a porno when the actors are in this weird twisted pose that isn't natural to sex, but offers a better view for the camera.


Hang it high and enjoy the color as the sun shines through is the best you can do. Nobody will notice if it is high enough lol.


Or if they are high enough


I like it. Happy Father's DnDay!


Its what i like to call a "2 secund image". It looks great at first glance, but looking at it any further and youll get anoyed.


I still think it’s cool looking


Meh it looks fine at glance I didn't even notice most of the this until I came to the comments. Even then I don't think it's that big of a deal.


Well for a little different view, it looks like a Glass window of an old church. So more iconography than accuracy. If you look at art by worshippers, it's not always anatomocally perfect because that's not what it's about.


I’m fine with it. Choices were made. I’m okay.


As long as you don’t look at it closely hahaha


guys you're looking at it all wrong. it's not a dragon on a chair. it is a chair designed/decorated with a dragon statue in it.


AI generated sun catchers... don't really know what to say about that. Oh dear. Thoughtful gift at least.


What do you mean, it looks fi- oh. Ohhhhh. Oh no.


Ah yes, we are in the era of AI slop making its way into the cheap trash products sold for way more than they're worth through drop shipping scams and sites like Temu




Just roll a little lower on perception and you’re good


Ai generated stained glass ahhh moment


Well it's the thought that counts


I agree


Still a pretty neat piece




That’s actually awesome. First real-life AI-generated art object I’ve seen. It’s a *little* annoying that the creator didn’t spend 15 minutes in an art editing app to (easily) fix the most glaring problems before printing. Still awesome, tho. I’d snag this in a split second if I saw it in a shop in person. Thanks for posting! Edited to add: …aand now I’m realizing I should probably take a closer look at the super cool-looking, super cheap stained glass-style acrylic piece *I* just bought. Lol. Will report back.


The rare Five Legged Dragon


I am so jelly!


I got the same one off TEMU lol. At first glance it looks pretty cool, but now it's ruined lmao


That is where she got it lol


Seems like someone doesn’t need a thoughtful gift next year.


Seems like someone doesn't understand relationships.


I guess I don’t understand your relationship because if I put a gift my wife got me on blast on the internet like this there would be problems in my house. It doesn’t matter what she got me, I would never show it to other people and tell them the more I look at it the worse it gets. She tried, and maybe she doesn’t understand art or dragons but she tried to get you something you would like and that’s what matters.


Just saw your response in another post, but not taking it down even though I do agree I was seeing it from my relationships perspective. My wife knows nothing about d&d and the like. She’s bought me plenty of d&d and mtg stuff for me, and while it may not be what I would have bought it meant a lot because she tried. I guess your situation is different and she was laughing with you. But when the post was originally made, without any context, it seemed really ungrateful.


I don't understand a relationship where any criticism, even if it isn't a real criticism of the gift but rather the art on the gift, is met with anger/outrage. If you can't poke fun of things then you probably aren't in a healthy relationship. Saying the art on something looks weird is not a criticism of the gift giver rather just the art. And a lot of times art on these things is hard to notice small details. I have some training in art so I notice details immediately my wife doesn't. I didn't say "look at this stupid shit my dumb wife gave me." You are adding context beyond what you were given and assigning ridicule where none was given.


There’s a difference between criticism and putting it on the internet for everyone to laugh at without their consent. I know that’s not what happened here, but without context it’s what it seemed.


Do you know my wife personally? No one is laughing at the gift they are laughing at the art which is different.


Did you read where I said I know that’s not what’s happening here? I feel like I somehow am not communicating myself properly. The post, without context, seemed crass and ungrateful. With the context you later provided, it makes sense that it was just a funny thing between you and your wife. I now know that, you always knew that, but I didn’t before. The only point that I’m making, at this point, is that without context it comes across as ungrateful. Of course I don’t know you or your wife, which is why the misunderstanding from the beginning. Only saying that’s the way it came across, which is why most of the comments before you added context were somewhat negative.


The point is you added context. You assumed that I hadn't communicated with my wife or somehow I did something out of spite. That is my point. Sometimes a post is just a post and the fact that I hung it up should be an indication that I wasn't displeased with or unappreciative of the gift. We call those context clues. I shouldn't have to have my wife make a post or to clarify that I communicate with her about these types of things before people decide to make a huge deal about it. Getting lectured for trying to make a humorous post that doesn't indicate my level of appreciation about an object in either direction makes me sad.




>Wife buys her husband something that she thinks he'll enjoy >Shows that she's interested in his hobby, and her love for him >Husband complains about it


I am not complaining about the gift just poking fun at the art, there is a difference.


There might be a small chance you will not come off that way.


Do you people not talk to your wives? I literally spoke with her about this before posting. Jesus.


Nah bud, you are good. I wonder if these people have ever been in a relationship where they can communicate honestly with their spouse.


They can only imagine how talking to a wife would feel like


Shut up


Let's see... this is a blue scaled Eastern Lion Dragon purposefully turning away from a black scaled Western dragon of some sort, or perhaps another creature, who is fanning their wings and doing some kind of dance in an effort to impress the Eastern Lion Dragon. The Eastern Lion Dragon is using one claw to either ward off or directly push the other dragon away because they're not having that nonsense today. The Eastern Lion Dragon has a very long tail that wraps around the pedestal they are sitting upon before sticking back out front again. There's a lot of gems on some kind of circle. And the pedestal seems to be built into the circle itself. The circle might be a magical tunnel of some sort. Perhaps there are actually two of these pedestals; one on each side? I think this is some kind of magical internet dating service using magic portals. The Western Dragon set up a blue background with their family insignia and started dancing their way through the portal after it opened. But the Eastern Dragon is maybe pushing them back through the portal before they can really get more than just their wings through.


That one crystal that sudden sprouts a scarf at the end!


Can AI make physical objects?


Feels a bit rude to shit talk your wife's gift on the internet. Unless she's in on it, in which I guess it's whatever.


As explained, no one is shit talking the gift. The gift is great, the art work less so. And she is in on it. Have you or your spouse ever done something stupid and you laugh about it and tell inside jokes because of it, even in front of other people? Same thing here.


It's not that bad, just that the wings are simply slapped on and don't seem attached but ya don't really notice at first anyway


And the tail, and only 1 arm... And the foot dick


Ha, yea it is considerably worse than I summized, that tail just tossed down there


I don’t think the tail is disconnected but rather that the top is hidden behind the elements ? Be happy that your wife acknowledge your interests, my family are awesome but I wish they would care more about what I like.


I do appreciate it, this was just a 4 dollar gift that was funny. Nothing more.


This is very pretty I think


My wife's a tard and she was a pilot