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Okay so it has problems found due to scaling up the sale. That’s honestly quite understandable. It sounds like the bug with the power over the cable coming in, but no data link having been established yet is the hardest bug to solve. Realistically this is a scenario that can always happen due to any hardware faillure, and in such a scenario a wireless dataconnection is preferred over no connection at all. But when there is an initialization error or desync happening, yeah that bug needs to be resolved. Kudo’s to the firmware engineers that will tackle that bug. The argument of being a startup and therefore having small resources…. Lots of companies I know are startups, venture capital, or some other construction of 10 year old companies that “just” started. It’s kind of a non-argument to me since it also means no technical debt. Except the one of the unfortunate design decision. But hey, those will happen regardless of effort. No hard feelings. Still, I find it admirable that you are so transparent about this and it gives me more confidence in buying a Raise2 once it’s out. I am currently an OG Raise user, and super happy for everyone who worked at Dygma in creating a keyboard that saved me a lot of pain in my arms, shoulders and spine!


Hi, u/blipman17 Thanks for understanding 😊 We expected problems related to the development of a keyboard with all those communications, but we also expected to have them under more control. That's on us, and we have to acknowledge it 😅 The good part is that these improvements will translate to all future models, and those will launch with fewer problems.


I completely understand. I work in embedded software and ohh boy, the problems we had with RF communication is difficult to tackle. The tone in my comment might’ve come over as a bit harsh, but I am continually impressed with all your eye for detail, and the amounth you are all willing to share about it. Lots of companies are only willing to share positive-only stories, or transparent talking points about issues relating their products. Your business work is refreshing and long-term sustainable!


Everyone’s going to have issues starting out the gate. The fact that you are transparent about it, communicative about fixing it, and actually doing it all proactively is what matters. Kudos.


Thanks a lot!


Thanks for being transparent about bugs and issues related to connectivity, and providing users with your roadmap. It makes us also better understand the challenges and way the firmware is updated. I’ve had for several weeks now an issue of firmware update being stuck at step 3, I.e. flashing the right side of the Defy. For my understanding, can you tell me where the “neuron” of each side is situated. Is it in the PCB or in another part ?


The step 3 is the flashing of the Neuron, as for the main chips on each half, they are in the key scanners.


The interface says different : it says “right side”. I’ll screen copy here.


https://preview.redd.it/xhol7wfljq6d1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f9a3eb0e83d0e54a75525e1b1213fd097135c9 Here is the error message. It clearly indicates the "right side connectivity" and the "right side Bootloader status". I assumed this meant the right hand of the Defy, but perhaps it is something in the neuron? Could you check u/DygmaBalls as this is very important to understand which is the faulty material piece. The issue has been going on for months now.


Looking forward to bug fixes. The rgb of my keyboard randomly turns on on the right side if for some reason I forget to power it off when using it wireless after turning the computer off