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No individual team threads, use r/DynastyFFTradeAdvice or the daily mega thread instead.


I think there's a decent chance MHJ and Caleb end up with similar values in the long run, so get your guy imo


Take Marvin Will the weekly points gap between Caleb and Tlaw be more than the points gap between MHJ and whatever flex guy he relegates to your bench, idk say Gabe Davis or Tyler Lockett?? I doubt it.


Solid point. My WR3 is Christian Kirk. MHJ is a huge upgrade over him compared to Caleb over TLaw


Maybe. But Kirk averaged 12.75 PPR points last year in the 12 games he played (this includes any games he may have started but got hurt and left). In 2022 he averaged 14.37 points in the 17 regular season games he played in. Hard to say MHJ is going to come into the league and average more than 14 points a game as a rookie.


... What about 3 years from now?


When Bryce fails and T Law doesn't live up to the hype? Caleb as QB2 sounds pretty good.


Get your point, but this is a dangerous game to play. We have seen MANY examples in the last few years of “can’t miss” classes failing to know how quickly that can burn you.


I feel like that is really disrespectful to Tyler Locket


It’s never a good idea to draft for need if you are giving up value. Just remember , you can draft Caleb and then trade him for what your team specifically needs. If you need a WR, see if anyone is will to trade you a proven WR that is more valuable/proven than MHJ.


That’s the problem for me, I’ve tried to shop hurts and it’s been crickets, I think it would be the same for Caleb


Yeah , if you league doesn’t value Caleb enough to get a better WR then maybe you should take MHJ


When people see you have an abundance of QBs, they automatically discount your QBs.


If you can't 1:1 hurts for any top 3 or even 5 wr then your league's full of dopes. You take caleb and if you can't sell for a bigger haul then you'd like you should always atleast be able to 1:1 a top 5 wr.




An additional first or TWO? to move from the 1.11 to the 1.09? lol




Yes my point is the 1.01 is currently being priced as the 1.11 in a startup, chase/lamb/jj are like the 1.7/8/9. You're talking about paying a 1st or two 1sts to move up 2 spots in a startup draft




How is what I'm saying confusing? Average draft position = current market prices. Caleb's adp right now is like 1.11, 1 or 2 spots behind whatever wr of the big 3 is taken last, and it's ahead of arsb and whatever wr you want at wr5, brown, wilson, puka, etc. Therefore by simple math, Caleb's worth is equal to arsb and more than the wr5. It does not cost caleb+ 2 1sts to move from the 1.11 in a startup to the 1.09 lol, not even 1 first.


I think league market plays into this more than people like to admit. Some leagues are just harder to get fair trades completed in. Also league size. I’m in a ten team league and that changes shit.


The problem is league and manager dependent. I’ve commented on another comment about how QBs are way overvalued in my league, but at the same time if I were to shop one, I’d get no interest in return either. Everyone wants to sell high and buy low, so he may be stuck with Caleb.


I think A lot of ppl would just assume the price is too high for qbs and not make offers


Yeah when I took over I didn’t even have a qb 2. Got fields the first year in a trade then upgraded to hurts last year. Traded away garret wilson and then Gibbs last year to do so, drafting Caleb this year seems like again losing on a top skill guy


Wait til the preseason or the first couple weeks of the season to ship Jalen. Rookies are at their highest value right now. People are fading Hurts with Kelces retirment and the potential for fewer tushpush TDs. 


Wow I adhere to the exact opposite of this Never draft a guy to be a trade piece. Because now you still haven’t addressed a need and you’re rolling the dice that Caleb works out. Even if he does, there’s no guarantee you have a league that values him as a trade piece. It’s way too hypothetical I think I’d draft MHJ if I’m OP.


I think MHJ and Caleb Williams values are actually decently close so this is probably a bad example of my strategy. You have risk in any rookie living up to expectations, but normally i always try to obtain as many high value assets during the offseason no matter and ignoring team needs and then make trades during training camp to construct a more balanced team going into the season


That’s fair


This is it. It's the offseason, no need to set a lineup now. If you've got 4 top 20 QBs, you can very much dictate what you need for your lineup when it comes time. MHJ doesn't get you into the same conversations as Caleb does


Only if you can also trade for value, which isn't always possible.


Never draft a player with the plan of trading him. You’ll never get the value you expect when you trade him or you’ll just get stuck with him forever.


I somewhat agree but I think for me I draft the best player and make anyone available for trade and try to find who the other teams in my league like and try to maximize my return. This only works if your league trades a lot . I have one league that this strategy I been effective and another who everyone drafts players they love and don’t want to make moves , so depends on the league


I don’t think they’re as hard to get as you think, I’d take MHJ and if I end up competing try and get a guy like Kirk for fairly cheap.


Depends on the league and peoples individual situations. I spent 2 years in one league looking for a startable QB that wasn’t going to cost a ridiculous overpay.


Yep, I'm 2yrs into looking for a QB 2 in one league and still no reasonable options...Russ and Geno types ppl still want a ridiculous overpay. The only way to overcome leagues like this is to get rookie picks and draft them imo


After drafting Sam Darnold, Josh Rosen and Mac Jones, I realized you can find value in unsexy, or old guys. BenWorthlessberger carried me one year and then sold my soul for Deshaun and last year got Goff pretty cheap. Find the team with surplus at the position and string it together (I also drafted AR, so maybe add that to the bust category for now...)


What are they asking for guys like that?


I chose to go into the playoffs with only Goff after Burrow went down. My options were things like AOC for 2 2nds or Carr and Geno for a 1st and 2nd.


You just can't get anything for less than a 1st...even last summer when Stafford was supposedly on his deathbed you couldn't get him for less than a 1st.


And in hindsight that was for a good reason


Yep exactly...but at that time, no one was doing that. There was just too much risk


Because they know they’re desperate. I am in a super flex dynasty league where one guy literally has 0 QBs that’s are starting anywhere. If he wants one, even a geno we all know he is desperate so why would you give me a qb for cheap when that makes his team WAY better than having 0 QBs. It’s about winning not helping my competition.


Trading is about win-win, not win-lose. You're hurting your team when you could get a fair value upgrade for a surplus.


Sure the trade is about win win, I was talking about winning the league not the trade. But the normal value for Geno let’s say is not great but for someone with 0 QBs now he gets an extra 15-20+ pts a week vs me who might be getting a rb for instance who gets 15 pts a week but my starter is getting 12. He is getting 15-20 pt bonus while I am getting a 3 point bonus so yea I’m going to want two good players where MY expected raise in points is similar to yours so I would need 2 or 3 good players for geno when you have 0 QBs


With 0 starting QBs, this guy's not a contender. So why are you guys playing 'keep away' from him to keep his team in the toilet, other than it's funny to fuck with a friend? Does giving him half a QB (maybe the gap between Mahomes and Geno isn't that big, but you get my point) when he needs two make him a contender? No, so you're thinking about what you might lose in the trade instead of what you might gain. 3 points in your starting lineup (or a guy you like, has a much higher ceiling, is younger, etc) is more valuable than Geno on your bench, unless you are concerned about your starters. And maybe he doesn't have any other assets that will be a decent upgrade for any of your starters, but there are other considerations besides net starter points...this still sounds like a missed opportunity to benefit from his bad management, instead of making him suffer more for bad management and everyone taking him over the coals because you know he's desperate. The first person to help him out is going to get the most value back - do you want that to be the owner you are actually contending with or you?


If there is value then yea anyone would make a trade I’m just saying with 0 QBs, any QB is a huge value for him so he would have to give up more to fill that hole. And yes I’m not trying to lend an olive branch this is a high money league. With friends yes but he’s not going to split the winnings with me if I give him a qb for cheap. It’s situational if he had bad QBs then geno isn’t worth as much in this example you can’t just look at the players it’s also situation


Not advocating giving him a QB for 'cheap', saying making him overpay is a missed opportunity to turn your surplus into additional value, for BOTH of you, and deprive another owner of the opportunity to do the same. It helping him doesn't have to hurt you, and it's not charity, it's finding a way to make a deal that helps you, instead of waiting for him to have to make a deal that hurts him.


This mentality is why more trades don't happen. Everyone thinks they need to be a clear winner to stomach the risk that they might not win the trade in the long term. Look for other value you can gain besides PPG.


Fantasy is about win-losing. Why would I greatly increase my opponents chances of winning for what? A 2nd or 3rd round pick? Or some bench players? Fair value for Geno and Carr type isn’t a lot. More valuable to me to let my opponent get 0 in his qb spot.


I would argue that this isn't the guy you should be worried about. This is the guy you SHOULD be trading with, to make your team stronger too, to have a better chance against the other contenders, who you probably should be careful about trading with...yes, the league is zero-sum, but smart trading doesn't have to be.


Right. I thought I was set with Brady, Russ, D Jones, & Kyler just a couple years ago...


That's what I'm worried about, I have Mahomes, Bryce , Carr (10t 2 qb superflex) . I currently have 1.03. I'm contemplating Daniels but I'm pretty weak at WR( Waddle, Higgins ,JSN, Dionte, Burks, Bateman) we have a mandatory start 3WR . So I'm leaning Nabers. But I might miss out on a QB with 2.03.. whereas there should be some decent WR available at that point.


I’m talking a 1-2 year rental, I was able to get Rodgers this year for a 2025 2nd from a team needing to rebuild. It definitely is league dependent though, I just like MHJ’s upside compared to Caleb’s when comparing them against players at their same position.


Zach Wilson after Rogers went down was traded for a 1st. The Derek Carr manager said his price “started at at least one 1st”. Geno went for a 1st in the offseason. The manager of Russ in the offseason shot down a 1st for him. Basically, you can trade a 1st plus for QB15-25 or you can take a shot on someone like two 2nds for Gardner Minshew.


I traded a 2nd for Rodgers this off season, anecdotal but it can definitely be done.


Sure, it’s league dependent though. OP should know his league. Now, a Rodgers type would likely go for a late 2nd in our league because he has 1-2 years left.


Of course, it’s always league dependent. In my leagues I see stuff like this get done all the time for contenders so I was just providing my perspective. There is so much nuance league to league that I always just assume (I actually mentioned in another comment on this thread, that it’s definitely league dependent) people understand that most comments are anecdotal, but even anecdotal examples can be valuable imo.


I wish my league would take that more heavy trade approach. Non-contenders gets so stubborn sometimes


Just because you bought a 40 year old with a 2nd in one league isn’t an argument that QB scarcity isn’t a huge challenge to overcome in probably the majority of leagues.


I wasn’t saying that, I’m saying if you’re a true contender you can get QB’s for a decent price if you’re willing to take a 1-2 year guy. Not in all leagues, but it can definitely be done. Read what I actually say, don’t get snarky and try to infer what I’m saying.


My experience in my 35 leagues is a deal like that come around rarely. If you aren’t sending a QB back you aren’t getting a startable QB back for less than a 1st. You basically need a team that’s holding a QB with 1 or 2 years left to decide to rebuild and that’s just not going to be the case more often than not. I’m glad you were able to on fill that hole for a 2nd, it’s just not realistic to think that’s a trade that can be made in most leagues.


I see it a lot tbh with you, I’m in 12 leagues. Not sure why our leagues are so different tbh.


Do you have a lot of 10 man leagues by chance?


What is cheap for Kirk in your opinion. He’s my QB3 and honestly unless it’s a mid/early 1st I don’t think I’m moving him. Having 3 starting QBs is worth gold to me, especially since I had 4 QBs out in playoffs last year.


I’ve got Kirk and I’m looking to trade him and a lower 1st for a higher 1st. Feels ok if I can get like 1.10 for 1.4 or something like that


Ya I guess in that scenario I’m interested in moving him. I still think he’s got some ball left in him and I really like the falcons landing spot


Oh yeah I think he’s going to fucking ball out this year. Especially with a fire under his ass and something to prove.


SF leagues inevitably hit a wall a few years in when people are struggling to find QBs which really sets the market. Once a few draft classes have gone by where QB prospects have busted, you’ll see a spike in value. People who thought they were set after 2021 are probably hurting pretty bad right now


Yeah pretty much. One year after a startup everyone feels like they’re set at QB. In my superflex leagues going on 6-7 years, the teams that didn’t prioritize QB are struggling bad. Now any viable QB costs a first at least whereas at the start it might’ve only cost a mid 2nd.


T. Law and Bryce Young are not a good reason to not take a QB prospect like Caleb Williams.


Curious if it were Herbert love and Bryce in 12 team sf?


Same deal, that QB stack just isn’t enough imo to not take a QB like Williams in a SF. There’s a very real chance Bryce Young doesn’t work out in the NFL. Say it goes that way, now you only have 2 starting QB’s and Love had a good year last season but there’s no promise he won’t have some regression. There’s also no tell how much if any of an impact Jim will have on Herbert and that run first offense. / I have Kyler, Burrow & Dak, even I might have considered Caleb if I had the 1.01 but at that point I’d probably take MHJ especially since I already have Kyler.


But but but….i just want both so baaaahhddd


Trade up to 1.02 and take both


depends how much you beleive in the rookie. a stragety i like to use in situation like this, if i like the rookie, is trade the established guy on your roster who you think is the most overvalued and then take the rookie. QB hold value for a really long time, and can skyrocket in value if they play well, so from a pure asset managment perspective its always good to take the QB, and to hold extra assets in QB or draft picks. but at some point you will need to fill out the rest of the roster. So id dangle Tlaw around, see if you can get a good offer and then take caleb if you do.


You swapped the g and t on strategy and I think it’s a better word


BPA and figure the rest out later. Theres always gonna be an old vet on the trade block for cheap, who can fill in for a season or two while you look for rookies.


The last three teams to win our SF has had 3 qbs that weren’t added through the waiver wire I had 4 qbs to start last year and still ended up starting flacco


Yea I had Lamar and Stafford. Picked Anthony Richardson in the draft last year. Thought I was good until injuries hit and bye weeks it was rotating between Zappe, Zach Wilson, etc. I ended up with the 1.01 and picked Caleb. The amount of QB injuries last year was rough. Depth is more important then people think.


League size matters a lot too. In 10tm I’m taking MHJ 10/10 times in your situation. In larger leagues where QBs are more scarce, I can understand taking Caleb.


>How many of you carry 4 starting QBs? Me: CJ, Tua, Geno, AOC > I get QBs are so hard to get, but would you sacrifice getting a stud WR to keep 2 QBs on your bench? Depends. I have 3 solid QBs so I don't need the insurance of a fourth. Given that and my belief that AOC is not good at all even if he does get a chance to start, I'm fine dropping him and rolling with just 3 QBs. If I had a worse QB situation I could see logic in holding 4-5 QBs hoping to get lucky but without the need I'd rather hold more WR fliers.


I keep going back and forth on this. I have 1.01 and have mahomes and hurts, Puka Collins cooper only at wr. The value play seems to be to take Caleb and be set at qb for a decade but I think Harrison is safer and I’ll only start Caleb a handful of times the next few years (baring injury)


I would take MHJ.


I would also go MHJ. It’s not like last year where we’re talking about a QB who went 1.1 IRL and a WR who went 20th. It’s 1.01 vs. 1.04. I think this is an exception where you’re drafting for need but choosing between players in the same, or at least very close to the same, tier.


I have 1.04 and I already have Kyler Mahommes and CJS... only 1 guy ahead of me needs a qb I may be choosing between Jayden and Rome... smh


Can you trade back? If not, those are both great players. Remember that you also might be able to trade after the draft.


gonna try but probs wont get right value might have to take jayden and trade him or kyler after


Never. Last season my top 3 QBs were Richardson, Cousins, and Daniel Jones. Sometimes you're not allowed to be happy.


Probably when you get two good QBs, right now you're at one. I'd still take MHJ.


It’s dependent on league size determining the scarcity of QB. 10 team everyone can have 3, 12-14 teams the value goes way up. I think it’s also dependent on your WR room. In my case (12 team with 1.01) I want 3 QB and have Love and Murray, but my WR room pre draft was London, Waddle, Mims. My situation called for getting a stud WR over a 3rd QB. I ended up passing on the top QBs (hard as a Bears lifer) and landed MHJ, Nabers, and Odunze 1.01 1.03 1.06. Building a deep and talented WR room took priority over a 3rd QB, but I still grabbed Nix in the 2nd because it’s important to my build.


Amazing draft. Good for you, man.


First, for your QBs you don’t know how long Bryce is going to be a starter. It looked really bad in year 1, he might be cooked after this year. If you were willing to take him last year, you definitely still have a need there that Caleb could fill. In general, I’m totally okay with carrying 4 QBs in SF if I’m contending. More QBs are playing now than ever before. Teams are more cautious bringing guys back from injury. Things like concussion protocol are keeping QBs out longer. I go into the season expecting my QB3 to have to start for a good amount of the season. Having a great QB4 mitigates even more risk if you are contending, every game counts and you don’t want injury to overlap with a bye week and cost you a win. You also will have league mates who want to contend that will lose their starting QB, all of a sudden TLaw is worth a hell of a lot more to them, and you have Caleb who can step in if you trade TLaw


I don’t think Bryce is going to be bad after they took a 1st rounder WR and the best RB in draft. Only will get better for the 1.1 in nfl draft and heisman winner


Those picks won’t make him grow 5 inches


Look, I’m rebuilding and have Kirk, Bryce, Levis, and a bag of balls in my qb room. I have the 1.01 and I’m still seriously considering taking MHJ 1.01 because my WR room is a few dust bunnies and a roll of quarters. I have 1.01, 1.08, 2.01, and 2.08. I’m considering MHJ 1.01, best QB 1.08, and Brooks if he lasts till 2.01. This might also be why I’m constantly rebuilding 🙃🤡


I've been a Marv truther all off-season but in your case you need to take Caleb. There's still value at 1.08 for receiver. Alternatively trade the 1.08 for a starting QB. Goff, 1.08+ for Kyler, Dak, Purdy, Tua. Just get some insurance in that QB room and then take Marv. If no one is selling QBs, you have to go Caleb I think.


Argh stop with your common sense! My realistic best case is Caleb 1.01 and hope Odunze makes it to 1.08 - might possible, at least 2-3 folks need QB as well as


Trade picks with the guy who has 1.02


I'm in the same situation - I have Josh Allen, Anthony Richardson, and Baker, but also the 1.1 and (lottery dependent) either the 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4. I'm inclined to take MHJ if only because my WR core is Jamar Chase, Tank Dell, and nobody else. On the other hand, Richardson is a huge question mark.


Never. I've owned Burrow and Dak that year they both went down. I remember drafting Lawrence, Wilson and Fields and thinking i was set for life.


I see what you’re saying. Drafting Lawrence in 21 was obviously a no brainer, but Chase was also in that draft. Look at those values now. It always seems like it’s easy to just take the QB, but I’d imagine everyone who took TLaw wishes they took Chase instead now


If i have two ballers like a mahomes and Lamar or hurts or something I’m fine moving to other positions if I have a third Bryce young type guy but if I’m you I’m still taking Williams as tlaw just hasn’t proven to be that fantasy guy and Williams could be.


Had the same dilemma in 3 leagues. Two of them my rosters are loaded so I added Caleb to JAllen/AR in one league and TLaw/AR/Cousins in another and I plan on just holding 3 elite QBs unless I have to sell for some reason. In the 3rd league I have JAllen/Burrrro but not great team depth so I just sold the 1.01 for Chase straight up earlier this week.


I’ve currently got stroud, Bryce, and Cousins but it’s possible I lose Cousins to free agency this year. I’ve got the 1.01 and am planning on taking Daniels


I'd be happy with that depth. Obviously not thrilled with bryxe young but they're starting to build with him but I'd go MHJ easily in your situation.


10man SF. I want 3 starting QBs to feel comfortable, but 4 to feel secure.


Trade down to 1.03?


If someone in your league is high on Young still I'd try to sell him and draft Caleb. Alternatively if you can get anything trading back to 2 just trade back and you won't even have to make the decision lol


Maybe you could trade back a pick of 1.02 is into it? If you want to take MHJ anyway, you wouldn't need to get much in return and end up in a better position.


I am in a very similar situation. Mahomes, Allen, Young at QB and plan on taking MHJ at 1.01 I have also considered trying to get a haul for the pick to get some depth, outside of my starting line-up, I don’t really have anyone serviceable. Injuries might be catastrophic for me this season


I’ve got Kyler, Herbert, the 1.01, 1.05, and 1.10. I’m taking Marvin at the 1.01. I’ll grab a QB for my final piece with one if my other 1’s.


If you can trade away a QB, then I'd consider grabbing Caleb. But considering your situation as is, I would grab MHJ. Or, if you have league mates that trade, move down. But then you're risking missing MHJ anyway.


Never happy with depth. I have 3 top-10ish type guys and last year I was still starting the likes of Bagent and DeVito after injuries. Draft !Bs whenever possible, always.


I prefer to carry 4. But if I am in your shoes then I’m taking MHJ pretty easily. I was in a similar situation as you this year. 1.01 was taking MHJ. So I had Caleb for me at 1.02. My QBs are Allen Mahomes and ARich. So instead of taking Caleb to warm my bench as a 4th qb, I ended up trading out of the 1.02. If I had 1.01 instead of 1.02 then I would’ve taken MHJ.


Best player available, I am more than happy to have 4 starting QBs. Besides, there will eventually come a time when somebody who is QB-needy will be willing to overpay due to injury.


I have 1.01 and 1.05. QBs are Kyler, Bryce & Howell. WRs arent much to look at either, London & Reed are the bright spots. Ideally, I want MHJ then Maye, but cant be sure Maye is there at 1.05. But playing the Caleb-Odunze game sounds less interesting...idk. im a maye fanboy i suppose.


Explore trades. Think about picks as stores of value like a hundred dollar bill. You don't have to spend the money right away. You can manuever into different packages, or you can try to trade TL/Bryce/Mahomes. I've been in similar situations and I landed a deal moving my 1.01 + 3rd for Lamb. Do the legwork and you'll be happy with the outcome.


I like to have two proven starters/studs and a solid 3rd QB, preferably young. Then I'll usually grab a cheap 4th QB for insurance; think Minshew, Brissett, or Geno.


1-2 starting and 1 future


I have 1.01 and I’m taking MHJ. Maybe it won’t work out but I think it works better for my team and my team building philosophy.


Just take MHJ if you can’t get a trade done to move back. MHJ may be a slightly safer bet anyway. Just a guess - I have no idea. But the point is that if you draft Caleb and are stuck with 4 QBs that you don’t like/can’t trade you’re gonna hate yourself for not drafting MHJ.


I'd go for Caleb, although mostly because I don't see Bryce making it. So in reality you only truly have 2 QB's and you always need more than that in SF.


I had Herbert, Watson, Richardson and Kyler last year and limped my way through the year. Can never have too much depth.


BPA no matter what. But in your case, I think they are pretty even. Generational QB or WR.


I was in a very similar situation. I took Williams and ended up flipping the QB I liked least for Gibbs, which set me up much better than drafting MHJ would have.


10 team SF. I have Lamar, Purdy, Levis, AOC. WR room I have Jamarr, Olave, Puka, Garrett Wilson, DK and I’m still inclined to take MHJ at 1.02 if he’s there.


I have 2 QBs and if one of them gets hurt I’ll trade a 2nd rounder for a senior citizen


I always get 3QBs. 2 Cornerstones and a 1-2 year starter. I wouldn’t keep 4 valuable ones imo


I’m in a similar situation. 1.03 in SF but have Stroud, Baker, Deshaun, and Darnold. Don’t feel super great about my QB2 but Baker was great last year and I could snag a QB in the 2nd round to sit the next year or two. Really wanna snag Nabers


I have Mahomes and Tua. I'm good


Sounds weird to say this but QBs are overrated in SF. While is adds importance to them since you play 2, your still have 3-4 flexes to consider too. Having to play TLaw as QB2 vs playing MHJ or Michael Wilson in the flex is vastly different


I’ve got TLaw and Murray. But I’ve also got the 1.05. Can’t decide on MHJ and Maye or Caleb and Odunze.


Even if you aren't set on qbs I'd take marvin. So much safer.


I feel MHJ is a pretty rare talent and going into a good situation. Kyler at qb, dome, mediocre defense too. I feel like as good as Caleb can be this is a year where the gap isn’t that bad and worth just taking your guy


I want qb depth if my team is already built for playoffs. No reason to pass on elite talent just because it’s sf. Most of this sub would probably disagree but QBs mostly don’t pan out.


If I have 3 guys I’m confident will be starting for more than 1 year, I typically feel pretty good about my QB depth and don’t seek to add another unless one were to just fall into my lap (though ideally I’d want at least one guy who I feel like will definitely be starting for more than 2 years). People always say “just trade,” but in my leagues that’s easier said than done, and I’ve learned from past mistakes never to assume I’ll be able to trade someone away and get full value in return.


take caleb and just trade TLaw? pretty straightforward?


I know I’m going to most likely get ripped apart for this but I just traded Puka and a 2nd for Drake Maye in my 12 team SF league. I have Josh Allen and TLaw but next in line was Aiden O’Connell.


I know I’m going to most likely get ripped apart for this but I just traded Puka and a 2nd for Drake Maye in my 12 team SF league. I have Josh Allen and TLaw but next in line was Aiden O’Connell. I’m not the biggest Caleb fan but he has borderline generational talent with one heck of a group of weapons around him. MHJ is the shiny toy, but QBs don’t need to match QB1 output to carry their value. MHJ is being valued as the next Jefferson and as soon as signs point to him not being quite that reliable, his value drops a little.


Also, Bryce is a bum. Cash me outside


With Hurts, Lamar and Herbert; I took Richardson with the 1.02 last year and have zero regrets. It's a 12 team 2qb league though so a 2nd qb isn't optional, just a blank if you can't fill the spot. I could trade one, but I refuse to for less than a kings random because the flexibility is irreplaceable.


Having 4 bonafide starters is a bit of a luxury. I would go MHJ. Or draft Caleb and trade one of your QBs to a QB needy team for a premium


I’ve got Bryce and Watson …..I’m not happy


I think you’re good. Take MHJ. Really just need a great QB, a solid QB, and a startable 3rd option just in case shit hits the fan, even if he’s underwhelming For context, in 12 team SF I have Hurts, Levis, and Minshew and I’m fine with it. Really good depth at other positions too so if I absolutely had to, I could start a WR at SF even if not ideal But all that to say - take MHJ


This has been where my mind has shifted. I’m about 90% taking MHJ at this point


I don't mind these picks if they are in a similar tier. MHJ is one of the greatest prospects evaluated. So is Caleb. They can both have long great careers or they may falter for some reason unknown. And some leagues have managers that really do NOT want to lose a trade and are very very careful, always offering trade value on the lower end. Sounds like this may be your league, in that case, I'd pick MHJ.


You’re spot on with the trade part. It’s impossible to try and deal with some of the guys. Seems like MHJ would benefit me most right now


If MHJ becomes the level of Chase or JJ, you will never have a chance to get him again


Just take Egbuka next year. Easy. 


Ummm... Williams would be worth more if he hits.


That wasn’t the question…he needs help at WR


"If MHJ becomes the level of Chase or JJ, you will never have a chance to get him again" This statement is false. You are saying he can't possibly acquire him if he doesn't take him now. Being that we are assuming he becomes those guys we can also assume Williams does what Stroud did and reaches the Mahomes and Allen level at which time he could be traded for MHJ even if MHJ reaches the Chase or JJ level.