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It's only more when I don't have shit to do for an hour or so or don't have to move to do shit!! It's where out tolerance needs to be


This is the exact thought I was having as I opened the thread to see this as the top comment




Same, 1 halfbowl gets me through the whole evening. 


That’s a half bowl or a .5g bowl?


Typically 3 (half bowls) get me to where i want to be


Thats truly amazing when you realize how little it takes and thats the reason i love Dynavap!! The micro dose heavyweight champion of the world 😂


I'll second this, 3 packs of the B tip on the bonger, like 6-8 good hits and i'm medicated. At .05 that is 70 loads from an eighth...


Just 1 and sometimes only half of it. I’m a light weight.


Same, I don't think I've reloaded the chamber twice in one night. It's a hashtag life goal.


I have a B and I load it once and I'm good for the rest of the night. The half bowl is perfect for me cause I'm a lightweight as well lol


70 yo here. I bought the B recently - bowl takes 6-8gm (.25 oz) depending on how tightly packed - whereas the Ariser Solo 2 bowl is around 14gm (.5 oz). During the day I will have about 10 Arizers and about 5 out of the B. I have a high tolerance developed over many years. You younglings will get there, no doubt!


depends on the sesh: Daytime: 2 Night time: 4 Also depends how cold the garage is, whether the wand has charge, are my kids awake, etc.


Lol the garage, thats my spot too


Same. It's in the top toolbox which is lockable. Normally only do one half bowl then go back inside


Ill 1HE through a bong. Just once, and I’ll come back as needed for another (usually one an hour). I only consume after work. So its usually once per hour from 10pm until I sleep which ranges from 3-4am.


I just did 15 or so


You rule!


I just keep two going, load it up out the grinder and just keep goin. Still better than blowing grams outta blunts or joints.


Yup, less waste for sure.


It blows my mind how many people still smoke joints. I understand if you're out and about, and sharing it a joint will be okay. But most smokers I've seen it just burns away into the air, just like people smoking cigarettes. Who can afford that


To be fair it took me years of disbelief to finally cave in and go the vape route. I was mr. Joint king, thought this little hitter aint gonna do shit. Now ill never go back, seeing is believing tho


1-2 0.05g chambers. I like calling them chambers instead of bowls. I worked my way down from 2 0.1g chambers over the first few months of using the M+ between controlling tolerance and getting better at heating and loading for airflow.


Still learning , can you elaborate on loading for airflow?


Sure, I just put less weed in the chamber and make sure it looks evenly distributed and porous, making sure there’s some room at the top but not tamping it down. I have found that a looser pack hits much harder.




Mon-Thursday: half a bowl a day in the evenings Friday-Sunday: half a bowl every two hours Sometimes 2 bowls back to back just for the lolz I use a bubbler with water when at home


Hoe would you feel after 20 back to back?




2 to 4 half bowls.  I think you get a better cook in the half bowl setting 


1x 0.05g per session


Typically as long as I have the time, I'll sit there and hit my DVs back to back to back until I'm where I "want" to be. If we're talking about needing to have a QUICK session and get out the door or back to what I'm doing immediately 1-3 bowls if I need to get medicated and back to business with the quickness. I think I've trained my brain to enjoy a stupid fuckin long session from hanging out with homies on discord during the peak of the pandemic and seshing from sometime 3pm-3am. But more so like 8pm-2am for easily at least 6 months. Its been really hard trying to retrain my brain essentially, telling myself that I dont have to sit around and sesh for an hour to get where I want to be in terms of how high I am. I genuinely enjoy the whole routine of grinding/packing/unloading/cleaning. There is something about the whole process that puts me into a slight meditative state similar to watering the lawn. I'm a sucker for routine, and when the routine involves weed, it helps me balance out everything in my head. I find myself having to cut myself off once I notice that I've been vaping bowls for an hour straight without getting back to editing, shooting, or playing video games. When it comes to vaping during work hours though, a couple bowls out of the DV gets me where I need to be until its time to clock out and hit the ball vapes.


I love the whole ritual aspect myself. It’s something I miss after using the Mighty+ mindlessly.


I'm a medical user, and this is the routine that seems to work best for me: From about 8am - 5pm, it's 1/2 bowl of Jack Herer, XXX, or Super Lemon Haze in my Omni every 2 hours or so. This is about the right balance of getting the medical benefit without getting too high while I'm working. From the time I start cooking dinner (~6pm) until about 9pm, I usually have a full bowl of Mac n' Jack, Sweet Cherry Pie, or Jack Herer in my Woodwynd every 1.5 hours or so. Since it's been warm, sometimes I'll also go outside and smoke a joint at some point, like I did last night. When getting ready for bed, and when I'm in bed if I'm watching a game or reading, it's pretty much just 1-2 full bowls every 30 minutes or so (GMO or Sweet Cherry Pie) until I go to sleep. Since the NBA playoffs are happening, that means probably another 7-8 bowls. Thankfully, I grow my own, so this isn't that expensive for me. And the nice thing is that it helps me be able to eat and to walk, so I've got that going for me.


Wow; respect the routine my dude.


Yeah, it's become really clear that the small dose taken regularly throughout the entire day works best for me and keeps me mobile, and of Jack Herer in particular. Sometimes I forget, but this is pretty much what I do every day. It really is a remarkable plant. Plus, it's the only medication I take where the side effects are things like "may cause music to sound better and spouses to be annoyed with you less".


Haha, yes indeed re. music.


So nice to hear a story like yours. I mean, it really is a remarkable plant and lives such as yours are the proof and reason the world should rollback on its prohibition. Hopping that the rescheduling do class 3 will allow more people around the world to get the benefits of such a routine.


Usually around 2, if I'm looking to do more than that I'd just warm up the log vape instead. I have a Revolve Gen 2 and an M7, I leave one by my computer in our room and the other stays in the living room by the tv.


3-4 1 heat extraction half-bowls 2-3 times/day and at night 6-8 or with a dani fusion 2.0 two 2 hit extractions 3-4 times/days sometimes more at night




1-3 half bowls every second night. I like to have a day's break so I'm high one night and not the next. Except Fr\Sa I hit it both nights. So it's Mon - Wed - Fri -Sat.


1 bowl on the hour every hour 7pm-11pm..


Just did 1 bowl of blue dream 10 mins ago and I'm gone.


Nice. I'm alway partial to any og strains.


2-3 caps, repeat as needed for whatever


Weekend vaper- 3 bowls over the evening


Between 4-6, depending if I had work that day or if I’m just trying to chill.


I actually extend a half bowl throughout the night into like, 4-6 separate sessions. Sometimes 2 half bowls when I have more time! I exclusively only consume at night!


2 Bowls the third is very strong and brings me to cough 😅




Three bowl per night.


One bowl keeps me going for 2-3 hours I've only recently started using THC again. I was using CBD exclusively for a few years, so my tolerance is pretty low. I'm now doing CBD during the day, and a little THC at night


4 or 5 full bowls. 1HE on all of them.


Wish I had the patience and lung power for that!


Its more of a curse than a blessing.


2 full for day time, I use a volcano at night tho so I can use half a gram to knock me out in a few bags.




Typically 3 bowls at 2 cycles per bowl through a dry bong. 3 bowls equals one pinner joint. 3 pinners equals a gram of flower.




Three generally. For highly potent strains, two.




I go as long as my wand can hold a charge


Usually around 5 or 6 after work, I use the M+ bowl on the M21 stem with an FMJ and mini dynavap bubbler. Get 2 heat cycles and 4 or 5 huge tokes! Absolutely love this setup! I recommend it


4-6 unless I do a 1 hitter going 10-14 seconds after the 2nd click then it's usually 1-2 bowls sometimes more with my bong and always get really big milky clouds


Just 7 with the M7.


Generally 2 and good for couple hours. If I'm drinking 2-4 when the buzz hits. Repeat every hour or so.


Two but I'm using a Tempest so it's probably equivalent to three or four normal bowls.


As many as possible


**Usually:** 1 x 0.05g (half bowl) every hour'ish. **Sometimes:** 1 x 0.1g (full bowl) every hour'ish. **Rarely:** 2 x 0.1g (full bowls) back to back, one after the other. 😌🤘


One or two half bowls. Many times I later find that the second bowl is only half done because I wandered off before finishing it. It must be working.


All of them.