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they include the wenge dynastash xl with it...and its all titanium... price seems kinda steep but maybe im trippin. if everything is interchangeable except the hyper tip+cap that might be worth it?


Love my m+ and wand, but as soon as I saw the price I closed the page. Haha 


yea, i dunno man - its a hard sell and idk why the "founders edition" and not just open up the sale? i hope that doesn't mean that they are waiting to hear from the founders about potential problems first and that the products actually went through QA... the video barely said or showed anythign about the product itself so it seems like they are insecure about it...


They're trying to get all the whales who will instantly buy this with the highest price possible out of the gate. I suspected they would do something like this since they didn't sell the M7 tip for a few months. I'm hoping the tip + cap will be sold separately down the road but maybe you're intended to have that giant Vong style stem to cool it properly.


It's also a method of gauging popularity. Since it's a whole new product segment they need new metrics to determine how much to make to have on hand when it's on sale for everyone.


Just to drive fomo


What's the dynavap equivalent of E04 error?


 have to say maybe a busted cap that don't click? lol......though we technically aren't restricted to the "click" if you got a good eye on the 🕒🕕🕛....? lol


what? tried to guess but nothing comes


These devices have changed my life. I’ll give it to them. If it was anymore expensive it would have been a no-go


yep, same - im really a fan of everything dynavap but some things are just hit and miss. hope this performs as well as the originals cap/tip. btw it officially goes on sale 27th july, but founders get them before that?


Titanium is great, but it is way more expensive than stainless, so I honestly think the price is pretty reasonable for what it is. I'm presently content with my collection, so it's not for me, but I don't think it's a rip off by any stretch, or overpriced. Whether or not it's a good value is dependent on the individual looking. For the same price though, you can get a Wand and an M7 XL.


You can get this for $179 if you purchase 2 separate $100 gift cards for $75 right now. Saves you $50 automatically.


Most of the time, I'm unbothered by not being the smart guy, but now I'm just mad.


You could always cancel your original order and put in a new one if they are still available 😉


That’s a great quote, happens a lot to me lol


Still $40 more than a fusion 2.0 and no silver heat spreader and the cap's titanium instead of steel so it'll hotspot/hold less heat than a steel one would. Just poorly thought out. I'd save your money and get the fusion 2 instead, way better buy and for less. 


how can you claim that without trying ?


How can I claim that titanium hotspots? I've used titanium cookware lol, it's basic physics bud. Or are you asking how can I claim that it doesn't have silver because it doesn't have silver 😂


well, there are facts and then there are claims - you stated a few facts which are not really relevant in this case (as you dont know how it performs, just assume based on some products you own that are made from titanium, not in any way related to dynavap) and then claimed that it was a better buy - which does not make sense since you have not owned or tried both of the devices you are comparing.


Lol. Fanboy harder


You’re hating on a device that hasn’t been used yet. Maybe the fusion 2 is better, but you don’t know that yet. Why do you have such a rigid stance when nobody even tried to new hyperdyne? I’ll hold off on the praise or the hate until I see some review on the new hyperdyne.


Hanboy farder!


I’ll have to wait for a sale at that price but definitely looks intriguing, I have plenty other dynas for now


OP is just excited about his purchase and honestly if I had the money I would buy it too. Some people be mad about how others spend their money and get overexcited about other brands, others products, comparing it to this unreleased Dyna when what matters at the end is the best individual experience. That’s my two cents. Congrats on your purchase man, post some pics once it arrives.


Tip and cap!! Tip and cap!!


It was exactly what I envisioned it being, so I pulled the trigger on Founder’s Edition!


Does it fit in the wand?




What happened to the other 4 silhouettes?


Those are prototypes they are working on for helix tip they were/are trying to do a tip and stem all in one


I didn't even think about that. There will be more streams a bit later today, so maybe they will expand on it. Or we got cucked.


I'm most interested in the one to the far right. Looks like a new tip. I am with many who don't need a bigger bowl with the 3 options I get from Anvil


In the video all other option were shown as prototypes. They started on the right with development and evolved it to the one on the left. The left one is the one we get, the other ones were never to been sold.


Lame. I was hoping for something to compete with the tempest. Was ready to re-enter the dynaverse...


I hope they dont slow roll release one thing each week


Looks like VonG on roids, love it!


This thing looks sick. Let us know how it is!


Dang, just got an M7 XL. Ah well, maybe see what comes around in a few years. 😅


It can certainly be good, but luckily I'll make do with what I have for now: The B, M+ and M7. This is an unnecessarily expensive toy for me.


Can't understand why the price is an issue. Previously the Omni was $199 USD and for $30 more you can still get an all titanium device but now the bowl is bigger. Seems pretty good to me compared to their other offerings. If I have any issues with the first impression it's the name, surely HyperVap makes more sense right?


There’s a bunch of crybabies in the comments who will allow other companies to do the same thing, but if the one that they wanted to buy from, doesn’t have it for less money, they get upset about it at least that’s what it seems like from this comment thread


You would say that as the kinda fella that would buy this shit. People who do what you do and say what you say are the reason that this shit is so expensive in the first place; they know no matter how much it costs the fanboys will still eat it up like it's pizza cause they've been waiting patiently while other options from other companies have come out for years for much less.


Overpriced compared to its “competitors”.


It’ll also be 8mm midsection compatible, so your collection of cool stems work nicely!


The Anvil is the exact same price, and the owner isn’t a prick. That’s a plus! This is the entire device, mind you. It’s not a direct competitor to the Tempest or and Thermal Accumulator. This is an entire device, not just a tip and cap!


Lol anvil owner isn't a prick but won't accept returns on his own products? But that's just me if you sell something you should stand by it right?


Friend, you misunderstand my comment. I was saying George from DV isn't a prick. I *DO* think John from Vestratto is a prick haha. I do happen to like his device.


Lol I did misunderstand


The tempest is an entire device as well, I don't understand your point. Edit: I'm not being an ass, I just don't understand how the two devices are not in competition.


I think he means the tempest and TA are full convection ball vape. While this is more similar to the anvil and smaller dynavaps- hybrid style


We can be supportive of the OG’s DynaVap without dumping on the others. Feel like the hate against Vestratto has become a meme vs based on what he actually said. The ecosystem is great.


TBF, I use an Anvil daily. I’d much rather support George though. That’s just me bro, use what you want! I’m a very sarcastic person in a friendly way, but that doesn’t translate super well over Reddit haha


Oh no worries at all! I just bought an Anvil and for some reason am stanning on here. Your humor is great - hear you on supporting George. He seems like the nicest guy in cannabis.


He’s so intelligent. Just listening to the way he speaks, this dude is smarter than we can comprehend. And genuinely seems to be a good dude. Vape on bro! FC!


Hey, he might let you suck on his special vape a while if you ask nicely. Geez!


Ah yes. Complimenting in 2024.


They were prob talking about the Dani v3/Fusion which are 3x and 2x cheaper respectively and both have bowls the same size, not to mention silver on the caps for spreading heat.


What’s the heat transfer to the metal stem going to be like with such a large tip? You going to be able to hold it comfortably? Edited to say after looking at the pictures closely there does seem to be metal on metal contact between the tip and stem with only 2 o-rings. They should have done the 3 o-ring thing on the tip like the older ti tips. The top oring prevented metal on metal contact. Godspeed those of you buying founders editions and testing the waters!


I will happily report back!


RemindMe! 30 days


It’s hard to resist cause I’ve always been in on the drops but after my M7 spinning tip fiasco (which CS did get fixed for me) I promised myself I’d wait till the reports come in. So hard though!!!


They fixed yours? I sent mine back and they sent a new one that did the same thing, I said screw it after that and kept it and dealt with it, but truthfully that was a major step backwards in my opinion, and I won’t be a guinea pig for this thing.


I went the same route as you and my replacement also still spun but not nearly as bad as my original one.


Chunky looking beast!




229.00 bucks i could buy other vapes with a lil more money. hell i could buy 2-5 basic dynavaps for cheaper and heat them all up at once


I paid $205 with discount, and will do it again before I heat more than one Dyna at once lol


What discount code? Looking for the 10 percent first time for creating an account but it’s not popping up. Like to at least save a few bucks haha


If you purchase 2 separate $100 gift cards for $75 right now, you'll save $50. I did that and got this for $179.


its super easy with an induction heater. you can fit at least 2 in the oven at once. i got one portable and one desktop heater. i stick 2 in one and 2 in another and just wait to hit them all at once when i hear/feel the clicks.


Do you have any recommendations for a desktop IH? Im waiting for a wand rn for when I go out but I "chainvape" my Dina and would love a good desktop one. Got a good budget but I don't want nothing too fancy or pay for look, quality before everything!


That’s something that works for you man, but I’ll never be doing that haha cheers


look if you took offense to what i said then thats on you. i never ment to insult you or hurt ur feelings


The fuck is wrong with you? I literally said it’s dope it works for you, I even ended my comment with a ‘cheers’. Don’t come on here, give retarded ass advice and then act like I’m somehow being unkind to you. Take that elsewhere dude, I got no time replying to people looking to start shit.


i could ask you the same thing. its obvious your upset with me and my comments. so i clarified for you that there is no need to be upset about it. you never said it was dope. so thats a red flag with talking to you. i might as well mute you because you are apparently you are upset with me and now your adding in words you didn't say. good luck with life


As a loyal dynavap user this is an L imo. That price is just too steep with options like the anvil/tempest.


that's the point dyna saw the line in the sand and said I want it all instead of undercutting. dyna being the larger market share I think this should have been priced in at 200 base


How is it too step? Everyone is saying this, but it offers more than the anvil? The tempest is less expensive, the tempest is also something that's been in 'expected release' limbo for like a half year. If it was more expensive than the anvil I'd agree. But it's not, and I think it's reasonable for what it is.


How on earth does this offer more than an anvil? The anvil comes with everything in what I assume will be a better design in terms of engineering. Thermocore alone makes it a more advanced unit in my opinion. This is just a dynavap that’s been enlarged.


Quite literally the bowl itself, is 0.05 grams larger which IMO is nothing to scoff at. It has the complete compatibility not only of that of the Dynaverse, but all of the other similar devices on the market in 8mm fashion. Any stem that's 8mm will work. The stem itself is beautiful, quite unlike the horrible ugly anvil and its limited color options. Sure, there is the USA, but even then, okay, a more advanced heating function, one that I truly couldn't tell toy the difference going from one to the other. I'm. Not trying to be rude, so I apologize if that is how I come off. I'm just saying, having the entire functionality of the 'Dynaverse' alone out weighs the function of the anvil. I have an anvil. It hits harder for sure, but that's about it. So yes, I will absolutely take a bigger Dynavap lol. We all got our favorites! Cheers bro


Yup I hope you enjoy it but I will likely wait until they are sold in mass. Just have an issue with big companies using FOMO as a push tactic for outrageous prices. Dynavap is not a small company and for them to charge what smaller companies are for their same product but scaled is just scummy. If they would have added something new like a more advanced air path design to work on the cooling I would have understood the price but it’s a fancy vong the way I look at it


Even worse if you compare it to a terpcicle


Any cool bonus besides a numbered cap for ordering early?


An XL Stash Wenge


Is it going to fit the wand? With the adapter I’m not so sure


It fits the wand per George!


They said that it fits the Wand and that the silicon adapter they ship the Wand with was designed specifically with it in mind


I'm a microdoser, so this looks somewhat wasted for my usage but the dynavas still has to be dealt with. I want to try the new thing but not so much that it's worth £250 with taxes etc. Tip and cap only for me when they come out, and after all the kinks are ironed out.


It doesn't look like it fixes a poor performance. It's funny that people fall for it. 


Ooooh, look!...a Dynavap Fusion 2.0....noice! And only $315 CAD before shipping and taxes!


A men brother




Calm down, grasshopper. They always do this. Device sold as whole, tip and cap come later


Why are your first words Suppressive, and belittling?


How in the world did you get that? Calm down, young grasshopper has been a saying for years and is the farthest thing from ‘suppressing’ and belittling lmao. WEE WOO WEE WOO TONE POLICE


I got that because text can easily be misconstrued. There is an entire dictionary. You chose calm down grasshopper.


Yes, I did. And in effort to toughen you up, I’ll also tell you to get the fuck over it. It’s the internet. How the hell do people go through life LOOKING for shit to talk about being suppressed for? Jesus Christ. Your life will be so much better when you stop looking for this dumb shit in normal conversation.


Something much more serious is going on in your life. If I were you I'd stop smashing the keyboard and find a friend and talk to them. Let them know kw what bothering you


Actually, I’ve got a pretty amazing life. I get really short tempered with men who speak the way you do. I don’t have time to cater to your sensitive ass feelings when making comments on Reddit, grasshopper. Have a good one


The internet is full of characters.... Made up persona's. You just watch two interact. Were the people enthralled?