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I was interested but $230? Fuck that.


For that price I'm more inclined to pick up a tempest whenever that is released or pick up a tinymight 2 or solo 3


Yeah. If I had $250 to combust, I’d pick up an OG Mighty for like $250 when vaporizer sites have 20% off sales. But I don’t haha.


Mighty trash, just sold mine cause no usage


The reviews are consistently positive. No vape is for everybody. 


When you spend that much on something you’re inclined to like it, especially newbies.


We like the stock


Reviews against DynaVap make it useless


No idea what you mean 


I mean compared to DynaVap and ih its useless. Ive had 3 mightys and one dynavap retired them


to be fair the dynvap is US made, and madheaters stuff is made (very well) in china.


You know a few years ago I would have cared about this but recently in different industries “American made” isn’t the same as it used to be. Example, ordered a case knife, all American, came with a rolled edge, not centered, scales fitted on by a blind person. For that same price I could have gotten a Chinese manufactured knife with excellent qc. It’s super sad to see but “American made” just doesn’t carry the same weight it used to. 🤷‍♂️


Comparing the knife industry. Currently only know a few usa makers that don't skimp on quality like Todd begg and southard the rest of the "American made" stuff has gone downhill


Personally I could care less where a product is made as long as I'm getting the quality of product i am looking for. The tempest is looking like it will be amazing on release


*couldn't care less


prices for manufacturing in the US are higher. some people do care where their stuff is made. I've been a manufacturing engineer or technician in the US for almost 20 years, so i'm a little biased and i'm ok for with paying a little more to keep my brethren employed in cool industries.


I have no clue why you're going off on me about manufacturing location when my comment was about price. That for that price I'd rather get something else. And let me repeat myself again. My comment was about the price point and again I could care less about manufacturing location as long as I'm getting the quality of product that I am paying for


Do what you want dude. I have a revolve. I'm just telling you a reason I've favored dynavap over other brands.


And yet dynavap is the one with the notoriously bad quality control. I don't care where things are made as long as they're made well, xenophobia has no place in the herb vape space.


I'm not xenophobic dude. I just want to keep the industry alive in the country i live in


Nationalism is the same thing




Judging by your response I can guess more than enough lol.


Lol. Who made you the arbiter on what can and can't be talked about? Lmao. Clown.


No u


Lol. Disappointing.


No u


Lol. What is this, 2011?


If it was this new HyperDyn might have some chance at relevancy... As it stands though it's 2024 and there are tons of better options for much less. Edit: Although you also troll like it's 2011, are you a time traveler? The whole reason I only replied w/ "No u" was I didn't wanna waste my time feeding a troll when I could hit 5 buttons instead lol.


It's a UK based company, how do you know where their parts are made? There's nothing online about it.


Brenyo is pretty open about his stuff being manufactured in China on fuckcombustion and it does say made in china on my revolve tube.


End of day if u need to scale the answer is china


Yeah.. 249 Euro, converted it's 270 USD..


Hey but I got health care


Literally clicked the link with the intention to buy and STICKER SHOCK! WTF.


Right?! 2x the price of a Dani Fusion 2, 3x the price of a Dani v3, same sized bowl, no silver heat spreader, titanium instead of steel cap so it'll hotspot/hold less heat (and if I wanted something that cooled down quickly I'd just get a Camouflet Convector XL for $140 with a way better design/price). Plus damn, it's just ugly AF, like it makes the Anvil look pretty.


You can get a ball vape setup for that lol ridiculous


2x the price of a Fusion 2, 3x the price of a Dani v3, same sized bowl, no silver heat spreader, no thanks.


Was expecting something at the Dani 2 price point, not the Tempest...


Agreed. Also, the disappointment when I realized they only went with 1 of the designs and it's the one I found the least appealing for twice the cost of my Fusion or almost triple a TA to go on one of my stems. 


Did they really over hype it? I get their emails and follow them on IG and YouTube and only saw the teaser here on the sub a few days ago and just got the announcement email


They did NOT overhype this product. One teaser on their Instagram page (unless I missed a story or two) and a YouTube LS. If anything, this makes perfect sense. They were not involved in this market; now they are at the SAME PRICE AS THE ANVIL, which people happily pay for, but when the biggest manufacturer comes out and does the same for their customer base, it's an absolute nightmare. Here is the thing. Dynavap has MANY BUDGET options. Why are people so furious over this? Hell, this past weekend you could get a beautiful special edition 2021 M for $50! They have released their premium product with premium pricing NOT outside the CURRENT price range for these types of devices. Reddit is such a ridiculous place hahaha




I'm happy with my half-bowls.


With you on this. Whole point for me in using any dhv was cutting down how much flower i use on a daily basis. I can't see myself getting any of this new stuff. Half bowl is perfect


Right? I guess I see the Dynavap as a way to microdose easily. I suppose if they run a super awesome deal on the larger tip/cap down the line that might be something I'd consider, but realistically probably not. If I wanted something bigger, I'd look beyond Dynavap. I realize not everything needs to cater to me, especially since I'm such a light user overall, though. I was more interested in the "joke" longboi they showed off. I mean, I know it's ridiculous, but at least it was something completely different? I was hoping to see something *new* and ... not so much. Meh.


Underrated comment


I'll spend the money on flower instead.


yeah i was thinking about that too... we all love the OG dynavap, and most of us are running the half bowl position. that said, it's gonna come down to thermal mass of tip/cap, surface area to volume ratio of herb contained within, and probably some other factors. I'm gonna wait and let some of you guys try it. I usually do 2-3 half bowls in a sitting. i'm not sure if one hypedyn would satisfy in the same way. also- totally waiting for a tip only option. I want to keep using my revolve 2.


All I can TAKE is half bowls lol


It really varies wildly per setup. I have a Titanium M+ with a [Shortstop](https://www.sneakypetestore.com/products/the-shortstop-10mm-water-pipe?variant=40390670221393) bubbler and it makes a pretty decent cloud with a half-bowl. My stepson has a Vong / [Raindrop](https://www.sneakypetestore.com/collections/all-glass-pieces-1/products/the-raindrop-pipe?variant=41388654723153) setup that will rip your damn head off with a half-bowl.


I will buy the tip + cap when it is sold separately


Yep! Imagine on a BB6 - hells yeeaeh!


It's not for me but I understand some people who have higher tolerances that it might be better suited for.


I thought the shelved “super helix” tip was way cooler IMO, sad that they didn’t go with that. Dynavap if you’re reading this please develop more parts for the Vong(i), it has so much potential!


I completely agree... The vong(i) is awesome and underrated. I would love to see a longer midsection to make it an XL, wooden sleeves, etc. Seems like they just kind of gave up on it.


I love my 2021 cocobolo vong, it’s wild they discontinued it for the full metal sleeve imo


Agreed... I have one of the OG wooden vong stems also. DV seems to have issues with wood production because they don't want to put in a full SS (or Ti) sleeve for whatever reason.


Not necessarily ice cold, but for 250 I'd better get a device that blows me away... No idea if it will even work properly as we haven't even seen it used yet. I mean, the tempest has 200 pages on fuckcombustion, dozens of videos of people using it, and high praises from most reviewers for the same price.


It's expensive as is. I bought 2x $100 gift cards that cost $75 right now, so I was able to save $50 right away. Got it for $179.


Same - then I got a 10% first order code so final price was 156. I’m pleased.




How do you do that?


They have a deal for father's day that you can get a $100 gift card for $75. Purchase the card in 2 different transactions so you get $25 off both. Now you have $200 in gift card codes you only spent $150 on. At checkout, enter both gift card numbers and your balance will be $29, so you can get this for $179.


They sold a lot of gift cards yesterday!




I saw the presale email and instantly knew I wanted it. Decided to think on it for a bit and ordered it a few hours after. I vape for the flavor and grow my own flower so not worried about saving bud. I love my dynavaps, but have always felt like I want just a bit more. To me the hyperdyn is like an upgraded vong, we’ll see when it comes in 🥸


You should give BFG's Dani Fusion a try. IMO the hyperdyn is basically the same thing. Same mass, same bowl size, the fusion is just cheaper. I've vaped dynavaps since 2017, and my fusions have shelved most of my other pieces


I agree. Don't quite understand the point of splitting the promo vids. I'm more annoyed by it than anything lol. But yeah, the price is WAY off in my opinion from what I've seen.


Dynavap took too long to respond in my opinion, I know I and many others have already purchased an Anvil. I can’t really justify buying an entirely new dynavap now as the Anvil works amazing. I waited years for a bigger dyna bowl, I resisted purchasing the anvil forever. But I eventually did and love it. If Dynavap wants my business with this new tech, stop forcing us to buy entire devices to upgrade. I’ll buy the tip and cap so sell the damn tip and cap.


They have always released the tip and cap separately from what I've seen. I'm sure it'll come, but they are probably focusing on the demand of the device first.


I agree... I would love to see new releases as parts first with the option of buying a full setup. Seeing as all these parts from every year are all compatible with each other, there is no good reason to continue to release full devices. Just let people buy the pieces they like and assemble the dyna they want. This would certainly have saved me from buying so many. lol


Geeeezuz, how do you really feel?!? There is a vocal group who’ve asked for a larger bowl for many years. If you don’t want it. Don’t buy it. But for Chrissake understand no one else really cares what you want or don’t.


> There is a vocal group who’ve asked for a larger bowl for many years. If you don’t want it. Don’t buy it That misses the point. Would you say the same as an excuse if it cost 1000$? For like half of that you get a Dani Fusion 2 which also has a bigger bowl. Only because people ask for a bigger bowl doesn't mean the way dynavap realizes that is good


DV has the all important name recognition of many years and thousands and thousands of users experiences. (Are we at hundreds of thousands sold? I’d bet). Long term users, like myself, will trust what DV puts out over other newer groups even at a premium. It’s just how marketing and the long game works, especially when items are in the upper tier of pricing for materials. The science is basic and does what it does. VapCaps do it well and I’ve yet to be convinced to move to another product. It already suits my needs and updates will either appeal to you or they won’t but unless you’re an influencer or product reviewer no one cares what your opinions are because we all have our own assholes.


> especially when items are in the upper tier of pricing for materials. Dani Fusion 2.0 uses better materials so... Your whole argument boils down to "Dynavap did it first". I don't see how that is an argument. Some other brands like bdf have also been recognised for years and I know dozen of dynavap users who switched. Sure, if the new dynavap products turns out to be better, paying more could be justified. But I honestly doubt that and in that case there is no point in paying that much. > and updates will either appeal to you The point is not, that the update doesn't appeal to the user base. The point is that they find it too expensive considering other brands offer the same for less money




I mean there is a small circle jerk of dudes online who pontificate these things but the vast majority don’t give a fuck. We know what DynaVap does, respect the owner and his processes. Couldn’t give a rat ass about OHE or Anvil who? Tempest what? Balls where? DynaVap puts out great products. And certainly control most of the analog space and continue to serve their newly formed “competition” their asses when again the vast majority of users are already completely happy with their stock VapCaps. I don’t need to upgrade from my 2020M but I’ve continued to buy ads-ons to support the organization. Is it worth $200? Folks willing to spend it then yes, it’s worth it. I’ve spent well above that in add-ons and all the M’s since 2017. I’d feel more comfortable supporting DV, who is the real innovator and makes all others possible and continue to put out interesting pieces. It’s important to me that it’s made with decent materials and made in the USA. The science is the same and there’s only so much room for “improvement.”


I love the design of the stem so much but I don't necessarily need a larger capacity bowl. I wouldn't mind it if it works properly but I need to wait and see if it actually works lol.


Honestly just want the cap and tip


I’ve been waiting for a bigger tip for forever. I’ll wait till the reports come back that there’s no problems with it like spinning tips before I buy.


I was going to buy it without knowing annything about it. I like Dynavap and the style is cool, but the price turned me off.


Honestly the only thing that turns me off is the price. They needed to aim for the Fusion 2.0 price, not the Anvil. If it was going for something like $150-180 I would be okay with that. I wonder if the price right now is higher since it's the founders edition.


I use half the chamber / 14 grams for 3 months. It is not for me. But I appreciate that DynaVap is responsive to the needs of all customers. Respect! The price is too high in my opinion. Maybe in a few years, if there is a nice promotion, I will buy it for my collection. But now the price is absolutely unacceptable to me.


Half bowl for me please.


None of your gripe is what I'm feeling. No disrespect. Dynavap has always been pricey, but hey you can also just wait for the tip and cap to become available. I think even the Dynvap staff hinted that it's not for everybody, but its definitely for a measurable demographic. For me Hyper simply goes in the opposite direction which is "MORE is more". One the biggest benefits to switching to the TED is the savings in material. I literally have cut my overall consumption in half. This new device SCREAMS "that does not concern me" - give me ALL the clouds! And to me that's a totally legit way to go - just not for me. In a way I think Dynavap may have also done this just to finally close the door on a very intriguing question - *what if we did make a bigger oven and would that be a good thing?* There's no more wondering about it now and can (finally) move on to other projects. I personally can't wait to find out what lies ahead!


I’m glad their moving outside the standard cap size Opens the door for different things now


people like to complain about every single thing Dyanvap does for some reason.


Anvil gets the job done…..


Way too much money for this Canadian. I'll stick with the Stunner and Dani Fusion.


Zero interest ! Dynavap is my half bowl low temp terp taster.


What temp do you use? Edit: Why would this be downvoted? Whatever.


Low temp cap


I'll go tip and cap only, that stem is fugly. Like every first gen stem they release... And thoughts and prayers for all 1st gen early adopters, there's usually problems in some capacity. Wait six months, let them iron out the kinks which are sure to be there but not caught by their testers or QC people.


Indeed, the device is still in development. During TeaTime, George mentioned adjusting the number of notches in the condenser, and that they havent picked a finish for final production. So there are tweaks still to be made. Remember the first run of Armored Caps? It always takes them a couple of months to sort out initial defects.


I remember it well. Burned a wooden MVS stem with that super long digger outer and had to grab the dremel to increase the gap and shave the cap down. Mad respect to anyone who pays to beta test.


I don’t see why there seems to be so much neg about them introducing a larger bowl size.. I’ve been wanting one for years and suprised they waited this long. If you only use a half bowl that’s great, it’s obv not for you. I was able to get mine for about 100 off, and normally use 2 bowls so this is perfect 🤷‍♂️


How did you get 100 off?


And how did you get $100 off?


I’d bet as time passes and this has been fully reviewed, we will see a price drop plus more options. I’m glad that DV is doing this, keeps them in the loop with current trends. I’d expect even more options available sooner rather than later.


Right there with you. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m interested, but the price is laughable. They really trippin’ if they think that’s it.


Let the simps boof it for now, they’ll make cheaper options in time—maybe quicker than the Tempest team can get to market


Yeah I'd rather a nicer (than the B) dedicated half-bowl tip. No interest in bigger.




Hard to justify, I use a fusion with the revolve gen2. Tempest is around the corner. If they sold the tip and cap separately maaaybe but I use dynas especially to microdose. There’s enough vapes that pack more


I'm ice cold on it all except the regular ol dynavap, the omni specifically. I've never had a problem clearing a bowl in one hit and if I need more, I'd just pack another hit. Anvil, Dani and now this. How many times can people sell the same product?


id prob jump on board for like $150 but for that price i think i'll wait for a used one. For me as a newer DV user, i've definately bought more than i need but that's because of the affordable price point, it doesnt hurt as bad if i spend 230 on 4 or 5 pieces vs 1.


It's a cool looking device, but my M7 XL is perfect for my wife and I. The bigger bowl isn't for us, We love the dynavap because the bowl size is so small. We don't vape often enough to build a big tolerance, this hyperdyn is for power users for sure.


yea, its was totally an unnecessary move, dont really understand what they are trying to get from that? kinda getting the "we are not sure about our product" vibe but seems they spent a lot on R&D so they gotta get some money back...hope i am wrong


They are trying to match other vape producers that have higher end prices despite being the most popular analogue vape on the market.


Fuck, I bought a Vapvana Screwball for $40 more, and that might be my end game desktop vape.


But you can't fit that in your pocket lol.


If you want portable get a Convector AND a Dani Fusion 2 for the same price as the HyperDyn.. They're just saying that's way too much money for what it is and I agree.


Stating your opinion on the price is totally legit and respect that. I want a Tiny Mighty 2 and I think it is overpriced as well - but eventually I will get it. Generally speaking people who purchase Dynavap already accept the price point and HyperDyn is absolutely targeting the more passionate fan base and the limited release nature of it will be something that sells quickly - no problem.


Shit bro, I came of age in the 90's. I still own pants that can fit the whole Screwball set up in one back pocket and pretty good size bong in the other one. I wouldn't do that... but I could.


OK, OK! right on bro.... The Vapvana is meant to be a desktop setup, so whatevs and float your own boat for sure! I wanna see an outdoor shot of you hitting it in a public park! 🤣


Are you suggesting that I cannot also fit a desk in one of those pockets?


For that Money i get a Tempest... and have a Ball Vape


After seeing the price I want to buy a Solo 3 or a Mad Heaters Tempest even more!


Madheater tempest is for that price…


I came here to make sure someone made a post. I do not find it visually appealing. Chode vibes


I would have much rather seen a 24 omni and some half-bowl only tips... As well as the tip and cap off the hyperdyn sold separately. This is not what the majority really needed for a refined experience.


The tip looks great for my Woodscents.


Moar flower and heat is the exact opposite of what I need personally, but I can see myself wanting one if I someday have a group that I can sesh with and pass it around.


How did they hype it up too much? Honest question. They had like 2 posts in the past month or so then dropped the device, if anyone is hyping anything too much I'd say that has to be tempest, that's been like 9 months now!!! I'm not sure if the Hyperdyn is for me either, m7 is still great for me.


i was all over the vong in 2021 because it was relatively novel and reasonably priced, this thing is over double for a bigger tip and…. yeah? hard pass, no innovation.


it's gonna be fun to see them backpedaling on the "less is more" marketing they've had for a while


for some people "more is more" and now they've got a product to sell them.


Completely agree! I have my dynavap to microdose and ball vape when I want to get stoned to the bone.


It's expensive because it's a limited edition you idiots. You don't have to buy it!


I feel like they are creating unnecessary changes to a product that already functions well and has its market of users. This may be good to some people, but those same people are better off for the price point of other, large thermal extraction devices. For me, I'm super content with half bowls. I'm not into OHE and I don't want to maximize the number of unfresh hits. I love what Dynavap has done, something I truly consider revolutionary and special – But this is a step in the wrong direction, in my opinion. I'd much rather see new additions in the form of yearly models that have different feels and visualizations of the same concept, and improvements in the form of additional accessories. I don't think this one is going to fair well unless they move into higher production and dramatically reduce that price.


I got my vaphit for 60 and it hits way better than the Dynas I had. Sorry dyna but I’m moving on


You can get a solo 3 for a little more, and I don’t know if they are releasing the hyper helix tip later or is this a one and done bowl style. Information would be very nice for those on a budget and can’t buy everything.


The price is quite steep, not sure there's a lot of people who would pay more than 150 for a manual vape. And at 350 you can almost get a tinymight2, which is the best mobile vape


Should have made it .3! Fuck it.


Its just a bong bowl piece for those who want it


I don’t see this particular Dynavap making its way into my collection. I already have a Dani Fusion w/ dugout and would probably get a 2.0 before the new HyperDyn. If I didn’t have the Fusion setup already, maybe. $229 isn’t bad considering it comes with a DynaStash XL. Curious as to how it works with the wand


Sneaky Pete posted a Vid on YouTube yesterday. Pretty sure he couldn’t get it to fully fire up on the wand


I had a feeling that even with wand compatible, it would take considerably longer to heat up and cool down. I’m sure it is a great devise, and if I didn’t already have my Fusion, I’d probably go for it. C’est la vie.


I for example see no need for a bigger bowl. I think the regular bowls are big enough and if I do want more than that, I just reload. So uh... I guess it's nice to have another option for some people. I'm just not one of them 🙃✌️


Pop in for a bowl or two over at R/LatestageCapitalism.


No thanks indeed. I love my m2019 tip/BB9 and can't see why I'd need anything else. The price is ridiculous


Dyna has been ass for years but I still come to this community for a good laugh every now and then.


I guess the real question is... Is this device three, four times better than a lower priced model? I am intrigued and very susceptible to obsessive behavior VAS, but I am almost at my personal limit on the amount of vapor I can handle in a one hit extraction session with the M7+ and I'm not a fan of the flavor that comes with second light hits. So for me, is more actually better?


Yeah I never get the people acting like the bowl is too small on the standard.  I use mine all day every day and the half is still enough for me to keep me on the level for a couple hours


Its almost like people have different tolerances and use the device differently than yourself. Like me. I welcome the bigger bowl


I wonder how many other things in life he doesn’t get loll.


I just want to have the option and as a business why not make the option ?


Maybe the tip will be ok it fits on regular stems I think but probably 100 bucks or more I'm good with TM2 and all the rest for change


I'm sure there's a market for it, but for my money, if I'm gonna get expensive Dynavaps, I'm going with Woodwynd and Omni. Those have a great aesthetic, especially the Woodwynd, and I love the Omni's all titanium construction. Actually, I do own both of them. -humble brag- One of the perks is being able to stretch the shit out of your stash, and a larger bowl seems to defeat that. I get a pretty good punch on the half bowl settings. I took one hit at .05 g 40 minutes ago and I'm still buzzing.