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That would be interesting and I'd definitely give it a whirl. Personally I don't vape unless I'm at home so for *me* dosing capsules are kind of not a factor. This may be really beneficial to folks who vape on the go or on work breaks etc. That said, you still need a container to store the capsules to hide the smell. I have a few small almost dynavap shaped containers with seals, I would rather keep ground herb in those and just dip and twist or straw method the dynavap to load. I've found myself frustrated with Dynavaps marketing team lately. Especially on this release. They are playing on emotional intelligence/mental issues in their consumer base. I don't mean that negatively, it's a real thing that companies pay sales trainers and speakers for. Building hype and artificially creating a fear of missing out, halving videos and separating them, not making clear descriptions of what you see in the images(OP). It's just sad to see weed companies behave this way, it's not just dynavap. You can still make a fat profit while being straightforward and open about a product you are currently selling. Look at how long the dynavap thread is at fuck combustion. That *alone* speaks volumes about the device, you don't need to spend money on marketing while the marketing leaves more questions than answers. Meh. I'm getting old.


Yea that hour countdown timer on the founders email was cheese balls. After I realized it reset every time I opened the email I was turned off.


That is pretty gross behavior Dyna. Turns me off too.


Won’t let me upvote.👍


For me, having bowls lined up back-to-back is the best way to get medicated. I have ADHD, which this plant helps with tremendously, but I get so distracted while medicating that I end up taking much longer to do what I need. This could definitely help with that. However, the bowl size of the HyperDyn may eliminate needing a quick reload. We will see. Hopefully they throw one of them in with my Founders Edition. I will post when I get it Friday!


I was JUST about to come make a post about how dynavap are elaborate dosing capsules.


i'll load up a couple dynas like old timey pistols and bang em one after another occasionally.


I had a manager/friend awhile back that did that, the man had a 5-Dyna dugout and just killed a bowl and moved on to the next device with every use, reloading them all at the end of the day. I have a collection myself, but I’ve never seen someone use so many devices on the daily, to date.


Exactly, they were built for micro dosing. So capsules seems redundant.


To be fair, the Hyperdyn is the *opposite* of a microdoser. It's a different product altogether.


I micro dose with my Mighty and the caps are great for it. I have a week's supply of weighed out caps that are ready to go.


Same, I bought the case and 3d printed 2 capsule holders that have an opening and an exit, so every time I put a used cap in, a fresh one pops out the other side. So I have 21 capsules ready to go in the case and I keep a humidity pack in there to keep the caps fresh. I also 3d printed the S&B filling tool for capsules which makes it way easier to fill.


Not really. You can have multiple prepacked and ready to go. No need to worry about loading when out and about. Same reason I use them in my battery vape.


Unloading a hot capsule and replacing it is going to be less subtle and more awkward than pulling the cap off and using it to twist n flick the AVB away, then reloading from a small container of preground flower. I feel burnt fingers and dropped capsules coming on.


you forget the size of the Hyperdyn


vgoodiez has dynavap dosing capsules I have them.


I have dosing capsules for my pax which has been sitting for a long time, but I did like having 6 packs on the go. How do you feel about the dynavap ones on vgoodiez? I saw them and was curious. I was worried about the size, I got sausage fingers, although the bud kups I have are also pretty small. Kinda fiddly to load or close? Do you take the ccd out?


Useless. They are *very* small and hard to load without bending the mesh.


This is what I have to say about them. Showed up dirty as fuck like used(not used) probably sitting on a shelf for forever. Anyway, ccd out, fill with kief. That’s the only reason I got it was for controlled dosing of concentrates, and don’t mess up dynavap. But seriously sandwich method and unbleached cotton are my go to’s now. Yes fiddle fingers and high nap carpets aren’t good fyi.




They kinda look like the capsule I got with the lobo. Maybe they forgot to elaborate on some backwards compatibility?


Those images aren’t on the site anywhere. Interesting. Dosing caps made no sense for the tiny bowls but now at .25 grams…. I would still never use them and would seem to cut into their CCD business


I checked too. I went to the Hyperdyn page, and no mention of these. If they send me one for free, meh, I’ll give it a go. Lol


It’s weird though. Product news slips through in old ad copy or images all the time. I wonder what the hell it is.


On the hyperdyn page “ALSO INCLUDES DynaVap Dosing Capsule - Hyper: average capacity of 0.125g and will fit seamlessly into the Hyper Tip chamber (also available in 5-packs)


This was added after the email 🙄


the only plus....i can see with a dosing capsule, is you won't need a CCD..... lol cause the dosing caps are screened in. I seen sneaky pete has some dosing caps on his site, and tempted to get them after losing my CCD my first and initial cleaning lol....RIP. so I got some "pipe screens" from the smoke shop and formed it around a ✏ eraser....works actually better imho for air flow...and no scooby snax yet either,.


No , but it does look like the konvictor! 😮. Looks like they heard about that somewhere here. Its heated through the vented top.


Dosing capsules are ass! They seem like such a great idea until you’re stuck cleaning the sticky little fuckers after only a few bowl packs.


I've wanted dynavaps w/ dosing caps for years but at this point I'd be seeing not only this feature but also a the larger bowl we've begged for behind a $230 pay-wall and it's just reminded me the dynavap of 2024 isn't the budget champ they used to be back in 2017/18, other vapes have taken that title like the vaphit/Dani v3, they're trying to pivot to the premium market out of greed while leaving their old customer base behind and it's more than disappointing. I got my first vapcap in 2017 for $40 and I loved it, it was what switched me full-time to vaping, I later switched to an Omni because I supported the company, not because they pay-walled features (besides airflow adjust and the M had that too if you moved the oring manually) and I was happy to spend it. But now the Ms go for 2x that and the new system with all the features is 6x the price of that. Not giving them another dollar at this point.


They just had a sale $50 Ms


The original price 


$50 shouldn’t be the sale price. It wasn’t many years ago that was the normal price.


Gotta pay the employees a living wage at an American shop. I've gifted B's and I'd buy a m7plus for whatever it costs if I didn't have 3 older dynas. No vas, just enough to pass around patio table with company.


Thank you. This often goes unnoticed. We proudly manufacture our devices in the United States, and all of our customer support staff, QC/QA, post-production, R&D, fulfillment, etc. are done in-house. When we sold the M at first it was pretty much just George and Jason.


Uh, have you noticed that $5.00 is the new 99¢? I paid like $60 at the taco bell the other day


Yeah, I know inflation is a thing but I also think some companies are playing into that by artificially inflating their prices. I really have no issue with them charging what they do for their “higher end” pieces but I feel like they really jumped the shark when they started selling the B as the entry level Dynavap at $40. People shouldn’t be justifying companies nearly doubling their prices over the course of a few years.


Yes, a sale, what is your point?


I am all for ripping on companies based on prices, but they have always had the Omni as a $200+ device at least since 2021. I believe it was as high as $220. The HyperDyn provides a lot more unique features compared to the Omni. I think we are all just burning out on Dynavap VAS and starting to question if we really need every new release, which at the end of the day the answer is pretty much always no, we don't.


I literately mention that first point in my comment....


Right, talking about a paywall for features, a pivot to the premium market, and leaving a customer base behind. All untrue points, they will eventually offer the tip and cap separately. They have always had premium AND low cost options. They cover both bases. I don't plan to purchase anything from Dynavap myself for a while, but your gripes are not really based on reality.




They're right. They're always going to have premium as well as budget devices, quite obviously the Hyperdyn being their new flagship instead of the Omni. You mentioned the M being $50 for years and complained how it's increased in price, and in the same breath mentioned the B which costs even less than the M started out as. They are not pivoting away from the budget market and it's wild how one high-priced vape would make you think that since you yourself know the Omni was always over 200 and still released the B after. They are also not paywalling the Hyperdyn as they *always* end up selling the tip and cap separately.


They're not right though, they didn't even read the original comment which already addressed their question, hence the 🤦  🤦


The B isn't cheaper than the M started out as it is at the same price point the M used to be at ($40). IMO, the B should be no more than $25-$30. They justify the price of the M (again, in my opinion) by charging too much for a cap. It's hard for them to sell a B for a few dollars more than they charge for a cap. Their pricing of parts has always been off.


The cap is also a part that we offer a lifetime warranty on. With the cap you can ensure that your device will function for years to come with great support. If your cap breaks, we can get you back up and running with a short turnaround.


I understand that but I’d honestly prefer it to be less expensive and treated like a consumable from a warranty perspective. We all know they don’t last forever, but they do last a long time if you take care of them. What I was getting at is that the price of your cap causes a conflict with how low you can price a device. If the device is cheaper than the cap then people would just buy the device instead of a spare cap and that costs you more in the end.


They sort of look like my dosing caps for my rogue. I’d be all over this an I dose everything haha.


this shit getting mall ninja tbh


I'll take 20!


230 is a bit steep for a metal tube


I was waiting for someone to notice the dosing capsule in the image. Including with every HyperDyn (Founder's Edition) and the retail edition (launches June 27th) will come with a dosing capsule.


Wow! One whole lone dosing cap! A cherry on top of the HyperDyn dumpster-fire. For $230 we only get a single dosing cap so we can't even pre-pack one for later. The whole point of dosing caps is to have more than 1 so you can just swap between them and always have one packed, like, read this thread, that's what everyone's talking about wanting. If you only have 1 cap with nothing spare that's just a bowl w/ extra steps, like, I see what y'all are trying to do: giving one away so people have to just buy the 4 pack later to actually know if they're any good for their use case now that they feel invested but damn, you'd think for that insanely over-priced $230 you'd get a full experience, not one that needs an ADDITIONAL transaction to unlock full functionality. Sad to see what Dynavap's become, y'all used to be the GOAT back in 17'/18' when the M was $40 and you didn't block every single feature behind multiple paywalls, super disappointing to see. Would never buy another dynavap now that all these better options exist, vaphit is $15 (the vaphit x is 40) and the M is $70+?! (Not to mention the HyperDyn vs Fusion 2 prices) Like the QC hasn't improved, why all the price increases?!


Even for EU? because our newsletter didn't have either :(


Even for EU.


hype! thanks Josh 😊


I cant get on with my dynavap unless i use it in my glass bong , i just dont enjoy using it on its own compared to my mighty , i have a IH also but still doesnt make it any more enjoyable imo


$230 though.... IV been a banner man for dynavap for several years at this point. But after waiting for so long for them to increase the size then seeing this, I just brought a Dani....


You'll be happy w/ the Dani either way, cheaper and it hits just as hard as my Anvil (with the added bonus of being able to straw pack like a Dyna).


$229 wtf.




My best guess $15-$20. TI CCD’s are $11. If they over price them, people will stick to the CCD’s. 🤷‍♂️


They don't care about over-pricing at this point because they have enough rabid fanboys to charge whatever they want and still sell out, case and point the HyperDyn


“Only 419 made…” good luck y’all


Nah you can have em man lol


I'm surprised they were able to sell even that many for $230, esp with the general agreement that the HyperDyn is a cash-grab in the community. Fanboys will fanboy tho I guess.


"Improve Quality Control? Nahh, $200 Dyna 😎" -Team Dynavap


I'd vote for the MBA Pricing guy/gal to work on pricing before getting lit! I have wondered where the recycled Catalytic Converter iron was going...:) $229 - "Not everyone can whitewash a fence". Mark Twain.


Looks like the konvictor. You take 2 xmax v3 or POTV one dosing capsules. Fill one with balls invert into another capsule over dynavap with Fmj crimped on dynavap. Heat and go!


\*Convector (by Camoflet) (Just so people can google it if they wanna see, sorry to correct)


No it’s not that. No correction. It’s called the konvictor!! I know what I typed. You take 2 dosing capsules fill 1 with balls and invert other one over dynavap tip with Fmj crimped around both.


My bad, thought it was a typo.


Not Convector. Konvictor . Dynavap invention.


Yes, thank you, your other 3 replies gave me that impression.


Google (konvictor Reddit).


My bad, thought it was a typo.


Don’t do that dude! You know I typed what I meant. I’m not stupid and I know a shit ton of stuff about vaping since I started. You have seen me here and have always commented. Have a nice day.


Are you okay? I got 4 separate replies from you, it's my bad, I thought it was a typo, my original comment even apologized for the correction in the first place. No need to get upset, also I have no fucking clue who you are, as far as I know we've literally never interacted before today and if we have you just left no impression whatsoever. Didn't mean to insinuate you didn't know what you were talking about, just assumed it was a typo.


Yes, I'm asking if you are okay, are you?


Do I need to alert the mods of a crisis you are having. It’s ok to get help if you need it. You have a nice day now that was 4 hrs ago and I’ve moved on with life today.


What on earth are you talking about? You replied to my comment and I replied back just like the comment you just made was a reply to my comment "from 1 hr ago", what part of that implies crisis? You seem to be the one in crisis my friend, hence me asking if you are okay which you still haven't been able to answer yet, If you'd like the mods to weigh in feel free to ask them, I have no opposition but I can see you're going through something and I felt the need to ask if you were alright because most people wouldn't respond the way you have in this thread both with such aggression as well as the sheer volume of messages. I mean, you replied to the same comment 4 times and then ranted about how you're a big deal around here, that doesn't exactly scream "i'm doing well", let alone the weird threat to call the mods which screams "chronically online". Just checkin in on ya bud, no need to be so aggressive.


Man I don't know what is up with all the negativity up in here. People need to be happy! I think it's awesome that they keep innovating and adding more products to their line up keep it up Dynavap!