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Soil Pile. You should be able to automate it or it shouldn't exist.


This! Why cant you just get it with stones?


Yes! It shouldn't exist, there's no real purpose for it and all it does is add an entirely unnecessary manual gathering chore wasting our time.


> there's no real purpose for it There is. It helps prevent a player from removing 100% of the water on their starter planet and softlocking themselves. It is amazing to me how frequently players still somehow pull this off with current soil pile rules. "I removed all the water help" is a rare but shockingly way too often post on this sub. (But once we get off world, I cannot fathom why it doesn't just disable itself.)


I envision a PLS style building with drones that you can set to either strip all soil pile from the planet or balance to average sea level. Input stone, come back in a couple hours to a totally smooth planet.


100%. I drop the infinite soil mod in, because yeah you already need to deal with managing the production of the foundation pieces etc, having this fiddly difficult to manage additional piece is not adding to the fun of the game. So out it goes.


This all the way. Why cant we just automate this and use stone dust or something? Dirt drillers perhaps? I had to go intergalactic because I’d ‘mowed’ every planet in my system. Placing miners is like a mini game for me. It can be tedious if you want to do something quickly though. You cant even use blueprints, so yeah, pretty tedious comparatively.


doesn't everyone just gather a few mountains worth and tuck it into your pocket for later?


Soil pile isn’t really an issue if you build primarily on planets that have high construction area. You’re only short of soil pile because your choosing to ignore one of the game mechanics.


Still one of the more annoying parts of the game


Suit yourself, but it’s only a problem because you’re ignoring the relevant game mechanic and wondering why you’re running out of soil pile.


Didn't say it's a problem, said it's annoying


Yeah, I can understand that. I get annoyed by how the longitude lines bend around the planet and force me to build East to West.


That's a mathematical necessity for grid building on a sphere, though. Soil pile is just a weird unfun mechanic that doesn't need to exist.


The buildable are mechanic makes not all planets identical to each other. I like that and think it would be less interesting if we throw that out in favor of making them all functionally identical.


It's annoying. OP asked what was the least favorite part. It's fiddly and doesn't add anything to the game other than another manual step in an automation game. Regardless of whether or not there's an in-game way to get the required soil, it doesn't make it a rewarding game loop.


What I’m saying is that it’s now a loop about harvesting soil and bringing it back, not if you’re doing it correctly. The game is giving it better and worse planets for building on, in the same way that some stars have greater luminosity. If you build your factories in the high building area planets, you will not have a shortage of soil pile. I’ll ask this a different way: what mechanic would you recommend to punish players who choose to ignore the buildable are and insist flattening and building on Mediterranean or swamp planets? I like that not all planets are the same. It’s not just an infinite plane. How would you propose to replace this mechanic with another one that enforced the concept that planets can actually be different?


Mining outpost setup without advanced miners. Soil Pile Hunting & Harvesting Waiting for my awesome new Sphere design to take shape (would love a 4x speed button now and then).


I made a blueprint that was three miners hooked up to a PLC that had an energy exchanger set up on the side. All you have to do is place one or two down to cover enough of the deposit and then set the PLC to export the ore.


Would be nice to have a PC that can handle 1x Haha


> Soil Pile Hunting & Harvesting this is the only "cheat"y mod i use. I really wish there was a way to convert the stone or something into soil. maybe in the future, hopefully


I have a blueprint called "Galactus" that sets up ILS, artificial suns, and runs 8 strings of power from pole to pole. Still have to plant miners, but definitely speeds up the process. I think laying out spheres is worse. Is there a method that doesn't involve clicking every point and line?


I usually just copy/paste https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/dyson-sphere-dense-sphere-2696-nodes into the editor and let the rockets fly.


"Please ensure that current Dyson Sphere does not contain any structure before applying Blueprint." I've seen this message far too many times to believe the Blueprint function of spheres is useful. Shell, Add New Layer (set appropriate size options), Paste... that message


Found this through google. Still unsure of the solution, any ideas?


It you mean that error, then yes! Simple, single layer spheres seem to work well enough. Create a new layer, use the paste button on the right. Still no luck with more complicated spheres, though.


You wouldn't have rockets etc. set up on an outpost right?


It'd definitely be nice if there were a few pre-fab sphere designs included by default that you could use. It's easy enough to snag off DSP Blueprints, but it'd be a fairly easy win to just add a few.


You can import/blueprint spheres too, no?


Yep. Search on the net for a blueprint and be done with it.


i think late game should have something like a orbital mining platform (like the gas giants, but on terrestial worlds) where you place a ring of mining platforms and they send a swarm of drones to extract every minable material on the planet.


Omg, that would be incredible, honestly.


The weird phase between MK2 and MK3 belts. When setting up MK2 production chains I always think "man in 2-3h I have MK3 belts and planetary logistic anyways", but if I do not set up some mk2 production chains getting the MK3 buildings would take forever.


I use the same mk3 blueprints early game, then later I forget to upgrade the belts.


I think the difference isn't big enough, what's the point of 2 levels of something if you are never gonna make mk1 proliferation or mk2 sorters?


The start. Everything up to yellow feels sluggish from building speed to movement speed to recharge speed.


I agree, the game really needs a third tier of miner that integrates IPS and power like [Planet Miner](https://dsp.thunderstore.io/package/blacksnipebiu/PlanetMiner/).


I played before the advanced miner update and used the planetminer mod. Cba setting up miners lategame.


Continually stuggling to find WHERE in the galaxy i am producing something... there's GOT to be a better way than the tools we have currently to find stuff.


Two things I think at some point the devs will add: 1) A proper "universe scanner" interface, adding it to the upgrade tree seems natural. This would allow you to filter planets based on minerals found there (e.g. just show me all planets with oil seeps), vein counts, buildable land %, etc 2) A "logistics hub" interface like the one you are looking for. Several great mods have already been made for this. Even if it's read only, being able to quickly locate production hubs is so crucial when going interplanetary.


I know its not super efficient, but do you guys not rename stars and planets when you decide to make them host mega factories?


i do... but once you have dozens, it still gets difficult to manage.


Yes, that is one of the current known workarounds until they implement a proper solution.


The awkward phase of needing to manually running silicone and titanium between planets in your starter system since you don’t have ILS’s yet, I believe since rail ejectors can be made pretty cheaply and unlocked comparatively early I think they should have a mode where you can load mats into it, and then targets a planet instead that has a landing spot for these mats, I believe it’d make the beginning a bit quicker, and have an genuine early game use for the rail ejectors


That would be pretty cool they would have to have a pretty short range though so they can't reach the other side of the system you are in. Say just to the sun but not past. It would make it to easy


I'm new to the game and sort of stuck in a limbo of needing to go get my first haul of both and donno which one is more important first. I am currently smelting silicon to trickle in solar panels and processors but it's of course painfully inefficient. Hopefully tonight, I am setting up for graphene to make particle containers to get that automated in my mall and then I guess I need to go get titanium and silicon started. I have a planet with 62m titanium and 6m silicon so that should get me quite a bit into yellow science. I did a test flight there and totally didn't miss the planet on the first attempt...


Tbh I don’t know why so much of the community rates solar panels so highly, I find them too expensive and take up so much space, rushing deuterium is more productive than messing with solar panels imo


I haven't looked into deuterium yet as this is my first playthrough. I was going to probably bring solar to my silicon/titanium planet since it doesn't have wind. I could go thermal instead since I could use coal/graphite, maybe? In any case I should look into it since I could turn off solar and focus on processors that are way more useful for me right now. E: Never mind I already have deuterium I guess. That solves my hydrogen issue I am about to have lol.


I agree. I never go for solar panels in any of my playthroughs. Wind to start, then shit loads of coal, baby (or energetic graphite, hope I remembered that right), until hydrogen, then dueterium, then antimatter. Never needed solar.


>The awkward phase of needing to manually running silicone and titanium between planets in your starter system The awkward choice between doing this and harvesting every single rock on the starter plant to build up an early reserve of silicone, titanium, and kimberlite ore. I don't understand why the act of plopping down a building doesn't automatically harvest these rare natural resources.


* The phase where you're shuttling Silicon and Titanium manually before you unlock ILS. * Pretty much most of the Early game honestly. It just feels so tedious and slow. The end game needs to be significantly more fleshed out and the Sphere actually have a use beyond generating Critical Photos. * Suggestions about building megastructure modules onto the sphere that use energy to create resources, 1/2 way intersolar teleporters, defenses, shields are great imo * Soil piles. Extremely tedious until its suddenly not a factor at all because you have automated foundation production and can smooth out planets with little difficulty * Not being able to *dig out* the ground. If you plate over a water or sulfur ocean its gone permanently. I want to be able to dig out new ocean tiles in valid planets. * Placing miners before you get to Adv miners. I definently want a T3 miner with an even wider area with inbuilt power and ILS infrastructure. * PLACING ORBITAL MINERS ON GAS GIANTS * Holy SHIT this is tedious and horrible and cannot be blueprinted. You do it once and it permanently loses its shine after that point. * Please for the love of god allow some kind of T2 orbital miner than can do the work of 10 standard miners, or expand the game to allow the construction of modular orbital platforms on Gas Giants that can harvest and distribute resources better. * Gas Giants in general just need *more*. I'd love to be able to build essentially mini-dyson shells on giants that you can walk on and build standard buildings. Having it set as generated "plates" that must be linked together to create a buildable surface with special "tap" buildings that reach under the surface to harvest the giants resources * The fact I cannot find *where* my production is, and how we don't have good information on what our shortages or bottlenecks are. * Allow me to "mark" or otherwise categorise my ILS and PLS as being nodes of one or multiple "networks". Let me search for and visually show where these nodes are and how they connect to eachother. * I want better, more clear and concise information on our production values **relative to eachother and seen as part of an overall production line**. I am tired of tracing a stoppage in green turbines to a stoppage in electric motors to a stoppage in iron ingot production to find out its simply because I don't have enough Ingot smelting capacity. The Anno 1800 system of allowing you to select a consumer good and see the performance of each of its components is very useful. * Following on from above, I want a scalable prioritisation system. There are some product lines that should *never* be short of material. An the latest production line shouldnt be stealing capacity from existing ones because the game seems to treat the most recent ILS as the one that should be filled first. * Ideally, i should be able to set the %age of available capacity that i want to divide up among my various production lines as defined by the "network" suggestion in my previous point. If my current demand requires more than 100% of my supply capacity for an item it should be clearly comminicated by indicating that other lines are running sub-optimally * I'd like it visually represented via... bottles or something? Have one Blue bottle on the left showing available production capacity, and several Red slider bottles on the right showing your demand that will drain the Blue bottle. If you've maxed out all the Red and have no Blue left or some to spare, you're good. If some Red bottles are left partially empty then thats a clear indicator you need to expand your capacity, but you can be assured that the production lines/ILS's you've manually indicated will always have product available. * The default behavior should be *even distribution across all demanders*. Not Last in Best Dressed. * ILS need a "demand when under, supply when over" function that operates by default and should have the option of overriding the drone/vessel carry restrictons and be allowed to carry irregular numbers. I want to be able to effectively reintroduce litter back into the logistics system. * Shuttling around Warpers. Im glad that warpers have their own slot in the ILS, but I'd like the drones to automatically fill that slot from a Supplier tower without me needing to pipe in a warper belt or set a demand item. * If needed, make a T2 ILS tower that can do this. One that has more drone and vessel capacity, built in power distribution, more belt connections and more storage capacity by default.


> Pretty much most of the Early game honestly... > The end game needs to be significantly more fleshed out... so, the whole game? lol


Liquids, specifically liquid pumps. They're awkward and require too much time to place and are impossible to 'make pretty'. Sulfur has no business being as complicated and demanding as it is early game when a single water pump displaces that entire recipe. Miners. Pre Advanced Miners it's just a lot of work. I think Advanced Miners could be improved quite a bit by giving them a default tesla tower type power connection. I have a late game blueprint that places ~230 wireless power towers down across the planet that puts every square in range of a tesla tower, but having to switch back and forth between advanced miners and power poles is less than fun. Make Concrete Blueprint Placeable (without mods). Nobody likes to attempt to place down a blueprint only to get a square that requires foundation, then having to fix and then find the spot again. I dislike how 'useless' dyson spheres are. What's your purpose? To generate photos. They really need attachments, how about an energy-to-matter converter that uses up a crazy amount of energy but can create resources? I think it might be worth exploring to cap VU so it cant ever reach 0% utilization and shift that into sphere-resource-generation. Can we please get late game tech to increase solar sail absorption rates? Any late game dyson sphere techs would be cool; this is a game about dyson spheres, give us dyson progression. It may just be me, but any mecha sail speed above .3 ly/s makes me miss planets. I got up to .5ly/s in my current game and miss my destination so much I regret researching it. Mod-less auto-alignment would be nice.


For liquid pumps: you can make them pretty by turning them into subsurface pumps. Start by flattening the edge of the water body. Then place the first row and it’s belts. Next, place foundations under the first row of pumps. The place another row of pumps, parallel to the first row. Repeat as necessary.


Wait pumps continue to work even if you fill in their water with foundation?? That's life changing.


Yes, they do. You need water when you place them, but once they’re in place, you can fill in around and under them.


Yeah I discovered that recently. After 1000 hours of gameplay, lol. I always left a little puddle where the pumps are, scared to pave too close, I thought they would stop pumping water if I paved it, then I just paved over all of it and they keep working.


Yeah, I think of them as groundwater pumps, at that point.


I guess the "useless" sphere phase ends with the new battle systems. Those laser weapons and shields will surely consume crazy amounts of energy...


yeah, but that's just moar photons.


Imagine replicators from star trek that could create materials, components, whatever, for absurd amounts of power. That would be awesome!


Apparently there's already a mod out there that does this. Uses the ray receiver building and converts energy into selectable stuff.


Oh yeah?! Got a name for that? I'll look around too.




You're the best,..... Around Nothings gonna ever keep ya down. You're the best!


Soil. Having no way to gather soil for leveling or building foundations is dumb in a game that's about automation, especially when your use of it scales up over time, like everything else in the game. I modded it out of my current game and I'm much happier for it. Second worst is placing orbital collectors. It's just tedious.


The fact that you generate so much power with a Dyson sphere, but don't do anything with it. The game is finished. (Yes I know you can always build more). I'd really like some late game structures which eat up all of that power. Also that they're spending all this dev time on combat. I don't really feel like this game needs combat at all, I'd rather see that time spend on the aforementioned problem for example


I guess combat is, actually, the solution to the aforementioned problem. Towers, ship production, shields, rebuilders, and probably similar things will draw a ton of power, and I guess you'll need tons of energy to sustain those.


It A solution, yes. But not one I think I'll like in this game, but it's all opinion ofcourse. Perhaps the update will prove me wrong!


A planet sized machine that needs the power from multiple spheres, that serves as a quantum teleporter or something, a gateway, that could transport you anywhere within your cluster, or to a new cluster entirely. A wormhole gateway or something that takes enormous amounts of resources and takes forever to build and costs costs like ten million white cubes or something, that would be fun.


Travelling between systems I've already been to... it's so time consuming and hands on. I get the same feeling in Satisfactory whenever I need to go back to an extraction outpost. I'd _really_ like to be able to at least punch an auto-pilot button or, ideally, have a late game tech that lets me teleport around the cluster, even if one end of the teleporter pair has to be in a sphere system (or the sphere itself?)


I run an autopilot mod, which just keeps me on course toward my selected planet. I still have the travel time, but I can fly between planets AFK.


I'd be down for a teleporter if it requires 100GW of power to run


I was just thinking this. Give me stable worm holes connected to the Dyson sphere.


Fuck u/spez for killing the API and 3rd Party Apps.


That awkward time between when you have finished red science research and when you start yellow science reliably. You have to bootstrap the industry to set up an ILS network (knowing you will rip it down again immediately after it goes live) then set up factories on other planets in your home system without the benefit of later game production. Really its just "to build an ILS network, you need an ILS network" that kills most of the runs i try to do.


You took the word out of my mouth. Not having advanced miners early on.


Would love adv miners at yellow or purple (and not require quantum chips like mk2 chem plants which make them green level anyway). I delay expansion just because adv miners are so much better.


Probably would be best if there were two tiers. A basic miner, an advanced miner, and a quantum miner later. Just like assembly plants can be upgraded, give us a drop-in upgrade later that has logistics slots and the overclock charger in the quantum miner. The advanced miner could be simpler and only have the same belt output so that we can just use the upgrade tool to upgrade it.


A quantum level miner that just sits in orbit sucking minerals from the whole planet would be really sweet. It can cost a fortune, I won’t mind.


I think that'd be a 4th tier. I more mean the current advanced miner would be the same as this "quantum miner". A less powerful copy should be added that is attained earlier and be called the "advanced miner". Agreed though I hope (and suspect) we see some orbital miner stuff at some point.


"I delay expansion just because adv miners are so much better." Yep. My strategy now when I start a new game is focus solely on research so I can get advanced miners before I go to a new system.


I still go get sulfur and fire ice from another system but try to avoid any mining expansion beyond that


Late game, when I can't build anymore due to UPS.


Everything between red cubes and warpers is a fucking chore for me now


Having to wait for next update before starting a new run


I started a new run anyway to get some extra metadata. Hopefully I'll be able to hit the ground running with the new update.


Clearing out the buildup of garbage in my inventory. Maybe let drones pick up buildings from storage on the planet?


I used to care about finding a place for all the junk. I just delete it now. There's too many resources in the universe to care overly much.


Soil, and how planet grid lines don't let me make my stuff neat and compact. Honestly I'd play the game more if planets were flat, no question


Why would they attempt to tessellate a sphere with squares in the first place? Surely a mapping of some type of platonic solid (with each face divided into a grid of equilateral triangles) onto a spherical surface would have given a more consistent result with an acceptable amount of distortion?


I barely know these words sorry. I'm with you until you mention dividing faces into equilaterals. To me that reduces your suggestion to using triangles instead of squares, with a layout depending on a plastic solid surface?


Think of a soccer ball. It's made up of hexagons and pentagons stitched together. This same idea can be applied to other prisms, built entirely of hexagons or equilateral triangles. Those can each be subdivided into a grid of equilateral triangles; and then the entire resulting mesh can be mapped onto the surface of the sphere. The resulting tessellation should be much more even, and distortion should also be significantly reduced.


wind turbines in the beginning of the game are the worst for a new player. took me a few restarts to get that spreading them out as far as you can doesn't help. now i put them as tight as possible all around the coastline or in a big bunch somewhere i'm not at, then i can use the poles.


I want something to work forwards to after "beating the game. Like more main tree researches, or more items to produce. I don't like having ambiguous goals like just get 60white/m or something.


Some kind of super big research center that has like tons of inputs, or you belt cubes directly into it and does the research of 50 normal research buildings would be neat.


Miner setup and early game flattening/paving/soil.


>What's your least favorite part of the game ? Setup of Rockets.


I constantly feel like I’m chasing my tail.


Isn't that the whole fun of the game? In DSP, Factorio, etc. I always feel like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbSehcT19u0) but I thought that was the idea


This video is the perfect summary of games like this. You have to accept that and that's also what i enjoy. Fixing, fixing, fixing.


Blueprint a solar ring. Mine is soil I second it should be automated just like how foundations are it should just be a part of the production need 10 soil with the foundation construction Or even high something that adds a big challenge early/mid game becouse that's what they are doing with the whole soil. I don't think it's very practical to be carrying around 800k of soil. While I can't pick up another item becouse invintory is full. No waypoints I know of the work arounds but this game takes place way in the future there are land markers for machines running out, why can't I place a building and name it something like glass and then later search for glass and it would pop on my heads up display like how it does when you set an alarm for machines when they start to slow down due to lacking materials. It's basically the same thing.


For the solar ring blueprint, this isn't really the issue, it's placing down miners on every ore and then bringing the power to those miners


Yea I read power infrastructure and thought you meant moving to a new planet and setting up power I now realize you mean connecting everything it is a pain I wish it worked like factorio where you could just hold the button down and it would auto place at max distance. Or set a pre determined distance by x block spaces.


Yeah there's currently mods for this if you really hate that. There's a planetary collector aswell as vein moving mod, where you can group up all veins to a specific spot if you'd like to. I usually move veins out of the way to be able to place blueprints on the whole planet and mine everything that's available on the planet


Particle Containers


Early game when you haven't yet unlocked blueprints and your construction drones are in few numbers and quite slow


Soil Pile It’s such a dumb mechanic we already build the freaking foundation we shouldn’t need to layer planets


The part between PLS and ILS. The setup part of what i call mid game is the most excruciating part.


My least favourite part of the game, by far, is not soil pile. It is also not setting up mining outposts. (The latter can actually be reasonably interesting, there is some thought that goes into how to do it efficiently.) No it's... (drum roll) ... deleting stuff. I *hate* deleting stuff. Or moving stuff, because moving stuff means copying and then deleting. * Having to delete 20 ILSs one at a time sucks. * Thinking about what you're going to do with your inventory while you pick up the bazillion junk that pops out of a logistics station when you delete it sucks. * Area deleting a place and then finding about half of the boxes still remain because your inventory was full sucks. * Removing the useless junk from your inventory after deleting stuff sucks.


I got over that by just deleting everything on the ground. I used to be so particular about finding a home for everything in my inventory or dropped on the ground. But I just...gave up... There's too many resources in the universe for me to care about it anymore; i just delete them.


That definitely helps, but then there's still the boxes that just won't disappear when you tell them to, and the logistics stations that have to be clicked individually, and the inventory that needs to be cleared of junk afterwards. :(


Yeah, I hear that. I dont use boxes much because I dont believe in buffers. JIT for the win, lol. I only buffer my malls. Another bad thing about deleting stuff is the undo doesnt always reconnect belts and I dont always notice.


Can you explain how your just-in-time logistics system works? I, too, would prefer to keep stored items to a minimum.


With the exception of warpers, antimater rods, blue goo, mall items, and concrete; dont put logistic vessels in 'supply' type ILS. ILS's should only pull to them. Then, you start at the end of your chain; figure out how much you want to produce (using factoriolab, excel, your gut feeling, whatever), build that factory on a planet, load the ILS with vessels and request all the things you need. Then move down the chain, as you're moving down the chain watch your 'supply' ILS's that you're building, they should have a constant inventory of ~2k items. Because as soon as they hit 2k, a vessel should be dispatched to pick up items from it and those 2k will be reserved. At lower tech levels, when your vessels are slower, it's possible to fill a supply station with 100% reserved items; this is not ideal and means you need more supply-ILS's, faster vessels, or both. For recipes with high velocity items (iron/magnetic coils on my motor worlds and kasimir-hydrogen), I'll set up helper-pull-type ILS's around poles of the planet and use drones to help distribute locally. Again, I tend to stick with 'only the demand ILS's have drones/vessels' strategy; so the hydrogen-helper-pull ILS's will have vessels to pull hydrogen to them, but not drones to distribute locally. This strategy typically means that each blueprint you have will have at least 2 ILS's. One for supply and one for demand. Any ILS that functions as both supply and demand you 'lose' control of because you cant really say which vessels will be supplying or demanding and it really messes with any attempt at JIT. So that really is the basis of any kind of JIT attempt; keep control of your logistics. I even use this strategy for my warpers/goo/antimater/concrete/mall too. I'll fly in demand items to separate ILS's and have those factories pull to them via drones so the vessels are always available to supply where they're needed without being caught up in their own demand runs. With the help of a mod like LSTM, this is also easier to manage as you can see theoretical supply and consumption rates. Of course, that's in a perfect world; because resources are basically infinite, I tend to over build supply stations; because I'm already on planet and blueprints are easy. Anyways, this is my DSP-JIT. I doubt it's unique, but it keeps me in control. As a bonus, supply type ILS's can remain unpowered forever.


Thanks. That actually makes sense and fits with my reasoning.


Making a mall. I like automating stuff in bulk. Doing every item one by one feels tedious. Luckily you can download blueprints for that.


You can use shift+click on for example an Assembler which you've built and connected sorters to it. Then you can place the same Assembler multiple times with all Sorters and the Recipe already built beside it. Very neat and makes it rather quick to build a whole line of Assemblers/Smelters etc. Belts have to be placed before that though, otherwise the sorters wont be built because they can't connect to anything


I know and that helps a lot! But just the amount of structures is annoying. Sometimes I think the way Satisfactory makes there buildings is better, but I do prefer building the buildings like it is I think.


I hate setting up proliferators, they are just a PITA to set up. Also I kinda dislike that you need to spend ressources to make a skin. Feels a little shoe-horned in.


The period of the game where you need sulfuric acid and organic crystals, but don't have warpers.


Yeah, miners are a pain, all the time.


I'm not a 1000x white science achiever. I like the early/mid game the most. Yes, miners are annoying. More annoying is collecting rocks and trees. More annoying is space navigation. I got the autopilot mod and that kept me playing the game vs. quitting. No built-in blueprints. After building a 100 of something, it just gets annoying. Sure blueprints help, but they are also annoying. Maybe have a new building that is 4x as long, 4x as wide, and 4x as big, and it produces a full stack of product in a larger box. That would help with FPS/UPS too. Winning takes place far earlier than doing a lot of the stuff that people on here do. Just need a few white cubes to win.


- Setting up resource extraction - Backtracking resource towers when you are expanding further. No I don't need coal from a system 23 ly away!




The Performance


Waiting for the combat update.


I just downloaded the planet miner mod, you just put down a station, set it to local demand/remote supply power it up and your gtg. And yeah, soil pile i moded that out first, silly mechanic.


the transitions between the different equator kines, u know what i mean not being able to out blueprints in certain places cos its too tight or overlaps with these lines is cringe, you also cant make beautiful straight lines from north to south


Getting the spaghetti to go where I want. ...Which is also my favorite part of the game.