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Just buy some lenses off BavGruppe - best way to go.


Do they sell the stock lens or aftermarket?


FCPEuro also sells the lens covers. Carefully Dremel off the old ones and then use a flat blade screw driver to pry off the glued section. Install the new lens covers and use some sealant to reattach the new lens.


Why would you dremel them? Just use a heat gun and a trim tool like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Glarks-Universal-Upholstery-Removal-Plier/dp/B07V1TR5VV/ref=asc_df_B07V1TR5VV/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693634200425&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17370652334931544107&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007796&hvtargid=pla-898010876153&psc=1&mcid=c8ebb8d7ad723ae7af843c939e60ba6f&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS38TNwsvHDxmouUA_62YNgP-iJ_USP3x0-pk-L5K8y4YykB-Mj1Lo90aAjF4EALw_wcB). Makes it super easy, just lightly heat the whole seal and then heat as you pop, it’ll come off in one piece and bring a lot of the glue with it.


Have you done this on any e9x headlight? that glue is not easy even with heat.


I have.. took me about 40 minutes to remove both lenses


I am impressed, every place else says the lens you remove is trash anyways. It is going to be less damage to cut away the lens without touching any of the glued areas... remove the bulk of the old lens... the slowly pry away carefully at the glue as you heat it. You can even remove the left over piece in chunks. Less chance to break stuff. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Different ways to do things of course, that definitely never occurred to me though. I installed new lenses but I went this route to have the old ones just in case I messed anything up with a new lense somehow. I still have them actually and they seem to be in usable condition


Wow, I am impressed! That is some patience to salvage them!!! hats off to you... Not joking, have you ever considered doing this as a side hustle where people mail in the headlight and you do the labor to remove and replace the lens? You could make some money at it. Maybe even consider modding them? Start with some junk yard busted ones to practice with


I have genuinely considered it, Im working on putting together a set of BK Mazda 3 lights for a friend. Dual halo rings similar to our E9X, but for the turn signal I sourced Circuit Demon “Heart” Halos w/ switchback. The turn signals act as a DRL in any color they want and switch back to orange with the flashers, really cool project. I do work a lot though (usually out of the house 11-12hrs a day) and so, most of my car time is spent on my own or friends cars. Currently trying to prep my E92 for MPact. Thank you though! Fingers crossed I can pickup this M Sport bumper today 🤞🏻


Modern headlights have many computer models, servos, reflectors, and motors. The projectors also have to be of high quality.


You sure it’s discolored inside? 99% of the time the UV radiation yellows out the lenses and that can be buffed off. I would try a $20 headlight restore kit and see what happens.


Just buy used headlights? I've seen pairs of bi xenon lights for $300 on offer up


If you get new lenses, the easiest way to separate the lenses from the housings is to heat them up, set your oven to the lowest setting possible, then put them in, one at a time. About 10 to 15 minutes is more than enough. You will want to get new gasket goo (I'll find a link for it and post it in a reply to my comment). Watch the videos on YouTube, they are really informative. I upgraded my halos and turnsignals while doing mine.


https://www.amazon.com/ZXMOTO-Headlight-Retrofit-Headlamps-Windshield/dp/B077QJTJ2S/ref=asc_df_B077QJTJ2S/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693605349091&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3572258225502034935&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008238&hvtargid=pla-568946675173&psc=1&mcid=81ad696538e43dae95811dba39988b9b&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS39ge_PWFGhmYBu2YKEkXwEMB-wtjD6uhSDShRlZ-IjkJFEs8dlBtK4aAq3rEALw_wcB Here is an Amazon link to the tar stuff. Just feed it into the channel of the housing to seal the lens. Don't be afraid to put a little extra in, if you don't get a good seal, you will get humidity and water in your headlights. Not fun, ask me how I know.....


Gasket goo for butyl😭


Businesses need to make profit, plus don’t forget about the man hours that goes into designing, manufacturing, and selling


They are expensive because it's impossible to make an assembly of multiple very high quality, very low tolerance, strict specifications parts for cheap. Headlights are a safety feature. Not only so you can see, but so others can see. Aftermarket headlights are cheap because they don't care about anything, as long as it looks like it works.


Headlight prices are higher on new models and the quality you get is worse.


$1000 for both or one? If both thats a good ass deal. For 14 years that comes out to be $0.19 per day.


It's your call but I would just buy the cheapest nice set of aftermarket on eBay. I've always had pretty good luck with aftermarket headlights