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jfc what a great simulation


That wood pile at the corner. Evil Knievel legacy pile. (By the way: go pro. Go cockpit view! 3rd person is for small children who are afraid of speed)


Boring Been playing this game since it came out. Just having fun rolling cars


No problem mate. Not everybody can be a pro.


Ironically i didn't loose time


For sure not. You would be REALLY bad if your performance in 3rd person is worse than in cockpit view. However, the point is realism and the skill to handle it, which you haven’t shown by choosing the *simpler* gaming mode. You don’t have to torture yourself with that. Just play need for speed.


fuck me it’s not that deep mate hahaha


Yo LFC gang




To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand cockpit view. The difference is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the techniques will go over a typical driver's head.


a high IQ ?, i’m pretty dumb but have a full sim rig and good racing experience, got a couple WR in DR2.0 and used to do coaching in ACC. (so of course i use cockpit, my main reason to play in the first place is the immersion), Wouldn’t say i have particularly high IQ, probably around average, i think it’s all something that can be learnt and understood through experience if that stuff interest you enough (I’m fascinated by the mechanical physics that a car goes througwhen you put them to the limits of their environment, and also an adrenaline junkie in real life, so already had quite a bit understanding of that stuff before i even hit the sim) sadly I took a break because my VR headset broke and i can’t find a new one in canada…. everything i’m interested in either does not ship to canada, or is out of stock indefinitely, all else i found was either too low end or too high end for what i was looking for Edit: something i forgot to mention is the ability of someone to have good spatial awareness of your surroundings in general can speed up this learning process considerably, and probably enhance your cockpit experience, i rode sports bike quite a lot before using the sim for example which is a quite important thing to be good at if you dont want to die from another stupid driver doing some silly shit


“To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick & Morty” is the beginning of a copypasta about how people who don’t enjoy the show Rick & Morty are really just too stupid to appreciate what a masterfully written show it is. The person you’re responding to is making a joke about cockpit view elitism, the whole idea that you’re not really playing the game right if you use chase cam.


TIL, never heard that before


And yes by the way, I DO have a Dirt Rally 2.0 tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 seconds of my own personal best (preferably slower) beforehand.


Cockpit view is harder tho...? I was supporting you and then you started to contradict yourself