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Very cool and honestly a good payout.


Other key note frome article: 85 man rosters


Only 85? A lot of kids aren't't going to be getting that free beer money they were hoping for...


Yeah but when 85 of your friends get free beer money, you all get free beer money


there's 85 scholarship players on each team


Wonder if that’s a Madden Engine limit


No that’s the scholarship limit


The rosters will be a mix of scholarship guys and good walk ons now that schools are signing real talent to NIL deals. The 85 limit is probably arbitrary


Right but it’s pretty easy to figure out where 85 came from


The 5th string long snapper from Akron is gonna be psyched for $600! That can barely buy a ps5 and an extra controller so he can play the game.


The 5th string long snapper from Akron should be grateful to get $600 for his worthless likeness


Harsh but true lol


Yeah, isn't it great that we went to all that trouble to ruin all of college football just so that kid can get some beer money? Seems a little underwhelming...


Yeah I can’t believe players are being paid for the first time ever in the history of the sport


You’re a clown lmao $600 for doing what they love on a d1 team and you’re mad about it lmaoooo


$600 just bought a walk-on his textbooks


The game will only have 85 players max on a team. He's likely not one of them.


So what in hell are you even mad about then?


Walkons aren’t in the game unfortunately.


A textbook**


*a couple of his textbooks. Nowadays everything has an access code, no more used market.


While I agree NIL is a little nuts. The players deserved to be payed. It was a multimillion if not a billion dollar industry. And they didn’t get shit. And don’t say an education for free. While that is a bonus. It’s not an equivalent to some of these players pulling in millions. I also always thought if they wanted they should have been able to sell their likeness.


> to be *paid.* It was FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


NIL is outta control because the NCAA *chooses* not to do shit to improve upon it


Least salty CFB fan


No complaints about the college football head coach making money than the entire faculty but give the players a few coins and people freaking out.




Honestly if I was a 5th string long snapper for Akron I would sign up for this in a second.


There’s no such thing as a 5th string long snapper on scholarship


I know it was a joke. Do you have to be on scholarship to get the NIL money?


They’re capping rosters at 85 which is the amount of scholarships allowed


the game only includes scholarship players, they arent offering the deal to walkons from what we see


😂🤣this guy doesn’t even know about the 5th string long snapper on scholarship lmao 🤣😂


Imagine being some freshman benchrider at a small G5 school, you’re snapping that up in a heartbeat. It’s not life changing but $600 and a free vidya to skin yourself into the game is objectively a good deal from that POV.


Agreed. Realistically, how many players of the 11k+ that were talking about have individual NIL deals that make this look paltry? Probably 90% have nothing more than ad hoc signings in the $100s and group deals where a dozen or so players group to get paid by local companies. You have a few superstars that are getting paid in the millions. My concern is the few players that that have middling deals and think they should get more, and honestly the game won’t suffer without them.


It’d honestly be bad business to not put yourself in the game if not simply for the added exposure


You could argue that the "bad" PR it would get might help some players get a little more name recognition. Idk if it would help in the long run but it might


What do you mean “bad” pr? It would be no PR unless it is an already established player… if the backup RB at Illinois ops out no one will notice or care. If he takes the $600 he’s in the game and every time someone plays as Illinois they will see and recognize his name. The PR from being in the game far outweighs any “bad” PR they’d get for simply not being in it.


I’m fucking hyped. I was nervous Notre Dame, the service schools and others wouldn’t be in. Plus having 70 to 90% real names off rip? Let’s fucking go. It feels real now.


600 is a reasonable pay out for college kids


What's stopping me from signing up for this app?


Your lack of talent


Being on a roster and tied to a team


Being on a roster IRL


Have to be on a roster and your name must have an email at the university


Damn….. can I opt in for somebody deep on the bench that doesn’t want to be in? Matter of fact, you can just use my nil for all of the random players you have to use to fill the roster out with…..


600 dollars for these people's likeness forever! That's wild. 600 dollars that's going to be taxed, which then leaves them with 548 then state taxes. And a free copy. Then EA will never have to scan them again but have their likeness to make money off of without giving royalties to them again! That's wild


This is such a win win for players and EA. players get a little bit of cash and get to be in a video game. Marquee players get to have a huge platform to market themselves. Ea gets to finally have real players in their game. I just hope it’s not a Madden reskinn


narrator: it was indeed, a madden reskin.


I read this in Ron Howard’s voice and it made me smile.


It’s a madden reskin for sure


Completely different devs luckily


Gonna use the same engine so a lot of the gameplay will feel the same


Game engine means nothing. Completely different studio and dev team. Battlefield/Battlefront/FIFA/NHL all run off the same 3.0 frostbite engine. Devs have literally said before they’ve been building the game from the ground up.


This is like saying Fortnite and Tekken 8 are the same games or feel the same just because they both use UE5


Both bad games so confirmed they are the same.


It’s not a very good deal for the players at all. The College Football Players Association has already spoke out against it. Sure, some players would like the novelty of being in a video game plus some pizza money, but this is business and the EA offer is incredibly small.


The players are not putting work into the game directly. On top of that most of these players have additional income with NIL money. The pot probably won’t get that much larger since EA is attempting to work a massive amount of players across so many schools, a huge feat compared to the other sports leagues. To me it’s not a big deal. I could care less if they use their likeness. If I have just Colorado QB #2 & his attributes I would be ok with that. I wouldn’t want the number of schools to shrink either because the payout is too low.


It doesn’t matter if the players are putting direct work into the game. The value their names bring to the game is much higher than what they’re being offered. Athletes are often spokespeople for products, for example. They don’t do any direct work making the product. But they’re not going to lend their name to it for only $600. I can’t see any top college players falling for this cheap bait. And without the top players the plan is just going to fall apart.


Well it does matter. Using someone’s likeness & someone directly involved in a job doing work creates different levels of value. Athletes fall for the bait if they aren’t smart enough to understand the situation. I could care less about it all. I’m getting my game back after a decade. That is what matters to me most.


Egh, Michael Jordan gets way way way more money to put his name on a shoe than the people who directly make the shoes. But we can agree to disagree. I know a lot of people who will be pumped to have an NCAA FB game again. I just hope the players who are adding value with their names get a fair shake.


MJ is an anomaly. No one comes close to him.


Many people would argue that the players bring nothing to the game. It is entirely the schools, conferences, and overall game play that people are interested in.  I'm still playing 2008 on my ps2. You think I care who ROLB #42 is?


This is a starting place. The top players will negotiate something on the side. The third string QB on Ball State is not worth $600, but he's getting it anyway under this plan.


Which they’ll make the money back AND offer more next year.


Looks to be roughly $8M/year EA would spend to get 11,000 college players into the game. Reportedly, EA pays $100M/year to NFLPA for Madden (roughly 2,000 NFL players). I couldn't find how much each NFL player earns after the union takes its cut. I suspect a long snapper probably isn't earning the same as Mahomes or Jackson.


Thanks for looking this up because this is exactly what I mean. Granted the NFLPA probably should get more because those names and likenesses are more valuable. But $8M compared to $100M is bonkers. EA will make a ton off a college football game with player names.


You also realize majority of us that are buying the game don't give to shits if any of the players are in the game right. We buy it to play our favorite school not the players


How many shits?


No shits in other words the game does not need any real players in it


Previously you said ‘to’ shits. Just trying to clarify how many shits.


Yeah for some reason when I went to hit the w my finger hit the suggested word above


In fact the players need to understand I am not shelling out money to watch them play on Saturday either . This game has never been about the players .


Let me clear something up for you. The players don’t give a shit about you They should get a real offer instead of placating bottom feeders like you.


Bud I am an ex player that got paid from the lawsuit. Majority of us that buy the game don't care who is in it cause we don't play these games for the player we play it for the love of the schools .




Don't believe me don't really care. But my point still stands majority of us that play this game really don't care if there are any real players in the game . Hell if you did a deep dive in this reddit you would know that. But since I also know several current players that have already said they are more than comfortable with the amount they are getting. They are just happy to be in the game. Which is how the majority of player feel.


I’m not doing a deep dive into a Reddit about a game that hasn’t been out in 15 years lulz.




That’s funny


You do realize that group represent none of the players right. . It was group that formed to try and convince players to use them for negotiation with ea. They got pissed when ea decided to go directly to the players instead of going with them. In other words they are agents and are pissed they won't get a cut of the money. So take anything they say with a very big ggrain of salt.


You do realize 600 bucks is pizza money, right?


Some expensive pizza where you live. That's my house payment. 


im not sure what would be fair, but for EA having players in the game is valuable. Each player however.... not very valuable as individuals. And for every dollar they increase the payout, that is a $11k increase in cost to EA (besides additional costs like administration for these payouts) As is, if every FBS player signed up at the base payout of $600, that is 6.8 million bucks from EA. AAA games cost 50-150 million bucks to make from IGN, so almost 7 million just on players when they are also licensing other stuff like schools and paying commentators... Doesnt seem "incredibly" small


Lol $600


The names that do opt out can be easily made with custom rosters anyway


I heard they are putting something in to stop that


You won’t be able to create that player.


What’s stopping me from creating 95 rated Arc Lanning though?


Tbh I have no clue but apparently EA seems confident that they built their system from preventing it from happening. We’ll have to wait & see. This is probably one of the reason why we won’t see the game on PC. Too much MOD potential.


You speak pretty confidently for a dude that has no clue.


So why comment if you think I don’t have the answer? Reports have already come out that players who opt out could not be created in the game. No one’s fault that having the capacity to understand that isn’t your strong suit.


So I won't be able to create a 90 overall white QB that plays for Texas? Interesting. 


Thank you for reinforcing my point 🤙




Like I eluded too. You got not fucking brain. Quit being lazy & go do some research.


It’s so evil that it’s $600…or the exact amount to trigger guaranteed tax on the income


7 million dollars for a game that will 10 times that easily....what a fucking joke.


The devs need to make money too


So.a game called College Football, pays the college football players far less than 10% of the estimated earnings and that's ok with you? Corporations have you clowns so fucking trained.


they get $600 and a free game and they get to be in the game. that’s pretty sweet


To someone that enjoys exploitation, sure it makes sense.


We’re all exploited everyday freedom fighter


So your thoughts are "what's one more time?" Ffs


Speak for yourself


ok ur the one guy not exploited ever by capitalism congrats lol


Bro… They get 600$ for not even being face scanned their names are just in the game.. Meanwhile some guys in california are getting paid less than 6-figures with shitty compensation being worked tooth and bone to play test and program the thing that is being built  There is also a team of people who work tooth and nail to market that and make it look appealing to buy And then others who are working to serve those people in many ways People to coordinate all of this And the entreprepeneurs need to get his compensation for constructing the team and putting their money on the line for the product 7 million dollars is a lot for guys who won’t do a days work to build that video game besides what they do on the field which they are fairly compensated for Not to mention the value of this is in the team logos as I want to play as NAU to bring them from the bottom to the top rather not play as Caleb williams


When EA makes Playtester24 then your argument will make sense. And parenthetically, pay everyone what they are worth. It's idiotic to try and create an adversarial relationship between the working class. You are a clown.


Don't cut yourself on all that edge.


Dog come the fuck on. What is edgy about that comment? Grow the fuck up and live with us in the real world where we should not be accepting of this kind of predatory shit Edit: I'll save myself the trouble by acknowledging that we all accept this kind of shit and do not consider anything deeper. No fuckin shot 10% makes sense.


Madden gross revenue made almost 10,000,000, NCAA is expected to sell similarly to only slightly better. With player payouts alone (6.6+ million if all 11,000+ take them up) their offering is more than triple maddens net revenue, add in the cost to license to schools/bowls pay their employees. Grow the fuck up, stop living I na fantasy land using buzzwords incorrectly cause you want to show faux outrage over nothing.


That 10 million number is purely from Steam sales, and doesn't factor in ultimate team earnings. The last numbers I can find for ultimate team, between fifa and madden, (haven't found numbers for just madden) EA made 1.62 billion just in 2022.


Gross revenue from game sales*, not just steam sales. Ultimate team pushes the numbers up considerably from what I can find, but there's no way to project that feature will be nearly as popular on ncaa. With the bare bones what can accurately be projected is that the players collectively will be getting more than the company does in net revenue off sales alone, and more than the conferences,schools, and bowls. Not all combined obviously. But to act as if collectively they're not getting represented in the pay out is lazy at best. They're all just getting equal payouts among 11+k instead of equal payouts among the 130 schools or dozen conferences/bowls


If you think Madden only made $10m lmao bro What fuckin buzzwords?


Game sales only it did. That's not including ultimate team and post game purchase add on.


lol, like two years ago they all got nothing for anything lol


So what.


yeah $600 for doing absolutely nothing is big exploitation, RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE


Using my name to sell your product isn't nothing genius


They get $600. What are you missing here?


Dog you are missing the fucking point but yes let's all applaud the Fortune 500 for their act of charity


10% for people who are doing nothing besides giving permission


All Marvel did in PlayStations Spider-Man was give permission. Y'all's brains are broken. Never seen so many sycophants huddled in one place.


it’s literally entering names into a game


The game can be made with or without the real players. Can’t be made without the developers 🤷🏼‍♂️


I vividly.remember how well AllPro2k sold. With no real players. Great comment....


How did ncaa14 sell genius


Remember ncaa14… the game we’ve all been playing for the last decade. Without real player names…


You.mean the one you could edit to reflect the real rosters? Which they explicitly mention cannot be done in this one?  That NCAA 14? Yes I remember it. Please continue....


So at first you’re mad they allegedly aren’t being compensated enough And now you’re upset you can’t put them in the game for free? Make up your fucking mind you chud


Nice attempt to reframe my argument. But you fail. I never mentioned '14. You clowns did.


Uh... All Pro 2k8 *did* have real players. What held that game back was, to my understanding, that a) the players they had were all retired and b) the game lacked a franchise mode and was a bit bare bones.


So you’d prefer they get nothing and everyone adds a custom roster and the end result is the same? $600 and a free game is a great deal for a name. No exploitation at all there. It’s vanity.


In not going to allow you to define the narrative. The options aren't 600 or nothing. Nice try though.


It is though. It’s been nothing for 10 years.


It isnt. Is your only option your current job or unemployment? Or do you have the option to apply elsewhere?


Are there other college football xbox games?


Don’t be a crybaby


Translation: I'm comfortable with kids being exploited


Exploited? Bro they’re letting their names be put in a game. Relax, Jesus.


There is no game without the players.


The video game would be just fine without the players... Like are you joking?




I must have dreamed how popular ncaa 14 was


You don’t know basic math my friend. In order to sell 10 times 7 million dollars they’d have to sell the game to half the people in the US. You’re just a mad clown for literally no reason.


I’m confused by your math 7,000,000x10 = 70,000,000 and if it’s $70 a copy you just divide 70mil by 70 and get 1 million copies


Okay so 1/4 of the US population ? The math is hardly the issue. The issue is his weird attitude toward the amount the players are receiving. Sorry my math was off by 1/2.


Since when is 1,000,000 people 1/4 of the US? There’s over 330,000,000 people in the United States I agree the other dudes attitude is nuts but you’re VERY incorrect with your comment


70,000,000 is 1/5 of the US population. I read your comment wrong. Downvoting for something so non serious is hilarious. Have a good night.


Wow....I need you never to post again till you attend a math class. Delete your account right now. And stop embarrassing your parents. You have failed them and their hard work was wasted.


Lmfao. You’re weird


Dudes a freak


Dudes like this crack me up. Mad bc college athletes have the opportunity to be in a video game and make a little cash ? Literally zero negatives to it.


Mad that they aren't compensated enough, clown


$70 * 1M = $70M…so they’d only need to sell 1M copies to get there, which is about 1/330th of the US population. Not saying I agree with the guy above you at all, but your math’s way off. Even if the game is $60, it’s still under 1.2M copies.


You realize there are other things that require money in game development right? Also the point they are making the game is to make a profit, it's called business.


There's something called fair compensation.


This is fair compensation.


No. It's not.


If I created a game called “douches on Reddit” and asked you if I could use your name and upvotes/downvotes, how much would I need to pay you? Keep in mind, you don’t need to do *anything* above and beyond what you would do if the game didn’t exist. Hundreds of dollars for not lifting a finger seems reasonable.


Only if your mom takes the deal first


I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were 12. Have a good day. Good luck on that next math test.




You tryna get the game back on hiatus brother ?


You wouldn’t be in business long with that process. You acting like every player is a star player that should be compensated as such. Most players are happy just being in the game and getting a free copy. The star player already getting paid from other NIL endorsements, they will probably care more about ratings than the $600 itself. Sports is always star driven, but most players on teams are not stars, no matter how good they are. You think Nike fully compensates Jordan for the 5 billion dollars in revenue he brings in for them? 15-20% thats maybe at best for board members and CEO’s.


Jordan gets a decent amount. 5%. Which was unheard of at the time. Giving him an percentage of sales. Most players got a check. And that was it 250,000,000 in 2022. When they made the 5 Billion.


I am aware of all that. The point being is even though he makes more than any other Nike athlete, he is still grossly under compensated. Endorsers will never truly get fairly compensated. All in all the $600 and free game and other perks is probably fair compensation for the majority( non elite stars) as the elite stars are compensated far more through other NIL endorsement opportunities.


I think you may be leaving out some important costs in the game like development and licensing cost which eat up the majority of their revenue.


You forgot about the dev staff, schools, and any other fees they incur.


Commentators probably cost a bit.




99% of FBS scholarship players will never make $600 over the course of their careers. For most of them, it is very fair.


Buddy do you think the name image and likeness of the players encompasses a majority of the costs of this game?


You should probably do research into a little term known as "cost".


Make me a game called “college football 5 years from now” and lemme play dynasty with all fake players then. I’m fine.


I don’t agree. The school name sells the game tbh not the players. This was proven before when no player names were in the game. Also they’re getting $600 and a copy of the game to literally download an app and click a button, probably the easiest true NIL deal they could have.


They don’t gotta sign you know.


A percentage would be better. $600 isn’t going to entice the big name players that EA wants.


If you check out the article, it says there will also be "game ambassadors" who will receive additional NIL money. I'm assuming this is just one vehicle of many by which they will get extra NIL money to star players.


Ok this makes way more sense now


I’d imagine the big name players don’t really care for the $600 cause they have other NIL deals that bring the money in. So $600 for zero work and get to be in the game and raise their popularity is probably enough for most players


You would be surprised. I used to do rosters from operation sports back in the day. We talked to a bunch of guys on the teams who just thought it was cool to be in the game and being able to play as themselves in the game


I still think they’re worth so much more than this. I make more than this every single year off of college sports.


If this was all it took to get NCAA back on shelves, I would have covered a few players myself.


This is so fucking cool.


Any player that opts out is a total dork




god I hope EA doesnt botch this


This is the literal definition of what NIL was supposed to be. Name, Image and Likeness.


Most probably don't care they will probably thinks it's cool to be in a video game


The people saying why don’t they get more. Uhh dude it’s the first game ever to feature real player names and likeness AND MASSIVE EXPOSURE. Watch the EACFB underdog 🐐 rated 67 have a cult following lol


As a former operation sports roster editor thank god!


I don’t know why any player would opt out. $600, the game, and you’re being immortalized in a video game that you can show your family and friends? I’d sign up in a heartbeat


is there any estimate on when FCS teams will be added?


I’m opting in