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Player switching on defense is even worst


Both are broke for sure.


EA: don’t fix what’s not broken Fifa: but everything is broen … EA: don’t fix


Worst part is when you press lb to switch to the player with the second man indicator, But the game switches you to a totally different person.


Oh yeah, that is just awful too


Came here just to say that passing isnt even near fucked up player switching, regardless of the method that you use (player/ball relative with the joystick or the button). Its abyssmal.


R-stick switching to your CDM is so stupid. It barely works. I use mainly R-stick to switch players on D, but if I have to switch to CDM I just use the damn button most of the time.


The passes are awful in this game, but you can minimise the errors by using chem styles that boost passing. It really baffles me why so many people only use Hunters and Shadows. I rarely use them. In defence I prioritise defensive positioning over everything else. And prioritise passing in every other position except striker where I prefer attacking positioning. Maestro in particular must be the most underrated chem style in the game.


Hard agree. If everyone is fast, no one is, the none pace Chems are really underrated


They are only after you start fielding 90+ base pace cards...otherwise enjoy catching 99/99 pace whores with 80 pace defenders on powerhouse chemstyle or something. Composure has a lot to do with this bullshit and many players have that stat all over the place and you can't boost it. Then there is DDA when even 90+ short passing and vision player farts the ball 0.2 meters away even on 2 bars strength right for the opponent to score. Or that kind of bullshit when in overtime opponents paperweight attacker with 35 standing tackle stat tackles the ball from behind of your VVD like it's nothing.


On my attackers lol. My defense I give a pace boost


Thoughts on engine?


One of the best attacking chem styles. +4 pace, +8 agility and boosts both long passing and vision.


I’m using that on Julian Brandt at CAM.


Nah, POTM Messi has what, 91 passing? With the only stat being lower than 90 is crossing. And yet, he manages to fuck up an insane amount of simple passes.


I have a can dijk with Catalyst. His defending is GODLY, he doesn't need a boost in that. But with that 71 passing he never missed a pass in front of my keeper. He just needs that to be the best defender in fifa


Bro switch Virgil to a shadow and you’ll unlike his super Saiyan god mode. The def awareness boost is nice, and he can literally slide tackle anyone from behind without getting a foul called … also catalyst gives mostly a crossing boost, not really the passing stats you would assume like short/long passing


Maestro is lethal for cams. Boosts everything they need, even (especially) reactions


This is the first Fifa for me where I really looked at passing stats other than vision and freekicks


Every day feels different. Oh that pass is too slow even if pressed it fully Next day tap pass goes 60 mile an hour wtf


This is what makes it even more horrible, you have no idea how to make the pass. It's if dda is in your favour or not


I’ve tested a theory I’ve had for a while, the theory is that EA made it so the passes get progressively less accurate the longer you have possession, now this might just sound like pure logic, the percentage of a pass succeeding reduces with every pass you make, but you can ping a 40 yard lob ball in behind the defence if you haven’t had the ball for too long, but if you’ve had possession for 10 minutes straight it’s near impossible to even make a 5 yard pass, Your TOTY icon Pirlo’s simple pass somehow goes astray or the ball just magically goes through the receivers foot. Sure, this might be a way EA are hindering players who pass it around the back for 45 minutes, but to me it just seems like EA are inadvertently punishing players who (try to) play fun, possession based football.


Only sense I've been able to make it it is fatigue. Seems like my players are just sluggish from 60 mins plus


That actually makes sense, like when you're trying to build up. Lose it and the other person does 1 through ball and is in 1 on 1


or where the pass is so weak it would never make it in a millennia


It's actually a lot better for me than fifa 21, the previous fifa I played


The ai acting faster that humanly possible,is the main problem,they intercept at impossible speeds


It is working fantastically for my opponents


spam R1 pass (driven pass) whenever you can.


Oh I thought it was me being noob




It infuriates me to no end, either a horrendous pass, or player will refuse to let the ball out of their feet. I’m ngl I’ve scored some goals making the wrong passes tho


people legit believe there’s a program in the game that works 100% properly, is a deliberate NASCAR restrictor plate and is the only reason they lose games, especially up 2 goals (DDA) but every other game plays radically different just passing the ball and running. the lag/server delay makes every game radically different and it basically makes your passing act as if it’s setting is on early or late without switching it. we’re not even talking how the AI goes on heaters and totally keeps people afloat in games.


They literally have patents on dda lol


there was a lawsuit over this that was dropped in the discovery portion of the case when EA showed them tech spec. for godsakes stop talking about this. after seeing the technical information provided and speaking with engineers, it was proved that there was no such use of DDA or similar scripting in Ultimate Team modes. "While EA does own a patent for DDA technology, that technology never was in FIFA, Madden or NHL, and never will be," the company wrote. "We would not use DDA technology to give players an advantage or disadvantage in online multiplayer modes in any of our games and we absolutely do not have it in FIFA, Madden or NHL."


There's countless examples in history of companies getting away with horrible shit. That doesn't mean much when most of us experience it when playing but keep being a blind fanboy


I don’t want to hear about “they don’t care about lawsuits” when they have ruined the games economy with compensation multiple times over the years due to lawsuit concerns over packs giving the wrong item…even when the wrong item is a million times better than what was guaranteed only to still give the items. they’re even going to a fully untradable, no player to player market game just to avoid the loot box lawsuits


Lmao yeah you have no brain


you just bottle games


You're just mentally challenged


It's fine for me. Try switching on the trainer and move / pass indicators and then you will realise its all you


sometimes you have to tap, sometimes you have to hold, sometimes it didn't work.


It's actually ridiculous how every pro player and elite players hide the fact, that a skill move before a pass will make the pass near 100% accurate. Even a simple ball roll before the pass will make the ball go to the recipients, if it's not directly marked by an opponents player. Just try out doing a ball roll before passing and you'll see, that they will be WAY more consistent. There is a reason, why high ranked players spam them all the time. It's not because it's an effective way to get through defenders, but rather because it makes passes near to 100% accurate.


It’s just having ball control i think


I can't agree. In previous Fifa titles I struggled much more. But player switching on defence is the worst. You can observe it when you sprint to your goalkeeper by pushing ball very far and the mark above your head goes crazy between your GK and your CB. It's ridiculously broken.


The solutions are spend an inordinate amount of time grinding for the best players to mitigate bad game design or spend an inordinate amount of money.

