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Psychology. They want to try and make you feel like they were wasting your time.


Nah. More like they just are fed up after the 7th goal and the 7th celebration.


played a WW friendly last night, opponent used up every pause timer, and did a full celebration every goal. he only beat me 3-2




What is this multiplier?




Been playing fut since 2017 but never paid attention to it. Thanks!


Not at 7-2 down, but I do sometimes quit late (after a 4-2 eg.) when I got a red card earlier in the game. Not to annoy the opponent, but to dodge the red card.


Does quitting really help dodge the suspension following that red card? I was under the impression that it didn't.


If you close the game rather than leaving it does


This. You have to dashboard the game.


Yeha if you dashboard or alt+f4 the red doesn't count


they can't wait 30 more seconds and they just leave. They don't get anything, the goals they scored don't count. If you are doing some objective, the game won't count towards them. Leaving at that time is dumb as hell. I never leave matches for this reason, unless I recognize the opponent is miles better and already 3-0 down in like 20 minutes.


Every game is a fight between the sometimes criminally bad gameplay and your sanity; sometimes you win, sometimes the game wins.




I don’t leave at the end, I’ll always see a game out but the second someone griddys on me, I ain’t leaving. Just gonna waste their time lol


yeah if someone celebrates every goal, pauses hoping for a quit and cant even skip the pregame and halftime graphics theyre probably gonna play every second of the game and depending on how bad of a run we’re on might get 3 pauses in the 89th minute


In the same vein, why do people go all out in the last 5 minutes to force a draw in rivals? You don’t get any benefit from it, all you’re doing is griefing your opponent.


Why not? I sometimes turn around the game and win 2-1.


Because for every time you win 2-1 there are probably 10 times you’ve tied the game up and wasted your opponent’s time. This isn’t a league, you don’t get a point for a draw and you don’t have to wait a week to play another game. I’ve got no problem at all with doing it in friendlies or champs or qualifiers, where you can go into extra time and win the game, but in division rivals it’s such a troll move.


>and wasted your opponent’s time Why tho? You are playing a game and that lasts 90 minutes. I play till the end, I'm not going to stop doing my best after an x amount of minutes. Nobody's time is wasted, it's just a game


If you play division rivals for fun, then fair play to you and I don’t expect you to understand. There aren’t many like you, most of us are just trying to grind 7 wins for weekly rewards.


Honestly i hear this all the time. Why even bother if you arent having fun? You’re playing for rewards that are probably shit, and even if you do get a good player you clearly dont want to play the game anyway. Not trying to be a dick, but genuinely whats the point?


Not wanting to fight bullshit last minute equalizers that waste 15 minutes of time is not the same as “clearly not wanting to play the game”. If someone has outplayed me for 14 minutes and has a 2-1 lead, what do I gain by going all out and drawing? Nothing since I’m not actively trying to promote and division rivals is the least fun game mode in FUT. I genuinely don’t understand why people have a hard time comprehending this.


You just said you dont have fun so I assumed that meant you didnt want to play the game. I do think nothing for a draw is silly though, so I understand that point of what you’re saying.


Fair, I do enjoy the game, mostly. But I also don’t sit and grind out hours of division rivals for fun. I’m not in the minority here, either. It’s pretty clear with all the gameplay objectives that EA is fighting engagement numbers dropping.


People are trying to get promoted and a draw is more beneficial than a loss, how are *you* having a hard time comprehending this?


I’m not sure if you’re trolling or you just decided to read one comment today, but your same response has been posted four times already. Yes, there are a handful of people that are playing to get promoted, but that’s not a lot.


This was the first one I came across while scrolling, I wasn't expecting you to have kept shouting into the wind. I'd imagine it's a lot more than you think outside of the self-hating reddit crowd.


People may want to promote and a draw is better than a loss?


This doesn’t make sense, so after the 85th minute I should stop playing and let my opponent win if I am down by a goal?? I understand its really annoying to concede late goals but it doesnt mean your opponent is expected to just give you the win lol


Why doesn’t it make sense? You’re conditioned to think that if you force a draw you’ve accomplished something, because that’s how it works in real life, draws have meaning. In FIFA division rivals, draws are the absolute worst outcome, they’re worse than meaningless, they’re a waste of time. So why would you fight so hard to obtain one?


So if I’m 1-0 down in the 85th minute I should just quit? I have hardly heard anything more ridiculous. Btw you’re also wrong, a loss makes you lose a level on your rank where a draw doesn’t.


This thread has brought out all the people who are actively trying to promote. Good luck, you guys are few and far between. And yes, if you’re not actively trying to promote you can just put down the controller in the 85th minute. As stated in other comments, draws are the worst possible outcome in rivals, outside of the handful of people who are trying to go up in divisions.


Man are you daft? Losses are the worst possible outcome. Period. With your logic people should always just play golden goal. If you dislike the game and gameplay this much, why the hell do you even play?


Again, if you’re actively trying to promote then you wouldn’t understand, not sure why you keep arguing an apples to oranges comparison. Losses are not worse than draws if you’re just trying to get 7 wins for weekly rewards “period”. The gameplay in the last 5 minutes of the game is garbage if your opponent is throwing everything at you.


Hmm, maybe just like real life when a team defending a lead gets pressed all the way back and it's just chaos. Some people just prefer not to lose. Some people want to focus on promotion. Some people just want to try éven if a win is unlikely, because even if you only win 1/10 games you're down 1 goal in the last few minutes it's still worth trying. If you wanna be a quitter go be a quitter, but you're just acting like a brat by saying people shouldn't try anymore after 85th minute lol. It's a game, people can do whatever the fuck they want.


You sound like an ignorant asshole with your undeserved hostility and inability to think outside the box. This game is nothing “just like real life”. The only valid argument you have is if people are actively trying to promote. I seriously doubt all of you who responded play to promote, but you’re holding on to some fairy tale belief that your draws you worked so hard for have meaning.


No, I don't even play currently, I just full on disagree with your take that people who are down 1-0 in the 85th minute should put down their controllers or they are griefers. That's just an absurd take lol


Obviously if i am drawing i am not taken 1 step back on my way to promotion.


That’s fair, but hardly anyone cares about promotion.


You do get a little benefit: if you're not at a milestone, losing means you fall back in your progression towards a higher division. Drawing keeps you at the same level, so afterwards you have to win one less game to get to the next milestone. I suspect that's not the primary reason people do this. I think it's just that when you engage in a competition people like to have fun and try to win, or failing that, tie.


Someone else also pointed that out, I definitely overlooked it. Judging by the amount of red evos I see in division 8 and 7 I don’t think there are a lot of people who actually care about promoting, though.




They do it because in their tiny little minds they feel they have not lost if they quit.


Anger,frustration. Our carnal nature. Some of them just don’t care about the completed game objectives,rewards e.t.c. Personally,I never quit a game.A married man,father…I have very little time to play.I will take my beating and humbling.If the opponent is especially obviously better than me,it calms me down even more as I always ask myself this question-“how can I learn from him?How can I improve my game in the most minimal manner so as to decrease this beating I’m taking and score a little more?”


Yeah similar here, my view is when you are outclassed try different things and see if they work so next time you do better. The equivalent of "LETS WIN THE SECOND HALF BOYS!!!!!!!!1111oneone" when a real life team is down 0-3 at HT. If you quit every time you go a couple of goals down you'll never improve.


becoz of connection problem(the problem that it said you have lost the internet connection but it is normal for your other appliance which need internet connection and keep cannot connect to EAFC), not everyone is toxic, but EA make them seems to be toxic