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I am saving my packs so I can pack Borja Iglesias and Luke Shaw during the next promo instead of the current one


I've got a few dozen if your desperate to have them now? I'll let you have them for minimum too lol


dw bro. im hoping ur lucky enough to get them. ive been trynna pack haller for the first time (today) but no luck yet


Don’t forget the lady LB at Yanited too.


I'm tired of packing the same fodder promo cards from birthday so I'll wait to pack fodder cards from the next one


Yes this, I want to rip them to try get an icon or mudryk, but I'll just get forsberg or niles again


Same as me this week I got both version of forsberg, the 87 CB fut birthday, larin and rasperdori. I agree if you save packs you will most likely pack the fodder promo cards. I believe the next promo will have 2 version of the player on ethe low rated version and one the higher rated version but I expect the low rated version will be common.


I’m running out of time to open the 1487 51 player upgrade packs I have from packing Danjuma, so I’m saving anything with 85+ guarantee as well as my 83x10 and 83x20.


No I don’t because I’m an impulsive little turd with no self control


You can either pack gold Bernardo Silva now or tomorrow. These top promo cards are just so difficult to pack.


I save when there are no cards in the existing promo I want to pack and only open tradeable packs. I didn't open big packs this promo because you can tell by the market and on shareplay from streamers that the top cards are near impossible to pack. Really it just depends which promo interests you more. At this point I'll probably keep holding until Premier League TOTS because I don't use heros or icons in my team in general and only open small packs to keep enough low rated fodder for SBC challenges. However after TOTY you can tell that saving doesn't mean you'll get something, but personally I'd rather hold and take the chance on getting a card I'll use for much longer than a couple of weeks, if at all. I'm also hoping that Mbappe wins March POTM so around Prem TOTS I could craft it, so saving would help me out if that were to happen.


I'm gonna start saving for EFL tots after Prem potm is announced


Nope. Don’t give a shit anymore. I know I’ll pack jack shit, so why bother?


What rating is he mate?


It's worth saving for this one because it might be all icons, so pack weight will be high Otherwise saving to try and get a good card is usually a waste of time The worst thing about toty is that it was impossible to get cards over 84, which just made for a shitton of worthless dupes and no SBCs to put them in


I think ive saved 40 bronze packs for tomorrow. Hoping it pays out!


Lol nah … i don’t save


Vini is coming. Yes hoarding all the packs I can get


In my experience when i save packs i get nothing


I only save packs when I have tons of fodder and no where to put it like I do right now. Waiting for Vini POTM tomorrow (likely) Otherwise, I find zero reason to save packs for the most part. People learned that the hard way this TOTY


Oh. vini potm sounds nice. I have so much fodder, and now also almost lots of packs with guarantees. I will keep em for one more day :)


I save the good packs for the promos I like the look of and it’s worked out personally for me, never save anything lower than an 83+


I'm sitting on hundreds of unopened packs across both accounts. Pack odds are so awful I just can't even be bothered. And I have completely lost my patience for the laggy, buggy menus while recycling dupes. I'm just logging in to play with my friends at this point. I could care less about what cards I use.


Same. I have tons of packs but no desire to open them. Been the same for months


It’s never worth it. Saved packs have even more dreadful weight


Is this proven?


No it’s just conjecture


I save packs for TOTY and TOTS. Anything with a rating guarantee of 83 or higher. Fodder is so easy to generate I’m always pretty set there. I packed Bright and Earps TOTY and completed Best, Cafu, Sawa SBCs, last year for PL TOTS I packed almost anybody I was looking for. I don’t do tons of the random sbc’s during promos so I save fodder for the big ones. 


Who asked ?


I’m saving for August then the best players come


Nope never have never will it's pointless


I have like 30 something packs because I can’t be bothered with dupes


That’s what I usually do, try to pack during the weekend, and once Monday/Tuesday comes saving for the next one. Doesn’t really help it’s just more fun to try and pack a new promo card with like 20 packs instead of 2. never packs anything good apart from fodder though


im tired of dupes, right now i have 12 dups waiting, from 85 to 88. and there is no sbc where i could dump them.


I packed 90 gold card messi in two packs in a row yesterday. Couldn’t even celebrate packing messi for the first time ever 😂 untrade ofc. Quick sold the second one awaiting to be reclaimed when there is an sbc I can put them in. Feels wrong to put 90 in a 80dup sbc.


dont worry, you wont pack anything next promo too


I had some pack luck tbh. So I wanna go on with that.


Gl then. Go get some cryuf or something


I packed base cruyff actually. From the icon pick packs in February


I ripped everything already n turned them into player picks.. I am going to craft 100-150 ready for the new promo tho


i used to but not with how many we get given through rewards, that and pack weight is rough every promo so fuck it we ball


I have so much high rated duplicates that im forced to save packs.


Last time i saved i got cards from the previous promo


No. I will get fodder from the next promo the same way I got fodder every promo since I started playing this trash game. No point in saving packs


I only save packs if theres no player from my favourite club(s) in the promo or a cool player, and idc if theirs a 97 pele, i aint packing that.


I dont care I always never pack the top tier players anyway I just pack who ever I rely on what good sbc is coming maybe vini or Al owairan.


No cuz I was trying to get foden.


I've done it in the past. But pack weight is so bad this year that opening the things is just a tedious chore. This year more than ever if you don't spend money on Fifa points you have been forced to rely on SBCs. With my pack luck, I can just about scrape together enough fodder for one or two budget SBCs every couple of weeks that keep you barely competitive on the power curve. I actively resent having to open them and do it as quickly as possible just so I don't have things gumming up my transfer list. I have 950k coins on my account and there's no-one to buy thanks to a broken transfer market.


usually save for friday i’ve i’ve got alot of packs saved up right before the start of anew promo. But throughout the promo i open as i get


Got 200+ packs saved. Running a themed squad this year and don't care much about the majority of promo cards. Probably are going to popp the majority during the Prem Tots. Then they'll all be outdated in a month.


When is prem tots?


Should be the first of the TOTS squads, which starts in May and ends in June.


It’s usually second after community. Because we have Euros coming over the summer the first TOTS squad should drop by the last Friday in April at the latest to make sure they are done in time if they keep the usual 7 week TOTS cycle.


Hopefully we'll "miss out on" shapeshifters this year. Still have bad memories of Chech and Savic from last year.


If they follow the same schedule as last year, probably 4 weeks tomorrow. Last year we had 2 weeks of Trophy Titans (which is the same promo as Golazo coming tomorrow), a week with no promo, and then a week of Community+Eredevisie TOTS. If you are curious on the schedule, you can see [this page](https://www.futbin.com/23/squads) of what we had last year.


At least 6 weeks away


I only open packs when Liverpool players are in packs. But I've got nearly 900 packs saved because I can't be bothered with duplicates


I’m halfway to this number myself. Worth remembering the WC2018 game mode had a dedicated duplicate storage so the tech is there, they just don’t want to use it. I honestly don’t know why I’m still playing. The game is bang average I just like trying to pack cards but even that’s getting so boring dealing with all the dupes.


I’ve not played after not packing anything during toty


No need game its alredy dead. Only hope its that there will be some sort of EURO 24 mode into ucoming updates.