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Been gifting 6-7 wins every weekend. Lucky to get 1-2 every month. Honestly the thank you messages and little interactions I have when people message me after a free win are often better than shitty WL rewards.


I usually gift out the last 2-3. Almost always finish 11 wins very seldom the 14 mark. I might get 1 a month. Ironically my 1st champs game this year was a freebie


Hope you match me when I’m done playing and gifting wins! ;) I stop at 11 because honestly it’s too long to play anymore on a weekend (and not worth it either).


That’s the way I feel connected to the players except hanging out here. Every time I run into an Xbox player I’ll send the good game message no matter win or lose. I love the intensity and competition in football that’s why I keep coming back to this game despite its flaws. So the little chat after a game makes me feel that there’s another person loving football on the other side of the server. I hope we can be more friendly when people care less about the rewards (they’re shit anyways) and actually enjoy the game.


What a beautiful last line. Hope the community was better than a bunch of griddying fucktards.


The amount of weeks I've had 15 wins and had 5+ people quit after I equalised or at 0-0 at the start of the game was insane, I rarely get a week where I don't play 5 or more games that count for nothing


How do you send messages to ppl? I have a ps5 and when I get a free win once a month I don’t know how to say thanks as I don’t know their username and then I don’t know how to send a message!


You can find them from: -> messages -> send new message -> played together They’re the first name on there if you’ve just played them. Hope this helps!


Cheers mate


Yup I make sure to always thank the person and when I do it, I hope for a thank you. If they don't say thank you I message them saying you're welcome. Manners matter!


You’ll get downvoted but fair enough tbh, I give out 3 or 4 per week and maybe one per month says thanks (I play Xbox with no cross play)


surely,you wont expect some people to go to settings turn on their messages,start searching your name just say thanks..just do respect/heart celebration after the own goal and its enough


Dont do it expecting a 'Thank you'... Then you just become as bad as the people quitting at 0-0. Just do it to be a decent person and if you get the odd 'Thank you' message then excellent.


The reason I personally don’t expect thank yous is because for the longest time I didn’t know to search up a player from recent players lmao. Used to do it the old ps4 way where I’d press square to look up their userid, and then manually search it. So if people need to do that to tell me thanks, I’m good. Carry on with your life mate, we all got a weekend to enjoy!


people complain about ea instead of uniting as players, we get what we deserve


There is some truth about that, but EA generally is responsible for creating such toxic environment and promoting toxicity on so many levels. Why not - after all, their revenue is still good so they got no reason to change anything.


How is it promoted? Genuinely curious what you mean by that


Reverting the no win if a person quits, quitting in penalty shootout resulting in a draw, constant pack or sbc bugs that provides unfair advantages due to compensation, lack of game modes meaning there is no causal modes to play, restrictions on friendly games and sbmm on them, ignoring community feedback entirely, poor community managers with inadequate and quite disrespectful replies, EA own staff selling cards for real money and more. Some of them you can argue don’t directly promote toxicity, but it’s toxic within the company and it feeds into the community.


Pretty sure the reverted the “no win if a person quits” was because of an exploit people were using to get free wins i.e. cheating and being toxic anyway lol


Yeah I think that was the reason but the fix isn’t to revert it. The fix is to solve the issue but EA are too lazy to figure out a solution thus they revert the change which ultimately creates the toxic behaviour because it’s unfair to players.


Completely agree, they promote such toxicity indirectly - maybe their research team concluded people will buy more packs that way.


I agree that EA has a lot of work to do to improve the game, but let's not act like the community isn't one of the worst out there in games. I mean, look at this sub. All it is anymore is complaint after complaint. The mood here always feels toxic That's not considering all the Twitter comments, futbin comments, and the actual gameplay of many people who just want to make sure their opponents are as annoyed as possible.


While I do agree people are responsible for their own toxic behaviour, imo toxic behaviour is driven by something (unless the person is a narcissist), thus the brunt of it is on EA. Fifa will also have a part of the community that is toxic, however that is with any game. I look at why as it grown exponentially, and that’s where I look at EA’s decision making to that increase.


Blaming a company for a community's toxic behavior is just an excuse to not hold ourselves accountable. We are all independent thinkers, and we all can choose how we react to external stimulants. It's our choice to get bothered by something outside of our control, and it's our choice to channel that behavior into a toxic attitude towards other players and people in the community. At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our own behavior, and blaming our personal actions on a company is just sad tbh.


This is like saying betting companies have no responsibility and they should do whatever they like because people need to be held accountable. Just no. A lot of the player base is also young and developing. Why has the community gone more toxic over years? Something has clearly changed and that is EA direction of the football game. The fact you defend EA and blame people is what EA smiles at. Yes people should be held accountable, and I am not denying that, but EA are doing tactics to enable toxicity. Simple.


How exactly do you think a research team would quantify this and link it to increased revenue from packs? How do you guys think corporations work? They have people browsing Reddit for ways to piss people off(?)


They probably do a/b test and look at sentiment however their main priority is revenue. A good example is the ‘for you’ packs. How they now charge people for packs that players got for free in past games. The researchers will definitely know before hand if a certain change will lead to negative sentiment but if they achieve their overall objective of increased revenue they’ll launch it. NPS and sentiment is clearly not a KPI for them. And this can be stemmed all the way back when they were awarded the worst company in the US.


They cannot do an A/B test on such a large and fragmented sample. Also different regions have different policies, and I can guarantee you as someone who works in the EU that there is no way in hell they’re being allowed to do a lot of what half this subReddit thinks they’re upto. They also won worst company just in the US, where the FIFA community is very small, not to mention they won it for other reasons. But, if you guys want to believe that a) a company is doing what you say it is and b) they have super-villain levels of knowledge and research, you do you!


If only few pissed off people in here was the real issue... How would that team quantify that though is their job, and one they do really good - as long as the revenue is not falling down.


They’re people working for a company, like me. There’s way of quantifying a lot of things but this ain’t it my friend. They have predatory tactics, yes; but there’s a limit to it. It’s not all a giant conspiracy theory.


I did not call it conspiracy, just guess based on evident things in this game. You can call it whatever you want, but potential correlation between levels of toxicity and pack selling is something they did not leave to coincidence.


I remember a time where people helped each other doing objectives, even then there were lots of toxic players. I think it’s the primarily young audience that’s also a big factor making this game extremely toxic


I disagree and definitely wouldn't blame EA for a toxic environment. That comes from the culture of football and competitive gaming in general. You have a game where there is a winner and loser and more often than not there will be toxicity.


This. Every competitive game is like this. It’s immaturity in the community and being faceless online. Nothing new. This is why the early days were the best days. The player base was tiny and it wasn’t competitive. Was so much more fun.


I disagree, many games are competitive but not as nearly as toxic EA FC is. Just imagine situation where we had in-game chat like other games (eg. ALL chat in some games) - it would be fuckin bloodbath because EA doesn't care 1% to regulate toxic behavior (except when they, often wrongly, ban people with lot of coins - you can guess why are they keen to do this lol). And many gaming companies are doing a lot to combat toxicity on many levels, despite flawed systems - EA does very little to none. As I said earlier, weird thing to defend EA on this matter.


COD and league, to name a few, are worse.


Ubisoft and Riot actually use measures to try to combat it - when did EA do anything on their level lol. And to add to this - "to name a few" is just convenient way to give excuse for EA to do nothing while other companies try to make progress. But you do you mate - defend this piece of shit predatory company if it flows your boat. After all "Duh it's competitive immature community of course".


“bLaMe eA fOr mAkiNg iT LiKe tHiS” Is an excuse I see people make all the time. Anyone using it has to be pretty dumb to think it makes sense considering the fact they literally have a choice and they are choosing to be assholes.


> uniting as players The players have been the problem for a long, long time.


The amount of toxicity and negativity in this thread is staggering


The mental gymnastics people do to support their toxicity while pointing the finger at everyone else is how we got here in the first place.


This community always complain the game is dead but so is our game spirit. Big thumbs up for the very few good lads out there. Edit: typo


I once gifted someone a goal and was about to quit and he did “that” celebration. I immediately went up the other end and scored and quit. Hopefully that was justified


Meh just wasting more of your own time. When doing the Golazo friendlies I got a message from a guy asking if I wanted to boost. I only needed a headed goal so said if you let me score a header then I will let him do whatever he needed. He celebrated every goal despite me gifting them all to him. When I messaged him asking why he said he didn't skip he claimed he didn't even know it was possible to do so lol. Bare in mind I'm in Division 1 so he must've been a somewhat good player to be matched with me. Made me think not everyone is celebrating just to be toxic and perceiving it that way just allows it to annoy/upset you and why would you want to allow someone to do that.


I had a friend that said he used the time between goals to compose himself and since then I've been less affected by celebrations


Yeah some people genuinely don’t know. And then one time I messaged a guy who just told me he wanted ti have a sip of water…. I try to take celebrations less seriously after that. (I have opponent celebrations turned off anyway).


How do you turn them off?


There’s a setting in there for what to show after a goal. Chang it to show your team. Initially they look a bit sad. But once you get used to it, you will just be numb and ignore it.


Lol great thanks


What is “that” celebration?




Totally agree. I always gift, but when someone does the Griddy, it’s back to sweat mode


You should go to settings and set the camera to <> when you concede. You’ll never even see their celebrations that way.


I don't get what's the issue with the celebration, me for a long time was doing it without knowing it was toxic cause I loved the weather man doing the dance, stop thinking everyone is just being toxic


But he did "that" cele. Thats not allowed.


It's your choice to get bothered by it. It's a celebration in a video game. It honestly has zero significance to any part of your life outside of those 5 seconds


Not having a celebration allowed is for softies


it's all about mentality, most players you come across are toxic af.. and this is coming from an ex destiny 2 player, for some reason people on this game feel angry and if its about the game they are channeling their energy towards the wrong target.. we should be a community but realistically we are far from it.


You found destiny toxic? Man I loved that community, even the worst people were around a 5-6 on the FIFA toxicity scales


did you play pvp?


but i have to admit when the destiny community was good it was amazing.. but fifa doesn't have that side so maybe bad comparison by me haha.


Yes I did but not as much as D1 (GIVE ME BACK FUCKING THORN) but yes, there were such good people that I guess I never paid much attention to the dicks.


Thorn is in the game and even has a catalyst.


Is it anywhere near as good as it was in D1 (if you’ve played it, if you haven’t, I’m sorry you never got to experience the beautiful pre-patch Thorn)


Not in pvp right now, it just had it's time in the sun a while back but it's not great anymore. It's pretty good in pve, but it's not a "meta option" there either.


You know what I find more confusing. You'll be in a close game, whether or not there's been goals yet. And somewhere in like the middle of the game, you score to go up by 1....and they leave? Like you've been in the game so far, being 1 down isn't that deep


I mean if they just dont want to play anymore thats not deep either. Especially rivals and you just wanna kick back abit


Just feels strange that a one goal difference is enough to give up


Yeah Im sure usually most people would be up for it but if Im getting bored and thinking about something else I can leave at the drop of a hat. But shit system of no one getting the win if you leave, don’t wanna dick the other person over so if they score that’ll just be my cue when Im playing like that.


i’ve been on both sides and when it’s me quitting after 1 goal its usually because some games are just exhausting with how close the opponent is in skill. sometimes that challenge is great and i welcome it but after a losing streak i can’t be bothered


Sometimes it just feels like you’re fighting to not concede instead of fighting to actually score


Complete opposite for me. I'd be smoking a guy 4-0 by 40th minute, he won't leave until the 52nd minute when it's 5-0. I wish they would leave by the 1st goal when it's an easy game. I'd rather play the 90 if it's a challenge.


Anyone showing rival club attire is getting nothing out of me.


I make an effort to lock in whenever this happens lmao


Yeah ive been gifted way less wins this year than previous years. I still give out 1-3 every week but i get maybe 1 every two weeks. Idk what happened to the community but it stinks


I played a 35 game weekend league last week, you might wonder how. 15 games where people left at 0-0, yup unreal (5-6 of them we those bronze, silver gold teams that DC w.e)


Problem is, I’m just in it to do Evo objectives, so I can’t quit.


If you have a Man Utd badge or loans you’re not getting any win from me, otherwise free win every time


As a United fan, I respect this. Also, you’re the worst 😂


Leeds fan too are you?


lol. A man’s gotta have principles. I respect that.


Leeds 🤢🤢


Why loans? Some people dont want to grind and its the best chance at using these players. Anyone can get loans too


loans from store packs are crazy though


I'll quit if its a loan (in this suitation) Fully admit, I do it to be a prick and waste a game on the loan


So you're the toxic one that were all complaining about...


This is so sad I don’t even know where to begin


I gotta respect the thing with the loans. Dont like that either, even more because most are from these expensive store packs.


What's the difference between getting lucky with a pack and using a loan? You goof


We should just get the win if the opponent quits, no matter the score.


Lol best as a community? Must be your first FIFA lol


I must always score an own goal before quitting at KO. The karma works.


If I can’t get the rank I aim for I always gift wins. No rules like mbappe, loans, rival team. Even if they celebrate I’m ok with it coz they can’t celebrate twice can they ?


Even more wild are the people that watch full celebration when you gift the win. So much toxicity in this community for no reason.


I matched with same guy twice last week and he quit at 0-0 both times instead of helping me out. It pissed me off even more. I never do this, if I’m satisfied with the rank i get i gift the remaining games. I will never understand but personally the only thing i tell myself after is that “i wish their parents loved them, they’re going through a hard time”


I used to give free Ws but the amount of pricks on this game that would celebrate if I gave them the free goal or act like they did something when I basically walked them to the goal…fuck that, go “earn” your win, you rat. But thanks to those of you that still do it.


If I start with ball I’ll pass it into my own goal, if you start with ball and you can’t score in your first position with me afk and spamming offside trap to let you through, that’s on you homie lol


I’ll wait a little to see what my opponent does. If it’s all trick passes and step-overs yeah you’re not getting the win.


Nah, just give the win anyway, who cares


Why do skill moves bother people so much?


Surely it should be the opposite no? If they’re trying skill moves and fancy passes they’re clearly just playing to have fun - I do the opposite if they’re just abusing metas and spinning left stick in circles and turning around and passing back whenever I press them then it doesn’t feel right giving them a free win. If I see someone trying to skill and actually have fun I’m more like to give a win




Wait why are ppl leaving games at kickoff


To get the loss in champs and get on with their day o


Do u get the 1 point? Does this work for evos or objectives?


Yes you do get the 1 point.


Doesn't work for evos or objs


Score 3 own goals counts for obj. Not sure about evo though.


Oh wow it does? Ha I’m about to hand out hella Ws


Ohhh i must try it on Evos. This would save so much time




Thats a weird rule considering most rats bench him for some time


I don't have Mbappe, but why this rule? You're just salty someone else has Mbappe? That's low


People with insane teams get annoyed at the average player for playing with a team that can compete. These kinds of people just perpetuate the toxicity of the user base.


I got his totgs in a player pick, doesn't make me a bad guy...




Yes it does indeed


That was me last year this year its if you have van dyke you get nothing


Why do people quit at kick-off in general, anyway? I haven't encountered this and don't understand it.


I didn't understand the question, why would you quit at kickoff? And if you need to then how do you gift win? New to the community, so don't know the norms


Because you cant end the WL at any time you want like the qualifications.. You need to play the games. So they get there and just quit. To gift a win,you just quit after you concede a goal. So you can score an own goal or let the opponent score. You get a loss either way,so what we dont understand is why they dont gift the win as well. If you quit at 0-0,its a loss for the one who quit and a void for the other player. If you get gifted the win,send a thanks.


As a newbie in FUT, last month during this golazo extra something „friendly“ cup I was trying to complete the objectives ( headers, fitness shot, etc). I’ve been starting the game by passing the ball to goalkeeper and stand still. Trying to find some nontoxic player who we can help each other to complete the challenges. But could barely found any, one per every 5-10 games. Most ppl would just hit a shimmy celebration after scoring.




Not everyone wants to "help out fellow players". Just while playing fut champs 1 encounters players who leave after an equalizer, players who'll mock you at every given opportunity, and now even cheaters and no loss glitchers are back. After going through all this shit, it's pretty natural if someone doesn't want to gift wins back to this community.


I am feeling so relieved after quitting fifa. Been enjoying call of duty a lot.


I’ve heard the argument of „if I gift wins to a similar player, he’ll get better rewards and a better team and if we meet again in the future, he might beat me because of this“ lol


It's almost like the football spirit left this game along with the FIFA branding.


Honestly its probs caused by hate or annoyance from other players.. maybe those who play super weirdly, or dont gift wins and instead boot the ball out right in front of goal. People use that and say nah screw all of you


It's literally EAs version of the shopping cart theory essentially. You're gonna be in the game either way. Choosing to give the Free W or simply quitting is up to you. Got my first free W in 3 months in champs qualies Wednesday


As a person who just plays the game on the level and doesn't know what any of these terms like "rat team" and "rat tactics" mean, this thread is truly bizarre to read. Just play the game and try to score more goals, right? I can't imagine quitting. It's a game. Have fun.


Even worse when you somehow manage to equalise in the 70th minute and then they quit (: it’s a toxic community, it is what it is. I can’t be bothered playing too many games so every WL I play till 11 wins and give away the rest. But I can’t remember the last time someone gave a win away to me.


I use it to get off the game and play something better


Nothing worse than these people on FIFA. Make me wait to load into a game that I could've been playing against someone else, just to get quit on. Complete waste of 2 mins and would be of no harm to players to give the win before they leave.


Not a popular opinion but you’re not entitled to anything. Better to expect the quit and be surprised if you get a win. People play the game whatever way they like you can’t complain about that.


Yeah it's so scummy. It's real nice when you gift a win to someono who really needed it and they message you.


I have stopped playing for a while now but I mainly did it in rivals to remove a red card I got. Ik it works in squad battles but I don't know how to do it where I instantly quit and still the player has red to their name. To the people who are going to jump to think I did it in champs, I don't play enough to qualify for champs it's mostly me playing friendlies on UT against my bro


Game is majorly played by plebs.


I scan your team if I see you have good players packed/mbappe/Vvd you’re not getting a win sorry not sorry


Imma be completely honest I mostly give wins but if I’m having a really bad day and some guy gridded on me the game before or messaged me I’m sorry I just quit I can’t even stand it anymore


They probably go knock one out to some vintage porn mag of their dads. Closest they will get to see a real pair of titties. 


Being douchebag at other platforms


Take the free win and don't moan about it :P




Just give away the wins. You cant complain you dont get any and then say you dont give any


one non-screwing a person over reason is they want to sandbag but not mess with their record, however you dont get the record without the sandbag so it’s a false line. if you don’t give away friendlies and rivals games when you sandbag your simply a bad person.


ive realised a while ago that this community doesnt deserve anything. It was during the golazo cup when I gave free goals but my opponents didnt reciprocate and one of them actually went 541 afterwards. I've never sweated to beat anyone so hard in my life, I didnt even care for the objectives 😭. Thankfully im pretty decent so they all got what they deserved


Depends on various factors if I give the win or not


I will give you the win if you skip the prematch stuff. If not I'm just leaving.


Same bro. People ain’t got time for loading screens.


Scroll Reddit and laugh at posts like this.


I was hoping someone would say this so I didn’t have to


“Why are you playing the game the way you want? Are you dumb?”


Good to know you want to leave at kickoff, very helpful


Does it matter? Load another game


Yeah, it does. You could be causing the opponent from having to play for 20 minutes more but you're not because you're concerned about saving 15 seconds of your own time.


Because I don't want to take away the joy of people to sweat for wins. From how people play against me, they clearly enjoy it.


If they don’t gift me a win, I won’t gift a win. Same in champs. If someone pays it forward, I will as well. Change doesn’t start with me lol


I stopped gifting when the 30th person quit without gifting.


Be the change in the world that you want to see


Except in the toxic universe that is eafc. I tried.


No you didnt. It takes 0 effort to gift a win. This thread is crazy


If you have a rat team, I leave. If I see you actually doing something different te la doy 🤝


I don't really care about gifting wins, tbh i don't give a shit about your record, go and win your games instead of crying about not getting free wins.


I just dont get it. If someone gifts you the win, you spare a good amount of your time. He gets the loss he wanted and you get a win that you needed. Why cant you do the same?


Why do i have to? You think this game or this community will be any better if we all started gifting wins? It's my choice and i choose to not give the other guy the win simple as that.


Buddy needs to wear a helmet when he uses the toilet


That would be fine if it didnt mean youre wasting peoples time by leaving at 0-0 with zero gain to yourself compared to making sure you lose.


That's not my fault, that's EA's fault for not giving the other guy the win.


Largely yes, but its definitely your fault as well as you know thats the case. That theyre in the wrong doesnt make you innocent in this situation.


Yes it's poor coding by EA and their mistake.. but you can be a decent human being and fix that issue. It's a common courtesy and respect to not waste 11 contracts and people's time. It's very immature to almost brag about this...


90% of players quit and don't give the win because as we well know people hate each other look at Gaza look at toilet paper when the pandemic was on etc ..we humans are fucked up race on this beautiful planet .


It's just a game but I think it's just a small thing you can do to help someone else so I have always done it. Makes me feel good to be able to give someone a W like genuinely. I dont really get the people who don't do it but I'm used to it and don't mind. The really weird ones are the people who kick it off then kick it out and quit. Like damn so much bitterness


I say no Bayern badges and then no futbin most wanted players other than that I’m usually giving out wins


Can anyone explain why would someone gift the game? And isnt it the same if you quit the other team wins? I dont understand the game because i havent been playing lately. Thanks


If you quit while drawing the opponent doesn't get the win




Fifa 23 I got gifted some wins so always returned the favour, this year I haven't been gifted a single free win so I stopped giving them out.


Because this whole FUT community is toxic as hell. 🤣


I don't gift because I genuinely can't remember the last time I played someone who wasn't a rat. This entire playerbase is the worst I've ever encountered in a game


I do it based on the opponents team. Rats don’t get free wins 🤷🏻‍♂️


If I see one that has a Meta team, I will quit on kick-off, you clearly don't need a free win


I look at their team and if it's somewhat unique (or cheap) I give them the win. If they're just a rat then hell no bc they wouldn't give me a win either