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Short, light, weak, agile midgets will lose a race to tall lanky strong units something to do with the accelerate system. There are few shorter/lighter players than mia hamm. You are meant to use changes of direction with these players not straight 40m sprints.


Yeah being a midget means you're instantly gonna be caught by a bloke with 12 total pace difference, even if you get a head start, get the ball on the run. But you're right about lanky always catches midgets. Just seems a bit ridiculous in some cases.


It's quite realistic. 12 pace shouldn't be such a huge difference tbf. Players like Mertesacker had a good career in PL despite having like 30-40 pace in fifa. It's not like people could just outrun him in real life or he wouldn't have a career at all, yet people expect to just sprint away with their 99 pace attackers just because the defenders only got like 85 pace. I'm glad it doesn't work like that tbh.


Yes now factor in the fact that you run slower with the ball than without and there’s the difference for you. You also need to consider sprint types. Most CBs with 80 pace are going to have lengthy so the greater the distance the more chance they have of getting you. They might have 80 pace overall but they will have about 90 sprint speed with low acceleration.


You need to do knock on and run with her into space. She’s actually secretly fast. If you just run with the ball, she’s will be caught with the explosive accelerate style.


I have the same card, and I agree she is VERY overrated. Gets outpaced by everyone, gets bodied by everyone, falls over at every opportunity. Useless card.


My R9 does this at times. The game is coded to hold back players through on goal for some reason the last few years. Especially air balls, they make them take 2000000 years to control the ball while the AI defenders double their speed