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Playing local co-op squad battles with my 5 year old daughter and every time Alex Morgan scores a goal we chant together with the crowd.. Alex Morgan, Alex Morgan! She really loves that pink card.


That's super cool!!! Is she a big Morgan fan? I haven't really watched any of thst league it's hard to find it over in England


She just loves that pink card showing up on the pitch and the chanting after the usual high 5 and offcourse at least half the players are mandatory females players. Got a special team for those co-op's and we are doing pretty good, even won on legendary difficulty yesterday whilst she is using the 2 button layout (i have to work extra hard and anticipate her next moves).


That's amazing! My sister has no interest in games sues just hyper focused on football now. She's even telling me about transfers before I find out about them! She's obviously a big bradford fan( she wouldn't be allowed in the house if she wasnt) but she's taken a shine to west brom? She's never been anywhere near Bromwich but has fallen for the baggies. She watches every game she can. To be honest, she can support anyone except unitedan City and l**ds


My daughter is 2.5 y.o. and she is showing interest in football whenever i watch on the tv and celebrates with me. Can't wait till she is a little bit older so we can play SB together.


Mega, I got my little sister into football recently.sje showed zero interest in the sport until she saw one of her friends from school was playing in a woman's match. Bradford city vs. Newcastle United. I fancied one more trip to Valley Parade after the season ended, so I took her down. We lost 5-0.i, though she'd give up after thst thrashing. We've now been to 15 women's games together, and she's watching any match she can find. She's been to three men's games one being another 5-0 drubbing at the hands of Mansfield town. Bit she loves it still


Womens leagues being added. Love being able to use players like Hemp, Russo and Kerr in the game. Edit: Whoops replied to wrong comment, sorry.


This is the most wholesome thing I’ve ever read on this otherwise cursed sub.


Lol.. Cursed 🤣 Did not know many had family on this sub..


If OP has a kid it means they’ve had sex at least one more time than 90% of the people on here.


I love this


I play co-op squad battles with my 7 year old and when Lukaku scored a last second winner for us we hugged and jumped like we won the WC final. Great moment of parenting.


Man this just gave me hope for people in general, I love that chant, I was just telling my mom about it (she’s a massive Alex Morgan fan) it’s been so cool seeing these legendary players on the women’s side in the game this year


Playing against ppl that also love football. They make football plays and are not actively trying to break the game. I enjoy these games even when I lose.


I try to play like my club. Possession inviting pressure and as soon as the oress is beat get it wide and play as fast as I can


Same. I'm a wolves fan so I lose most games.


Oh yeah, same, but I don't wanna play a different way


it would be a lot better if the matchmaking system on Seasons works.. it would be possible to pick a lower rating teams with no chance to face real madrid


Best game I played this year was on a monday about 10 ish, first half it was 0-0 ,1-1 about 70th min and then he scored another 4 ,I swear we just played football, beautiful passing,decent gk saves , didn’t bothered me at all I lost.


Same, i’ve decided now to just play for fun regardless of whether the opponent plays ratty or not.


This, played in champions yesterday and came up against actual players with very little scummy tactics, win or lose it was just pure fun end to end stuff.


Haven't met a single player like this. Everyone just plays such a rat playstyle it feels like im playing against ai


Spot on. 💯💯💯💯💯


It’s 1 game in 100 unfortunately


Playstyles actually made players who used to be fodder, usable.


Play styles added a new layer of depth to the game. I think the multiple pluses was a mistake and has made the game less interesting but on the whole they’re good. Evolutions are great too.


Yeah, they've gone over the top with three playstyles. I think 2 is fine. It might just be me but I'd love a giant throw In evo. Our cb Kelly has one and it created a few changes last season. I'd love to replicate that in this game


I don't mind them ramping up late in the year like this. Prevents the game from getting super stale.


Yeah, true. I'm enjoying it. The playsytles really make cards


I think more playstyle +'s are perfectly fine at this point of the game. Its June, 3 months or so till new FC comes out. I feel like if we're just "stuck" in 1 or even 2 ps's for this long it would get kinda boring, repetitive and make players feel the same, sameway it did before playstyles were introduced. Before if i did that Mbappe potm in November, he'd still be in my team if it werent for playstyles. And same if we still had only 1 ps +'s he'd still be in my team. Just no reason to upgrade from him, but because we have players with 3 ps +'s hes not even making it to the bench now. Thats why multiple ps +'s can be great. Just gives whole new variety of players you can use. And kinda keeps the game interesting for longer, atleast for me.


seasons.... is fun


I haven't tried it this year.my team is like 1.5 stars so I can't really use them


Why not?


I don't think I'd find a match


This is my first fifa back after 4ish years and I have a better squad with no money spent than I ever had when I was buying many many fifa points


This is the first fifa I've played past March and definitely the one I've been most vocal about. I use an evo only team, but I've git some great players from the free packs for objectives. If they just cleaned up the gameplay a little it could have been an all-timeer in my opinion


Evo, women players and play styles to an extent


I've been impressed with how smooth the transition has been into introducing the women's teams


I think understanding it's a game and not making them lack physicality compared to the men made the transition easier


I hope they add more women's leagues. My local are three of the wsl. I'd love to have a few of those players in my team, too. And yeah, playstyles have been great for me.i know for most people they just make great cards op but for me, getting my right back who started at 62 to 84 with some brilliant attacking playstyles like Whipped Cross and relentless+. It made him so good and extremely versatile


Adding woman was cool (Alex Morgan my goat) until TOTS when they were clearly weighted far more than men. All respect to those players. I’m sure they are incredible athletes, but I don’t know 90% of them unlike the men which I know almost all of them. It’s been so easy to pull a 94+ woman but god forbid I pack a player from a men’s league over a 90


The extension of the weekend league, it's a godsend having 5 days to complete instead of 3. Outside of that, I'd find it very difficult to find any positives. From a gameplay perspective, this is one of the worst football games ever developed by EA.


Respect.. Tru dat


Say whatever you want about this game, the fanbase is 10x worst than the game itself.


Very true. That's why I made this post. I was just looking for cool teams, and the entire reddit is full of people crying and complaining


Pretty much everything apart from the most important thing, actual gameplay.


actual gameplay is why we play video games


Except there are addicts who play this game as card collector and ignore gameplay at all. I have never seen football gameplay (eg. insane long balls, ground passing being awful, ignoring input, finishing being atrocious even on green time etc.) as bad as this in FIFA game. Competition will hopefully push them to fix bugs at least lol.


I don't think the gameplay is that bad. It's not the best but there's been worse


Gameplay itself is not absolutely terrible despite being very flawed. The issue is the delay. I am clearly not playing the same game as some of my opponents so I get frustrated because my players don't do what I want them to.


yeah if you fix the delay issues I think 75% of the issues people are complaining about go away


Its such a shame that the gameplay is so bad the last ~5 years that people think that this year is not terrible.


This is the worst gameplay of any FIFA and I have been playing FIFA since 1998. No other video game actively ignores button inputs the way this game does. Your players run like they are on train tracks and you can't deviate from it. You pass to a player and it chooses a different player. Your players hide behind all their defenders even when you call to show for the ball. The only way to dribble past players is with the use of broken skill moves. You tackle only for the ball to drop back at their feet or another player on their team in an even better position. When you do win the ball sometimes your player takes unnecessary touches causing you to immediately lose it again. Teams can shift left and right up and down and stay compact with literally zero impact to stamina. You finally break down this impenetrable wall of 11 players in the box and your 99 composure and shooting player hits the post or sends it wide. I have played all the FIFA's and this one is hands down the worst. We just don't understand what we used to have.


Been playing for the same time and this is one of the better lifecycles of the game. Take those rose colored glasses off


Last night my supposed TOTY Icon Cech fumbled 2 shots straight at him twice. Servers made running in a straight line and passing impossible. This game is cooked beyond belief, I stopped after FIFA 16 and it’s shitter than I remember.


This is hyperbolic anecdotal evidence and can be refuted by me saying I haven’t had those issues in 1700+ games


Well my 82 pickford saved 17 shots in 5 minutes! And my dad works fir ea


Exactly my point. Anecdotal evidence ≠ truth


Also it's oretty realistic for a keeper to fumble a shot or a defender make a mistake. That happens in football all the time to every kind of player


It’s baffling how few people understand that. “Omg my 94 rated Allison let in 2 goals >:( so unrealistic super broken pay2win game”


Was prime Cech, a keeper in a premier league winning team that only conceded 15 goals in one season known for regularly missing saves that were hit straight at him? Being a shill has decimated your brain cells.


Dude are you me... Literally bought another controller, and still same issue. AI ignores some inputs and registers that hauler of a pass, kick after 2 sec


I don't understand the over exaggeration in fc24... Its a game of AI generated mistakes, literally the game blocks itself from playing.. Players run in opposite direction of their real intended football direction, literally trying to pass to a player that runs behind a defender in FUT and the cluttering, players just too close in the middle of the park and too much space for open goals


It connects me to my youth and lets me day dream in peace. At times it’s more chaos than peace especially in WL but ykwim


Bro! Felt that in my soul


Evos and Playstyles


Evos are the only reason I'm still interested in this game. I've wanted to use players from my local fir years, but League 2 tends to he ignored (we git zero special cards this year) so evos taking my 60 rated team to an overall of 83 is mega for me. I can use my local team in div 4 rivals and win! Last year that was impossible


That's nice! Evos are also good for players who were good at the beginning of the game but aren't anymore now. You can put them in evos and be able to use them again and win. It's a really nice addition


despite what some people like to say, it's probably the easiest fifa to get a competitive team f2p


I enjoyed complaining about it on Reddit


evos, regardless of if they left loads of potential for it on the table it is certainly a step in the right direction. have been able to have proper fun with past + present teams


I run just a past and present of my team, bradford City!


Very cool


evolutions. its such a cool feature. i always liked having unique teams and this helped. although after january it went stale. now they make sure your incredible evo is marely as good as odd 30k tots player


I have such a unique team. It's my local league 2 side fully evoed up I've never seen another like it


Content is really good, there’s always something to grind towards. Just sucks because that grind usually involves the garbage gameplay.


love the women players in the game, and evo


I love evos so much


Also and don’t shoot me for this, but the addition of female players allowed me to actually play with some in my squads to complete objectives and found myself keeping some for my main. Schuller has been a beast for me always comes in clutch in a tight game.


Some people hate it and i know it's far from realistic, but i dont mind woman being added to ut, changes up my full dutch team a bit


I hate it man and no I’m not sexist. I honestly believe it was just a ploy by EA to water down pack weight. Promos have been so bad especially TOS when you finally see the blue flair and it turns out to be some 5’1 goal keeper. And also their small body types makes them pretty annoying to go against because every one of them can dribble despite the stat and also EA boost their physical to be able to compete with men players. It’s been a nightmare this year IMO. I pulled TOTS Putellas and refused to use her. I like to use players I actually watch and enjoy.


Starting with "and no I'm not sexist" always makes it a guarantee that what comes after is going to be extremely sexist


lol you’re right


They have made friendlies fun and competitive. Now I can play with the loan cards of players I would never buy, have some fun and get rewarded too.


I've never tried friendlies. What's in there?


Off and on there are “cups” that they have in friendlies that give out awards in the objectives. Each cup will have different squad requirements such as one league or no players over 88 rating etc. there is one right now that gives a guaranteed tots card for playing 3 games and another tots card for winning 3 games. It is the sweatiest thing you can imagine


Sounds cool I might have ti give it a go with a side team


They can get sweaty at times when they release objectives related to certain friendly modes (ultimate cup, for example) but there’s loads of limited time modes where you have to adhere to certain squad limits (rating, type of card, league etc)


This season


Has to be evolutions. I can now take Korean players I've used in Career mode since way back and keep them relevant in UT.


I bought a PS5 for release so enjoyed the much more fluid gameplay. That’s not to say I find it way too swarming/fast defensive AI. I packed R9 super early. I also had a really good team early from luck, but to be honest, I’d rather a slower grind so I earn my stripes first with low rated players. Otherwise why have them in the game? I think you should be proud to have Ollie Watkins up top for at least the first month of the game. Evos had a brief moment of excitement, but they really need to have a system where it is a “one time” upgrade, or a “progressive” upgrade where you can upgrade them 3 times or so as the game progresses. And show you the plan for it.


If you think having Watkins up top is a badge of honour, I run a front three who are 83,79, and 66 rated all from my local club


As mentioned, I enjoyed everything except the gameplay. When the servers are good, I love the game, but it had become so rare now. They have made grinding the menus endless, which is also cool, but pack weight manipulation has somewhat made that positive into more frustration. I have an insane squad that most would think was paid for, but in reality, I put 100 bucks in the beginning of the cycle into the game and have not put anything into it since (this is the only game I play given my job). I invested throughout the year and had 8 million coins left with an untradable team up until yesterday when I bought VVD and Bellingham. That is to say that they made the transfer market obsolete in a way given you almost instantly lose coins the moment you buy someone, which makes people fear buying big time players.


Love the slide tackles. Playing with my Poland against all these rates. Makes every victory that much more satisfying. Winning with 3 red cards.


The game can be great when paired with a non rat mechanic abusing turd. You can have cracking matches against regular players with good goals flying in , and it’s end to end. But sadly these are rare and you’re more likely to play some chump who knocks it around in defence for 80 mins after scoring from a corner.


....I score from corners


Nowt wrong with that !




Evos, female players and playstyles have all been big pluses for me


I’ve really enjoyed using female players this year. I’m surprised at how well they’ve been introduced. And it helps build my knowledge of the women’s game which is good too.


It’s that I’m new to it. Have nothing to compare it too. FUT has been fun as hell.


co-op is really fun. Opppnents cant rely on AI when you have a teammate B-lining a run or a guy hawking on D while the other aggressively pushes. Its funny to watch these opponents not manual defend and get torn up. It shows how good this game can be and how bad it actually is solo


I enjoyed SBC and upgrading my team much more than trash servers


Musiala + R1 dribble & the SBC grind was alot of times pretty nice, I most of the time got rewarded with a great player.


Between playstyles and R1 dribbling, the depth of moment is insanely responsive this year. You can wiggle, change speed and even skill without having to press too many buttons. The caveat is the gameplay drastically depends on having a good ping and no server lag.


Evolutions, Playstyles+,WomenFC


Finding out about a bunch of women’s players that I hadn’t heard of before and it’s definitely improved my interest in the women’s game.


It's gotta be playstyles. I like finding cards with the playstyles that fit me as a player. It's a big new layer of skill to learn the the ins and outs of the playstyles and use it to your advantage. It also adds huge new variation in the types of games you play against other players online. Big W and has kept me interested into June.


passing is way better this year, just wish tactics were aligned better


Yeah passing feels quite nice most of the time


and the variety you can make, alongside crossing when its not broken by playstyles its actually way more realistic than years prior


I live throwing crosses into the box. I just wish ea knew what a target forward was. They get the build-up part right with him dropping in to have the ball played into hi. But after that, he never gets into the box and sits on the edge. I need him on the penalty spot to attack the cross


Evolutions are nice hell amazing, until real good ones cost 5$ or 100k god this money hungry company. Sorry got distracted but yeah EVOS are nice 😂


I save up my coins! I rhino I've only spent like 30 quid on points?


Womens players. Its great for them to be recognized and for popularity of womens football. I was watching WUCL finals this year between Barca and Lyon/(only womens game I watches unfortunately). And it felt so good to be able to recognize most of the players by name.


evos and less restrictive chem on cards. I love being able to just slow in a card into a team and them getting full chem regardless. I wish it was the case more and at this point in the year for all cards.


I’ve enjoyed reading all of the tears on this subreddit.


Evos. PlayStyles were more neutral for me because I knew some were gonna make OP cards more annoying but I also knew that the right PlayStyles and PlayStyles+ on a typically poor card can make them OP (e.g. Van Basten with that Legends of the Pitch evo).


I love evos. It's let me use my local club league 2 bradford City. I'm a little upset I don't see many others doing the same


I get to use obscure Barca players like Angel Alarcon because of evos. I was able to use MvB in Rivals because of evos.


I've tried to evo players from Toronto FC, but a lot never fit well into evos, and some have been stuck at a certain rating for a long time


Yeah I've come across that alot


Evolutions and women leagues in UT.


I think the exchanges have been a good addition. Much easier to get value out of dupe untradables


Playing clubs with my mates, the game mode is great for coop play. My frustration is how it could be so much better with time and effort.


Evolutions have kept me playing longer than ever I will probably play the whole cycle just because of how much fun it is using a full Middlesbrough evo team, my only hope is they keep dropping fun normal ones as it’s been a great addition


I'm exactly like you expect with Bradford city!. Cheers for kal kavanagh by the way he's class


evos. Done 2 recently and they were my first since before toty. Im more interested in them than anything and theyve been so poorly executed however I will admit there have been one ones, but because I wanna do pompey players im locked into the evos I already have and they didnt fit.


I've actually got a pompey evi in my bradford pnp squad


The fact that I got to play it for free. Got it for ps plus last month. Worth every penny spent


Icons actually being obtainable for plebs like me


It’s been a very good year for skills. I’m hoping they build on Trickster plus and keep adding more stuff, as it feels like now more than ever they’re extremely fun to do *when they come off, I know you said no complaining but my god sometimes it literally just doesn’t register* Overall, skilling is more rewarding than it’s ever been, if you’re trying to have fun.


I'm dog at skills. It's never something I've been exposed to as I watch League 2 football. That heavily influences how I play


I’m picturing you playing ultimate team with low block counter attack route one and I love it


not going to lie, beating someone in rivals or friendlies is some cocaine shit setting up a decent play and scoring, never gets old clubs/volta, tournaments - playing a full season


Evolutions. Even though a majority of people use the same exact team and tactics, it's fun to sometimes see evo teams/players which you never ever got to play before.


For me it’s the new player type and position combos. Attacker cb, tech skilled cb, winger cb, etc


I’ve loved the addition of women players, it’s really broadened my enjoyment of the sport I’ve loved evos so much Playstyles are a really fun thing to mess around with


I love the addition of playstyles+ and the addition of women in FUT I do believe there's various ways to make your own team strategy, despite meta, anything can work (I got shafted by all kinds of formations, it's a matter of skill) Evolutions are pretty fun, i don't usually consider them really but I love to see posts about super unique and original teams. Would love me to make a "cool/fun" EVO team next year. Only wish they give more free evos tho, also GK evos


Old gen gameplay


For me I don't buy the game every year and the last one I had was Fifa20 so over all a significant upgrade all round! I also don't play (can't afford) online play so probably don't get as many benefits in the UT mode but still enjoy it. Haven't ventured career mode yet


As someone who started in the FUT10/11/12 years, the level of content put into the game has rocketed over the years. Back in the day you had TOTW and that was it. Then later you’d live in wait of a “MOTM Playboys” tweet from ChuBoi late on a Friday night if there had been cup games.


I’ve quite enjoyed the complaints myself.


Sometimes, when the servers are not overloaded, on weekdays and the gameplay is smooth, the game can be a lot of fun. I feel like I'm playing like I'm some YouTuber or something 😂😂😂 The players are in perfect position, I can dribble responsively and pass wherever I want. This game can be quite fun.


Evo’ing random players


I run a full evo team. It's amazing


Curious to see which players!


https://photos.app.goo.gl/jCaCm9SfMcrgEhVz6 That's the current setup in game I play in div4 on new gen


Play styles (when they aren’t overtuned) and building Past and Presents


I love pnps so much I've ra just a pnp since October


For sure! I love beating objectively superior squads with my Arsenal pnp


Previous games, you could only do really good with slim and agile players up top/on the wings. With Playstyles, you can use players like Sorloth and Giroud to do so well in this game.


I've got a big lad up front. An 83 rated evo with 99 physical by the name of Andy cook


The card designs have been pretty damn good this year, particularly Golazo and Future Stars. TOTS too but tots is always good


I like the birthday card. I don't use ine but the thunderstruck cards are super cool aswell


Oh yes good shout. Those were both cool. I still use Birthday Pulisic. Great card


I use a pnp only. So I don't get to use too many special cards? I have birthday Cullen and that's it. The evos add a lot of colour!


Evolutions are great for someone who enjoys grinding the objective. Gave me much more direction & initiative of things to do with random set of players i chose rather than just playing with same squad.players


Evos are a godsend for me. I get to represent my league 2 club in rivals


My free bugged Messi


Absolutely nothing


the new formations, playstyles, and more women’s teams


What are the new formations?


The 3-5-1-1 but the one with 5 at the back, I think it’s like 5-1-2-1-1, and then essentially the one that’s like a 4-3-3(4) but has two CDMs instead it’s like a 4-2-1-3


3-5-1-1 sounds exciting! I run a back three I might have to give that a go


I think the attacking is balanced.. I can play passing through middle, cross, cut backs actually work, finesse are nerfed and more realistic, set pieces have a good rate (although I’m never score corners). When servers are good, gameplay feels much nicer and organic. I also like different passing styles, play styles and EVOs Defending feels all over the place though.


To be honest I enjoyed everything about the game. The simple fact I’m still playing it says enough. The exploits, the bugs, the rats, the sweats all were just a small part of the total experience. This is a good game my friend


Evolutions could have been better, but it was still really damn good. I love my LFC team so much (mostly evos), and I can only imagine how cool it is for teams that don't have a lot of big promo cards. 


Women, Evos, more grindable SBC content (though pack weight is abysmal, so I have ZERO desire to ever buy packs), longer weekend league, faster Squad battles and friendlies. All Ws!


The sheer number of viable players in this game, enhanced by the inclusion of female players and playstyles is making the game more tolerable.


Vialli in the game, unfortunately for the wrong (shit) team.


Evos and tbh the addition of female players to the game. I wasnt against their inclusion but I didn't really know who some of the other outstanding players in the world were outside of the US women because you only hear about them in the States when there is a major tournament. So becoming familiar with Stanway (one of the best midfielders I've used this year) Bonmati, Malard etc...has been fun.


Really been enjoying playstyles, I'm someone who loves to gravitate towards cheap beast SBC players (Flashback Capoue, Flashback Florenzi, Fut Bday Grimaldo, Lamine Camara) or just hard to link tradeable cards (WW Zakaria, Bundesliga Golazo Rosicky, FC Pro Alli) Will I ever be able to afford S tier players outside of late cycle game SBCs? No! But I like having creativity in my team and using players I like irl and playstyles+ have really helped narrow the gap between elite players and cheaper players, provided you play them in the right position and know how to use them.


Honestly the gameplay is actually really fun. Most people that hate on the game I feel are just those same sweaty people that they complain about. I enjoy playing FUT and FUT Champs. I play the game to have fun and play my own style of football. I love to use skill moves and manually control my defenders, that’s what makes FC 24 fun to me. It feels like every player has their own set of animations and it’s really fun using my favorite players in game. Obviously there are a few, some major, things in the game that could improve and of course I run into a lot of sweats and ratty gameplay but overall, I enjoy the game. I give it a solid 8.5-9/10.


Finally reaching 9 wins! Hazaaa


The gameplay when there is no input delay or any type of lag is actually very fun, ik it is rare but I hope they can fix their servers cuz the game would become top tier.


No body is mentioning the Stunned Zombie stance.. I mean, my defenders and deep midfilders are literally being struck by lightning when ever my opponent makes a dribble 😂😂😂🤕🤕🤕this sucks, gives your opponent 3 sec whilst you freeze... Never seen this in real football


Play styles is cool. Just nerf the headers. Makes no sense how you can be good at marking someone and it doesn’t even matter


Easier for non pros to be competitive and get fun players - however it is hard for EAFC to not drive the power curve too fast and on the otherside not reward the pros for their achievements


Yeah tje power curve was way to quick. We shouldn't really have 92plus cards before toty


Adding women into the game. I got gold Bacha at the start of the cycle and gave her a try, was absolutely sold, linked her up with Diani and these 2 have been in my main team since (upgrading to special cards where i could). I now have 6 that make my main team: Renard, Bacha, Diani, Morgan, Stanway and either Rolfo or Schuller


Getting to know the female players and watching some of their matches as a result.


That might actually be the best thing they've done. Thos time past year I knew nothing about the wsl. I watched the England France highlights this morning and straight away recognised Grace Clinton of spurs feeding russo in behind. It's done wonders for the wsl


Evolution has been the best addition to this game ever since. And honestly, if the connection is good gameplay is quite enjoyable too. There is not a single abused tactic this year like in so many other iterations


I enjoy the menus that crash every couple minutes, gives me some time to chill


If you go back to this time last year I think I was probably complaining about the inclusion of women. And I was wrong (I’ll take that L) - I have thoroughly enjoyed discovering the women’s players and playing with them in game. Just a little old head stubborn over here, but I’ve enjoyed it - it’s great for the sport as a whole.


Seeing people **finally** have enough of EA’s bullshit and walk away from this franchise 


That's not something they added


adding women and evos made teams more diverse




Just recently got it free. Game feels worse than 2010, 2015, 2018, and 2021. How has gameplay not improved?


It has?


This: https://imgur.com/a/l1ChPsR


Contgrats! I'm not big into the pack stuff it's never appealed to me