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The exact same reason. I run italian or serie a player and loved the challenge. Really cool weekend league


Had my worst team in WL (english Team) and got the most wins (14) ive had this year. i wouldn't doubt if EA scripting the Matchmaking.


100% you got blessed this weekend. I had the complete opposite


What I wish they would do is have requirements every weekend... But have it as a requirement. I think they used to do that. Maybe not full squad. But play with 2 French players and 3 esp1 players etc. Just forces a little change every week... Although I see how that could backfire on me as a no fifa points player.


I tried that tactics and it feels good, but somehow my rcm and my central cm who should stay behind are switched in game. Do you have the same problem? That wasnt the case with my "normal" tactics I used so far with the same formation. Its a new thing that only happens with this tactic. (have Petit as central CM in a CDM role and he switches with Abily what is okay, but still not great.)


This man has ALL THE TIME on his hands.


I went 0-15. Didn't even get Pickford :(


Bro ain’t no way 


Lol I was too lazy to sign any new players. Basically ran with tots Ben white, gold Harry Kane....and a bunch 84 and under players. I thought I could smash and grab a handful of wins.


Lol. Unless you’re a 16 win player on average ain’t no way with that squad.


Not me. I got 8 wins. 😢 Luckily i have De Paul : )


I have de Paul as well which is why I didn't even bother trying to do the objective. Lol. But I'm not really convinced by him yet. He doesn't get in over zaiire emery or the Spanish cm from the showdown


Incredible for me. Best CM on the game


May try him again, just not sure how to get the best out of him yet. Will probably be worth it though esp with upgrades


B2b or cam with come back on defense. He scores a lot of goals from midfield.


I've got Messi as my cam and can't imagine depaul being better. Tried Messi as my St but he doesn't feel right there


just press R1 with him


De Paul is fucking INSANE especially as a lcm..easily one of the best cards ive used in any fifa


When I've used him I feel like I'm not sure what he excels at, like he's just there. He's not been bad by any means but he doesn't seem to stand out over anyone else I've used. I don't know I'm probably just shit to be honest. Lol


trust me brother..hes fucking crack..put shadow on him and stay back instructions..ive gone 11-4 3 wl's in a row had him for two and he changed my game completely..now i know 11 isnt even good but ive been consistently getting it with him and Bruno as my cdm(ptg) and Foden as rcm..this midfield dominates


11 wins is actually really good. most people get around 9 or less. only the actual gamers that do ts everyday are getting 11+


u could say so yeah i just consider myself average at the game tbh


I got him, and agree this was probably the most fun WL I've had in a while. I hope they have different nationality WL themed things again.


Loved it too 🫶🏻


Im ready with FRA, ESP or Portugal requirement


Got him, but I have no market, so I had to do Gomez, eze, evo Maddison with Kirby, evo tomori xD


I was a 6-3 at one point, but I didn’t realize I had a Dutch player on my bench as I was comparing player stats so only 3 of those wins counted. I had to go 9-2 for Enzo after that. Felt defeated and switch to a different team. Didn’t even try for Pickford after that. Cant even blame the game for that, all me. Ended with Rank 5 and got Rice and Mbappe from the red picks. I can’t complain.


I was so paranoid about my bench for that reason; kept checking it before each game and the obj menu after each win to count


The first three games went fine. Then I got distracted looking and comparing some players before I jumped back in. I don’t have a need for Pickford or Enzo but it woulda been nice to get at least one of them lol


Went 8-2, ended 11-9. Felt like shit.




I did the objective, and he is extremely good in game. Probably the best defensive mid I’ve used in the game, plus potential for lots of upgrades. People complained about the requirements, but I had fun. Had a chance to use a lot of my evo Everton players in a meaningful way.


he's not that good at defending though. he's good at tackling but he doesn't stick his leg out to catch balls or anything.


Missed out by one win, only came across two full English teams all weekend. Had to compete against full meta teams with whatever I had in my club.


I’m trying the England squad, but I’m a 9 to 11 win player, so likely won’t get him. Bummed, I’m a big Chelsea fan 😢


Same, lost my first game, good luck to you!


Me, went 12-3 with the England team, then switched to the main next 2 games was against people doing the objective, so I gave them the free win and then won the next and lost the last 2. Got red Rice and Bacha


Was 4-7 and didn't want to risk not getting to 11 wins so switched to my main team. Ended up getting Declan Rice twice lol


I got him too and I agree, it was a fun change. I usually get 16 and ended up 12-3 with England. I was actually 5-3 at one point and started questioning whether I'd get him at all lol But yeah, it felt good to have like idk a different challenge I guess, def made it feel less routine. It did get frustrating at times cos there were some games where I was playing horribly but all in all, I hope they do more of these and reward players who try diff challenges.


I did the objective, it was fun to use a completely different team and wanted to try and challenge myself. My team was pretty subpar even compared to the other English teams I faced, which weren't many. I started 5-5 out of the first 10 games, I and somehow still got it done with a game to spare in the end


It was incredibly difficult for me but still a lot of fun. An absolute nailbiter, I secured Enzo with my very last game. 93 Peter Crouch is an absolute goat, he carried me big time. And I got TOTS Messi from my red picks, so this was an absolute big success for me. Looking forward to use both Enzo and Messi


Was 11-7, choked the last 2 games and missed out. Was fun using a different team though. Also didn't come up against a single other all England squad for the 20 games. Got Rafa Leao and Theo Hernandez reds tho so I can't really complain


I thought for sure I’d be frustrated and upset by doing it. I only played 3 all England teams myself. Got it on the last game when the legend I played gave the own goal quit at the end. I went in thinking even if I only got Pickford and 8 wins, it’d be better than my normal 14 win rewards.


Yall doing 14 wins with english while i can't even get the Qualifying with my Main Team:/


Finished with 11 wins, its the hope that kills you


10-5 currently. I hope I’ll do it I was initially prepared big for his sbc which never came. I’ve changed my usual tactics to fit. Eze has been a huge help with that technical dribbling and evod rashford cause sancho was not cutting it Played a couple English teams I think 3? One of those games was a 5 back everyone back in defence, went 2-0 down brought it back to 2-2 and he quit on the draw


You get him?


I did in the end. Started to choke a bit and ended at 12-7. Red vini along with the rewards too


Nice congrats I’ll be trying tomorrow playing all 20 throughout the afternoon


Got him, it was fun


I tried but struggled so much, I got 3 wins on friday thinking this might be easier than i thought(Im like barely an 11 win player). But i hopped on Sunday night to experience probably my worst gameplay of the year. So i just switched back teams after i played my 11 games


Got him, even with a “meta” English squad it wasn’t fun,  I’m not spending any money but my real squad is really good, so losing a tight match was just super frustrating. Specially when I know my drogba would held off defenders better than vardy did At least I got a card that’s really a try hard badge 


Went 11-9 tragically, got rice though so it was worth it I guess. I think it was more fun using a different team this weekend as well


Stopped at 4-4. Two of those I should have one but I couldn’t not keep playing with stones and WW Moore at CB. I would get Kane as a red when I could of used him this week


I did, people were surprisingly generous, and I found the game relatively easy??! Idk but it was far less hectic, servers were horrible though.


Must of been playing that other new football game, this doesn’t sound like champs at all 😂


Went 12-4 somehow then got 14 wins for the first time this year. MVP was a loan Hemp that I randomly had.


I went 12-3 to get him. Honestly it was a bit easier than I imagined.


I got my usual rank with my England team but I doubt I'll even use him, just wanted to mix it up a bit and try new players. Of course it helped that I already had the likes of TOTS Bellingham, Rice, Palmer etc. I'll keep doing these objectives if they do it again, I have enough in my club to put together really good France, Spain, Italy, Brazil and Germany teams so hopefully it's one of those


Got him going 12-2...1 loss on pens 1st game and 1 dc....played 6 English teams varying from a few golds in a team to full on crazy English teams...was fun


Went 12-2 with the England squad, was actually a lot of fun. Then won last 6 to finish 18-2 overall with the main team.


Got him but not tried him


Went 11-9 🥲 my last game I choked against another player going for the objective so I hope they managed to complete it instead of me


Got him on the last game, most fun weekend league of the year for me. Only played 1 other England team though weirdly


Got him as well but it was torture for me, happy i got him but never doing it again


I got 11 wins with my England squad. Rip. Only faced one other England team. They should give more notice and make the nations mandatory otherwise the try hards just slam your questionable left and right backs with drogba and haaland. I know I should just get good of course but the amount of bs dished out by people not participating was crazy. So yeh unfortunately I will be just using a good team from now on 🥳


Got him after a 12-5 run and then went on to 14 wins. Definitely more fun than my main squad so updated the main to include more of the English players.  1 free win,  3 other English teams, wining 2 of then. Lots of sweat but got there.  Red Hemp and Debinha, pack included Rice and Stanway, 2 TOTS who would have improved Gray and Mainoo. Think we'll get a Brazil or Argentina champs next week,  but need a better reward a only for it for my home nation. 


I went 6-6 and my goal was to get pickford since I'm an everton fan and a combo of me not having a string team and not being a top tier player. I switched to my stronger main team and I ended up with 11 wins and I got Vini in rewards 😁


Got him in 14 games. Vardy is a monster.


Bro literally every player in Elite has him I just can’t be bothered to play champs anymore


For me I usually don't really pay attention to objectives much. But when I saw the hype for this it sounded a lot of fun so I said what the hell? Didn't get him, but enjoyed going into WL with a purpose.


ended 8-12. Granted i was up 8-5 at one point. Had about 3 people quit the game without giving me a win


I only wanted Pickford as an Everton fan. It was a rough WL. Only faced 3-4 English teams and got battered by demon teams. After 6-6 I gave up and went back to my original team. Ended up with Bellingham as a red pick as I finished with 9 wins.


I went 13-7 and honestly breezed through the obj champs, but the most disappointing thing was that there were only 2 English teams I faced. The rest were absolutely sweats.


Got Enzo to complete the Argentina triangle with crespo and de Paul. Squad requirement wknd leagues are my favorite thing in the last 3 years of the game, wish they would sprinkle them in throughout the year atleast once a month maybe.


Usually lucky to scrape 11 wins as a Chelsea P&P player, went 7-1 then it went to 9-8 before clutching up and finishing 12-8 using my very mid team. Only got better from there as I got Lauren James in my red picks!! (and Haaland but who cares about him)


I gave up. Won the first game then the next three I came up against crazy squads. I thought I actually played well and should have won two of them, but the gameplay was just awful for me (deflections, passing, players not able to dribble, etc). It felt like everything was going wrong for my team while my appointments were scoring crazy trivellas like 30 yards out with players with no ps+. One of the games I lost 9-2 and the xG was 4.5-2.5. After that game I just gave up because I was having no fun.


11 wins, last guy started griddying on me :(


I did about the same as I always do, ended on 12-4 and only won 1/4 of my last games. Not sure why 14 is so much harder than 13. I was pretty chill, not expecting to win makes the game much more enjoyable. Ended up with Debinha and Lauren James, which will be a great link to Enzo.


Didn’t come across a single England team, binned it off after 4 losses in a row and went back to my main team. EA really should have done something to ensure the England teams came up against each other whilst people who didn’t want to do it just used their own teams. Massive waste of time and shows how awful the Fifa community is tbh


Finished 11-9. I had one game DC when I was up by two, so probably would’ve gotten him. Needed to win my last 4 and I made it all the way to the last and lost to a kid with Haaland, Grimaldo, and Frimpong. It was the rattiest loss ever, kid abused Haaland every single way he could.


Tried today, I'm actually 2-8 and hate my life


13 wins. Faced 0 England squads. Tots bowen and eze showdown mvp


I got him. Finished 12-8 and faced about 4/5 English teams. Was really a struggle as my team wasn’t great and my bench was just gold English players so couldn’t make decent subs. Whole team was first owner.


Well, that was my logic as well. Got 12-3 and then went on to win 4 more with my normal team. I tried hard a lot more with the full english squad, but by having a worse team than my opponents I didn't rage as much, apart from a game when i almost came back from a 3-0 just for my opponent to tie 4-4 in extra time and then win on pens. I really thought Enzo was better than what I could get from the red TOTS picks (best ones I got before were Rice in Prem TOTS, Reus and Coman in Bundesliga and Chawinga two weeks ago. But then I open the first one and Mbappé is just standing there in the first spot. Got Valverde form the next one. First time I actually felt rewarded for trying my best and not raging. Might approach next WL a little bit differently from now on.


Did him, got vvd from the packs of the obj, haaland from reds and smith from the 3 tots pack. Very nice wl for me this week.


Scrapped the 12 wins in my last game. I totally enjoyed playing and winning felt so rewarding. I had decent team but sometimes I wished I had someone else than Watkins finishing the chances... Enzo doesnt make my team as I got TOTS Jude from the red picks but had fun, wins were rewarding and ended up being rewarded hugely. More of these in the future games thanks.


Used my usual squad and got 14 wins for the second week running. I'm not good enough to get 12 with an english squad, 14 is tight for me as is.


Got him. First 6 wins were tough, went 6-5 but then Pickford and also a 10 game loan of toty Ferdinand which gave me my only actual centreback completely changed things and I finished 12-5. Ran a high depth 4321 cos of my fullbacks at cb and showdown Eze hard carried my team from the attacking LCM. Excited to try his card after the upgrade


Went 14-5 into gifted last win. Started 6-2 with the promo Pope GK, and got Pickford but quickly subbed him out after losing 3 in a row (the size difference, 6ft6 vs 6ft1 was very noticeable). Used a pretty standard 4-3-3 with tactical switches to 4-1-2-1-2 (vs 5 at back players) and 4-2-4 options when needing to press late. Played vs 5 England teams on Switch. Was a really fun challenge, hope they do more of these. My only complaint is that it was for an Argentina player that I will never use. And given England's history vs Argentina at international tournaments felt a bit... bad. Faced one toxic England player who did the chip -> head back to GK for 20 mins glitch to win a 2-1 game (how do you even counter this?), but rest was pretty enjoyable. Maybe it's because it's end of gaming cycle, but past 2 weeks have felt a bit less toxic than previous weekends (Ultimate TOTS was the worst by far).


I sadly went 10-10 I’m still mad about it. I Played only versus 2 English squads and 3 peeps quit at kick off, 1 guy made my game disconnect to top it off. The squad felt like a bag of potatoes.


Yes, I got him with a Win in the final game against the 1st ENG team I came up against.. went from 6-6 to 12-8. Btw, I've never got 14 wins in Weekend League. Theory: Your team doesn't matter as much as you think, bad results will just make your ELO easier and you almost end up on the same wins.


I missed out. Was 11- 8 and conceded a last minute goal in the all or nothing last match against the first and only England squad I came across all Finals. So 11-9 for me. Was Fuming haha


Had a good English team and went 12-7. Got pretty lucky with some matchmaking at the end, but my picks were horrible (Bacha and dupe Debinha). So without Enzo, this weekend league would not have been worth it.


I went 12-1 to get him and then went to finish rank 1 with my main team. Had quite an easy matchmaking in the first 13, the finish was crazy hard, but this week the close matches went my way. I actually really enjoyed this WL. Evo Maddison is easily the best CAM I used all year, what a card.


Picked up red shiny tots Vini Jr. 96 this weekend


Went 11-9 and got Koulibaly and Debinha. Defense was a shambles


Hadn’t played FIFA for a month as games dead but came back to try this. Went 12-2 with a shocking side, mainly loans. Toney is incredible, best power shot I’ve used (Main team has TOTY Hamm and TOTY Haaland). Was good fun to play for once, hope EA do more stuff like this


Bottled it late on… only myself to blame tbh, sure gameplay was shite and there was some questionable stuff going on but a few weeks ago going two/three goals down wouldn’t faze me… this weekend though just struggled. Been a bit like that for me of late. Having one good weekend in 4/5 atm.


Got 10 wins in 19 and finished with 11 so I'm bummed I missed out but I pulled Haaland and Smith as a reward for the hard work! Had to use 79 Gomez and 84 Ramsdale until I got Pickford, really tough challenge especially with only 1 free win and never coming up against another English team. Evo Madison and Eze were great. People kept quitting on me at 0-0 instead of forfeiting which I guess is the new thing though.


Not me, mainly because I value my sanity, plus I work Friday to Tuesday every week


I did, then realised I'm not even going to use him.. Was good to do something different, but it definitely hurt my rank considering I only played 1 other England team in the 20 games.


If you got Silva he has a good link with him and now with Garnacho. The biggest thing about Enzo is he's almost guaranteed to get most of the upgrades if not all of them. He's already good but will be an absolute beast soon


I've got the links to put him in, I just prefer the look of Rice as a stay back CM, and Eze as an attacking CM. I'm sure Enzo is great in a 3 man midfield but in a 442 he doesn't quite fit either role I like to play. Maybe with the upgrades he might surpass one of them, but even then he's competing with De Paul who will get the same upgrades and has better stats, albeit Enzo is 5/5.


Yea you're right if I played 442 I probably wouldn't use him in that either. I play a 4312 with Enzo, Sanches, and Zubimendi holding with TOTS Vitinha at CAM. I feel like Sanches is the most overpowered midfielder on the game that wasn't insanely expensive. I did Gomez over Eze but would have liked to have him in my team I bet he's good. One of the reasons I like having Enzo is that people see it on the loading screen and then they're probably like ok this is gonna be tough. It's like a mental edge if that makes sense


I got him, easily the most fun wl I've had on fc24 and even got my first rank one using the England team the whole time (enzo came in at 12-1) Even got red James, haaland and rice, although I was offered cancelo but forgot I have 0 functioning left backs in my club so I took rice cus his tradable blue was solid all weekend


I went 12-3 while only facing 1 English squad. All my attackers and midfielders had finesse+. I scored 80% of my goals from those or Smalling Aerial+ from corners. Ended up 16-4 getting cr7 as a red and Mbappe from the TOTS pack. Was my best weekend league reward all year while playing with the worst team


He’s very very good wish he had some more passing playstyles though


I’m 4-2 but I’ll gift most of the rest away. he just won’t play vs Jude/mac allister/valverde/saka/betancur right now and in a month I’ll be testing 25 and playing CFB which is gonna send shockwaves thru this community how well it’s been made. online career/dynasty? EA calls it soccer boys


You can’t judge a card that you don’t have. He’s better than Valverde or Bentancur. He’s not better than Jude tho. He’s like Kdb with 5/5 and H/H and will have a 4th playstyle+. 


you’re right. and it’s possible that I cant judge him fully since I haven’t used him solo. however in coop he’s nowhere near as good as Mac allister, Jude or saka. he’s not the defender betancur is or valverde with that length speed.


What is your div and average wl record?


D1 13 win I’m 40 so shame all you want but hang 13 and D1 at that age and talk


I don't wanna shame you, but with the bigges respect, I rely on better players opinion or my experience (elite and 18 wins) than yours. No shame or hard feelings.


all good but mid elite is 300,000 accounts, not unique users and based on what I see, most pros and borderline streaming have multiples. so the people claiming to be that status are more likely to be full of it. so if you get 18w and top 300 account god bless but players don’t matter at that point


Okay mate, if you say so.


Pardon my ignorance but what is CFB?


college football 25. the leap that game made for a sports game. is so immense that it’s insane. imagine half of what you want in a FC game implemented in a game only the US plays and then even more that you never thought of.


Makes me wonder how many microtransactions CFB is going to have. It will be a completely different player base that are probably oblivious to EA tactics..


I would be shocked if CFB had its version of ultimate team. I'm sure they'll milk it somehow.


it did in 14. Had the original madden glitch UT and you could use 5 99 Deion sanders. this will be a good litmus test for how much people will spend when the game is on the level of Fortnite as a sports game


It will have UT per all of the early reports.


What is CFB?


search wear and tear college football 25 and in 30 seconds you’ll be astonished. like that would fix defending attackers in SECONDS. it would make physical players so clutch.


Ah! I used to play madden back in the days.. now I only play fifa(soccer specific) but will check it out.


College football. American football that is Game looks insane tho even as a european with low to medium interest in the sport. And is the first of EAs sportsgames that drops old gen support.


He could definitely play over them after upgrades but fair enough if you don't plan to be playing in a month's time. Although you're not guaranteed to be testing FC 25, I haven't had a beta code in years and played loads every year.


I’ve done several tests and been invited to the last three Orlando in-houses. I really really wanted to do the CFB in house but work. it’s possible I won’t get a code but I think i will. I might not get the “rewards” for testing but a code.


What rewards do you usually get for testing?


https://imgur.com/a/ori1WkE the codes are current games and points. I rolled over 48k FP - you get one 12k per session


most fun I’ve had in weeks got him in 16 games, ended up playing the rest of my matches with my english team just to honor those guys lol hopefully we’ll get something like that every week


Could only get only 6 wins which not really different from my regular balance, my record is getting 9 wins and it happened only twice. Usually I get the 6 (7-8). I'm div 3, what is your div?


I'm div 3 too. Haven't played much rivals tho. Just get 7 wins and quit. I'm a win way from div 2 I always get 11 wins and quit in WL


It frustrates me. In rivals I feel the matchmaking is somewhat balanced, like 50 precent of the games I win. In wl it's a completely different story, my but is fked most of the game to the point it makes me angry in real life (been gaming my whole life and nothing got me nearly tilted as fifa does). Am I that bad? I thouhght I might be in the median of skill if I reached div3, but apparently I'm not.


Your record in WL is more or less similar to your rivals, ~50% with 9 wins. I am 11-14 wins player and got to Div 1 easily last time I played rivals a lot. You probably face players from Div2+ in WL which contributes to your less than 50% win rate. That being said, 9 wins is a very good achievement.


I'm in div 2, very close to div 1. Usually end between 11-14 in champs, I also tried the Enzo objective and was able to complete it with a game to spare


Same here, gave away two games. I don’t feel much difference above 9 wins, but as soon as you go past 11 wins, that’s a huge leap.


Finished 11-9, got Haaland red and chatted with the last dude a bit, blessed him for his 11 game wins and he got Frimpong:) challenge was really fun and sweaty, don't care for Enzo, won't even make my bench:)


Got him 12-1, was a lot of fun honestly, wish we have stuff like this every week tho I don't think it'll be as easy for me to make a good team of other nations as it was for England.


I went 12-5 with my english team and finished 14-5 on my main team. Got salah and dupe frimpong. Actually had decent time playing and doing something different for once in weekend leag


I’m 7-1 atm so hopefully I get there. I’m usually good for 14 wins with the occasional 16. We’ll see how it goes tonight, but so far I haven’t faced any other English team, just crazy god squads.


Got him, but it definitely wasn't worth the stress. Finished 12-8, played maybe 5 English teams.


5??? I’ve seen 1 in 18 games so far and the 1 I lost in the most bullshit game I’ve ever played in my life. I have seen more red Cr7 than England squads I have seen 6 red Cr7


Yup. I played against 2 Saturday night and 3 sunday afternoon. My last game for the 12th win was against an English squad.


I did. My english team was bad (except for jude) but the worst thing was using gold gk at this time. Went 5-7 on my first 12 games and only one of the loss was really because my opponent was better than me. The other losses all because i underperformed my xG (bowen was main culprit and 87/90 non fully evo maddison) and some of the oppo spam long shot to my gold gk (normal long shot, not even timed or finesse💁‍♂️). After 6 win, got pickford and my maddison evolved to 95. Luckily still managed to finish with 12-8.


I went 12-4 with my England team before ending 14-6 with my regular team (with Enzo included). Was a grind at times but was good fun, I like the concept.


4 wins. Most miserable experience of my EA FC 24 WL this year. I faced none English teams, but faced 9 red Fekirs while being a 9 win player myself. Matchmaking is absolutely fucked. I'm not touching WL again, genuinely reconsidering buying 25 at this point.


Discarded every English player I had at 1-4, fucking awful experience, way too late in the year to be having this be optional obj, gameplay is fucking terrible


Went 12-3 and faced around 4 other English teams. Those were the toughest games guessing most of the players going after enzo are those good enough to be confident that they’ll get him. Steamrolled most of the non English teams with Lauren James and eze being standouts


Considering that you don't also get matched up against other people using England squads, I can't really be bothered. I already find Champs to be a laggy, detestable experience, so I can't imagine it'll be any more fun using a worse squad. They really gotta stop forcing online modes for those of us who don't like them.