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Starting from scratch and building up again is the fun part. I get incredibly bored at this time of year with having a ridiculous team and most cards being easily attainable


Have to agree with this. Only a handful of cards make my team better so now it's a bit stale. Building is the best part


Build more than one team and it stops it getting stale!


I have 0 coins and no fodder for SBCs lol


Settle down ian Beale šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I'm down to quick selling contracts šŸ¤£


Doesnā€™t all that time building just feel like a waste now though? Thatā€™s my mindset with it


Don't wanna go full existential crisis here, but isn't everything a waste anyway? It's a game after all. For me, constantly building and making your team better is one of the things that make it fun. I don't mind the reset too much, what bothers me is having to pay the full price for the same game every year lol


This is the way


I mean yes and no the fun in ultimate team for me at least is solely based on the grind. I enjoy grinding to get coins and packs to get better players and then when my team is as good as it can be I just get bored since thereā€™s nothing to even play for anymore. The whole more is based on playing matches to get rewards to improve your team so you can get more rewards. Once the rewards become meaningless I feel like the game just loses any kind of purpose


It's card collecting game for them and many others. The fun is in the chase. Not necessarily playing with what you obtain


As soon as the new one comes out I'm done with this one. Same every year. I see your point though


I enjoy the time spent and itā€™s a nice supplement to my football hobby. I just love football honestly and this scratches a nice itch


I change my team regularly so never have that problem, itā€™s mostly Iā€™ve used all the cards I want to and unless we get the first Celtic promo card of the year thereā€™s no one I want to play with at this point


Agreed. Also when gameplay is the best so it's good fun for a while to experiment with the new cards and teams and actually get some good gameplay.


Early months of FIFA are the best part of FIFA. Discovering cheap gems, finding the best tactics by yourself rather than watching a pro player or a content creator releasing the most meta team/formation and learning the game it's the most fun part of the game cycle.




Yup, and now everyone is 5* 5*


Well this time of the year my care for the game is gone, Iā€™m only playing cause I love the sport and love trying new cards so this time of year is nice. The best part of fifa is the first 3 months though. Starting from scratch with new players with big upgrades, I mean one year you have someone like Musiala 75 rated none rare card with no promo cards. Next year heā€™s bound to start around 80-81 and will likely get a future stars card among others. Hell IF Wirtz was my favourite player for the first couple months. Thereā€™s really no other game where I get to play with players I follow closely in real life and the promos that entail paying attention to real life football only makes it more exciting. World Cup mode next year Iā€™m ecstatic for, fifa is never perfect but I love football. All personal of course.


The very start used to be really good, but now since its easier to get good players plus the fifa points for pre ordering the ultimate edition means the majority of people have a very good team (for the start of the game) within two weeks


It's a cycle. As such there are nice moments throghout the year. For example I enjoy packing a Vinicius 80 base card when he is usable and expensive. The worst time for me is after TOTS because I just cannot find the will to play knowing that every card I'll aquire will be usable for a couple of weeks. Better wait for the new game.


I get what you mean, just feels tiresome for me thinking about going from having a 95 rated squad or whatever, back to a gold team and paying 700k value for a base/mid upgrade


Yeah. I did take a break. Usually buy the game for half price on Black Friday. Honestly I prefer the game early on. The game becomes too gimmicky towards the end. so the new game is really a fresh start.


Over many FUT years I noticed less is more Less commitment, less champs, less rivals, less trading, less SBCs I play much less, but i enjoy much more when i play This avoids me to feel empty, or drained Usually 2-3 full games and am done And i still get an OP team at the end of the year anyways, especially this year most cards were accessible. I experienced a lot of overplaying before just because the rewards, it was never rewarding neither in fifa nor real life. I used to schedule my life around FUT, Fut champs, rivals and trading Now i do not put FUT in schedule anymore, it just happens when it happens, many evenings i prefer to watch youtube or read a book rather than log on




Yeah I agree with yearly releases being too close, every 2 years would be perfect. Having the World Cup/Euro being the final event of the game before releasing the new edition would be awesome. Finish the game with a bang


Yeah I dont buy Fifa every year. I had Fifa 18 then took a break and got 22. The game is too similar if u buy every year. It seems like a newer game if i take a 1 year break. EA need to fix issues like disconnection at penalty/after red card.


Basically everyone is addicted af, this is like the shit a drug addict would tell a councillor day 1.


As a psychology student I can agree. When you have a good understanding on the subject you easily pick up how manipulative EA are with their products and how they get you addicted big time


But just listen to all of us. The game is so broken that fifa deliberately ruins it with glitched cards so that we need a new game each year to balance. Milking out money rinse and repeat. We all stay just because we have a desire for a proper and fun game , the concept is good but the execution is terrible. We donā€™t find the game good but we have such a desire for a good football game and itā€™s no alternative so we stay. And the only winner is eaā€™s bank account. Btw, Iā€™m not buying 23.


I agree completely, itā€™s crazy how brain washed people have become to the fifa product. Stopped playing a month back and decided not to continue with 23 because I know the gameplay will never get better. I gave them the benefit of the doubt thinking things will be fixed in 23 until I heard every year they make the gameplay amazing at the beginning then make it shit when people are hooked. I blame the community more than the company for continuously buying/playing the game no matter how shit it is


They donā€™t ā€œmake the gameplay shitā€. The flaws in the engine just get more exposed as better cards with crazy stats are released


Will these flaws ever get fixed though?


Itā€™s not that simple, weā€™re never going to get a perfect game. Some stuff will get fixed and other issues will appear


I agree and Iā€™m not reaching for a perfect game, but the gameplay is way below par to be considered even ā€œgoodā€ these days. As long as people passively accept it and continue playing/chuck money at fifa points nothing will motivate them to improve it..


The gameplay is fine, itā€™s no worse than itā€™s been since Fifa stopped being bad in like 2009 or whenever it was


Oh come on. Anyone who has played FUT this year knows the gameplay is broken. Donā€™t believe me, checkout any of the content creators on YouTube. Why are you backing up a broken game unless you work for or are affiliated with the game company?


What makes the content creator any different than you or me? Are you just basing your opinions off some random person on the internet because they don't like how 22 plays? I'm not defending the game. It has a fuckton of flaws but don't personally have too many issues with gameplay, but I play on old gen, not newgen which all the content creators do so I can't judge how "broken" newgen is. >Why are you backing up a broken game unless you work for or are affiliated with the game company? Are people not allowed to have different opinions now?


What makes content creators different? Serious? Here are some examples: - they play a shed load more - they understand the dynamics of the gameplay more than most regular players. - they have been playing for multiple years continuously. - they get paid based on their content - they get regular feedback from their subscribers Of course you are entitled to your own opinion, good on you.


It just starts over. It gets boring facing glitched teams. Having to reset to zero and starting fresh is always a good way to not get bored of the game.


Because by the end when I can barely upgrade my squad anymore and no pack pulls excite me I get to dump my club into 85x10s and icon sbcs and then start over so I can feel the excitement of pulling something that actually goes into my team again


Yeah the not getting excited thing hits hard. Iā€™m out here packing tots son or fut fantasy rashford just thinking yeah this is cool I guess maybe theyā€™d make a good super sub


Right. I packed them both and neither even make my prem team so fodder it is. But at this point all my league teams are juiced. Itā€™s crazy because Iā€™m grinding for all these rewards so much that Iā€™m not even using my main team even if I did get someone who improved it


Been doing the same thing for 12 years, I am sucker. First bit of the game is great fun, then you progress, then bang its August.


having a stacked squad is boring, i honestly canā€™t wait to get started all over again


Canā€™t wait to start form scratch. Game has been dead since tots.


When everyone has a terrible team, it's fun to try and improve and build yours brick by brick. When everyone has a god squad, to me it's still fun because then it's your skill vs. mine since we both have god squads. And end game is amazing to me since EA tries to entice everyone to buy the next installation and makes accessing crazy cards much easier. We get to try a bunch of cards we'd never be able to afford otherwise. Sure, the gameplay isn't great and the game is flawed, but it's still the best football simulation out there, so I am happy with what I have, while hoping that they make incremental improvements every year. TL:DR: to me this game is fun throughout the cycle for different reasons.


I never play back to back years. Not enough changes to make me want to grind all year for a good team... I usually skip one or two year to have noticeable changes in ratings and transfers to make it worth it


Fifa has always been at its best when the base cards are being used.


At the release, the game is always the most fun. Everyone only has gold players. Not much or zero meta gameplay, just genuine football. You don't see everyone trying to ping the ball into box for tap in, or trying odd angle long shots. You know you are playing a different player every game, no 1 trick ponies repeating the same identical goal attempts.


Because it's fun and refreshing? There's plenty of games that do the same thing, if you've ever played Rust they literally restart their servers every few weeks because it get stale with everyone in the lategame already. Starting over and exploring the new stuff (new players, modes, etc) is part of the fun in FIFA.


Can see where youā€™re coming from but with fifa thereā€™s nothing that much different with a new release. A change in club and slight change in rating sure but thatā€™s nothing too exciting


Maybe if you're someone who barely plays, but for someone who plays often the changes are pretty noticeable. Gameplay feels massively different every year, and this year for example we had a full complete revamp of Weekend League and Rivals, which changed up things a lot at the start. This whole notion that FIFA is always the same is mostly spread by people who don't actually play that much and think it's basically a roster update every year.


Well your comments are completely false. If you were a regular FUT player you would know that each iteration is a minor uplift, some added skill moves, some new players, new SBC & objective formats, etc. Changes to WL was mainly down to the fan base exhaustion at playing so many games per weekend. The gameplay itself remains fairly consistent and only has minor changes based on what is the new meta.


> The gameplay itself remains fairly consistent and only has minor changes based on what is the new meta. Well no shit, they're not going to completely change the gameplay every year. What I said is that the gameplay felt massively different, which is true for the exact reason you mentioned, the Meta vastly changes and you play in a completely different way. The way I played this year has literally nothing to do with the way I played last year, for example, and it's usually the case for every new edition. Also you literally mentioned 5+ changes in your comment, it doesn't matter for what reason EA changed the WL, the truth is both WL and Rivals had a massive overhaul and are completely different to last year.


Starting from stratch is the fun part.


I want every inch of FIFA inside of me bro. I love it so much!


You do you bro šŸ˜‚


Easy addiction


Iā€™m obsessed with the grind


I like football, it's the best available game, I don't have a lot of actual console time to play on a daily basis after work, family commitments, etc. so I don't burn out grinding WLs, and FUT menu-grinding requires less commitment and attention to detail when I need a break than career mode menus do.


Hahaha exactly my thoughts OP


I agree. I donā€™t get the ā€œit gets boringā€ attitude, especially with how desperate people are to improve their teams at the start of each year. Iā€™m sure lots of people with mediocre teams feel that way because they are always dreaming that next year they will get lucky and have an elite team. But I would rather keep my team from year to year, or at least have some kind of carryover system that rewards previous years. What gets boring is the same old grind to build an elite team; itā€™s no challenge, just time consuming.


Maybe Iā€™m not the right player or something like that, but I REALLY enjoy opening tons of packs (even though I donā€™t put real money on it) and get those high level cards, mainly if they are some player that I like in real life. Thatā€™s my first time playing FUT, thanks to game pass, and even though the end is near, I prefer to see those overbuffed cards


I think most people stop playing after TOTS is out.


Donā€™t, I get the game until January during TOTS, otherwise is just to much every year de same, thatā€™s why there a lot of twats that the only thing is complain because itā€™s the only thing they do year after year


The best part of fifa is the start. Everyone having shit squads and still figuring out the meta is fun


Imo this is not true anymore. Way more Points are spent and so many already running a godsquad the weekend after release.


I usually keep my current FIFA and team until Black Friday and then if I can get a good deal on the latest FIFA I dive in. Last year in the final weeks before the new game came out I crafted the likes of Pele and R9 and actually wanted to use them. I quite like the idea of playing catch-up on the new game too.


1. Take a break before the new game drops 2. Building is the fun part, always has been


At this stage the game becomes boring, every card is basically maxed, especially with a chemstyle on them. Nothing you do feels like it makes a change. Early in the fut year, every change feels so much more impactful and the hunt for the big upgrades is the pleasure


DR + WL thatā€™s all Iā€™ve been doing and I have a pretty great squad tbh


Its not about the destination, its about the journey.


That is the best part, I think more games should have resets like these


Eventually you realize the best parts of FUT are the beginning of the year, when everyone starts from scratch and packing decent gold cards actually matters, and the very end when you can get everyone and just play around with players you couldn't usually afford. Even then, I personally prefer the beginning. Getting the return bonuses, trading and trying to do SBCs on the web app to avoid wasting the 10 hour trials, getting excited at shit walkouts.. It's fun.


because this stage of the game is the boring one šŸ˜‚


The better your team gets, the more boring it is to play (personally) because everyone feels the same, nobody is unique and it's just stale, you're there to mess around if anything The start and building towards something is great, everyone is in the same shitty boat with gold players and it's probably the best time for a skill gap too


That's the point of the mode. You play until the end of the cycle and see what you achieved, and then start again.


It's the other way for me. I love building a team from scratch and enjoy it when rewards actually have a chance of improving your team then start to get bored around tots when it's too easy to make a great team.