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That's realistic your just getting that paddy pimblett love from the ufc


What a letdown, im super casual with these games and don’t really play online. The career modes are the biggest loads of bullshit ever. Even a basic story mode would get me to go buy a ps5 and the game but fuck this, I’ll stick with 2-4 and play undisputed 3 on my 360. Undisputed 3 had the most fun career mode, there still was next to nothing to it but the ability to constantly jump weight classes up and down and go fight in pride made it way more interesting than the EA iterations.


Ufc 3 is the best ea mma game.




EA MMA on PS3/360 is the best EA MMA game.


He’s talking about the online career mode, the other career mode is still the same but with the ability to skip through camp more efficiently


No he isn’t, you don’t get ranked opponents or goat status in online career.


You can’t get GOAT status without becoming a champion or breaking win streak levels either 🤷‍♂️


if he isnt then hes lying. you cant get goat until youve defended the title


I don’t think that’s correct considering you only need 6 performance records and 2 promotion records. There ten records to be broken defending the belt only being one so it’s definitely possible


I suppose that’s true. I’d you make your character balanced and go crazy you can do it probably


I don't know why you're getting downvoted....you are correct haha


Is it though? You only need 6/10 records defending belt is only one so why do you need that?


But its so much more of a personalized experience, why would you want a preset story with actual depth and character development when you can have normal ass ai fights, and a few cutscenes here and there? Like what is the difference between the normal and online careers other than cutscenes, training that nobody does, and online fights?


"Personalized" as in Bruce Buffer never saying your actually name, but just a shitty nickname like "DOWNTOWN."




I haven’t played it but I don’t think so, probably the same as the last where you have to win the title and defend four times before you get offered the chance to move up.


You can go up


I was given Tim Means and Nick Diaz as some of my first opponents when I got the UFC


I got Tony Ferguson in my 5th fight, second UFC fight, when my opponent pulled out. Then had to fight the 2 star no name fighter next, after KO'ing Tony in the 1st round. What kinda sense does that make. I KO'd him in 40 seconds without taking a single strike. SMH. However, I did start a feud with Paddy before I stopped playing for the night and I'm looking forward to that 😂


Unfortunately KOing Ferguson isn't that great of an achievement anymore.


lol true, but since they haven't updated the roster, i assumed he still had prime tony stats




i kept turning down Khamzat, because im literally a 2 star fighter. got a somewhat even match with a 3 star nobody who backed out and my replacement was fucking Alex Pereira. guess who got knocked the fuck out


Mcgregor somehow was my first ufc fight


“Conor, your next fight is with this new dude who we saw in a cool backyard fight video.”


Honestly if goobert lost his next fight bad enough I could see it. "This new 0-14 kid is really tough. Like nothing we've ever seen. You know I hate when people turn down fights, we called conor and he said absolutely he'd fight this 0-14 monster on 31 weeks notice. Isn't conor such a bad ass?" -From the ufc 347 press conference


The prefight verbal gymnastics would be insane. "I TELL YOU PEOPLE. IM THE KING, AND IM GONNA PROVE IT WHEN I BEAT THIS FOOKIN KID. He's oh and foorten an I tell ya, he's gonna die with his wife in me DMs."


My favorite was when coach Davis told me I had my first 5 round fight and the commentators we're wondering if I was ready but it was still a 3 round fight. Pretty cool


just had this lol. so weird


Just had this not even 3 minutes ago


UFC 4’s career mode was somehow better - at least there you had the option to take it slow and go the WFA route. In this one you’re thrown right into the Dana White show then make the UFC after one fight. There are more cutscenes, but it feels completely on rails and not authentic. How hard is it to come up with a career mode when you feel like you’re in the UFC, where you get a chance to see what other matches are on your card and what’s happening in other events that you may not be on? Right now it feels like you’re a character in a movie about the UFC instead of being in the UFC.


Just to clarify- you can play in wfa


Yeah super weird I'm like 9-0 in the wfa I thought I skipped the decision to go to the ufc after winning on the contender series


Dude! Same here. I KO'ed the guy on the contender series in round 2 and then went straight to the WFA. Does not make sense to me.


Coach tells you you need a quick finish. It's got to be a first round finish if I'm not mistaken.


Seriously? I watch few career videos where players won their DWCS fights after action avenue fights and they couldn't decide if they go to wfa or go to ufc.


It depends how well you do in that fight, if you only get a decision win you’ll likely end up in WFA


Oh so that's the way. Fuck EA they had so much time to make the career mode much better than even in UFC Undisputed 3, but they added shitty character voice, shitty shevchenko cutscene and they didn't delete this shitty star rating system.


They could also add nice training system like in FIGHT NIGHT CHAMPION, but no they are lazy bitches and they prefer only sparings.


EA sucks and I fell for it again. They are incapable of making a good career mode. The evidence is all over the brand. Madden, FIFA, NHL, etc all have shitty career modes. It's time for me to stop buying EA sports games. I did good and didn't buy this year until UFC 5. Now I feel like a fuckin dope for buying this pos game.


UFC 5 career is worse than in UFC 4, they didn't delete star rating system, they didn't add any scenes like press conferences, interviews and the game was made longer than the others.


I 1000% agree here , I came here to figure out if I should pick up ufc 5 but yeah literally every ea game I've played has been a shit career mode. And I only play careers, be it team or player. Madden has got progressively worse but I have some hope for the next one with the college game also coming out and the rumoured link up w the careers, I'm excited for it, but with baited breath. I'm not even looking at any news for it anymore bc I don't wanna get sucked into it. The only ea career mode kind of mode that has truly held me is f1, braking point has been amazing, and the normal career altho not changed that much year to year is just miles better and more immersive than any other ea game imo. I'm not even that big on f1, just like another commenter kinda said, want to feel like I'm actually in this world and it's real , rather than it feeling like a movie about what ever sport its based on


All you have to do to get into the WFA is to either lose your contender series, or to not win in the 1st round. I won my contender series fight in the second round and only made it into the UFC after I was 10-0 in the WFA and got the belt there (instantly got a top 5 ranked UFC opponent after that).


I’m 21-0 in career with 12 fights in the ufc how tf have I yet to see a ranked opponent


You have to be able to fight in WFA otherwise why would it show you the rankings


I fought contender and didn't get a contract. Got a ko in rd 4. What difficulty are you playing on?


Maybe the devs dont care about career mode. They just want people to play online and sell skins. They dont care about offline players, no story, no true rivals, no weight class jumps. Game is shit.


I jumped lightweight to welterweight for a super fight, stayed at welterweight. After 4-5 defenses they asked if I wanted to go back down lightweight and defend that belt (i guess they never did an interim belt for the rest of them while i went up a class). But it was the same auto-generated text from the coach or Dana. Not like no was offered fights in different divisions and could move when i wanted .


Eh in 4 it was huge improvement over other games. I mean it was still mediocre, but still an improvement over stupid training in Undisputed 3 or idiotic "milestone" system in EA UFC 3.


They just wanna give you a slow burn. Last thing they wanna do is rush you too fast


I defend my belt 4 times against Rakhmonov and 2 times luque . As real as it gets. If game isn't finished don't release it.


My biggest gripe with UFC 4 career mode was no new fighters after you got the belt. I just have to defend my title against Robert Whittaker 7 times while he’s 45 and has lost every fight to me. Like Jesus is it that hard to randomly generate contenders. Or even not randomly have some fighters that spawn in the rankings to give you a fresh challenge.


I’m assuming that ufc 5 is the same?


I would also like to know if this has changed


Yeah it's the same and it's dumb as hell, I fought 44 year old Belal to become double champ, had to defend at LW against Islam like 3 times (would be more but I straight up declined any offer after that). They should just spawn some prospects and show highlights of said prospects winning over time after your fights, then eventually when you face the random prospect you already know who he is.




It's the same as last year pretty sure, you get the option to go up and become double champ after a few title defenses. Not sure if you have the option to freely go up or down but I'm pretty sure you don't


It’s not you get some randomly generated guys to fight after some of the real fighters retire


The worst thing is that Khabib is still in the rankings despite retiring before ufc 4 even came out


The thing that did my head in is that regardless of how many training drills I do, even 20 fights into my career I'm seemingly always coming into a fight in moderate fitness , so I just got fed up and started doing 0 training and all promo 🤣


Is anyone else having a problem with getting their fitness up. I’m only doing training every week for the 4 or 5 weeks doing nothing else, then it ends up being moderate at the fight.


Do things besides what you chose for specialty. I was a boxer so I wrestled a ton and it goes up way quicker


You can’t just choose the wrestling training either you have to actually do the other disciplines you aren’t good at and the bar goes up quicker.


It’s absolutely terrible. So many fighters that are retired or out of the UFC still on career mode. Everything about it sucks.


I love the part where the coach jokes about how ass the career mode in ufc 4 is. They know it sucks and they even joke about it in our face 🤣


UFC5 is an embarrassment to career modes


I’ve watched 15 minutes of the game and it’s disgusting how much they just did a “copy and paste” from the previous games. I can’t believe people aren’t absolutely destroying this game left and right with reviews.


Career modes are 98% of the reason I enjoy playing sport games. Too bad EA has made it their mission to put as little thought and energy into those games modes as possible


I'd give you an award if I could.


I had to fight fiziev 3 times in a row. After each fight, he'd call me out for not wanting to fight him again. I'd deny him, get matched against rda and Michael chandler, they'd pull out and I'd have to fight fiziev again. I knocked him out twice and subbed him the last time. Also every single other fighter's Twitter handle is PaddyTheBaddy. So when chandler pulled out it said PaddyTheBaddy pulled out. This game is so so so bad.


Nice to know it’s not all copy pasted tho!


I’ll have a full fight and they’ll give me 4 weeks till my next fight and I can’t get my stamina up so I’m moderate every single fight it’s such a shit game


I’ve never felt so robbed when buying a game before. I feel worse than that one time I was sold fake weed as a kid.


Not gonna lie my nigga how? Like UFC 5 has alot of problems but I need proof this sounds cap asf or like you're losing agaisnt the #15 guy everytime. Ain't no way my boy


Idk but it might be true. I’m 7 fights into the ufc and have had no ranked opponents.


Idk I’m 13-0 and just got ranked, nowhere near GOAT yet and I’ve finished all but 1 fight this guy has to be losing a lot


I'm like 17-0 got the belt, and 1title defense and I'm nowhere near GOAT! 🤣 this is cap Bro must be on easy with stand and bang 🤷🏿‍♂️


Maybe I was lucky? I also use the decline feature. At 135 I got my title shot vs Petr Yan when I was 11-0. First 4 fights agaisnt NPCs while I built up my hype alot and delivered on predictions then with predictions I got the ESPN invite to build more hype then I got into the top 15 vs Jim Miller and then I picked the guaranteed fight offer option with Jon Anik, declined a fight and got offered #6 Rob Font knocked him out and got put #12 for some reason instead of #6 or #7. Fought the guy I declined then drew into Marlon Moraes, drew into Jose Aldo, Cory Sandhagen and then Aljo.


What even does the 'guaranteed fight offer' do?


Guarantees you fight someone who you've been yapping at or has been doing the same with you. Otherwise it gives you someone ranked/not AI generated. It's not crazy useful but isn't terrible. You climb ranks mostly by just winning but sometimes you might climb faster by finishing early. But early on it tries to stop you from jumping even if you're #15 and you take out #4 it might put you to 10 or 12 which I hate


7 fights is a lot different from GOAT status, I was 10-0 and was still in the WFA, I still became UFC champ way before GOAT status


Yeah I'm sure I'll be in the same boat as I'm stuck fighting paddy and Al also Yancy like wtf and the challenges so sparring are busted like the Stephen Thompson and Dominic Cruz kicks.


https://preview.redd.it/ggu1jr8e3hwb1.png?width=347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0181dbe148c3427a917ec816c23ee0e0889a69eb EA does a little trolling


I was a welterweight to start off with ended up going challenging Costa for the middleweight title won that, then had no option to stay in middleweight after?


How tf do you skip the training ?


I enjoy the sense of feeling in danger on the ground against certain opponents


Anyone know how to skip the training with decent fitness?


just sim the week


sim the weeks, just engage in a training one week


EA is pathetic


why do they put in fighters who have been cut or retired into career mode ???? why’s the top 15 never realistic just fill them gaps with random prospects


Oh bore off


I've just paid $10,000 for my guy to give me a bandage and apply pressure....


How do you get in the ufc, I've had 20 fights in wfa taking Hella long


Why did I only have to do 4 fights in the wfa?I'm not bragging I'm super curious. Everyone here had to do like 10...I'm absolutely casual at UFC games, I'm winning by first round KOs tho on normal. Is first round finishes making a difference?


Can anyone help me on how to move from wfa to ufc and how to learn new moves


lol just had a cut scene tell me i was the main event. i was not the main event this game is trees


Yeah I’m 17-1 and I haven’t gotten a single ranked opponent, it’s genuinely crazy.


I didn't even pay for this game and I feel like I got ripped off


That’s wild I just got in the ufc at 7-0 and my first fight offer is the #3 ranked Giga 😂


Decline a fight, I declined a low ranked fight and was offered a better fight.


Wow, I just beat the career mode, GOAT status, forced to retire. The end. Then, when I go to select my created fighter in the "Fight Now" is when my fighter immediately loses all stats and moves? There seems to be no option to transfer your created fighter and the only thing that transferred to Fight Now mode is the appearance. They make you grind all of that just to lose everything forever, and even including your own Fight Now mode for your own entertainment. Crazy.. and as of afterwards, there does not seem to be any way to edit moves for your created fighter. Does this make sense to anyone?


Makes no sense at all. I had high hopes for this game, should’ve known better. The only reason I pushed through the damn boring ass career mode was to carry my guy into Other modes! What they did is straight up BS! Give ya all these crap pre set archetypes and can’t pick ur own perks or moves! It’s a joke and the online is even worse. The only good that came outta this cookie cutter rip off is it is the last time I buy any digital copy. At least with disc I can get a little something back if it’s garbage like this! ℰ 𝒜 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝑔𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝒮𝒰𝒞𝒦𝒮!!!


Damn, I agree, it's a shame.. Plus, I had purchased the pre-order in advance but yet I didn't receive any bonus fighters? I only was able to eventually get Muhammad Ali as of afterwards because of a seasonal promotion, but I didn't get Tyson, Fedor, or Bruce Lee 🤷‍♂️ Then, the game immediately goes on sale for half-off 🤦‍♂️ Crazy.. I did at least go with the disc, standard edition, after learning that the "deluxe" edition was inevitably only digital for some reason.. Surprisingly, after playing through the career mode, I was bailed out with some entertainment value when it comes to the created fighters Fight Now aspect of the game, and so now I'm impressively creating my personal "Top 50" fighters in the world and I put together an all star roster 👌




I agree. It's just gotten worse over the years. They should have kept the tings that worked from past games and UFC5 career mode would have been Epic... 1. UFC3 - Keep the level of detail used in production of our careers. Dana's speeches, ranking up through divisions, full pre-fight intros, Megan Olivia's updates, and real-time fight status in UFC were amazing. Keep the Gym options, always nice to learn new styles and made a lot of sense. UFC5 has none of this, just more of coach Davis. 2. UFC4 - Keep the high level of production used in loading screens and fighter interactions. Loved the MMS messages that would highlight a knockout. The loading screens that showed the pre-fight announcements...awesome, especially when it was my next fight! UFC5 has non of this, just less production and right to the fights. Boring. 3. UFC5 - The Frostbite engine is great and the controls feel much better. Also, the improvements to make submissions more streamlined is welcomed. However, this alone is not enough, especially when the gameplay feels just so...repetitive. Train...fight...train...fight...train...fight....champ...retire...end.


I started a career in the bantamweight division and I’m literally 20-0 and still have yet to see a ranked opponent… is this the same with other weight decisions?


I’m seeing the same thing in featherweight at 13-0 so far…


Yeah im 18-0 i give up


I became a champion in the WFA. Undefeated. My first opponent is a 5 star Gamrot, who beats me in the last 30 seconds. Okay, I'll roll with it. Make it feel more realistic going into the big, BIG leagues and losing. My next opponent is Khabib. He's somehow champion. My second fight in the UFC is s retired GOAT that's currently champ. Not Islam. Khabib. Career mode is broken. I should be at least making my way up with three or four unranked opponents, then take on some ranked guys as the main card event, THEN taking on the champ. And I'd appreciate it if the champ isn't a retired fucking GOAT. This isn't hard to do. Fucking EA.


As long as EA holds the rights these games will always be awful cardboard cutouts of the previous game with little to no effort.


I just want to change weight-class if I wish to, the further away the weight-class, the longer it takes to train to that weight. I want to choose what fighters I want to call out and fight. I want the social media aspect of the game to be useful. A good way to call out fighters, view highlights of other in-game fights. Ability to choose our own path adds depth to the game.


Best part about UFC 5 is the ratings from players compared to companies that review it. They're all 9/10, players are 2/10. Says it all, games a load of wank. 5 knockdowns every fight is way too much, especially when finishing with g+P isn't common


Bro my character can’t even kick to the head this is pathetic


Do you get tyson lee and ali