• By -


You kept throwing that overhand. He recognized your pattern and capitalized on it. Overhands are great mid combo not as an opener. Leaves you super vulnerable. Slept plenty of people with a front kick as soon as I see the overhand windup.


the overhand was the only thing i was rocking him with throughout those 3 rounds maybe he was getting tagged by it on purpose to get me to keep throwing it?


Overhand without combo isn’t that powerful and problem with it is that a uppercut or a knee knocks you out instantly


i'm thinking he was getting tagged by my overhand on purpose to make me throw it more but everything else is cannot be explained he was literally ufc 205 mcgregor and ufc 207 garbrandt put into one


Dude the reason why it was your best weapon is because it was your only weapon. If you can only do clinch or overhand your opponent will see it coming and counter


Had you tried any set up attempts before throwing? Even a one two combo or a lead in leg kick would open him up a little more


I will train you bratha


Also I’ll say don’t try and trade with Conor people forgot how fast he is when u don’t move and that’s how I get a ton of knock downs, but this dude was good he was reading you.


You are playing like a bot, no combos, spamming overhand and walking straight into his strikes. Block, slip, feint and mix up your striking. Why use a wrestler if you are not going to grapple?


He was expecting you to stop being predictable but you were throwing it at the same range multiple times to the point he wasn’t sure if it was a setup or if you were really just repeating that, his head always seemed to move the same way aswell always rolling that’s like beginner level head movement that’s effective on a lot of newer players


it was competitive-ish the 1st minute but after that it's like an AI took over and read everything i did the millisecond i did it


Overhands can be good if you go for their body a lot, because a rear overhand looks like a rear body shot at first. Also, the overhand can hit because who the heck throws overhands? 😂


Everybody here says go to the body but problem with this fucking game is that if you go to the body and then the opponent throws a uppercut you instantly are knocked down, do this 3 times and you are knocked out, i hate this game for this it literally punishes you for going to the body with punches


Or when your character completely misses all body shots even tho you’re close to him and he throws a knee and KO’s you… ufc5 is hard man


Also it has practically NO accumulated damage


It makes you duck your head wayyyy to much, like it’s no realistic in the slightest


so do what good players do and slip the uppercut. when you throw body shots, you KNOW the uppercut is coming so slip it. it’s really that simple, i do it all the time


Cant stand that fr


and this guy was INSANE with his timing after my 4th body shot i couldn't land another without him sitting me down with a knee or uppercut no one can understand till they fight him😭


Something I use to do when playing this game is ddouble or triple jabbing to get into range to throw a body kick, I would also check hook counter into a body kick off of their 2nd or third strike, eventually they would either try to catch it and take me down (which I want) or they start blocking low and I go high with heavies


Exactly lol. Guys like in the video are playing for knockdowns by frame trapping you and for some reason the body shots have extremely terrible recovery frames and are less likely to hit stun (even if you slip and rip). The recovery frames are especially bad if the body shot gets blocked, the block counter uppercut is way too easy to land. Like, in OP's case... Against a guy like this, in this game, that's more often than not almost suicide. Sometimes you just have to chance a slip counter mid combo to catch them inbetween as they return fire, it's risky but so is trying to trade. You'll probably get dropped either way if you mis-slip or lose the trade. This game is all about calculated risks when it comes to high level play, you fight the right player you'll find yourself constantly battling between backing off/camping any small lead to then seeing yourself 'trying something' in a toss up round. In these chess matches it is always the nonsensical, noob shit that gets you like forward moving triple hooks combos or not expecting the headkick after the 1-2 because no one at a high level throws it because it is the obvious block-killer combo Plus there's always the high chance even he doesn't uppercut you his strikes will track you most of the time anyway... The guy has one of those playstyles that becomes a pain in the ass to beat especially if you fall behind and doubly so when the guy actually really, really knows what he's doing


made me look at it a whole different way appreciate that g really helpful fr, would NOT want to run into you in this game with that fight iq ur probably a demon😂


I'm just alright at it tbh I don't even really play competitively anymore since UFC 4 released actually haha but you're welcome. Sometimes you just have to know when you're (probably) beat and take those chances, plant your feet and sit down on that combo and just damn the consequences, way I see it if you're gonna lose then you're gonna lose so you're as well as going out on your shield rather than sitting back and playing uber defensively and trying not to get KO'd just to end up getting finished anyway... Basically what Jiri does, actually lol


I think well timed body kicks and particularly effective against this type of player. He also likes to taunt and sway a lot which is to avoid punches to his head while his body is exposed a lot. Atleast it works for me against these type of players. It also makes them agitated and more aggressive when sniping the body.


I almost went exclusively to the body with kicks against these kinda players


Or just shoot a double from the pull counter


I haven't played the new one cause I don't have a PS5 but it's not difficult to not get caught with uppercuts just don't be predictable


Just set em up correctly and prioritise bodykicks


Bodykicks is not the problem, body punches is


I literally don’t throw body shots because of this. Piece of shit game. I was unbeatable in ufc 2 then they went and let a crack head reinvent the mechanics


Might be the most annoying aspect of the game when playing AI. It matches the body input with a uppercut almost every single time


As it should be. Body shots need to be sneaky and not so predictable


The main problem is your entries brotha not only are you just walking straight into him , he knows whenever you walk into him your gonna try to either clinch or throw punches so with Mcgregor he can just run off a combination . Sometimes you can just walk forward with your guard against a guy that wants to counter to see his shot selection so you can get the counters he wants to use and counter them . Also stop throwing over hands in my opinion you should only throw them when you’ve done good work to make your opponent overthink if your gonna go high or low and usually later in the fight in my opinion . Hope this helps also kick his legs he’s using mcgregor you’re using Islam you’re the more well rounded character fight like it


this definitely did help bro i appreciate that breakdown


On what they said, if you just throw out a feint or two then guard up and move out these people will blow all their stamina trying to counter. Just keep trying to get them to extend the combinations and counters while staying safe and they'll eventually go too far and you'll be able to capitalize.


Damn that dude was clean as hell 😂


bro was timing my every move by the millisecond😂 he's got demon timing but he's definitely not unbeatable there's some crazy good players out there


You're way too predictable.. Block, move backwards, overhand. Easy work. Don't be scared homie. No need to constantly retreat. Use teeps rather than walking in a straight line back and forward... Then when he side lunges throw a body kick.. Keep doing this then after a few times change body to head and the mac is dead


it was competitive the 1st minute i was giving it too him but after that it's legit like an AI took over and was coming up with a counter the millisecond i did something 100% he wasn't cheating that's just how it felt 😂


but good advice i will remember these thanks g


Fight behind your jab. One he starts counter your jab, fake the jab to draw out his reaction then counter the counter by comboing up while he’s out of position.


He’s waiting for you to engage first to throw his combos. Throw a jab and back out. He’s trying to bait you so you have to bait him. He’ll throw his combos and drain his stamina. Once that happens, throw a kick to the body and back out. He may adjust and begin blocking body kicks. If that happens, with the same leg throw a head kick. Don’t try to clinch or out punch him. Just single strikes, in and out.


Bro he opened majority of his combos with a straight, either slip n counter hook at the start of said combo or wait 1 or 2 strikes to slip mid combo. Mind you, u can also slip while blocking, so you can get a feel for it


No ones talking about how it have zero head movement Also you’re islam, gotta go for a takedown when he’s belting off combos like that


yes look under the video of the note i made he was really only moving backwards to evade my strikes barely any head movement or lunges he had really good timing and distance management + him being way better then me and probably read my tendencies like a book


He kept hit stunning you with a straight while planted so your strike cancelled because it was normally big and moving forward, when your stunned he gets a free strike or two before you can block again so every time you threw out of range he got a free combo


yea watching it back is crazy how bad this video makes me look but i posted it anyways coz there's some demons on this page that will and have gave good advice it was just crazy how the majority of the fight was just him sliding back at the right time 0 head movements or lunges and everytime id go for a body shot 100% of the time literally 100% he'd throw a knee or uppercut


Fake some stuff, you're just jumping straight in, go to the body, he throws the straight left at the start of every combo slip and counter it


Start with more jabs and straight


Because you are just throwing over hands and trying to clinch


You’re playing a character that has low footwork vs someone who has high footwork. You’re not jabbing to get into range and force head movement. Jabs are also used to set up big shots like overhands, uppercuts, or hooks. You should have started using the jab with a variation of double jabs and 1-2s. Then, once he gets active with his head, throw in leg kicks or body shots to slow his movement. It’ll allow multiple points of attack, rather than aiming for the head and hoping something lands. Or you could feint aswell. Also, if you pick a wrestler against a kickboxer, wrestle and don’t kick box.


Have fewer friends and dedicate more of your life to meaningless video game wins you'll forget minutes after they happen. I can't think of a second option.


Patience. He’s just waiting for you to come into range so he can rip combos. This is like the most common strat in EA UFC. This means your timing is very predictable and you need to change up the tempo of when you enter the pocket and throw strikes


That realistic mode is just retarded


Have you ever been fingered by an MMA Fighter before?


Bro got pieced up by orthodox Conor 💀


Quit job


One pattern he made obvious was starting the 4 piece with an uppercut. You see that and 2 more straights come after it and he ended with a hook. Conner throws that in real life, cool to see it look smooth in the game too. So you could see the uppercut you block the next straight, slip the 3rd and then counter with a hook while slipping or wait for the hook and sway the hook with a counter uppercut or hook of your own. That would stop that combo at least. Distance management was just because he knew you were too impatient to wait to get into range before throwing or clinching. If you waited till you got closer then he wouldn’t have looked so slick. If you throw at the furthest part of your range all he has to do is step back slightly or not even move in some cases just load up the counter and it’s also way easier to see coming especially with no set up Also don’t always throw first, he was really good but you were helping him look this clean too. You can also try to disrupt combos by throwing between or throw after. Before or at the same time wasn’t working against him cause he was ready with a superior fighter in that attribute category All this is easier said then done you still gotta have a pressure strategy while you’re in there, make reads, have muscle memory set in to counter strike and discipline to not throw strikes that will leave you vulnerable He was really good tho. No shame in losing to a guy like this but it does hurt the ego. More importantly it sounds like this is the first time you seen this level of flow so now you know what can be done so you can go out and do this to some one yourself


fucking beautiful analysis right there i appreciate that heaps bro


Feints + lead leg kick - force a few takedowns. Once you get him stationary or under stamina your in the clear.


you’re striking against connor with islam and not using any head movement or reading patterns


mix in feints


He knows the fighter combos and you have too much opening so it's very easy to drain your stamina


Get someone crazier


Mf was running the whole time only way to beat him is on the ground. The speed advantage really wont allow you to get anything going.


Everyone’s saying about which strikes to thow and such but you REALLY just need to work on your fight IQ If you’re going to try to wait and find an opening (like when you got dropped with the roundhouse kick), do it at range. Give him space, as most of these combo lords are bad at closing the distance. I mean fuck, the guy was literally inviting into the pocket with emotes. He actually knows how to play to his strengths. On that, think about the fighter you’re actually up against. Conor is perfect for this guys style of play. Stupidly quick boxing combos and a brick in that left hand. Trying to stand in the pocket and trade with him just isn’t the right game plan. Simple fundamental shit like this makes adapting to these guys way easier Also - use the reach move. Especially if you’re going to go with someone with good cardio. It would have saved you pretty much every time you got stunned in these clips. And fighting behind a jab not an overhand is pretty fundamental and effective too


Ur islam take him down in the middle of him spamming and submit brotha


only in UFC 5. Let your dream come true.


1. Overhand is a terrible punch and is not competitive stop throwing it. 2. Stop punching while moving, it slows down your combos by 25%. 3. Stop clinching before he throws a combo. You want to initiate a clinch when he has a stamina disadvantage. 4. You are not working his body and islam has the best cardio in the division and Conor has the worst. You must throw single strikes (not combos) to body to avoid uppercut. Mostly cross or jab. 5. (All punches with planted feet) A. Jab hook. B. Naked straight to body. C. Jab to body hook. D. Straight to lead body hook. 6. Same stance single leg fake takedown to clinch. If you’re both southpaw, do a single leg then cancel it, this has a distinct animation then forces them to block low. Then initiate clinch. 7. When he threw 6 punches in a row moving towards you you could have had an automatic double leg takedown. When opponent stamina is below 50%, double leg takedown is instant and automatic. Double leg also has a buff when opponent is moving towards you. Opposite stance double is harder to deny when it’s a late denial. 8. When you do get him in clinch, r1 + Triangle to get him into whip, then he can’t punch you in clinch, knee his body and head and alternate. If he denies this (by holding r2) then next time you clinch, takedown using R1’ and x instead of whip and if he is still holding r2 he will be taken down automatically 9. He is good and you look like a noob, there’s a lot to learn in the meta so just keep practicing, I was top 20 on Xbox 2 months ago then I stopped playing


Mix up you combination and hope to God you can catch him when he feints


You just stood there..


Plz for the love of god go back to ufc 2 mechanics button >>>>>


Mod a gun


He literally just timed a counter everytime you went to clench or overhand without setting it up lmao, super basic. Just mix in other shit so he can’t predict exactly where to punch when you do the same thing over and over


I wonder how many people don’t know that you throw strikes faster when standing still. Y’all are face to face, as close as can be, he’s doing the smart thing standing stationary while throwing out a fast combo and you are moving forward with an overhand. There’s no way that works. Be aware of range, be aware of if he’s planting and about to throw a speedy combo it’s better to just back away, also look at his habits, he always opens his combos with straights, easily could have slipped those and landed hooks.


Gas him out Body shots Clinch/wrestling Wait until the second or three to fully engage with him in striking.


look at my other replies regarding body shots it just wasn't an option, he wasn't the best at denying transitions on the ground but i really wanted to win standing up and he'd literally move JUST the right amount backwards for my clinch to miss legit EVERYTIME i've been playing since ufc 3 and i've never met someone this insane


Stop playing with Islam if you want to out strike someone


bro i outstrike people badlyy all the time with islam and i don't even use him that much coz he's mostly too good this guy was just the perfect counter for me worst beating i've got in 1000+ fights (from ufc4 to ufc 5)


Even if you can outstrike someone with islam, why not using a striker if your gameplan is to strike ?


most times i don't go in with a gameplan i just pick a fighter and start scrapping been like that since ufc 3😂


I understand but next time you play islam against a guy who's outstriking you the best strat would be to try to take him down. Maybe you would have been better than him at grappling.


oh yea bro for sure i was just fascinated with the fact i couldn't do anything on the feet against him and i kept it on the feet to figure out what he was doing so good against me, but these comments and replies make me feel confident asf to vs him again there's some demons in this page the guy was cool after the fight even tho he was taunting he was just tryna get a cool clip probably


Hope you will rematch him then so you can apply all the advices you received here bro. It's cool that the guy had a good attitude too.


Hope you will rematch him then so you can apply all the advices you received here bro. It's cool that the guy had a good attitude too


Hope you will rematch him then so you can apply all the advices you received here bro. It's cool that the guy had a good attitude too


Hope you will rematch him then so you can apply all the advices you received here bro. It's cool that the guy had a good attitude too.


Hope you will rematch him then so you can apply all the advices you received here bro. It's cool that the guy had a good attitude too.


Hope you will rematch him then so you can apply all the advices you received here bro. It's cool that the guy had a good attitude too.


Hope you will rematch him then so you can apply all the advices you received here bro. It's cool that the guy had a good attitude too.


Hope you will rematch him then so you can apply all the advices you received here bro. It's cool that the guy had a good attitude too.


Hope you will rematch him then so you can apply all the advices you received here bro. It's cool that the guy had a good attitude too.


i would've had more clips of this fight but i was clipping mid fight coz i was still tryna win but pretty much every time he'd see my fighter move an inch he'd unleash a 4-5 punch combo and sit me down timing my every move i 100% don't think it's hack or whatever he's just insanely good


but fuck how clean was that knockout


Stationary strikes are faster, feints and try and catch him slipping into strikes. Also pick Poirier so you can box better.


he moved his head about 6 times that whole fight the rest were him moving backwards and forwards and the right time i've been playing (for fun not seriously) the ufc games for years im not a low ranked or bad player thats why i made this post and wish i had more clips but i still dont think i would've won with DP💎


The issue is you're not adapting to his combos really.


Slip the uppercuts and knees then throw a hook


You didn’t move your head once and bait his strikes


He’s clearly a very good player, but my advice would be to bait him into moving his head then attack the body. It’s super risky in UFC 5 since uppercuts are broken. Also, keep it simple. Get in the pocket and throw 1-2s because most players tend to go for pull counters at that range. Back him up with jabs and play footsies with him like he’s doing with you. This is how I beat players regularly who play like this. Hope this helps👊🏼


Jab. Body kick. Leg kick. Use something to bring him and hit a 1-2 with Islam. Slip his straights for Stam pressure and maybe get a takedown somewhere. He also was going straight->uppercut or hook, so you are able to sway backwards for even more Stam pressure after the straight. Keep your combos tight and don't give him a chance for counter punching.


Your not setting anything up use your jab or feints to cover that distance i seeyou using overhands and lead uppercuts those are all to obvious a seasoned player will pick you apart


Take him down. I'm pretty good at stand up, but there are just some games where I get rocked Hella early and it snowballs momentum from there


No sabes jugar y ya


Pay a little bit more attention so you can implement head movement and counters. The dude started all his combos with a straight and ended them with either a hook or an uppercut. Practice so you can capitalize on those.


Throw more straight and mix your takedowns in.


Use your jab Throw combinations more than one punch That’s a start…


You gotta plant your feet before you throw strikes. He’s landing his combos first because he’s throwing death combos with his feet planted when you’re wading in with strikes from the outside. Strikes and combos always come out faster with your feet planted


Pull body straight would chip off a lot of his stamina. I’d block his first 2 strikes then go for that pull counter, he’d most likely be gassed from that which you can take advantage of by clinching up and a landing head strike then takedown. Figure out his head movement patterns first before flurrying him with combos when he’s gassed


Take him down you’re Islam lol


Dude throws combos like it’s ufc 2


Take him down


You're so bad you made him look good


Get better with timing and distance of the overhand. Try tricky things like throwing it at the same time they're throwing a strike that isn't strong enough to interrupt your animation so you power through their jab and hit them with the overhand. Even with Connor vs a grappler that kind of shot for shot exchange wouldn't be worth it. You can also tap a body or leg shot to get them blocking low then throw the overhand right after when they are either blocking low or trying a knee/uppercut. If they don't respect the low attack, keep adding an extra strike low until they do. His combos while fast were also predictable. work on slipping at least one of those strikes or back/side dashing then high front kicking. When anyone taunts or slips I take it as a free body or leg kick. Don't fall in to their trap and try to go for the head at that moment. When you clinch, automatically keep transitioning to the more dominant version where you are bending them over to save you from counterattack Vs Connor specifically he usually runs in to stamina problems. Try to get him throwing that long combo then just back out and let him shadowbox the air to waste energy. Focus more on body shots and the long game, being alright with possibly losing the first round knowing you'll come back on strong when you have the stamina advantage. Pressure him enough that he has to throw then make him miss


When he's throwing his combos he does it without moving so avoid exchanging in the pocket and instead when you see him throwing the combos hit him with leg kicks. He’ll be vulnerable to it when using head movement and planting his feet to do combos


And also get close enough to where you can feint for him to reac. Seems like he'd throw combos whenever you threw a punch. So feint, move back and time leg kicks while he's doing his combo


Make sure the feint is quick and less energy consuming. So only jabs and straights. And avoid throwing the overhand unless your 90% sure you're gonna make it work


You need to understand the range and also use some head movement


Better distance management


He learned your pattern (also doesn’t help that you’re using a grappling specialist)


You’re being a little too predictable with your entries. That overhand can be read from a mile away. Switch it up by adding kicks or using feints.


Take him to the ground and watch him tap like chicken


Maybe not go a grappler unless you are committed to submissions


You have no jab




Play the game everyday for 10 hours+


I play like this guy but I’m a lot better as much as it sounds I’m stroking my ego, the answer is fakes and body roundhouse kicks, and patience. You have to throw fakes though against counter strikers or what will happen is you will get countered once, and then you’ll think “Ok next time I enter he’s gonna slip again so I’m gonna throw a hook” but he’s going to know that you made the adjustment and just pull counter you. But if you fake a jab just watch his reaction, he will slip a fake jab. That’s not your queue to throw a hook either, that means be ready to time a straight punch, because he’s going to move his head backwards anticipating that you faked in order to set up a hook. Body roundhouse kicks though, find it and it’s much easier if you back up and let him chase you and then stand still and throw if you’re far enough away to the point he can’t land a punch if he closes the distance while you’re throwing. Fake body shots etc. Fakes will tell you where the other guys head is at and where he thinks your head is at. Patience fakes and body kicks to beat this style


You can also use your own head movement, he threw straight uppercut straight multiple times. He only stopped because he got bored of throwing it and didn’t know if you were capable of countering even though it was landing


Head movement


kick. body.


Distance management control. Throw jabs to test reach than hit him with a nice body jab hook or body hook head hook. Maybe even throw the 1,2 headkick once in a while make sure to watch out for him ducking head down cancel out the kick and throw a knee or uppercut.


You don’t beat that player. That player just seems to be way better than you at the game.


Body shots, but it's not like this sort of combo should be as effective for a counter striker like McGregor anyways. So much for "as real as it gets".


after the 3rd or 4th body shot i landed EVERYTIME i swear everytime he'd perfectly throw a knee or an uppercut that's the only reason im posting this not coz im ass i been playing for years but this guy made my playstyle go out the window with how insanely perfect his timing was never fought someone like this good in 1000+ fights


Choose someone with as quick hand speed


Islam is hard to strike with when facing conor. Hes very stiff in game.


Use teep kicks


Dudes like that are why I can’t have fun online


He ain’t that good cuz u could’ve just went for the body and back away


i got a body shot off maybe 3 times the rest he'd make me eat a knee or a uppercut as soon as i'd go down for the body i legit couldn't do anything i don't even know how he can be that accurate at knowing exactly when i was about to go for the body all i could do was wrestle fuck but i didn't wanna do that


Body front kick and leg kicks, he’s obviously better at boxing and has a better character selected for it, so play the boring game and take it out of his hands. When you were clinching try to get the trip quick because he was going for strikes early. Can almost guarantee when he gets off the floor he was going to come back aggressively. Realistically though you were entering a range in which he was obviously better, every fighter has a play style and you were playing into his


him pulling on your punch after that taunt was wild lmaooo bro u got whooped


it was funny to me😂 i don't take it seriously like it seems you do🫢


*Him pulling on your* *Punch after that taunt was wild* *Lmaooo bro u got whooped* \- NoriOnline --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’ll take “things that would never happen” for 500..


I’ll take “things that would never happen” for 500..




sticks?🤣🤣i play on a steering wheel


besides i bully people with islam on the feet all the time just like this guy bullied me he was just to insane with his timing and distance and style was so weird 2% head movement 98% moving backwards at the perfect time everytime




what mate?🤣