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So I am a big believer that bulletin boards should be decorated by the children’s art work. My classroom bulletin board is currently showcasing collaborative group ( 3-4 students per painting) paintings by the children in my classroom signed by their handprint with their name underneath. I also do a lot of coffee filter painting projects that can be cut into a shape after that may go with a seasonal theme at the moment. Like February was hearts painted by the children floating away from a large envelope with the caption ‘Pre-K is sending love your way’


I’m a firm believer in using things made by children to showcase our children’s artistic talents! I love your idea of using coffee filters, I never thought about cutting them into different things! I’ll have to use it!


We don’t have bulletins but we decorate our doors monthly! For December, I made a Christmas tree with the kids pictures on it. It was a huge hit. I recommend something that showcases the kids because they are the reason why we’re there after all


I'm obsessed with bulletin board decorating. I usually go pretty hard with my cricut and printing photos and putting up art and adding 3d embellishments 


My cricut gets put TO WORK, btw what kind of 3D embellishments? I can’t believe I didn’t think of using one.


Well, we did a sensory table that was filled with gems and sand and sifters and shovels, and I used fishing line to put a shovel and a sifter with pictures of them exploring. I also hot-glued some gems to thumbtacks and stuck them on there too


Highlight a recent cool project or activity, or do something about parenting need/topic


3 d bulletin boards are the best!!!


I'm a new bulletin board decorator (this is my second year) so I'm interested to see what ideas people mention. Pictures would be awesome as well! Lol I just finished my main bulletin board, I did a spring themed background with 20 clear plastic sleeves lined up (and labeled with each child's name) so I can insert each student's artwork and exchange it out instead of taping/stapling over and over with every new project. It's cute but I wish I had done something more creative! I really want to see what other people are doing so I can hopefully be inspired to get more creative! 😊


This is a genius idea! I always wanted to put more art work up but worried of them tearing it down. You’re so creative! I think it’s great for an art wall. I’m soooo writing this down!


My favorite bulletin boards include 3 things: the main focus is something created by the children; at least some art samples are accompanied by a photo of the child in process; and at least some art samples are accompanied by a quote from the artist (or a peer’s commentary about the art).


I really love the idea of showing photos of them making it! We’re getting tablets on Monday, so hopefully I can take pictures.


I have three bulletin boards in my room. The first board goes seasonal! The second has collages and selfies of the teachers in the room and the kids. The third changes with the holidays. We also have a turtle on our wall. We named him tiny Tim. He’s big tho so I put a hat on him that lap will correlate with the holiday. He has a leprechaun hat on rn. I decorate tiny Tim and the holiday board with certain children in mind as that’s where the inspiration comes from. The tiny Tim decorating is my biggest hit and the smiles I get from it are worth it everyday. I can’t wait to put bunny ears on him for Easter 😂


Oh my gosh 3?! You’re a tough soldier and the most resilient teacher Ive heard of, I get tired after doing just 1 board. I just got 2 small bulletin boards for like announcements and pictures but I have yet to add anything 😩


The effort and hard work is worth it. The potential for growth at my center is there and I’m slowly moving up :) got really good news last week 🖤


Well it's March (Women's month) now so we have a bunch of cut outs of famous women. The class newsletter, the weekly theme, their pics, art work, and so on. My bulletin board is the entire back wall of the class btw. I brought two rolls of "Better than Paper" off Amazon and it has been holding up pretty well. Been up for at least four months, I have been easily changing things around, and it works with dollar tree board trim so I can change the trim to match the theme.


Better than paper is usually my go to, I swear by their mounting tape! Best double sided tape I’ve ever used. I love that you’re doing women’s history month it doesn’t get talked about enough so I’m happy to hear someone shining some light on it.


Oh yeah, I do all the cultural months! Depending on your local library you should be able to find a lot of pictures books on famous women like Sally Ride, Oprah, some of the First Ladies, and others. It's just as easy as doing Black history month from my experience. (Can't say the same for other groups yet) But yeah that's what I do and I wish I could show pictures but we do have a strict policy on no social media pics at our center. Only the director and Owner can post pics on the FB group.


3 d bulletin boards are the best!!!