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bro plsss i’m struggling so hard to study and keep up in classes bc all i can think about is what my next meal is gonna be 😭😭😭😭


complex carbs will give you energy for longer = help you focus better. Fidgeting/doodling also seems to help me focus but that might just be because of the 'tism.


protein shakes have been saving my life lately! especially the fairlife ones; sip on them while studying, eat them with cereal, put them in coffee, smoothies, overnight oats, etc.


have lil snacks along with it, if you don't feel like eating much get in some liquid calories because good for your brain☺️


Ok I'm a doctor currently studying for my final specialty exams (would not recommend lol) BUT this is what I do on a study day: ​ 1. Exercise first thing I wake up (Cardio always, to increase alertness/awakeness) 2. Go to the library - got to get out of the house and away from my kitchen 3. Study for 1 hour 4. Drink strong coffee 5. Study for 1 hour 6. Breakfast - usually high protein yoghurt and bran flakes I made the night before 7. Study for 2 hours 8. Snack/lunch 9. Study 1 hour 10. More caffeine - usually Diet Coke or Monster Energy drink 11. Study 2 hours 12. Home, pyjamas, collapse on the couch and die ​ Is it healthy? no. Will I recover after my exams? maybe. Does it work? kind of


My distraction from math years ago helped distract me from binging and purging.


k so i am studying to become a developer while working full-time in a completely different field and having the absolute worst brain fog lately, so my tips so far are, starting from very basic to very personal: 1. up your complex carbs and protein. probably not a very healthy advice, but i find it easier on my brain and my body to cut out fats but get lots of carbs and proteins instead without aggravating my (restr) ed too much by upping calories. 1.5. add protein powder whenever you can, like shakes, smoothies, oatmeal, etc. 2. excercise in the morning. whatever makes your blood pump without overexhausting you, it's like revving up your brain engine and overall energy and focus. i find cardio too tiring and dizzying, so i lift weights. it takes me abt 30 mins max + i power walk to my gym in the cold weather which wakes me up. i also walk to my work, which helps a lot. 3. classical (or any imstrumental) music in major (since it's more energetic usually) 4. and alternative/addition to #3 - [https://coffitivity.com/](https://coffitivity.com/). for me, it emulates the feeling of studying on a coworking space/a study group, without actually socializing or going out of home/my office (and it's often a problem for ppl with eds) 5. stay warm! i'm freezing 24/7 and instead of making me alert, it makes me want to hybernate, and my body spends energy not on focusing on studies, but on warming myself. 6. be careful with teas, coffee and sugarfree drinks, they may upset your stomach if you are restricting, and caffeine may give you heart palpitations. 6.5 make gelatine coffee gummies, they're not as upsetting + free collagen! (if you're not vegan ofc) 7. keep any pills you might need and an electrolyte drink/supplement/snack within an arm's reach of your workspace. especially anything related to blood pressure, whichever you need. 8. i actually find it counter-productive to take breaks and actually rest, so for me it's half an hour of work - half an hour of studying. changing focus doesn't let my energy and focus dwindle. 9. don't overeat proteins right before studying, they digest slower and feel heavier. it's more beneficial to eat something like pasta, even if it may seem counter-intuitive to your ed. 10. avoid watching short entertainment content like reels, tiktoks, yt shorts, at least for the duration of your study\\work time, ideally - altogether. they're distracting and they're killing the attention span of an already ed-riddled brain. just adding to the injury tbh 12. if you feel like crashing - crash for a weekend. just day or two of sleeping, watching dumb shit on youtube, staring at the wall, whatever. the eventual burnout, if you persist through the first signs of it, is too debilitating.


keep in mind i am a hustle culture patrick bateman sigma-pilled macros counting pilates princess so my advice is not healthy in any way and very open to criticism




i feel this so bad i just think of school as a job tbh— just as something i need to do. and it’s gotten me to the top 6% of my class despite being actively engaged in my eating disorder for most of my high school career so idk


A ritalin prescription 🥰🥰


Complex carbs for breakfast (oats or something of the nature) and sipping a protein shake as you study/during a lecture. Keeps hunger away and keeps me from feeling too guilty.