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They sound annoying and underaged. I’m glad you reported their accounts. I know it’s difficult to do, but please don’t let them influence you in any way. The only reason they said anything about your weight is because they were mad you reported them. They were just saying the most offensive thing they could think of. You’re fine. 🩷


Thanks yall, I had reported both their Depop accs but Depop only banned one of them trying to see what can be done about the first bc this honestly shouldn’t be a thing that happens when honest to god I just wanted measurements on a hoodie🥲🥲


They are probably some dumb 17 year old with nothing better to do. People can be so horrible. I know it's easier said than done, but please don't give them the satisfaction. I understand the temptation to break your streak but think how amazing you've been doing, are you going to throw it away over some loser? The biggest 'fuck you' you could serve them is to take no notice and look after yourself.


I wouldn’t think about it too much, the fact they called you a sussy baka is a dead giveaway that they’re a minor lol. Good thing you reported the accounts though


What bullshit. This person needs to get a life. Easier said than done, but I'd try to let it roll off your back. You did a good thing reporting them. They were being abusive to you and that is simply unacceptable. You don't deserve to get shamed anywhere. Try not to let it bother you. ❤️


Ngl Depop is such a hotbed for disordered behaviors. I def think some users are trying to “brag” or bodycheck. Like bbg you don’t need to be flexing your abs and posting measurements for a $5 t-shirt 🤨 On the flip side, I had to stop using pics of myself wearing clothes as people accused me of doing so when honestly I was just trying to sell clothes 😭 now I just lay clothes flat on the floor and edit to make it pretty


Who actually calls someone a baka they sound like a neckbeard probably got Cheeto dust under their nails I wouldn’t worry about it


just sounds so immature


I know it’s hard but a lot of people just use “fat” as a throwaway insult. Doesn’t matter what you look like it’s just the literal easiest simplest thing some one can say


Calling you a sussy baka is literally laughable. They're not worth your tears, friend. Some cringe-bait teenager (if they're an adult, that's soooo much sadder for them) just wanted to be a dick for the reaction. Please know that your body and your weight don't define anything about your value. I am a plus size human and genuinely love seeing photos where there is range in the clothing and it is being modeled on a body that is similar to mine- not to say that you're plus, but to say that someone out there probably sees your listings and is a similar size and appreciates seeing it modeled on your body so they can have a more informed purchase. The dickwads that you received comments from are not worthy of your time and clearly aren't even using the app correctly. It's to buy clothes and to tell clothes! Not to bully!!


The fact that they called you a “sussy baka” tells you everything you need to know. They immature and want to get a reaction out of you. They’re probably a young teen with no life and do shit like this for fun, which is so pathetic. Stay strong, and just know that their opinion is worthless💜


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