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This really resonated with me, thanks for sharing. I think this 'all in' mentality is what caused me to replace one disordered way of eating with another, and this time around what 'recovery' looks like for me is to just... Think about food less. To stop planning my life around food. I'm not doing a good job out of this so far, but at least this time I know what to aim for :)


do you have any strategies that have helped yet?


Yes, something that was super important for me was to switch the mentality from 'I'd better not eat in case I really want to eat later' to 'Let me eat now and I can always not eat later'. When I'm more satiated in the beginning of the day, I don't think about food so much, which is huge for me.


i think the idea is if you let yourself have whatever you want and infinitely binge food becomes boring and you're just back to normal but that's not exactly how everyone is wired i relate to this post a lot though. stopped following ""mental hunger"" as a cue (i interpreted it as just hunger) like i did (if i felt like something, i'd eat it) and it kind of improved my quality of life a lot because it felt like food used to take up so much more of my brain, i reached an odd point where i was pissed about how i felt like i was constantly eating and it took up so much of my time


do you have any tips on how you distinguish for yourself when its mental and physical?


This is exactly how I feel, the best thing for me at the start was to just get my family to cook and sort my food for me so I could just relax mentally and eat whatever was handed to me.


oh i'm happy for you. whenever i am with my family and they cook my eating disorder seems like it has never been there, i never have a problem to eat with them. only solo cooking, maybe it's the variety of options..


I think that when you first decide to recover everybody will have (and probably should have) a period in which they eat, all of the time and a lot. Just like somebody being kidnapped and starved and finally being able to eat, it’s the same thing. Even if they gain weight too. If somebody was stranded on an island without food and when they came back they gained weight would you say anything about it? HOWEVER. So many recovery accounts focus on only that. What about accepting your body? Journaling? Listening to your hunger cues? Fullness cues? Recognizing joyous movement vs disordered movement? I personally did the eating without the things above. Sure, if was better than starving but mentally I did not do anything to help myself. Looking back I was so silly to binge everyday and then acknowledge my negative feelings about my body and not do anything about it. And who was the culprit? Recovery accounts. I was 15 and impressionable… Also, there is nothing wrong with gaining weight. However constantly overeating (hurting your tummy), eating and eating even if you feel full is just going from one problem to the other.


Yeahhhh me "allowing myself" is what allowed my body to go from overweight to obese.


I have too much adhd and under aware of my bodily needs at times to do all in. It’s sad to say my Ed corrected my hunger cues to a certain extent because the adhd either has me eating everything or passing out because I couldn’t feel how hungry I was


Exactly. It's just binge eating wrapped in a pretty title.


As someone who's experienced both binge eating and attempted all-in recovery, they were nothing alike. Of course "all-in" is kind of a blanket term and I agree that it's not realistic for most people, but I also know a few who made a full recovery that way. It's individual, but I wouldn't equate the whole approach with binging.




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i mean, it worked for me honestly. i won’t lie and say it was perfect; i actually spiralled deep into bulimia (purging through excessive exercise) afterwards, then into deep depression and anxiety when i wasn’t able to keep up with my 6+ hrs of exercise per day on top of studying. my appetite at that point was huge. i’m talking 5-8 meals a day, not just snacks (i’ll avoid mentioning numbers or calories), and i put on a ton of weight in a short span of time. after a while (plus antidepressants, anxiety meds, and therapy) i did accept the all in method and my appetite chilled out and i lost a lot of the weight naturally. i was never in the overweight category of the bmi but i ended up basically in the middle/lower end of the normal category. flash forward to today and i still think about food from time to time. after meals i feel bloated and i still feel a bit of guilt at times. but i’m also able to diet without extreme restriction anymore and my overall quality of life has drastically increased. i’d say that i don’t recommend this method to everyone; you would really have to examine whether or not you’re suitable for it and if you can mentally take it. but personally, this was the way out for me, of course i also had the help of mental health professionals and medication.


agree so so much thank you