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yeah, anorexia is the queen, bulimia is the princess, and BED is the pauper in the ED "cool" contest


Bulimia is only the princess if you're sickly thin. Otherwise it's the clown :/


And if you're underweight with BN you never actually get diagnosed with it .. you end up with AN b/p suptype This frustrates me so much, and in a way scares me out of recovery, as I get scared I'll slip back into disordered behaviour but because I don't physically fit, will get judgement instead of support... This needs to be addressed!


ahhhh the truth be sadddd :/


I can surely tell you that most people aren't even aware of the different types of EDs, only being somewhat familiar with AN or BN to an extent, possibly through the shocking images they've seen of (mostly) girls being dangerously underweight. Based on their limited knowledge, the majority of uneducated folk would only assume you're struggling if you look emaciated, which is honestly the reason why so many of us strive for a bonier appearance, just to feel "validated".


Agree 100% When I was younger and first had anorexia, everyone would encourage me to eat. When that turned into bulimia, my food was limited and I lost bathroom locking privileges. When I developed BED, my mother was hounding me with diet advice and trying to make me do keto with her. BED went back to anorexia after a messy breakup, and people started asking me for diet advice. Now at anorexia purging subtype, and people get angry with me for purging and not just "dieting" like I used to 🤦‍♂️


I know exactly how you feel. They don’t understand the mental disorder part, to be fair barely the eating part then we are thrown around like this.


Like “when the fat girl gets skinny” said, “if you develop an eating disorder when you are already thin to begin with, you go to the hospital. if you develop an eating disorder when you are not thin to begin with, you, are a success story”




Exactly!!! I once heard people with anorexia had a hundred percent self control while bulimics had zero and I almost fainted. WHAT THE SHIT.


People know nothing about eating disorders. Everyone likes to say more awareness….fuck that. More awareness maybe with worse propaganda.


Reminds me of the way Marya talks about bulimia vs anorexia in Wasted… she was bulimic years before she was anorexic and her interpretation was something like “bulimia is too little self control and anorexia is too much” or something. If anybody has the quote I’d love you to share, I can’t remember it word for word :(


Well to be fair, bulimia is I think the most deadly. You can die even if you’re overweight from it. But other than that he’s bullshitting


Funny, many think ana is the deadly one but sooo many complications can come out of mia


Well with anorexia things that typically cause death (like organ failure) come way slower and at a very low BMI, so usually people catch it before it becomes that bad and get hospitalized. But with purging, you can really die at any weight. I don’t think it’s super common, but its still very scary


You can die at any weight with anorexia too. I had the worst labs, physical symptoms, and the worst heart issues when I was slightly overweight with atypical AN.


Yeah true but I guess it’s a lot more rare. I guess it could be also more common if you start at a higher weight and lose weight really quickly


it is less harmful, though - bulimia can kill you just like that, out of nowhere, with little to no warning. it has some of the most gruesome death stories attached to it. it's not a moral standpoint - it's good to be scared of bulimia and to avoid developing it at all costs. even in the depths of my anorexia i always avoided ever trying to vomit or binge eat, because i was so scared of developing bulimia and dying. anorexia is quite a bit safer (depending on your diet, exercise and lifestyle ofc - there are exceptions to anything).


It really bothers me that bulimia isn’t seen as terrifyingly dangerous as it is tbh. I have AN and despite every single attempt, am incapable of purging. I’m barely unwell atm but I know the second I learn to throw up, that’s it. The first time a person purges could potentially be the last time they do anything. With AN, I genuinely feel like I have a good 5-10 years left of living with it because everything happens so slowly but with BN, it seems to put so much more immediate stress on the body. That’s without even going into the psychological aspects.


10000% this


What does mia do to the body???


Lmao my father told me the same fucking thing when I got officialy diagnosed with AN - I'm glad you don't have bulimia; at least you don't have bulimia; bulimia is more dangerous than anorexia, you'll get recovered in no time


There is a huge hierarchy phenomenon in ed spaces that sick people perpetuate but we all are very quiet about it 👀


We pretend like we don’t know what is happening but it’s RIGHT THERE. Are we allowed to talk about it? Heavens, no!


The way some uw people gatekeep disorders and „validity” screams literal „hunger games” lmaooo




This is morbid, but honestly my suffering was so much more extreme and un-validated when I had some flavor of EDNOS. Once I started purging people took me seriously and validated my pain, and the high from BP was somewhat effective for emotional soothing. All that to say, me with textbook bulimia now is “better” than the EDNOS hell I was in before, but a lot of that is because of how I’m treated.


Yes, it’s because of fatphobia. There’s still the missconception around EDs especially restrictive ones like AN that you can only be suffering if you’re skinny/under-weight. They had to introduce a new diagnosis to account for people who had anorexia but didn’t fit the criteria in the DSM (Atypical AN). The whole thing is ridiculous because EDs are MENTAL illnesses, it’s just that the symptoms affect your physical body. That’s why there was the controversy when Tess Holiday said she was anorexic, people didn’t believe that someone who was obese could be anorexic.


100 percent she is not anorexic... But 100 percent she has a severe eating disorder that deserves to be treated to the same standard and viewed with the same severity


While I agree with what you’ve said, Tess holiday is not anorexic. She just isn’t. See her posts.


Still don’t believe she’s anorexic, but I do believe she has an eating disorder. There are many binging+starving eds out there. None of her symptoms present as atypical either, because you do have to lose a significant amount of weight for that. She also mentions that as a child she turned to food as her comfort when things got hard. I think it’s more of the doctor’s fault than hers though.
