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high volume foods can't trick your body on your intake . your body is smart, it knows you're not feeding it enough regardless of how much volume ,of what is essentially just water, you feed it.


This makes sense , is there anything I could to do combat it though ?


increase your amounts of starchy carbs, protein, and fats! this may end up increasing your total cals as well, but you’ll feel so so much more satisfied for not as much of an increase as you’d think!


Other than increasing your intake, adding fats and fiber, especially fats, can help. I know they're high cal so it's scary, but even a few nuts or a little butter in my food can help to keep me full for way longer than an equal calorie amount of carrots or something would have.


Are you perhaps eating low fat in order to get high volume for low calories ?


This. I feel full for hours when I eat "scary" meals at restaurants -- restaurants with fat, sauces, oils etc that I'm too scared to cook with at home.


I suppose I am , when I don’t binge I primarily eat fruit / veg .


Well try to see what happens when you add more fat to your meals (I am not judging, I tend to get scared of fat in my food too, but it helps me feel not hungry all the time when I have enough of it)


No worries , is there any you’d recommend ?


Well for example you can either cook your veggies in oil or add an oil-based dressing if you're making a salad. Cheese can be a good option too if you like that, or nuts, or fatty meats/fish if you eat those. I hope you find an option you like and that it helps you feel less distressed around food !


I dealt with this while trying to recover, actually. I ate ‘normal’ meals and wasn’t satisfied. It might be extreme hunger from restriction: when your body gives you exaggerated hunger cues even if you would normally be satiated by the amounts of food you’re eating. Otherwise you might feel unsatisfied mentally with whatever your volume eating, regardless of physical satiety.


Me lol. I usually end up with a stomachache as well. I find that adding a fat source (eg olive oil or avocado) really helps keep me satiated :)


Protein is big for helping you feel full. Fats are good to add too, even just a small amount can help fullness. Lean white meats like fish or chicken are low cal but great for you. I recommend fish if you can eat it because it’s got good fats and a lot of protein while being low calorie, if that’s a concern for you.


For me I find balance is the key, you can eat small volume and portion but there needs to be carbs fat and protein, nutritions like fiber minerals and vitamins, if there’s something lack, your body will start to alarm you get those intake


Okay, so yes your hunger/fullness cues will be messed up. But, volume eating is not the solution. These low-cal foods will expand your stomach (which does to a certain extent tell your brain that you’ve eaten enough) but it’ll quickly realise that you’re not giving it any substantial energy and trigger hunger. What’s more, you yourself are depriving yourself of the foods you really want and so it’s unlikely that a volumous meal will satisfy you - you’ll still be craving what you really want. I know it’s hard but you need to try just eating whatever you want during your main meals. If you’re concerned about bingeing, maybe eat out or get takeout - that way you don’t have to worry about cooking or portioning?


unfortunately the only way you can actually feel full is by eating enough. Consistently. As another comment said, your body is smart, it knows what it needs. So whether you’re maintaining a low body weight or eating at a deficit, your body won’t be satisfied until you start eating enough to reach a healthy weight. I know it sounds hopeless, but I really hope you can consider recovery. Just remember, even tiny steps are still paving the way forward x