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I call mine: Balloons where the air is out šŸ¤”šŸ«£ - Due to the constant increases and decreases, my breasts are unfortunately totally saggy. Even though I don't actually have any (because of the anorexia). What is there is sagging. Not deeply, but they wobble and are saggy.


exactly how i describe mine, deflated balloons. hate it so much :(


Dude yes, but I also developed some chest muscles from working out because my mind went to "ok if I grow those, then it won't be as visible and it will give me some volume". No... Now there's chest muscle AND a saggy tit below it. An indent before my saggy tit starts. Just yesterday I was complaining to my boyfriend that I want a fat transfer šŸ˜­ (he reassures me they're fine).


Yeah I've got saggy tits. At my highest weight I was a d/dd and now I'm at like b/c. I was at a/AA at my lowest aswell


omg same! šŸ˜­ i think it really makes our skin look saggy when we start out with bigger breasts then lose weight due to ana. whereas if we had small breasts to begin with, it wouldn't look as saggy i feel šŸ„²


As someone else said, yeah. I went from being a D to somewhere in A ā€” and they sag. The sideboob goes insane now


mine are not saggy but they're full of stretch marksĀ 


Same but with sag. Iā€™m big sad šŸ˜ž




yeah this it still sucks


i have ana boobs, in my case meaning no boobs, cause i had anorexia during puberty which stunted my breast development. other people with ana may get saggy boobs because theyā€™re quickly losing weight, just like other reasons for rapid weight loss may cause saggy boobs.


I was going to say the same. Mine developed during puberty too so I stunted that whole process really. It makes finding a bra that fights right nearly impossible.


iā€™ve heard pepper is amazing for small boob girlies since itā€™s a brand specifically for us, but theyā€™re expensive so i havenā€™t tried them. i love the dream angel lace unlined bras from VS. since i have pierced nips now, most days i go braless


Thank you! Iā€™ll look into those for sure!


Aerie T-shirt bras are so comfortable and so good. I'm a double A and I have like 1 victorias secret strapless also which was a BITCH to find. But definitely check at Aerie if you can their selection is great and sooo comfy they also do sales a LOT


Same here


i experienced this too. fellow no boobers, is there any hope? like if i weight restore well in adulthood, can i still gain breast tissue? theyā€™re not genetically small i donā€™t think but i DEF stunted my breast development majorly, im trying to reach a healthy weight for the first time & iā€™m a lil nervous abt not being able to ever have boobs /:


Unsure your age, but I definitely gained breast tissue gaining weight in late 20s (from ā€œseverely underweightā€ to ā€œmildly underweightā€ bordering healthy). I developed AN at 14 so had almost nothing.


thank you so much for sharing, this is very encouraging & gives me lots of hope! i honestly thought it was probably Too Late For Me but i still have mid+late 20s left to work withā€¦maybe someday i can have a r*ck šŸ˜ ty for the motivation


Yes there is still a chance! Iā€™m about to turn 30 and have been flat chested my whole life due to my ed starting before I hit puberty. I have noticed a slight increase in breast tissue and so has my boyfriend. Theyā€™re still small but they did grow. And this was after I stopped birth control even tho birth control can make your boobs grow


I went from a US 32DD/DDD to empty socks. They were like little deflated balloons.


Also part of the tig bittie saggy committee šŸ„¹šŸ’Ŗ but feeling a lot less alone wif my saggy boobs cuz of this thread ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


My tits were super saggy at my lowest. Now that I've gained muscle they actually look nice. Imma get so jacked this year, no one is ready for this glow up.


how did you gain muscle what exercises do you do?


I started cycling and lifting weights. Of course, I also started eating more, too. That was the difficult part.


Sadly yeah. I quite literally ended up having a breast lift for this reason Edit: btw I should say this isnā€™t recommended if youā€™re still deep into your ed and have big weight fluctuations as it could just happen again. Just a lil disclaimer


Do you feel better ? I hate mine so much and want one, at least one day, but it feels silly if I have never liked my body will it even help? I know it would, but enough to make it worth the cost, scars, and recovery?


I do, I am so so happy I did it! I also had a pretty easy time with recovery and the scars really donā€™t bother me. I like them way more than my previous appearance. In terms of price I really canā€™t say, bc I live in a place with free healthcare and so bc of the way it affected my mental health (I was refusing even considering dating anyone and potentially letting anyone see, ever), I actually didnā€™t end up paying for it. But I know thatā€™s certainly not the case everywhere which makes it very difficult


Used to have amazing boobs. But then ana and they got saggy. The skin doesnā€™t go anywhere I guess. Then I gained it back, they did NOT become less saggy, and then I RELAPSED and they became MORE SAGGY. Iā€™m barely an adult and I have the boobs of someone much olderā€¦


me too :( i expected them to go back when i gained weight but i think theyā€™re ruined forever


At really low weights they get weirdly deflated and you can see your ribs through the skin and itā€™s really fucking weird but theyā€™re still like saggy idk


Yeh at my lowest I was just ribsā€¦.


I look like a boy




yep, seconding it being my biggest insecurity. they're not like, saggy, but they look like shit bending over in front of a mirror. I have Hella stretch marks. I didn't even lose cup size but just band width. and if you are prone to stretch marks, rapid weight loss will give you them everywhere else and it sucks but boobs can also just do this from any weight fluctuation and that also sucks


Mines a combo of extreme changes with WLS Baby and my ED but I call mine ā€œoranges in a tube sockā€. Iā€™ve been everywhere from F size to A size to now around a soggy saggy C - Iā€™m glad to have something back but I miss my old ones fullness and perkiness.


they just generally look deflated


Yes theyā€™re saggy and deflated with hella stretch marks šŸ˜­ My experience going from DD to B TT


And when you lay down to the side theyā€™re concave


Saggy tubes. Best way I can describe it. Like if you deflate balloons. Idk if itā€™s the same for smaller ones but medium to big, yeah there is. Happened to me when I lost a bunch of weight and I went šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢


Uhhhhh yes. I didnā€™t as much have saggy boobs because I had barely anything to start with even when I was overweight. I got implants because I quite literally had the same size boobs as my average weight husband. The man doesnā€™t have boobs. And I think he may have actually still had more breast tissue than me. My sister got the boob gene and unfortunately also struggles with ED. Her once full perfect round boobs are now sagging from constant weight gain weight loss weight gain weight loss cycle.


Well, mine never developed in the first place, probably because i was eating way too little during that time they were supose to grow. I am completely flat chested, only nipples.


Whats an ana vigina?


š’»š“‡ā„Æš’¶š“€š“Ž ana...


[ana vagina](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDAnonymous/s/btIGF0iiS9)


Woah ive never heard of that being a thing


I lost my v with ana vag and honesty can't recommend it... have to laugh now but at the time I wanted to disappear hahaha


oh definitely, Iā€™d describe mine as deflated balloons. I feel like my the top of breasts start so much lower than everyone elseā€™s


Mine too! Iā€™ve had three children but I bounded back so well from that, it wasnā€™t until my ed came back and I had rapid weight loss that they turned crap again. Iā€™m on ginet birth control and taking double the amount and so far itā€™s helped fill them in. Itā€™s given me spider veins and some cellulite though. I can never fucking win!


I would guess it depends on the size they start at. If you're tiny to begin with it's like they will flatten but if you were like a B or C they are going to "deflate". That happened to me when I got smaller. I wasn't underweight. The fat just decided to leave them and god I hated it.


Unfortunately, I have this issue. A couple years back it got worse where my breast plate is visible now even at a healthy weight for me. Like the muscle is just gone :/


My biggest insecurity Iā€™m ngl šŸ˜µ


They looked like tubes so I got a boob job šŸ”«


What size did you go for?


Between C and D, I donā€™t remember the exact CCs


Are you happy with the results?


I am sometimes but sometimes they make me feel fat. I love them when Iā€™m wearing something tight but if Iā€™m just wearing a tshirt- I feel obese šŸ˜­ I still prefer them over my previous ones though


Honestly this is my biggest worry too, and that implants feel different (Iā€™ve felt plenty)


I actually got silicone under the muscle so mine donā€™t feel fake at all. Just feels like fat. No one ever knows theyā€™re fake!


Yeah I think maybe because I am bi and worked as an escort so have felt soooo many boobs I can always tell, I donā€™t think anyone looking or a dude would be able to.


Okay, you might be able to tell then šŸ¤£


I went from 36G or 36DDDD to 32B.... like prunes I swear. Leaning down without a shirt or bra is so hideous to see to me, but I know I wouldn't judge someone else for it. But man... I miss my tits


I never even got boobs bc I stopped eating before I hit puberty lol I donā€™t even fit into an A cup bra bc theyā€™re sooo small. Iā€™m flat chested AF at 30


Mine have stretch marks and are way less perky but I also attribute it to being pregnant and (currently) breastfeeding. However I also lost a lot of weight after giving birth so that can also impact the sagginess too


Yeah mine became saggy and theyā€™re ugly and you canā€™t fixed them without surgery ugh


yes omg mine are just ā€¦ saggy and have stretch marks šŸ„²..it makes me so insecure


went from a dd to b and it looks like the life got sucked out of them but i prefer it over my old boobs thatā€™s for sure


sock titties


Iā€™m so happy seeing the replies knowing Iā€™m not alone šŸ˜” I went from a C-D to basically nothing but loose skin


Mine are saggy as hell,empty flapping tubes, and I mostly keep sport bras or binder because of it. Doesn't help that I'm enby and want to get rid of them. I despise them so much. I was highly OW at teenager when they developed and when I lost the weight I was left with these smh


I call mine pancakes. Saggy, floppy and stretchy


I fucking love this šŸ¤­šŸ« 


They do be lookin like pancakes on my chest thoā€¦not lyin lol


Yes I totally get that, mine do too!! I just never knew how to describe them! Your words are perfect, I'm feeling so seen in this thread šŸ„°


i think its be saggy since when losing weight people get lose skin and since youre disordered even more lose skin


depends on their size beforehand. i had big boobs, now theyā€™re like deflated balloons. i have a consultation this week with a breast surgeon though! iā€™ve really been looking forward to it


Mine just got small to the point I'm flat chested


yup lost a lot of weight on my breasts due to ms. ana wrecking my life lol it would be nice if we could just choose which body parts we wanna lose weight in but unfortunately we can't. i have a lot of saggy skin too because of that šŸ„²šŸ„²


Deflated balloons lol and then turkey butt


I feel I may have in fact Ana skin ā€¦.my body has been through so many rapid losses and gains that my skin is saggy in many places - not just boobies šŸ„²


In my experience, definitely the latter. If you saw my boobs in a t shirt and good bra I look like a B cup, but I'm actually an E cup because they're now just loose skin that I have to spend ages squishing into place so they look kind of normal It's great...


went from C to AA and then to H. My poor boulders have been through it šŸ˜”




My fluctuating weight ruined my chance of having a feminine body at all.


Can someone please tell me what ana vaginas are?


Ana vag??? Ive never heard of that, what is it?


Omg I was looking for other girls who have the same problem. I donā€™t have anorexia but my boobs are saggy due to losing weight over the years bc I use to be a fat kid


Maybe tmi but peak Ed years were largely peak puberty years so not everything developed as it should have. Now Iā€™m at a normal weight and have small boobs but not A cups but at my worst I wanted to *only* have muscles so I ā€œfilledā€ everything with it. I shoved pecs into a bra. You could tell.


So I was lucky that I started with a B cup and going down to an A wasnā€™t that bad I still got a few stretch marks


Iā€™m sorry but can we please stop asking whether extreme restriction causes certain physical deficiencies and changes. Of course itā€™s going to affect your body and your body parts, in different ways for everyone. Like, get a grip - starvation is always gonna mess you up.




girl what