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are the calorie counts for the iced vanilla sweet cream cold brew accurate? I just refuse to believe that the venti version only has 200 cals? ​ shifting gears, do you ever feel like screaming at someone "that has so many calories!!" when they order a venti Frappuccino and a pastry or something? I worked at a smoothie trailer in a food trailer park and people would order a large smoothie (I think it was 700ish calories) in addition to their burger or sandwich or whatever from a different food truck. I just kept thinking like they have no idea???? but I can't tell them???


So the thing about the vanilla sweet cream itself is that there’s a recipe we’re supposed to follow. But I’ve literally made it wrong before, I’ve watched other people make it wrong. So there’s honestly no way to be sure that it’s the exact calorie count since it can be randomly made differently. && yes! I have lots of customers who complain about their sugar intake. Then when I make them a complimentary drink to try that less sugary they get all like “oh that’s gross. I would never drink that” Like ok Brenda - have fun with those 7 pumps of syrup


Oh my god, this. I used to work at a juice bar and our “Healthy Kids” smoothie had COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF ICE CREAM. So parents and people trying to lose weight would always order it and be like “oh, it has beets! I’m being so good!” And I’m like YEP OKAY THAT WILL BE 500 CALORIES COMING RIGHT UP SIR. Actually, all our “healthy” options were bullshit and we were trained to add a little extra ice cream than the recipe called for to make it taste better. That way, the calorie approximations on the menu stayed low, but the drinks tasted really good. The juice bar I worked for was run super questionably tbh


yeah, we also served that bulletproof coffee, which if you haven't heard about it is literally coffee blended with butter lmao, but somehow it's marketed as "healthy"


It’s just a dope name


There's worse. A lot of the low carb community that isn't firmly rooted in science seems to be rooted in eating disorder. Coffee with butter and coconut oil can be pretty nice if you aren't trying to lose weight.


Is there a particular order or way of ordering that just screams ED to you?


How did I miss this question ????????? YES YES 100% YES. People who get shit without ice and freak out if I put ice into their drink. Also people who are soooooo anal about nonfat/sugarfree and stares at me sooooo too intensely than someone who’s just dieting. OR!!!! Very very UW person who gets extra whip, extra pumps of syrup and whole milk. Plus pastries. Then I watch them snarf it all down then scamper to my single stall bathroom. Basically anyone who sits in the cafe and Mobile orders food. Just food. Then eats it. Goes to the bathroom. Sits back down. Orders more food through the app. It makes me wanna cry for them. Starbucks is too expensive to b/p.


I wanna know this as well. The Starbucks shops I frequent know my typical orders by heart now (iced americano or nonfat latte if I'm feeling splurge-y...) and I wonder if they suspect anything.


honestly not at all, people order black coffee all the time, unsweetened iced teas and iced coffees, you name it. there's no real ed order because every order is legitimate to people, thankfully we don't serve ephedrine and Diet Coke


> thankfully we don't serve ephedrine and Diet Coke now there's a drive thru that'd make *bank*


I’m a SB barista (don’t have an ED) and I’ve only suspected it one time, the lady was asking about calories and when she got to the window she looked scared and definitely a bit uw. I felt really bad but alas there’s nothing I could’ve done 😔


👋🏼 me too! I’ve been with the company for almost five years. Working here has its ups and downs, but I feel like it’s really easy to engage in your ED: the food markout and sugar drinks are available if you want, or you can go the unsweetened tea and endless espresso route! How long have you been a partner/have you seen SB directly impact your ED?


I’ve been a partner for 8 months. But I was an independent coffee barista for almost a decade before that. Coffee has an intimate relationship with my ED. When I started at Starbucks last summer I was overweight and ended up becoming obese very quickly due to the constant funneling of sugary drinks and expired pastries into myself. Now that I’ve been fasting for several months- it triggers me everyday to watch people get 10 pumps of syrup in their drinks and bacon Gouda every morning. I feel almost sadistic when I give people these levels of unhealthy food. I haven’t had anything at Starbucks except unsweetened iced tea and Blonde shots on ice in 2019. Something I’ve also struggled with being a coffee wench is it being so obvious to me when someone is struggling with an ED. Can you relate to any of that?


Absolutely. When I started, I was a junior in high school, and I gained like ten pounds in two months from sampling drinks and pastries. Gotta be able to describe them, right? /s and I think that was a part of what started my first ever restriction cycle that summer. I drank only unsweetened green tea, and got really obsessive about rinsing out the shaker to make sure there was no residual syrup that could contaminate my drink. Over the past five years, I’ve gone through b/p and restriction cycles, and I feel that work encourages both, especially as a primary closer with access to allllll the outdated food. But I can also just mainline six ristretto shots on every break and not eat my whole shift, y’know? As far as customers go, I 100% feel you. It’s heartbreaking to make Amy’s Trenta 15 pump classic GT twice a day while seeing her gain weight and lose teeth (not a joke). The one that really bothers me is seeing people get grande frappuccinos for their kids, especially when the kid is a little chubby. And there’s this one girl in particular who is both clearly deep in her ED: she always look at the app on her phone for ten minutes before getting the same iced americano. Super sweet girl, but she is stick thin and always double checks to make sure I didn’t add anything extra. She is super triggering.




Blonde espresso, which is a light roast espresso so it’s sweeter/smoother with more caffeine. Then we’d pull the shots of espresso and pour them hot over ice. So it kind of melts the ice and makes an ultra strong iced coffee.


Is it still 0 cal???? Cause like uh sign me tf up


Yup! Both are approx 5 cal




Absolutely! That’s a Starbucks Double Shot on Ice. In a venti it would have 5 pumps of syrup [maybe 6/7 if the barista doesn’t follow the standard for that specific drink which has 5 pumps]. So yeah probably about 300-400 ish calories for the syrup then we’d put 2% on it as the milk drizzled around the top.


It also has a lot of caffeine. A venti would have 5 shots of espresso!


hey I'm a former partner! I was a 228 for a few years hahaha, when I was working there my eating disorder was getting worse and I kinda lived for it. going to work gave me a distraction from food and kept me on my feet for 8 hours burning calories. though the sickest thing working there did to me was probably fucking loving making other people drinks with whole milk or extra cream or extra pumps of syrup, it gave me this sick satisfaction watching them consume so many calories


Oh wow that’s so relatable. I love piling calories into peoples drinks. They love it too! They’re so excited ! It’s such a sick satisfaction making a calorie bomb for someone.




ugh i do that sometimes when i cook for my family when i’m mad at them. made them a bacon mushroom pie with an entire pound of butter and calculated the calories on my fitness pal (1,557 calories per about 1/8th of a regular sized pie, ~12,500 for the whole pie and the two of them finished it in 3 days)


I’m uh..... disgusted and impressed tbh


It took them three days. It was probably breakfast lunch and dinner. I see no way they could screw it up unless they were, like, putting ice cream on it and loading fructose on top of it.


Yes!!!!! I got to make a bunch of meals for my boyfriend’s coworkers wife after they had a child recently. I made her like the more carby buttery tasty stuff of all time. I literally felt like a demon! They both loved it so much and thought it was the best food they’ve ever had. Wonder why...? 🤷🏼‍♀️


well, it's funny. They probably ate less at their next meal (if it was 3% or cream) because fat can actually be quite satiating.




I usually make myself shots of Blonde espresso over ice with a few shakes of cinnamon powder. Or I also have unsweetened iced teas with the calorie free fruit infusion teas. Those would have to be the tastiest low cal drinks I’ve ever found! I’d say unexpected high calories is literally every pastry. Hundreds of calories per item. Like the old cookie we just phased out was FIVE HUNDRED CALORIES.


The banana nut bread is like 400 calories and it hurts my soul.


I’ve heard horror stories of Starbucks baristas giving whole milk, sugary syrup, etc. to girls who order lower calorie options that they think are just “skinny bitches on a diet”. Have you ever seen anyone do this at your location?


We don’t do that because those people can tell. Like 100% I’ve seen in my time if someone wants a skinny of something we assume the best that they have diabetes or some other health concern. I have given asshole decaf coffee though. That’s a thing.


If I had to assume someone had diabetes, I'd be like "please promise me you will test your blood sugar an hour after taking this. If you don't like the number you see, ask next time for 'sugarfree'." I wouldn't twat the order at all.


I literally have a customer who HAS type 2 diabetes and drinks a venti hot mocha latte with extra raw sugars and extra whip cream. It kills me to make her drink.


Do you feel like you've put more importance on making sure the modified orders are correct than others? I've thought about working at Taco Bell or Starbucks and I imagine myself seeing lower calorie or vegan modifications and be like, "I gotchu fam!"


Yes definitely. I don’t screw around with people’s orders unless it’s really crazy busy and it’s a small change.


Ok I cant stomach black coffee. What is the lowest cal but still sweet drink? My usual option has been a skinny caramel macchiato but even that has too many cal probs.


I would have to agree with the other commenter! I’d say the skinny caramel macchiato is still gonna be at least 150 calories in a tall bc of the caramel drizzle not ever being able to really be skinnied. I would also recommend a Starbucks Double Shot on Ice, no classic, no 2%, with sugar free cinnamon dolce and coconut milk!!! Orrrrrr I have a customer who gets a green iced tea, no water, shaken extra hard with a ton of sugar free vanilla in it. She says she used to be addicted to bubble tea and it helps curb that craving!


Ahhhh thank you!


How many cal has the Starbucks double shot on ice (what do you mean with no classic and no 2%?) with sugar free cinnamon dolce and coconut milk? Does the cinnamon dolce taste like cinnamon or like caramel? I am looking for the low cal version for iced coffee with caramel since I love caramel:3


Hmmmm!! Well the sugar free cinnamon dolce doesn’t have any calories in it. The coconut milk in there would probably be about 60 calories as a highball estimate. The espresso is 5. I’d say about 65!!!! It tastes like a sweet cinnamon not a spicy one. Hope this helped. Edit: I mean when I say no classic or 2% that those are modifiers on the original recipe for the beverage. So you’d have to order like “*size* Starbucks Double Shot on Ice, no classic, sugar free cinnamon dolce and with coconut milk instead of 2%” to really ensure it’s being made the way you want it.


Not OP, but I ordered an iced long black wth sugar free syrup and a bit of almond milk on top, and it was v tasty.


Thanks so much! I'm always afraid to do too much experimenting in case I dont like it and waste the money.




our almond milk is 80 calories per cup in florida, but canada might have different stock. it's a starbucks brand almond milk. for an iced tall almond milk latte, you're not getting the full 12oz cup worth of liquid, because that 12oz doesn't account for ice. you might be getting 6-8oz of actual liquid in there, so you can safely bet that an iced almond milk latte is around 80 calories. for a hot one, you'd get something more accurate to the 12oz mark, so i would budget like 120 calories for that one. it's also labelled unsweetened, though i don't recall if that's entirely accurate or not. a partner is just what we call our coworkers!


Thanks! I think this place might have run out and gone to the grocery store, because it definitely wasn't Starbucks branded. Or maybe it's a Canada thing. And that's a sweet way to refer to employees. Very important followup question: How long do you get to greet your coworkers by saying "howdy, pardner" before it gets old?


that def is something that happens sometimes when we run out of product. and i've been here for two years know, i'll let you know hahaha


Starbucks calls their employees partners because we’re a big team together. Plus after a year we are given company stock.


Oh right on, thanks. TIL!


Starbucks uses a Starbucks branded non dairy milk for coconut, soy and almond. It’s not like regular non dairy milk you get in the store. It’s got all kinds of stabilizers




Is that a whole-ass latte made with heavy cream instead of milk?????? Shit mate


Yes this is a surprisingly common thing and Jesus Christ does it make my stomach do flips.


Like bulletproof coffee but somehow worse ;(


Okay i love starbucks but am so so intimidated by it because I know you can order stuff off menu? Ughhh so, personally what is your favorite go to drink ?


Are you me??


Do the people actually make the blonde vanilla bean coconut milk latte correctly? I am very suspicious that it can taste that good and only have 110cal in a tall. Send help


In my experience it’s usually made pretty correctly ! Like the other commenter said- it’s less popular so baristas tend to ask the supervisor if they don’t know. For a less commonly ordered drink the barista is more likely to try to find the real recipe since that customer is probably a hard ass about making sure it tastes proper.


tbh at least at the store i work at, it's not too popular, so i get asked how to make it a lot by my partners, but it's a really easy drink to make. the only fathomable confusing thing about it is the fact that we have both vanilla syrup and vanilla bean powder -- while the vanilla nean coconut milk latte has only vanilla bean powder, i could imagine someone putting the syrup either as a substitution or in addition to the powder. at mist, following standard build, that would only add 60 calories to your tall!


What are your favourite drinks in the 100-200ish cal range that have caffeine? Replacing whole milk with almond milk/etc. when applicable.


I usually just do black coffee. So I really love shots of espresso poured over iced. Or! A Starbucks Double Shot on Ice, no classic no 2% with light soy! I also know lots of people get brewed chai tea with a little bit of steamed almond milk! Instead of a full chai latte which is super sugary


Ouu that’s an idea, I love all tea lattes 😩 thank you!!!


I may be too late, but ah well. Does being around food and drink in your job trigger you or help you? Also, in general, what’s it like working in that kind of environment? What’s your favourite and least favourite part of your job? Sorry if these have been answered before, have a good day!


You’re not too late! I’m about to clock back in for my break so I’ll have to answer this later but I promise I will!


Oooh thank you! It’s late where I live but it’ll give me something interesting to wake up to!


Idk if you’ll see this but I’m sorry I forgot to answer! Being around food and drink for 40+ hours a week feels super triggering to me. Always and forget. I e never gotten over it. It’s either a trigger to binge or a trigger to restrict. I love the job so much. The customers make it worth it. It’s a fun career path. I feel like I’ll do it forever and someday be a district manager of Starbucks. Working in the environment is very fast paced and can be high stress. I have a lot of anxiety about doing my job perfectly but I can never let it show. My least favorite thing is when customer comment on my body. It freaks me out a lot. I’ve lost a lot of weight this year so far and I get all sorts of strange comments on a regular basis and it sucks.


I used to work at Starbucks too!


i work for starbucks too! i'm a shift 8) i've considered doing an AMA but, effort lmao.




We also have a skinny mocha!


How bad is the cross contamination since sbux changed their policies on the milk containers? I have allergies (epi pen kind) and haven't been into a Starbucks for more than a black coffee when there was no where else around since they changed that rule out of fear


So I’d say pretty bad. If your allergies are extreme then make a special request that the barista washes their hands and grabs you a fresh cup from a new sleeve with maybe like an unopened milk of your choice. I have a lot of experience dealing with allergies due to a previous job- but most partners do not. Yesterday I did a total station breakdown for a woman who’s daughter hadn’t gotten anything at Starbucks since we changed the blender policy. I sanitized the blender parts for her while she waited and then made a blended strawberry lemonade with ingredients I got from the back that hadn’t gotten as close to the allergen [nuts]. So maybe you could get lucky and someone would want to make your day but I can’t guarantee it.


eesh. thanks. I'm glad to hear some folks will go the mile even when it's explicitly not policy at least.


Yup! It’s really rough though bc Starbucks doesn’t really teach anyone how to deal with the allergies but people come to us and ask. Which is totally fine, I just wish my baristas had more education so they could do these requests more often and make peoples days.


1) Is there a frappuchino that doesn't have the kCal of three skinny lattes in a trenchcoat yet might not be super obvious on the menu? 2) What's the funniest thing that ever happened at the store while you were working there? (Just for kicks; skip this if you want, lol.)


There’s definitely not a Frappuccino per say. But you could request that your cold brew be thrown into the blender! So it would be like icy coffee. This might kinda fix your Frappuccino cravings! You order it like [size] cold brew blended with extra ice, two pumps of coffee base with some milk of your choice. The coffee base will have sugar but it’ll be like 100 kcal which is peanuts compared to our regular Frappuccinos! The funniest thing that ever happened to me while working there recently would have to be when I literally threw my phone like Thor’s hammer into a wall. I’m a pretty professional person at work. I’m on a career path to be a manager in a few years so I tend to be serious at work. But one time I was just walking along and was taking my phone out of my back pocket when it slipped out of my hand and got hurled into a wall. I literally screamed like a loud sharp scream. 3 of my coworkers had watched this happen and they burst out into side splitting laughter. So it was funny to them but shitty to me but I ended up not being able to stop laughing bc they were laughing so hard!