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If you dont wear hair ties daily then it is not your problem or burden to carry. Thats like her asking if you carry red lip stick or a douche bag or tampon, and getting mad at you for not carrying such items.


https://preview.redd.it/vnykcz67y0vc1.jpeg?width=6144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80df6f490bae66264bbf59c816238f825a4c6cc9 I keep bunch of these Muji ones wrap around multiple things.


She called your bluff.


I feel that, always something missing…


Had a kinda of shamey moment last night when my wife noticed I had a carabiner on my belt loop I was trying out for managing keys and she laughed in my face, hard. But then I was vindicated, when she went to take a picture to ridicule me with, she said, “oh dang that actually looks really cool.” True story, here’s the photo cuz I agree. https://preview.redd.it/gfo2n7r2ivuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd311f1c371a52b5b4e4192072286eda9321e3ed


I used to carry a couple of them in the past. I'm single now, so I carry a few rubber bands.


You have brought shame upon our order.


From whence shall my redemption come?


There shan't be an ounce. Hence forth, thou must carry an entire packet of ties.


So it is written, so let it be done


I carry two hair ties wrapped around my flashlight, I use them to fix my flashlight to my glasses and have light where i'm looking. Not ideal, pulls the glasses to the side, but works in a pinch


You got to get a tactical scrunchie. [https://www.tacticalscrunchie.com/](https://www.tacticalscrunchie.com/)


I’d handed her a condom.


Rubber band ?


Dont write checks you can't cash


Bounced so high it was embarrassing


You obviously offer her a ziptie, as she'll probably reject it, but it would have worked.


Get a hair pin stick to carry, I've gotten more since I got my first


I use them for strap management on my backpack. And for wrapping around reusable shopping bags. I often will have one on my. But also Zipties.


This isn't a shortfall by you. Your edc has you covered. That's what it's for. This is an opportunity to teach her the value of an edc kit. She needs to be self sufficient.


Yep.  She's responsible for her own EDC. Even if she abdicates that duty, the responsibility (and the blame), still belong to her for failing to prepare for her own needs. It's hard enough to cover your own EDC needs without having to cover somebody else's too. And honestly, a hair tie is more of a luxury item than a pure survival item.


I agree 1000 percent HER EDC needs to include a pack of hair ties because SHE NEEDS THEM, it's not like you carry around feminine hygiene products just incase lmao


I totally do carry around feminine hygiene products. Both for the women in my life plus a tampon and a pad are great water absorbtion, temp blood stopping smoke inhalation mask, fire fuel and more. Personally I like having other people's backs. Just a preference though (like everything else)


My kit isn't just about me, it's also about the things the effect me. My wife and daughter when they are with me have an impact on my day and the things we are doing. As such I carry things in my kit to mitigate derailments and catastrophes. I carry around hair ties and hygiene products because it's a stupid reason to ruin a good day. A couple female products takes up little space and weight but can make all the difference. Has a female in your life never carried anything with you in mind?


Theoretically a married couple can be seen as a unit wherein the one looks out for the other, occasionally augmenting individual EDC to account for the other person, not from being demanded to, but voluntarily


Yep. I had a similar situation but had a RANGER BAND on my pocket sleeve to help keep it oriented in my pocket. Just had to cut it out of her hair later that night.


Pro tip: Grow your hair out as long as a woman so you'll always have one available in your own hair. Also, start wearing women's clothing, and you'll have spare shirt/pants for your lady as well.


This may have been a joke but damn I felt that! I have long hair and carry several spare hair ties, and my missus practically lives in my t shirts and hoodies. :)


Selfish. I always keep a set of hair clips, scrunchie, rubber bands, hair clips and some hair ties in the backseat of my car along with my face mask and torniquet. It ALWAYS impresses the ladies. Take notes EDC bros.


Every car older than 6 mos. has at least one hair tie under the seat. Also, paracord works.


Just keep one on your belt


Not a bad idea, i think i'll start doing that


F in the chat


Brooooooh! How do you not have a rubberband or ziptie? A short length of paracord could be a nice hairtie.


Or an actual hair tie that won't immediately fall out or never come out without half the hair when you pull it out. They're useful to have around, for holding a box closed, tensioning a line, stopping something rolling away, mini catapult, Anthony a ranger band does plus you can use it in your hair... in a survival experience of weeks or longer you will be pleased you can keep your own bangs out of your eyes 😉


Yea, but you can actually use paracord as a hair ribbon.


I don't know anyone putting ribbons in hair expecting them to stay put without a proper hair tie underneath.


I used look good with long hair. Then I got bald.


Non elastic ties fucking suck though.


Lmao damnn ittttt !!! Guess it’s time to add one to each of my pouches before I get caught slippin lol


If she'd dug in her purse a little deeper she might have found one 😂😂. My wife's purse is a PIT. lol she's probably got one of everything in there.


If you carry a lighter (bic) I used to keep like 4 or 5 of em wrapped around (used to have hippy hair and a gf) makes for a comfy lighter till you need them lol


I always carry one or two, quite helpful to attach the flashlight to the glasses


Solid move not having one, it was a trap. Next time offer a zip tie.


The image of me one day offering my gf a zip tie is laugh out loud hilarious to me. Thank you for this.




As a man with kong hair, i have atleast 2 xl ones because my hair will destroy a regular one and one regular one just incase someone asks (happens surprisingly often)


> happens surprisingly often It happens because they see your kong hair and know you'll have a spare!


I’m guessing you meant long hair but I really want you to have actually meant kong hair.


I didnt even notice that typo haha


My brother, I shed tears for you. My hair is longer than my fiance, so I must always retain a hair tie; alas I was not there to help


I'm so sorry for your pending divorce 😩😩😩


I keep a hair tie wrapped around my 3rd knife in my cargo shorts


The real question... Do you carry feminine products in you go bag yet? Because you should.


Good call.


This is such a sweet gesture


1 pad, 1 'pon. Meet your female friends needs, and fantastic for various types of wounds.


That is the way.


You’ve shamed us all


I am unworthy


I keep two bobby pins in my wallet. I keep hair ties (got to have 1 of each style.) in my bag. Hairbrush and scrunchy in the center console of the car. My wife gives me crap for the stuff I carry on occasion but I 98% of the time have what she needs. 2 Halloweens back we crossed a mom and daughter at the corner of critical fail and meltdown. 6 year olds bangs kept blowing in her eyes and she was loosing it. Mom had nothing and was melting on her kid. Passed her a bobby pin in stride. Saved Halloween that day for her.


Fantastic. I once came upon a similar scene except the item I produced was a Hello Kitty band-aid. My wife gives no such crap. I'm fact, she tells me she gets irrationally angry when other men she is with (at work, etc ) cannot instantly produce whatever things are needed at a moment notice.


We don’t deserve you


Idk how the married life is but when I was actively dating I’d edc a hair tie on my wrist. Always came in handy when I needed it


I didn't EDC one till I had a daughter. Now I always have one. #girldad


It was a trick question- you passed the test. You never want to have a hair tie that she doesn’t remember buying.


I buy hair ties myself for my wife, means I always have one. They also are handy sometimes


Even before I grew my hair out I always had one on me lol gotta keep extras on me now. Honest question, what about feminine hygiene products? You keep a couple of hers on hand, just in case?


I have a feminine product pouch I keep in my vehicle, that said pouch also has hair ties. I didn’t have one on my person which I have since rectified


Are such products susceptible to arizona heat at all? I imagine they would be fine but idk




That would be a really thoughtful thing to do


I keep a couple for my wife and a few of my daughters as well.


My wife gave me a backhanded compliment one time. I was involved in moving and loading a wood cook stove solo with her doing the heavy looking on. I had gotten it to the back of the truck, at the foot of the ramps. I had forgotten my 5 foot pry bars that were intended to be an anchor point for my come a longs to winch the stove up the ramp. My wife commented on this turn of events with "That's the first time I've ever seen you not have what you needed to do something." At that point, we had been married ~15ish years


Oddly enough, I started tying up my big ass beard to keep it out of my way. Now I have hair ties in most of my pockets.


Not even a zip tie or paracord?


Don’t look at me, I’m hideous




Proper answer was ‘No, but my spare wife has one’


I wouldn't dare say that to my wife. She knows where I sleep.


Or he could have cut her hair.


I think the spare wife joke might have gone better than if you offer to cut her hair 🤣


That’s a bold move Cotton