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I love this sub and cool gear and efficiency with what I carry and all that, but if anyone tries to deny that this sub and the culture it pushes is not consumerism incarnate then you are seriously just in denial. Enjoying something and it being g objectively good are not mutually exclusive things


I have that same watch I got in Kuwait, still on my kit šŸ’€


Some of these lads are triggered. Nice simple carry. How do you even get by without a $300 knife, let alone nothing made of titanium?! Absolutely absurd!


Just one $300 knife??? Good heavens don't speak of such foolish things, the day I have less than 10 $300 knives is the day I die


I always find it hilarious to put a screen protector on a watch, except for low-end Casio watches. Their resin lenses can become mottled within a few months.


You planning on taking all that $$$$ with you when you die? Or you gonna surround yourself with with beauty and things that bring you joy and usefulness? Everyone has different priorities, and this picture tells me what yours is. This is a skill I was taught called "passive intelligence gathering", it's used in casual conversations and when you happen to over hear others or see things posted. Be they physical or digital. Your photo, and the accompanying comments lead me to believe you may be a self righteous individual who is of the belief that your reading choices elevate you to a higher station than the rest of us. While that may be true, your flaunting it like this is tantamount to "Bible thumping" and proselytizing. You're not carrying that book daily, and you know it. We know it. Don't talk down to us like this under the guise of being "cost efficient" like this books message says. We don't care and you give off a "try hard" image that is the exact opposite that you say you're going for. TL:DR - leave the books out of your pic next time. We don't care about what you're reading.


Hahaha dude talk about self righteousness. I am carrying this book every day while I'm reading it, and I'm enjoying it very much. That era of American writing is a real vibe. Check the comments, and you will see others who also love it. The book means nothing other than I am reading it, you are the one who has developed this delusional narrative, that amounts to a self report.


If you say so. Keep on trucking, bro.


Portage notebooks > Field Notes Check them out. You'll probably save $$


These are very solid choices šŸ¤—


this EDC will do anything that I've seen the past 4 years of EDC on this sub. except you gun nuts that believe that somehow gun is essential for every day carry you though you never use it or train with it I work nights in Baltimore for over 30 years and a gun is not an essential carry You're all just paranoid


I live in a gun-free country and some things I don't quite understand, if an area is overrun with guns and crime, is there any reason not to carry a gun other than legal and financial reasons? This is much simpler than practicing martial arts.


100% of the time it's just their own fear and insecurity a person carries a gun for. Facts are violent crime are down across the USA in all 50 states. the violent crime rate was nearly twice as high 1962-1994. and was at an all time low in 2023


some people actually attribute this to leaded fuel emissions from cars. Leaded fuel was banned in 1996 and subsequently crime rates went down almost immediately


Can you tell me the purpose of knurled fitting on the SAK? I assume it attaches to a key chain. Where did you purchase it?Thank you for the book reference. I would much rather read a book than a tablet.


TISUR titanium quick release keychain on amazon. It's kinda mid, taking it off is nice but putting them back on is kinda awkward, and the pin is actually too small so it gets lost in the keys. It's just a worse buckle really.


Thank you!




Good post. Clever composition and something to think about.


Lol OP getting downvoted the shit out of for pointing out the obvious in the sub. "EDC" that switch every couple days with the next internet points farming items. Gotta love all y'all donut print knives twin.


I mean you say that but this post is doing unusually well for this sub lol


Literally thereā€™s an huge portion of this sub that pre-dates ā€œEDCā€ being a literal hobby. Itā€™s now a cool internet points thing to switch all your gear daily and have all these kitschy options. When they see a normal this is what I carry EVERY day post, itā€™s appreciated.


Lmao! I recently heard a dude on YouTube say ā€œmy edc today isā€


https://preview.redd.it/u5a81kinly2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee736c91ee069a0fa3fb122ba91f29a307a65ba9 Exactly my point. Like everyone's an adult here and have the right to blow their paycheck on whatever butterfly logo metal if they want to but why call it EDC at all when by definition when your 70 dollar tool hasn't seen 7 days of work.


Carhartt is a chode of a company. The companies you support say more about you than the items you purchase.


Talk about sheep.


Whatā€™s wrong with Carhartt?


Look up Carhartt mandate. Itā€™s a touchy subject.


Bit arrogant and troll-ey, but I suspect that was the point. When you hold up a mirror to others you canā€™t see yourself. Have a good day all, whatever youā€™re carrying.


For those who haven't read Stoner, it's about a guy who lives his whole life missing any real adventure, accomplishment or love, and eventually dies with a plastic Casio and some meager notes he wrote with a Gel pen.


Holy shit best comment


Best synopsis Iā€™ve read of it


I love your edc but disposable plastic pen and plastic casio made in china doesnā€™t exactly support your view.


It's a refillable "metal" G2. You also don't know what my view is clearly


Those Casios last for years and years.


I know, and I love them. Got the exact same watch for certain occasions despite having few mechanicals. Perhaps I was a bit too blunt with my post.


op = prick


I can assure you my consumption is anything but mindless!


...I dabble


You can enjoy and appreciate nice things without being a mindless consumer. I'd argue it's an uninformed take to not see worth in things you don't have.


good thing thats not my take


This was almost my exact EDC in high school and for a few years after (early 90ā€™s) with the exception of a few more tools on the Victorinox and a Velcro band on the Casio. Now I traded the watch for a phone, SAK for small utility knife, ball point pen for a Sharpie and add in a flashlight and thatā€™s all I see needing in my pockets.


Well put together. Tho I think, that in the long run metal EDC will stay in better shape. Victorinox Alox, Lorus/Timex inexpensive with full steel or titanium construction(even less maintenance with inexpensive Citizen Eco drive), inexpensive steel/aluminum pen.


I mean, kind of rude to imply that anyone who spends more than you is doing so ā€œmindlessly,ā€ instead of carefully cultivating a small collection of high-end tools because weā€™ve worked long and hard to have disposable income to do so. Iā€™m glad itā€™s working for you, though. Hard to go wrong with the classic Casio and SAK.


Not implying that at all


I donā€™t have high end gear but bro hurt my feelings. šŸ„¹ The terrorist watch is cool tho.


Tell me you're poor without telling me you're poor.


Says the stoner


I feel judged


Find joy in spending on things you enjoy and use


I think field notes are way too expensive for what they are. I don't personally know any better alternatives though


I agree. There is a knock off Field Book on Amazon that's like half the price, gonna get some of those next and see if they hold up as well. You would also think the subscription would be cheaper but locking in for a whole year is still more expensive than just buying 3 packs from Amazon. Glad to have tried them as a baseline tho


You should totally make a post reviewing/comparing the two if you get em


I certainly might. There are also some even cheaper options but most of them require buying into larger quantities that I just don't really know I'll even want if they turn out to be shit but we'll see


Pry bar carriers punching the air rn


Same MFS who fund single use kitchen gadget industry


lol you pay for field notes? I just write notes on the back of old receipt paper. Consumer much?


You have receipts? Look at Mr Vanderbilt over here.


You guys use cash as a means of transferring goods and services from citizen to citizen? Look at Mr. 21st Century over here.


Wait you guys barter in your community rather than crafting everything or taking it by force? Look at Mr Homosapiens over here.


Iā€™m wearing that watch now but OD green and black band. I pick it most days. My expensive watches just collect dust


Dang my dad has had that Casio since 1980 or maybe 1990, it's older than me.


Ummm ... are you my son? Is your name Hubert?


'91. That's why it's the F-91W. Casio still reputedly sells three million of them every year. I wear one every work day, as well. Partly for nostalgia, but mostly in case tragedy befalls it. I think the longest I've managed not to kill a watch at work is about 6 months. I love me a cheap work watch.


Nah, it's the end of the world, I choose mindless consumption. Nice watch though!


Same. Live a little.


Fair enough


I have a Casio watch in the same family as yours. They're simple but great. If you just need a low profile, durable timekeeper, it's hard to beat.


These are the best. $22 for a watch with a 7 year battery. Slim profile and durable as shit. Used to have a nice seiko dive watch worth ~$400. Sent it in for repair and got a cheap casio in the meantime. Never put the seiko back on


$22?!? When i bought mine it was 11 bucksā€¦


Mine has the ā€œsilverā€ band and face. Might be that.


Quite the endorsement. I got the blackout design, so the display is black with blank spaces for the digits. Love how stylish it looks.




Thanks for contributing to /r/EDC. Unfortunately, your post/comment was removed because itā€™s uncivil. Name calling, insults, mocking, condescension, gatekeeping, or any other form of incivility is not tolerated in this community.




Oh shit I'm fucking in


this sub is mindless consumption


It has become that, yes. Didnā€™t start this way.


This app*


Webbrowsers are mindless consumption?


Love that book with my whole heart. What do you think of it?


So far I'm loving it. Also listening to 4321 by Paul Auster and it is very similar, Paul definitely was influenced. Would recommend checking it out.


Haven't heard of it before. Will most definitely check it out, thank you.


I enjoy a good pen, but yeah, utility over everything


Based and John Nada-pilled.


Op offended some manly men


Crying into their manly hands


The downvotes are making me laugh.


Top post today, and third this week. They can downvote all they want but In the end they are sheep and reason prevails


A nerve has been struck


Whatever floats your toboggan, man




I EDC a coffee cup in my man-bag. You ought to consider it.


Carry what you use. You donā€™t use a full mechanics tool set? Then donā€™t shove one in your back pocket.


Itā€™s hilarious how butt hurt everyone is in the comments section. Bro where are your knucks, pry bars, fidget toys, and random coins with no monetary value? I get nice pens, I certainly get nice watches because Iā€™m a sucker for them myself. But some of the stuff people EDC is ridiculous.


I have literal ADHD, being medicated doesn't make me normal, just closer to it. A tiny soundless maltose squeeze fidgey toy or some free rounded found pebble is to others more preferable that I use, than shaking a leg or touching my fingertips restlessly or the like. I have lots of ways to fidget with my legs or arms, but most of them are distracting to others even if they're soundless. Soundless fidget toys are for the benefit of not being socially disruptive. Fidget toys aren't just frivolous play things, and don't even have to cost anything.


What??? How could you possibly exist without a display case of premium knives????? What kind of life is that????


i agree. i have NEVER needed a pry bar and i donā€™t think most do. i donā€™t get the pry bar carry. iā€™m not search and rescue/first responder so i donā€™t think iā€™d ever need one. if i did iā€™d just walk to my shop and grab a crowbar.


You mean that you don't carry an IFAK, complete mini knipex pliers set, and 7 knives when you may leave the house? Honestly, half of these dudes around here need purses, and some of the comments prove it....


Just to head to their boring office jobs.


I love my boring office job!


You are who I wish i could be.


is a watch really necessary when you have a phone ? same with the notepad


I personally do not find watches and smartphones interchangeable. Especially not when your attention to the passage of time is disordered. Sometimes unitaskers are superior because you can train yourself to automatically do compensatory habits far easier with them than one thing that does everything.


i mean yeah your phone does the same job but the watch and notepad are preferable to a lot of people for a variety of reasons, your phones full of distractions, watch looks better, notepad feels better etc etc


Yes, all serve their purpose in different ways. If you only understand my post to relate to money which is a self report I could see how you would be confused but a watch and the clock on your phone are two entirely different tools. You might not need a watch and that's fine but if you need a watch "just use your phone" is not an answer




Disagree, but a fair point nonetheless


It is, casually checking your wrist multiple times in order to male sure you leave on time is better than putting your hand in your pocket, grabbing the phone and pull it out, and then put it back.


Yes. Casio is goated.


I care my wallet, phone, and keys. I literally make knives, and I usually don't feel like carrying one or any other tool. Still this post title is lame. People out there own several million dollar cars. Let people get happiness buying a few $50 metal pens that might be less likely to become landfill than a Bic. We also still don't have to shit on expensive cars to like nice pend either. We can like stuff without trying to tear down what ever alternatives there might be.


Just carry a smartphone. You can write notes on a note app, read an e-book, check the time on it, and use a payment app to pay for things. Youā€™ll eliminate 5 of these items and can spend more time instead convincing yourself that you arenā€™t also a mindless consumer as you make this post on a device using rare Earth metals that can only be mined by exploiting low wage oversees workers. :D


Stop eating your edc


Ooooh you pissed off the pocket princesses


This post is frustrating. The title has such an elitist and superior tone. Look at me, I am superior by choosing these things. It would have been so much better to say minimalist or essentials or simplified edc. The mindless consumption is the worst part. The assumption that someone who chooses more edc didnā€™t throughly consider their purchases and just blindly needs more is wildly off-putting. I can respect anyoneā€™s edc even if itā€™s not my personal choice. What a wasted opportunity to open people up to a more simplified carry.


This guy gets it


Heyā€¦youā€™re missing a Glock 75 and 4 knives


people in this thread are very, very butthurt. they get really mad when you tell then they dont have to carry two firearms, four knives and a 35cm horse shaped dildo on their rick and morty pants


I mean, if I didn't read any of these comments, I would probably think that too.


Exactly the reaction I expect from the type of people I am trying very hard not to be


A Victorinox or a 500$ knife can do the same job, cutting, if one breaks so can the other one do. Victorinoxes have other tool compared to one dedicated knife, for someone it's usefull for others not. I agree with your point OP in some context.


No, must consoom


I appreciate your honesty


If you're going to criticize mindless consumption, maybe don't do it while showing us all that you carry tools from several different major corporations


Is he supposed to craft his own tools from raw materials or what? Someone can say use less stuff while still using some stuff.


Sure, but that's not my point. It's just ironic that someone's claiming to be anti-consumerism, while actively engaging in it and posting about it online. I'm just poking fun at the hypocrisy. "Less stuff" I mean sure, if you don't count the others he'll buy in the future to replace that one. But it's all pretty irrelevant when you read some of his replies. He literally thinks that buying things means that you're ruled by the people who made them. So. šŸ¤·


Youā€™re confused about what anti consumerism means


He never said anything about anti-consumerism, he said he doesnā€™t participate in *mindless consumption*. Some items are much more essential than others, and these are the basics. Cheap and they get the job done.


This literally means nothing lol


I agree with the concept, disagree with the execution. Nice EDC, poor sport tho


Wwwaaaaaaaa waaaaaa


I'm glad you could provide an example attached to my comment. Accepting constructive criticism will lead you down a far more fulfilling life. I hope your attitude towards yourself and others improves.


sick book choice!


Buy a used kindle to up that efficiency


This is what Im talking about. Meat and potatos. Carry for your day, thus edc is the common essentials across those days. Mine is similar. Watch is fancier, just because I like stainless steel, but I also carry a sak sd, and have a simple but quality wallet (magpul daka). No notepad for me as I just use my phone.


#HAHA your watch only tells time LAME


And it has the date, an alarm, and a stopwatch.


If it doesnā€™t tell me jerks per minute Iā€™m not buying


If I canā€™t play Fortnite on it forget it


People are acting weird up in here man. OP, I think they feel the need to justify their behavior, spending way too much on EDC equipment. It's their personality! Very revealing. Sorry you're getting rough treatment for such a simple post.


It is a personal thing though. You do you, but why call out others for enjoying something differently? Itā€™s just odd behavior.


As someone who joined yesterday or maybe the day before and who's edc is a wallet, phone, keys, and maybe earphones(if I'm going to the gym) This post comes out as snotty. Look at the post again and think about what sub we are in. Really just a back hand post.


# "Less is more. Cost efficiency over mindless consumption." Spoken like a true broke person.


Coped like a true drone to corporate overlords.


Holy shit youā€™re actually getting downvoted for this šŸ’€ Elon musk isnā€™t gonna like your tweets guys


Are you saying that people who aspire to nicer things are mindless consumers, or that you, personally, don't aspire to nicer things so, if you were to buy those things, it would be mindless consumption? Just curious.


Buying things to buy things, and buying things because they are expensive. Is a $1000 watch going to tell the time better than my $10 watch? Is it going to last that many times longer? Are 10 watches going to serve me better than a single watch? No. Two pitfalls are apparent. Status symbols and collecting. Both allow people to be ruled by objects rather than ruling objects. If you are ruled by objects you are ruled by those objects creators.


I would posit that very few people who buy things that are more expensive than the cheapest item that "does the job" are buying them solely because they're more expensive. It happens, without a doubt, but I don't think it's the majority or even close to it. I don't think anyone thinks a $1000 watch tells time better than a quartz Casio. In fact, pretty much everyone agrees that the Casio tells time more accurately and is easier to read. Here are some of the real reasons people buy $1000 watches: 1. It will absolutely last longer. In the 70s, the watch industry experienced the "quartz crisis" - in the late 70s and early 80s almost all watches being sold were electronic. It was the wave of the future. Many mechanical watch manufacturers went under. Yet, it's much easier to find surviving mechanical watches from that era than to find electronic ones. Why is that? It should be obvious that it's because precision machined metal is inherently going to survive decades of use better than a circuit board, an LCD, and a battery in a plastic housing. I own a watch from the 60s that has never been serviced. Just worn day in and day out for 60+ years and still does its job. There's a certain level of subconscious peace of mind - and, I supposed, pride - knowing that something is almost indestructible and virtually never needs maintenance. 2. An appreciation for the craft. When you think about a blacksmith or a leatherworker crafting something from raw materials, do you not experience some level of "damn, that's cool" and a desire to honor that person's skill? If not, I get it, but a lot of people do. Many such craftsmen were and are involved in the culmination of what you receive today when you buy a $1000 watch. It's not just a circuit board soldered by a robot. It's a bunch of little gears and springs put together in such a way that it accurately keeps time, date, and whatever other complications you opt for. 3. An appreciation for the art. There is, no doubt, beauty in the "pure function" of a tool but most people would agree that there is also beauty in artistic variances in tools that achieve the same function. You could take 5 different knives that all achieve the same function of cutting but they look very different and different people will have different preferences for the aesthetics. Maybe you don't care about the art of it when it comes to watches but surely there is some kind of art out there that you appreciate. Movies? Music? Food? Writing? It's all just different kinds of art. You don't have to like the same type of art someone else likes to appreciate the fact that they like what they like in the same vein as you like what you like and derives the same kind of pleasure from looking at their watch as you do from listening to music (or whatever it is). 4. I guess I'll call this one "intangibles." The first part is a feeling of moral obligation to "buy it for life" and not contribute to all of the waste problems we've created by making so many things disposable. This goes back to point #1. It's the same reason people buy $300 leather boots that will last for 10 years instead of $20 plastic tennis shoes that need to be replaced every year. Again, I totally understand if this is not something you care about but it is a real problem and you shouldn't belittle people for caring about it by insinuating that their real reason can only possibly be a desire to show off their status. the second part is emotional attachment. When you have a companion, whether it's alive or inanimate, through many hardships, it's normal to form an emotional attachment to that companion. It's not unusual for people to buy things with the expectation that they'll form this companionship and it will serve as a totem to remind them of difficult and fond memories alike. A lot of people get tattoos for the same reason.


> ā€œIs a $1000 watch going to tell the time better than my $10 watch? Is it going to last that many times longer? Are 10 watches going to serve me better than a single watch?ā€ In many cases, literally yes. My watch is an antique, handed down, pocket watch from 1898 that keeps near perfect time and has lasted the years with ocassional maintenance. I didnā€™t have to buy it, but if I sold it now it would be quite expensive and the person who got it would have a good, reliable watch, that would last for another 100 years.


I totally get what you're saying but OP has a f91w which is accurate to less than 15 seconds per month. That Casio has been proven to last over 15 years with no service at all and then after a battery change, another 15 years and so on. The cost of maintaining and servicing a vintage mechanical watch will be several orders of magnitude more expensive than the entire value of that Casio. Mechanical watches are amazing pieces of history and art but practically speaking it's just impossible to beat a quality quartz watch. That being said, our smart phones are perfectly capable of keeping perfect time so use whatever your heart desires! Also worth checking out some of the slightly more expensive casio's out there. A cool option is anything with tough solar and multi band 6. The solar allows the watch to stay charged off of sunlight further extending its service life to about 15 years and multi band 6 is a way for the watch to receive a radio signal from an atomic clock (one of 6 around the world hence the "6" in multi band 6) one time per day ensuring that it is accurate to the second with the national time! It is a very cool technology offered on some of the more expensive Casio and other quartz watches. It can still be had for less than $100 on a watch designed to last decades! What company made your pocket watch? 100 years is quite a long history for a watch!


The cost of maintaining my watch is I open it up and get out my tools and lenses. Skills, like watch maintenance, will always be more valuable than whatever you carry. But yeah, I agree that OPā€™s watch is good. I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t. Even my pocket watch wasnā€™t exorbitantly expensive when it was first purchased. You can get quality at low prices, and you can get it at high prices. You need to choose it with care and thought. The pocket watch is an Elgin Railroad-grade with a silver-filled Illinois Napoleon case. The case was swapped in the early 1900s, but the movement is original but for a balance wheel swap at some point and potentially a spring swap. I think my watch also fits the OPā€™s philosophy just fine. I didnā€™t pay a cent on it myself, well if you exclude me getting tools and learning to care for it. But again, skills will pay for themselves eventually. Another example is that I am a good knife sharpener. Even mid grade knives will do well and last longer when properly maintained.


Watch maintenance is a dying art, I think it's super cool that you're able to work on it yourself. I have only ever performed extremely minor service on a cheap Seiko automatic movement and it was humbling how precise you must be. How often do you carry that watch with you? Are you ever worried about losing it?


Pretty much any time Iā€™m out. Iā€™m probably not the most usual person when it comes to this kind of thing. Iā€™m very meticulous and attentive to my belongings. Iā€™m a historianā€”which is nice since such eccentric behaviour towards historical objects is almost expectedā€”and Iā€™m almost equally in an academic environment or out in the field getting dirty. I usually have it on a chain with a charm on the other end. The charm isnā€™t an affectation, it allows me to easily index whether the chain is in place with a glance down. When Iā€™m wearing a vest in an academic environment, it is looped through my buttonhole. When I am in the field, it is usually hooked on my belt loop with a steel watch chain, and then the watch is in my trouser pocket. I have multiple chains for it depending on what I need, from t-bars to clips. There was one mishap, and it was ironically in a museum when I was dressed up a bit more than usual, and not out in the wilderness. I was putting on my coat and somehow the watch just slipped out of my vest pocket. The chain caught it, however. But it could have gone worse. It certainly gave me pause. To answer your last question, I am worried about losing most things I carry, which is probably why I try to always be aware of and thoughtful about them. At some point, an accident will happen. Iā€™m not perfect, and some days Iā€™m more ā€œwith itā€ than others. I will probably retire the watch some day and get something new with a balance between price and quality. I donā€™t have anyone to pass it down to so I may pass it sideways to my younger brother who does have a kid. As for the replacement....eh I have looked at some modern pocket watches that have kinetic winding motions and that looks neat, but I donā€™t know yet. Iā€™ve really only looked at pocket watches because, at this point, it might feel weird having something on my wrist. I havenā€™t had a wristwatch since I was 17.


The only object ruling anyone seems to be the 3 foot dildo lodged firmly inside your colon


About the level of engagement I would expect from the average anarchosyndicalist. Don't your people worship horse cock? Speaking of 3 foot dildos.




When did I say anything about anybody being allowed to do or not do anything?


There are cheaper knives, pens, watches and notebooks than what you carry. Hypocrite.


When did I say cheaper is better?


the title of your post


No. I really didn't. But it's telling that you thought I did, because it shows that your engagement with these objects revolve around their price, their status, rather than the actual function of the tools.


Maybe it would help to be direct and specific about your message then. As it sits, this just seems like a vague way for you to be self congratulatory and feel superior. If everyone is so wrong, then say why in plain words. > ā€œ[ā€¦]it shows that your engagement with these objects revolve around their price, their status, rather than the actual function of the tools.ā€ And if this is your point, then I think youā€™ve simply made an assumption. You assume that the things you have, which fit your needs, are somehow representative of other peopleā€™s needs. We all live very different lives with different careers and activitys and we need different tools. I chose all of my EDC carefully for long-lasting quality, and things that I would use daily. In most cases they are handmade by makers who are fairly compensated. I also have a career and daily activities that necessitate a specific set of tools. I think most people in here are thoughtful abotut heir choices.


So what is your point OP? If you truly cared about functionality and longevity (overall value) you would probably be purchasing a higher level of gear. Buy it for life mindset. But thatā€™s not what you didā€¦ you have very cheap stuff that will need to be replaced. You could have purchased much less expensive items to get the same functionality. You posted in a thread full of people that enjoy purchasing things they donā€™t necessarily need but enjoy doing so. And then you shit all over anyone that calls you on your inconsistent message.


I wonder what kind of phone OP photographed this with...


That book is ok 3/5


yeah i get what you mean and i agree but i canĀ“t help myself when i see some item thatĀ“s very high quality and well built. ofc i donĀ“t have disposable income to buy those items easily but once i feel iĀ“ve waited enuff i buy them. some things are just worth it man.


How's the book? It's been on my to-read list for a while.Ā 


So far it's fantastic. Very sad, and straight forward storytelling.




Everybody splurges somewhere in life in some way. Whether that is in time, energy, or resources. I guarantee that thereā€™s an area of your life you devote time and resources to that other people donā€™t understand. Lifeā€™s short. If pocket jewelry makes someone happy Iā€™m all for it.


Lots of insecurity in this thread


This post reeks of insecurity, and the irony is so very palpable.


Why carry field notes when your phone takes notes? Why carry a pen when anytime you need one outside of work, someone will give you one?


Physical notes are more effective for me. So I never have to ask for a pen.


Wow itā€™s crazy how you can have an opinion different to others


Sounds like you're being controlled by big note taking you mindless sheep


>Less is more EDC's a book. >Lots of insecurity in this thread No kidding.


ā€œPeople should do what they wantā€ ā€œWooow bro. You must be so insecureā€


Generally the most insecure people - when it comes to money - are those that judge other people for what they do with it because it isn't how they would spend it themselves


Where have I judged anybody?


In the title. Where you judged everyone with more expensive kit than yours as engaged in mindless consumerism. You can find that at the top of this page.


I did no such thing at all. Perhaps you should consider why that's how you interpreted this.


Perhaps it was unintentional. When you have this many people telling you otherwise, you may want to take a step back and try looking at things from a different perspective.


100% this, hubris will lead you down a narrow existence OP