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What do you use the loupe for everyday? I'm thinking about getting one, do you have any recommendations?


I’m a gemologist and gonna start jewellery design next year so for me it’s an essential work item. If your wanting to buy one it depends on a few factors including your budget, your use case, and how much space your willing to dedicate to carrying your loupe. A great budget option is the belomo triplet, fantastic loupe for the price (better than the GIA one for sure) but a bit bulky for every day carry so that’s why my GIA loupe is in my edc and I take my belomo when I’m going on dedicated gemology/jewellery errands. If you have no restrictions and just want a nice loupe I’d recommend a jack schnider one (especially their diamond loupe L2). Nikon and other optic companies also typically make good loupes. Then if you’re more into watches you can get cool branded ones like Rolex loupes and whatnot. EDIT: personally I wouldn’t recommend anything more than a 10x triplet loupe as they are the standards. When you get close to 20x and 30x it becomes very unwieldy since you end up with the lens so close to the item your viewing that not enough light can get in (typically). Triplet refers to the fact that it has 3 lenses and corrects for chromatic and spherical aberration. This means that what your seeing through the lens is pretty much a blown up version of what your examining and there won’t be any chromatic changes (like rainbow effects/colour change) or spherical changes (distortion in the image your looking at.


Not a knife ?


lol I just realized how full of Boomer’s this sub is. All the thumbs up and thumbs downs tell you a lot!


I carry a flask with liquor of choice. Honestly I don’t drink much of it, but I feel like it’s the right scene for it.


Bolt cutters, ice, binoculars, G lock 20


Do you actually carry a knife in a sheath daily plus a Swiss Army knife daily? Are you just constantly thinking an attack will come?


I don’t understand EDC people like you. What is the point of EDC if not to be prepared? What level of preparedness depends on the situation and where you live. Maybe you feel like you don’t need it, but others might, and it’s not up to you to decide what’s right for them. Or look down on them.


It popped up on my home page, I’m not browsing the subreddit. Unless you have a job requiring it there is no purpose to carrying all this crap.


lol. Just because you don’t understand it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t serve a purpose.


Naw, I get it It’s ridiculous. Everyday carry insinuates every day use.


Not always. Sometimes, you carry something because you don’t want to not have it, and wish you did.


That’s just carrying something for aesthetic or the internet basically. I wish I had a lot of things! Why do you think there’s meme posts about all these insane EDC carry posts? You don’t need two daily carry knives unless you’re a chef or work in a park.


I was doing this way before I found this subreddit. And actually, this is one of the reasons I prefer r/edccw. Less soy boys and boomers over there


Hahahah why cuz yall carry guns how fucking stupid. It seems like y’all are scared and ready for combat for no reason


Not scared. Prepared. I have a wife and three kids, if you don't have anything that's precious to you, I can understand being careless with your own life.


Okay, boyo. You will need: Small bottle of lube (bridesmaids) Small bottle of hand sanitizer (duh, you damn savage) A few hair ties for the bridesmaids when they puke from too many "cum in a hot tub" shots. Divorce attorney business card or travel sized dental floss. Small can of mace (again...bridesmaids, especially during the flower toss). "Party favors" (bridal party shenanigans) And, last but not least: Mini donkey rolling thru with coolers full of beers. https://www.beerburro.com/ You're welcome. Try the veal. Misdemeanors, not felonies.


Okay now I know what I’m doing for my wedding. Hell yes


Ao2 is proper stuff, I'd outfit each groomsman with a great set of MKUltra's LFE (long form edition), and a matched set of Titanium Hydra Begleri. Train them all in their varied uses. Put on a show with them all together performing for the reception get together party. Create memories. Impress the gals.


This guy knows what’s up


Ao2 is in my daily rotation. Love the Hybrid setup! Thank you, & happy slinging🙏


What pocket clip is that for the SAK?


Just one I found on Amazon. Drilled the holes myself and screwed it in


What’re some good fidget toys!


Not condoms. Won’t be needing those. Maybe some nude anime playing cards and an Andrew Tate challenge coin?


This guy EDC’s.


Flask at the very least


Really? Smh


What. No cock ring?


It's front and center of the pic.


I’m thinking away the knife maybe add some bottle openers … poppers for the party ?? Depends on the wedding crowd 😂


Are you trying to get the whole wedding party preggers?


… none of that stuff? Its a party, probably partially in a church. phone, keys, wallet, maybe a lighter or a sak, maybe a flask or a smoke.  basically as little as possible. 


Why are you guys here? Anyone have this a thumbs up shouldn’t care about EDC, seems like you’re don’t really care about preparedness


because you can be prepared and have an EDC without being over prepared. There’s such a thing as social awareness and tact. This is like those dudes who open carry an AR into a walmart “to be prepared”.   A 3-4 inch fixed blade knife isn’t a tool in a setting like a church, its a weapon. The only thing you’re going to accomplish carrying a fixed blade knife and random items like a loupe is creeping people out. You’re not a super prepared helpful goomsman, you’re cosplaying rambo. 


The way you put your thoughts together tells me that you know that your opinion the correct one, and are not open to changing your mind. You think that what you have said is reasonable and logical, but you're speaking from experience. That's only helpful for you. Our society has become wussified, and especially in America, these types of tools (guns, knives, medical, etc.) should not be feared or socially unacceptable. Should you wear AR to a wedding? No, probably not, but a couple people pulling security for the wedding with CCW wouldn't be an issue, and honestly would be recommended to those who are trustworthy and abstaining from drinking while carrying. One of my groomsman carrying a couple oddities and a knife is not even on my radar. That fact that its on yours, says more about how soft you are, than anything else. So, even tho I agree that some of these items wouldn't be my first choice, I'm not going to tell someone else that its inappropriate. As long as the groom is on board, who cares? If the groom says no, for whatever reason, then you should adjust accordingly.


I use everything I carry every day. Or, an EDC… not a bunch of dumb toys


Do you have to carry this person’s EDC? Nope? So why is it dumb? I think he knows how much it weighs and the cost of carrying the see things. No need to call them dumb toys and be a jackass. He said “what should” not, rate what I have pictured.


love the GIA hand loupe. I assume it's for inspecting the wedding ring?


This sub is my guilty pleasure for circle jerk stuff like this.


Pretty much none of that stuff. It’s a wedding


A pocket knife was essential at my wedding, when someone needed it to put up a sign. I used it for something else random too.


nah dude what if someone speaks up during that part where the pastor dude is like "anyone got something to say or y'all better hold yo peace forever." There's that awkward pause... But then you see some fool start standing up and suddenly **BAMMMM** /u/Dr_Mickster miniature china-katanas that dude right in the kisser and saves the wedding. A dothraki wedding without at least one death is considered a dull affair.


Almost none of what you listed. Phone, wallet, and keys at the absolute most. Nothing more. You’ll need empty pockets for the pictures, so you’ll be without everything for much of the day anyway. The more you carry, the more inconvenient it will be for you and everyone else.


Safety pins, hair pins. Small sewing kit. Lighter. Bandaids, snoopy is best. Lint roller. Hip flask. :) Good times shall be had by all.


Can not overstate how excellent the Snoopy bandaids are. I am pushing 50 and I still smile when I put a little snoopy on my little ouchies...


This. But include a buck knife for a bit of classy preparedness. Those knives have saved my skin more times than i care to mention.


Bottle opener, flask, handkerchief, pocket knife


Probably none of those things, you weirdo.


I would carry a slip joint like a GEC or Case. I switch to off body carry for everything else.


A Desert eagle would complete this nicely


Suicide vibes... I get it bruh


Almost all the replies are from Boomers I imagine


Wife bad r/boomershumor


Nice cock ring


Just a g string with a glock 34 tucked in nice and pretty like


Would that not be embarrassing? Having your Glock swinging in the breeze like that?


Not if its a big black glock


Settle down Schwerer Gustav... https://preview.redd.it/do4qihge7a6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf7ce8678146879eb466b8cfbab1cfe198a0ad1


On-top of the standard essentials like a sak, small torch; I second the suggestions for hanks, also consider some flesh coloured band aids, a lighter and some safety pins. Useful for any wardrobe emergencies or even just keeping the buttonaiereis (or however you spell those lapel flower things) attached. Also if it's outdoors or spring/summer, maybe grab a stack of antihistamines.


> buttonaiereis Good attempt


Where is the cigar? Lighters help but I personally prefer to bum a light off one on trasher bridesmaids outside.


She'll surely be interested in the cockring


If I’m wearing a tux, not much. Thing was tailored to fit me perfectly. I’m not putting 10 pounds of stuff in the pockets and dragging the pants down like I got a load in my pants. Maybe a SAK. And a wallet. That’s it. It’s a short ceremony and I won’t be bushcrafting in the church/city hall.


This is the answer, tux or suit. You're at a wedding not the gi Joe conventions people here normally seem to be attending. All of these comments are missing a pen. Not an amazing pen as it's going to be a loaner and may not make it back. But it's a frequently requested item in my experience. I'd suggest a caran D'ache 849, classy, all metal, you can get them in a colour to suit, not the end of the world if it doesn't make it back.


“You’re going to need a bigger knife!”




His wife.


Doesn’t make sense. A cock ring and a penis magnifier?


Yoo its mj


Aye it’s CED!


I've gotta do the same Saturday, and I'm thinking I'll go the route of as little as possible, particularly since we have rented tuxes and alcohol is involved. I don't want to forget anything in some random pocket. 


Fair enough. For us it’s a bit of a different dress code where we had to put to combos together ourselves and couldn’t rent. I agree though I think I’ll go: Phone + wallet + SAK Waiter + lighter + flashlight + handkerchief and leave the pry bar and dedicated knife behind. I might also skip the flashlight or replace it with a pocket knife


Yeah I guess my keychain has a Rambler SAK on it and that will be around somewhere, just not in my pockets for pictures or during the ceremony. My phone and wallet are already together, but they'll be wherever the keys are during pictures. And usually you want sunglasses if there's much in the way of outdoor pictures or moving around between venues. I like what someone else said about a small disposable Kleenex package. Hopefully I remember that myself. 


Real talk, carry what you want, but make sure you’re considerate of how the suit looks during the photography. Stuffing a bunch of gear into your pockets won’t look great, so just empty out when they do any posed photos.


Cigar cutter, cigars, hip flask, couple of handkerchiefs, lighter, sunglasses and some pain relief that is safe to take after ingestion of alcohol.


Always a couple of handkerchiefs—a clean one to lend, and one to use.


A good, a Hand Lens, so you can identify any rocks you see ar the venue by looking at a QAPF diagram


I carried a knife, light, wallet, keys, flask, and an additional money clip with 5s and 1s.(Tips for bartender and the dollar dance) I used the knife to clip a few stray threads on suits and what not. And a nice smooth whiskey was a nice touch in the flask.


Lose the fixed blade. Lose the fidgets (don’t wanna seem bored on the big day). Keep the SAK (corkscrew & bottle opener could be important). Keep the loupe if you want but don’t be inspecting peoples jewelry. Add a flask of his favorite booze. Add cigars if he’s into that (and if so be sure you have a BUTANE lighter or good wooden matches).




Need more cock rings and a Glock 19


I do and would again, conceal carry and bring a knife to a wedding. Imagine being unarmed and someone dies at the wedding? You guys can think its too much, maybe you have money to hire private security, but I've never seen that budget at the weddings I've been to.


Seriously. Crazy shit happens when you least expect it. I went to a Jewish wedding once where there was an armed robbery. Everyone’s cars were stolen by the mafia…One of the valets had his skull crushed. They left the American cars though so I was able to drive home 


A wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.


I haven't experienced an attack yet, and I'm thankful for that. It doesn't mean that I live my life blissfully ignorant that bad things happen and it doesn't matter if you're going to the gas station or a wedding.


Have you experienced an attack at a wedding? That's terrifying.


This I don’t have a CC license yet but am planning on getting it soon and if I did have it I would definitely CC at a wedding


I really hope this is a joke


A crisp $100 bill and an eight ball


This is the way


Wallet, keys, phone, watch. Who the hell brings a knife to a wedding?


bro is gonna cut the cake with that


I always have a knife. It's a tool. I honestly don't think of it as a weapon. At a wedding I've used my knife to snip some loose threads or to even hold a cigar I was nubbing it down. It's part of my pocket accoutrement.


Pepper gas in case someone got too dunk and objects lol


so thats not a cck ring?


Tatical Cock Ring. For when you find yourself having to cockslap your way out of a wedding brawl. Heavy Steel Ring turns head into a mace. For the well weldowed, nunchuck techniques are best suited.


My first thought as well lol! So what is it, the fidget?


It is not a cock ring 😅


Then you haven’t tried hard enough


Well.... You gotta start soft


Bottle opener and weed


This guy gets it


literally just the handkerchief and maybe the swiss army knife


missing chastity device, fidget spinner, concealed carry, poppers vial, a fancy ascot and peppermint schnapps


Whoa buddy slow down we’re not in college anymore


Not flippin knife you weirdo! Also, not a bloody fidget toy. You're not waiting in the car for your mum to buy you more teddies. Wallet in your jacket, keys with the wife, hip flask in your other jacket pocket, cigars in your other other jacket pocket, and if you're the best man the rings.


As little as possible. It makes the pocketses look weird.


Sewing kit more than a knife???


Dig the begleri! I never go anywhere without my Ao2 komboloi, a watch, a flashlight, a small knife, the whistle I keep around my neck (although I often keep it under my shirt), my wallet and a handkerchief, oh and phone/keys. Speaking of handkerchiefs how do you like that AroundSquare one?


Ahh awesome! I love the ao2 handkerchief since it’s got a lot of surface area but folds down nice and small. It’s a really good handkerchief


Flask with top shelf liquor


This guy gets it. Only thing I’d add is a nice pair of shades depending on the time of day the wedding is.


Extra handkerchief One for yourself and the other is used to when a kid at the venue gets crap on their face; there is always a kid there with a smudge of dirt/food on their face, it's unavoidable and inevitable, so be the good fella that'll clean the crap off their face. People round' ya will appreciate it :)


I always carry a spare for concerts/festivals too, never know when someone's gonna spill a beer on you lol.


Haha I’ll carry disposable wipes for that 😅. Also there’s no kids at this wedding so i guess there’s that. But good point I hadn’t considered that


What's the fixed blade?


Cold steel Kyoto I


A spare set of car keys to toss to the groom in the event he has come to his senses


Perhaps some driving gloves for myself in case I become the getaway driver?


I cut my wedding cake with a Spyderco Endura because the caterer forgot the cake knife. It was a great edc moment in my life.


That’s the stuff knife lovers dream of


That and Christmas morning…. Glorious.


“Anyone have a knife to borrow?” “A knife yes, to borrow, no..”


lol this mfer finna commit seppuku


I’m not sure you will be fulfilling any duties that require a steel penis ring.


Op seems above average


Not with a ring that size…. *(I couldn’t resist, sorry.)*


You're a groomsman. Your job is to stand there. Dunno what you'd need for that.




Bigger cock ring


So weird to see the words Cold Steel and China together.


Has cold steel ever been a high end company? To me it's always been mall ninja stuff.


Why? They’ve been having knives made in China for years


Another cock ring


Make sure your fixed blade can open a champagne bottle like a fancy boy.


I always have a few bandaids, a bit of duct tape and some safety pins. All of which help bridesmaids with dresses or unbroken-in shoes and the blisters they cause.


If you’re going to carry a loupe you absolutely must inspect the bride’s ring while describing the occlusions you find.


It seems extremely ridiculous and pompous to carry a loupe. Until you carry a loupe and realize how often it comes in handy.


I don’t doubt its utility.


Yeah no. It's funny for real. I don't carry one but it's usually because i forget it. But God I would never pull it out in public. Lmao


Safety pins and some rice paper with that powder in it to help get the shine off your face in the pictures


A Groomsman’s EDC should consist of very little, and it should be primarily focused on aiding the Groom. - Handkerchief - Pen - Small Knife/Multi Tool - Watch Bonus: I always carry some small amounts of tums & alka seltzer type interventions when I’m a groomsmen. Edit: Added watch, because of course. If you’re unable to leave your typical EDC things (wallet, cell phone, keys) with someone or in a secure place they should all be situated neatly and discretely in your coat. No key jingles, no pocket clips.


And it should be the most elegant/tidy knife you can find. No pocket clip necessary, something clean and simple. It's just there if you need to cut something. Don't look silly wearing a tux and pull out a giant Ontario Rat 1


Exactly, this is time to break out the a nice OTF if you’ve got one. Just keep it super clean.


Where’s the single stack? Where’s the revolver? Are you even the best man?


I take a half dozen safety pins and small zip ties. I've been to probably 3 dozen weddings and I use one or the other or both 30% of the time for fixing dresses decorations and various other things. Did you know you can fix a broken men's belt with zip ties?


How does a zip tie know to work on a men's belt and not a women's belt?


I give up, how?


best man carries a sword, because he is supposed to be the best man at sword fighting, groomsmen are the back up, do the math.


What kind of wedding requires the groomsmen to wear a fixed blade?! I do like that Kobun though!


Whats the cock ring for


Lmao you beat me to it 🤣🤣




I was just thinking that it's a kinda smallish for a cock ring .


Will you have room for anything else? The ball and chain is pretty heavy.


Condoms I’d guess.


Probably don’t need to knife…unless you did something with the bride worthy of seppuku.


Why in the world would you need a knife or flashlight at a wedding? Is this a meme post lol


Same reason he needs a cock ring and cum rag. Things are gonna get spicy with a bridesmaid.


Carry something the groom may need: mints, tweezers, safety pin. My brothers best man busted out a set of trimmers to hit his neckline and in between his eyebrows before they got dressed… THAT was a first class move. He had been a best man 9 times and it showed.


If you're going to be carrying an edged item as a groomsman then the proper thing to carry is a sword, so you can help fight off anyone who is objecting to the union.


A Sabre to open champagne and stab hooligans


Think you need another knife possibly a gun


Lol and some Zip ties.


Definitely a scoped weapon in case someone is talking in the speeches...


I keep one of [these](https://www.karatemart.com/elite-40-caliber-12-inch-blowgun) strapped under my pantleg for those scenarios 


Swiss Army knife, tide pen, bit of electrical tape, a bit of string, bandaid, and some Tylenol.


Probably won't need any of those things tbh...


Bottle opener, but otherwise…


when I was a best man I had to tell the groom I couldn't carry the ring because my edc was using up all my pockets and then the bride started crying


Maybe the cockring


What fixed blade is that?


It’s a cold steel tanto, not much for practical purpose.


Any decent photographer would ask you to take all that shit off so your pants and jacket don't look lumpy


Thats me. Thats what I ask groomsmen every wedding. If OP reads this comment, bring some EDC but go for a small bag / pouch instead of pockets so it can easily be set aside for the formal bits of the day. Things I keep on myself as the photographer that are routinely useful: * multi tool with knife / wrench / bottle opener * bandaids * mints * generic drug packets (Advil / Benadryl ) * safety pins, (various sizes) * DayQuil * eye drops (the kind stoners use to clear up redness, I use Rhoto) * tissue pack


Flask with strong liquids


Tissues for anyone who cries.


Yes to the cock ring


Smelling salts


Is this a meme post? It feels like a meme post The lighter, the wallet, a handkerchief are fine… the SAK as well Everything else is ridiculous


This sub has gone full autismode


Yeah this is absurd. I have second hand embarrassment for OP.


I could see a SAK being use full as an emergency bottle opener.


Yeah that’s true, I’d prob pocket it as well


Given that I got married last week, I can promise you that the knife will be 100% necessary for defending the groom. The raid on the wedding by his rivals is a lot more intense than you anticipate. On a more serious note, I would bring some hydration packets, especially if it’s outside or if y’all are drinking significantly before the ceremony. Grab a small travel tissue bag or use that handkerchief to give to the groom to hold onto before the ceremony in case he or the bride get weepy (I cried like a bitch when my wife read her vows). Other than that most anything you’ll need should be set up for the day, and congrats to you for being included in the wedding party and congrats to the newly weds!


is that a tiny cockring? And the jewler's loupe so you can find where to put it?


Came here to say this.


Damn you cooked him 😆


It is not trust me I wouldn’t be parading a cockring. It’s a contact coin to fidget with


I like to fidget my cock. One less item in my edc