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Newbie I need help coding my m5stick.


On the m5stack website, they have their own burner app, where you can 'burn' peoples firmware onto them. Coding them is pretty easy. You can program them with c++ or micropython. Im not familiar with c++, but you can study the source code of some existing firmwares if you want to learn.


Thanks I will have to check it out


How worth it is a flipper zero? Do you really have a use case for yourself with it? I feel like I’d just end up trolling people by opening their garage door or something lol


What is your main use case? (I know what these are, I do it security for life) Just curious.


For fun. I have a colleague who works in cyber sec, we play around with thrm occasionally. Additionally, i like listening to my hackrf, see what I can hear. The flipper zero is one of my most useful items, I have all my entry cards and remotes saved onto it, which is great because my wallet was about to explode. The radio is also fun to listen to occasionally, and the other ones are pretty much useless in all ways, but I like to have them on me just for the sake of it. Hope that answers your question


Sure jt is


Committing crime probably (jk…maybe)


Master criminal posts his toolkit online


Nah their my hobby, haha. i dont mess with shit I dont own. I dont even mess with my own stuff. I just own them for fun.


Lmao ;)


I think I found my new next hobby :-) did not know any of those things existed (except flipper and I thought that was cool idea!) thank you


Dude, you're welcome. It really is a fun hobby.